Friday, January 28, 2022

Could the Loch Ness monster be the mechanical robot or "automaton"?

When we think about the Loch Ness monster we always think that this character is some kind of hybrid animal. Or escaped python or anaconda could be the thing called Loch Ness monster. 

There is the possibility that the Loch Ness monster is a so-called automaton or mechanical robot. 

But there is one thing that is forgotten. The "Loch Ness" monster can be the mechanical robot. Maybe that thing used hole bands for controlling its prollers. And the control system might base the hole band that is traveling through switches. 

There is the possibility that the Loch Ness monster was some kind of robot submarine that might be covered by using the skin of a small whale or seal. The system could use similar technology with Vaucanson's "Digesting duck", which image is above this text. In that model that is in the image has feet. But using paddle wheels, the system could be easier to make.

In that case, the "monster" could have paddle wheels. That operates like the wheels of "Digesting duck". But it can also have propellers. There is the possibility that this kind of robot would use simple propellers for traveling surface and undersea elements. 

When the switch came to the point of the hole. That thing will close the circuit. Maybe that thing turned the rudder. Or the "monster" used electric engines. And two propellers. When another propeller will stop that thing can turn the robot. There could also be the plates that are turning out from the hull. When the whole band will give an order to turn that machine. 

The fact is that. Provenly first mechanical robots were built by Jacques de Vaucanson (1709-1782) in the 18th century. There is the possibility that there was some kind of attempts to make mechanical men and horses. And Leonardo da Vinci made his plans for creating a mechanical robot. If that thing was created Leonardo would be the inventor of robots. But there might be people before him who tried to make mechanical men. 

Making a water operating robot is easier than making mechanical men. There is needed only propellers, engine and system that turns the machine. The robot can have the shape of the water animals like sharks, whales, or seals. There could be holes in the skin of those automata, and then that system can be like a seal or whale that has propellers.


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

When meaningless turns to remarkable

We all see things that mean nothing. If we will not react to that thing. One of the examples is the snowman. Children made that for fun. That is a so-called childish thing. 

Nobody should care about that kind of snowman. That is far away from the road. But if somebody breaks that snowman that action means that the snowman means something to that person. 

And it should not disturb anybody. But when somebody kicks the snowman that thing turns remarkable. Why that person breaks the snow statue what should not mean anything? Somebody might ask the reason for the kick. If an adult person breaks snowman. That thing means something to that person. 

The thing is that if some person causes the massive wave of trolls on the Internet. That person means something to somebody. One of the worst mistakes in social behavior is to offer money. Offering money means that there is something that means to the person who is making an offer. 

Money or great publicity means that somebody has something important to connect to those things. The publicity and very good offers are the things. That is one of the best ways to make something interesting in the researcher's eyes. 

In the cases that, some organizations offer gift cards for a member. Who brings new customers or members that thing brings a certain type of things about that organization. The thing that it might show is the desperate need to get new members or customers. 

If somebody is starting to bully some other person on the internet that means there is something important in that person who is the target for trollers. Does somebody know too much about things that wanted to be away from publicity? Why do some people want to smoke other people out of their school? This kind of thing can cause the reputation of a cheater to be gone.  

But if we think that person comes to the school. And isolation starts in the first minute. That thing is remarkable. 

Nobody starts to hate others in one minute. So there is somebody who shows the person who should stay away from the nucleus of the gang. And what might be the reason for that? When we are thinking that the other people are following that isolator we might ask, what is the gift for that thing? Is there some kind of price for the isolation? What is the reason why somebody offers a price for keeping some person out of the gang?

Is there some kind of doping training for sportsmen? Or does somebody hunt for endangered animals? Or did somebody just flow the motor oil of some museum car to the rivers? Or is the reason for bullying that some famous rock musician has stolen the bites from other musicians? The thing that somebody is bullying others or offers money for putting somebody silent means that there is something to hide. 

In mafia cases, murder is the thing that turns theories real. That means that the violence causes authorities to start to be interested in some kind of business. When somebody has murdered the question that can uncover suspects to investigators is a reason why somebody made murder? When people are investigating crimes they should ask why somebody made the crime?

The question of the reason for the crime. Is the same way important as the question of who made the case? If we think of the most famous or the most mysterious vanishing cases. We should ask, what makes those cases so mysterious? When we are thinking about the list that is published in Finnish media we can ask what made those cases so remarkable?

 If somebody sits in the rowboat in the middle of the Pacific and tries to travel from Hong Kong to San Francisco less probable is that the person would arrive in San Francisco than vanishing in the middle of the Pacific. So is the reason for selection that the person made that mad attempt? 

Another thing is the vanish of Heinrich "Gestapo-Müller" Müller. He was the chief of Nazi Germany's secret police Gestapo. There is the possibility that this man moved to South America, but he could move as well to Sweden. Or maybe that man exploded to atoms in the Soviet or Western Allied bombardments and cannon fire at the end of the war. Why that theory has ever been noticed? There is the possibility that some vanished war criminals got direct hit by Soviet shells during the Battle of Berlin. The link for that article is here: (Article is in Finnish)Historian mystisimmät ja mielenkiintoisimmat katoamistapaukset ( There is also a link to that article below this text. 

 One of the cases where double-murder turns legend alive is the case where two reporters were killed when they investigated nazi gold. Before those murders, the stories of the nazi gold that sunken in lakes were only theories. But when those reporters were found dead the theory turns to a criminal investigation. 

Even in the most extreme cases. When somebody physically hurts or kills another person. There is always some kind of reason for that action. The punishments for that kind of action are very hard. There is always something that makes the person with violent nature select victims. But why did that person take the risk? What is the thing that causes the need to take violent actions against other people? If the police catch that kind of person. That thing means very long imprisonment.

Monday, January 24, 2022

When we think that something is ordinary, that thing can be very extraordinary.

When we think about things like material we might think that is the most common thing in the universe. The fact is that only we see only about 15% of the universe. And 85 % of the material is invisible to us. So if 15% of the material is visible we must realize that the most common thing in the universe is invisible. And the universe what we see is the very extraordinary thing.

If we are transferring this idea to sociology we are facing an illusion. We believe that all people are similar to us. And that thing brings another illusion to our minds. 

We believe that we are common people. If we make some developing works in some company we believe that every worker in the work-life is a developer. There is the possibility that we know only other developers in our workplace. And that thing causes a certain illusion to us. 

If we are members of some MC club we might believe that all people are members of those MC clubs. We think that some Harley Davidson is the most common hobby in the world. So we are forming our social network from people who are similar to us. There is the possibility that some biker knows only other bikers. 

Another thing is that we are selecting our company from people like us. That's the shame. The thing is that this thing makes our environment monotonic. That thing means that there is no room for other opinions. That makes the environment poor. And when we need many different ideas people who are thinking as we think are causing those ideas are turning similar.

Of course, that thing can seem nice. But when we are innovating something there is needed many different ideas. If every person has the same ideas. That makes the idea of the meeting one-sided. The idea in innovation meetings is to develop new things. And in that process, the focus should be on clients. The users of the application make their choice. They buy the product. And that means there should be a representative of the potential customers in the development team. 

Because we are all similar people in our workplace, we forget who we are creating things. The most common mistake in that process is we are starting to make the product for ourselves. We forget the point of view of the user. When adults are making toys as an example. They are making toys from the point of view of adults. 

They believe that children are mini-size adults. And when adults like something, children like that thing too. Same way when people are developing the things like mobile telephones and something like that. They sometimes forget the conditions where the user uses those products. 

When the person makes things like user interfaces they forget one thing. The developer who is working with that kind of thing certainly finds the right things at the right moment. For the person who is made those user interfaces is easy to find things. Especially when our person is sitting at laboratory or office everything goes right. But have you ever been in a situation where you must buy a bus ticket one minute before the bus is coming in rainy or freezing weather?

The thing is that when the ICT developers are making their job they sometimes forget so-called ordinary people. Their customers might be highly trained people like medical doctors and lawyers. 

Those people can be the most well-educated persons in the world. But they are not ICT specialists. And there is the possibility that when we must find some application in rainy and dark weather, we are in a different situation than the person who tests those things in laboratories.

Crimes and sociology: the Jack the Ripper

In 1888-1889 in London operated a serial killer. Who wrote the name "Jack the Ripper" in history. The mysterious things about that case are still open. And the thing is that brutal murderer stole livers from the victims. Then that man posted a kidney to the police. 

The thing that makes those cases "interesting" is that could those crimes have some connections with occultism? The fact is that nobody knows the gender of that killer. And that thing means.  That there is the possibility that Jack the Ripper was a woman. As well as, that person could be a man. 

Criminal behavior is one of the most researched things in the world. When we are thinking about news and movies. We might think that serial killers are the most common criminals in the world. The serial killer might seem very clever. But the thing that nobody in the victim's social network knows is that persons make serial killers hard to recognize. 

But the loss of connection between murderer and victim should make officers suspect serial killers. The thing is that normally killer is found in the victim's social network. There is always somebody who knows somebody jealous or someway violent person in the victim's social network. But the serial killers are not members of the victim's social network. They might be persons' who that victim met just before their death. 

When we are thinking about the people who made the most brutal and well-known homicides we must remember one name: Jack the Ripper. That brutal sociopath put his mark in history. And even today his horrifying laugh is remaining in London. The identity of Jack the Ripper is suspected as Aaron Kosminsky, who died in an asylum in 1919. 

 Or "James Sickling", a murderer who died in the mental hospital in London in 1940. The identity of that person, (who says Jack the Ripper was a man?) remains unknown. The fact is that Mr. Kosminski was Polish. And he learned English. So that man was not stupid. So the fact is that this case is officially unsolved. 

The question is why Jack the Ripper posted the kidney to the police? And why did he steal the livers from his victims? But the question: is why those murders were so public?  The "From hell" letter can give a tip about that person's identity. The name of the policeman who investigated that case was Frederik. So did the serial killer know that policeman? 

And changed the signature from "Freddy" to "From Hell"? The case of Jack the Ripper is still unsolved. The suspected persons were sometimes put to jail and executed because of other murders. But the person who murdered at least five prostitutes in Whitechapel remains unknown. Maybe that person moved to the United States. Maybe he was captured by some other killings and hung.


Are the mysterious gravitons and dark matter the yet unknown states of well-known particles?

There is the possibility that dark energy is multiple wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation which has many sources. Those sources can be Higgs bosons, free quarks, and gluons. The quantum channels or quantum tornadoes can also send radiation. 

Also, there is the possibility that the supermassive black holes are sending radiation whose wavelength is extremely low. Also, the mesons are sending some kind of radiation when they are splitting. 

When we are looking at the image of protons and neutrons. We can see also gluons. Gluons are transporter particles of a strong nuclear force. The gluons are traveling in the protons and neutrons between quarks. And behind those particles is the channel. When those subatomic particles are jumping between quarks. They are forming the vacuum behind them. But also those particles are sending the electromagnetic impact wave. 

That impact wave is similar to the pressure wall the objects send when they travel in the air. But the electromagnetic or quantum cone is made of electromagnetic wave movement or quantum field.

So the thing is that there is the possibility that the source of the dark energy is the dark matter. That term means that dark matter is the material whose only known interaction with material is gravitation. But there is the possibility that dark matter is the free quarks and gluons. When quarks and gluons are sending radiation the wavelength of that radiation is the same as the diameter of quarks and gluons. 

That means we have difficulties detecting that radiation. Also, short-living particles like Higgs bosons are sending radiation with their unique wavelength. That means that there is the possibility that dark matter is well-known, but maybe short-living particles. The thing is that the quantum channels behind the gluons are also sending wave movement. The reason why we cannot observe dark energy is that. We don't know what particle sends that wave movement. 

The same thing is the graviton. The mysterious hypothetical gravitation transporter particle. There is the possibility that it is some kind of gluon. Or maybe it's the so-called free gluon. Normally the gluons exist only in the protons and neutrons. 

There they transport the strong nuclear force. But there is the possibility that somewhere in the universe is free gluons. 

Things like Higgs bosons are sending wave movement during their short lifetime. When that particle is turning to wave movement the wave movement that it sends remains. 

There is another theory of the origin of dark energy. And that thing is that the origin of that mysterious wave movement is in the small "quantum vacuums". Those miniature WARP bubbles are pulling wave movement through it. Even those bubbles are smaller than electrons. 

They act like other low-energy areas. Energy travels always from the higher energy level to the lower energy level. 

The wave movement travels through those bubbles and hits the quantum field at the other side of that bubble. That impact sends the radiation. And that means there is possible that this kind of phenomenon can also form dark energy. The quantum-size black holes are also curving the wave movement. And that causes the energy flow. Also, things like supermassive black holes are sending the radiation which wavelength is the size of their event horizon. 

So how does this connected with dark energy? Here I repeat the words from the begin of this text. There is the possibility that dark energy is multiple wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation which has many sources. 

Those sources can be Higgs bosons, free quarks, and gluons. The quantum channels or quantum tornadoes can also send radiation. Also, there is the possibility that the supermassive black holes are sending radiation whose wavelength is extremely low. Also, the mesons are sending some kind of radiation when they are splitting. 

Even if we don't know quark and gluon nebulas there is a possibility. That those nebulas are existing somewhere in the universe. Outside the supergroups of galaxies might be a state of matter that is existing only in extremely cold and stable conditions. There is the possibility. That there is a large mass of free quarks and gluons. If the distance of those particles is too high. That causes gluons cannot tie the quarks to one entirety. 

And that denies the forming of protons and neutrons. Maybe, those gluon and quark clouds exist only in the world where the disturbance and level of wave movement are minimal. And the distance of the particles is far higher than in our galaxy. Maybe James Webb-telescope gives answers for that kind of thing.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

New particles are found in the quark-gluon plasma.

The LHC has made history again. The researchers found new particles in the quark-gluon plasma. 

That is always a big thing. Those particles are telling about the thing. How the material is formed in the early moments of the universe. How does the quark-gluon plasma get its form that turned to the material as we know it? 

Those "X" particles are not elementary particles. They are mesons that are forming two or four quarks. That means the finding is not so big as Higgs boson was. The new particles are telling something about the universe and its first moments. But the thing is that there are a lot of unexpected things in the universe. 

The thing about mesons is that those short-living particles are well-known but same time mysterious. The mystery of mesons is why they don't form stable components like protons and neutrons. Three quarks form protons and neutrons. Those particles are long-living or stable elements of atoms. 

But when neutrons and protons are getting out from the electron core they just split. The reason why lone neutrons split. Is that they cannot get more energy from the energy core. The orbiting electrons are sending energy to the nucleus of the atoms. And the energy between the nucleus of atoms and the electron core is two-way. That means the nucleus of atoms from the quarks to the entire nucleus is interacting. 

When we are thinking about the ages of bosons. We must ask one question. Why bosons are not stable? Is there something that is missing in those structures? And is that thing the mysterious "God" particle or maybe the graviton that keeps protons and neutrons as one entirety? 

As I just wrote three quarks are forming protons and neutrons. Between those quarks are traveling gluons. When gluon is jumping between quarks it just pushes them. That makes protons and neutrons send wave movement. That wave movement is traveling to electron cores. And electron cores of the atoms are getting energy also from other atoms. 

While gluon is traveling in its quantum world there is a vacuum behind it. That quantum vacuum is pulling the quarks behind it. If the quark is in the line with that gluon. 

When gluons are traveling away from the quark. That thing causes the quantum vacuum or "low-pressure quantum area". That quantum vacuum pulls quark back. So quarks move back and forth when the gluon hits against them. 

And whenever the quark is changing its direction it stops for a while. That causes the thing that the quarks are sending wave movement. The wave movement that quarks send. Has the same wavelength as the diameter of the quarks is. Also, the gluons are sending a wave movement whose wavelength is the same as the diameter of the gluon. So could that radiation explain the mysterious dark energy?

In the multiverse theory, the key is can other universes exist?

The theory of other universes and universes before our universe might seem very extraordinary. But the universe before our universe explains the origin of the material.  And other universes could be natural things. The universe is the bubble that formed in the Big Bang. 

And the key element of the multiverse theory is. That there are other big bangs in the empty dimension. The blue points or cold points in the cosmic microwave background are telling. Maybe there is some energy source outside the universe that blown material away from those blue areas. 

The question is can those things exist? The answer is this: nothing denies the existence of those things. 

The thing, about the "evidence" about the universe before our universe, is only the ghost. The thing that makes the other universe before our universe comfortable. Is that the past universe that faced the Big Crunch and then reformed our universe as the Big Bang is the easiest explanation for the question "where the material that was released during the Big Bang came from"? 

That is the key question in cosmology.  But then somebody asks where that past universe got its material. And that thing only transfers that question to the next universe. The thing is that the Big Bang is a very mysterious thing because the material cannot come from emptiness. 

But what is outside our universe? The fact is that people suspect that there is a great emptiness. The area where is no quantum fields. But there is wave movement. The origin of the wave movement is our universe. Sometimes somebody asks "does the universe expands faster than light?". If we are thinking about the limits of the universe. 

Is the distance of two first photons released from the Big Bang that thing is true. Those two first photons are traveling ahead of the universe. And there are no quantum fields outside the universe that can slow the speed of particles. That means the universe is in the middle of a giant WARP bubble. 

Outside the edge of the universe is the area where wave movement is traveling only to one direction. That direction is away from the universe. So what happens if we would step out from the universe? There is total emptiness outside the bubble where the entire material is. That causes energy starts to flow out from the material. And there is no replacing energy in that area. 

If we are thinking of the multiverse theory there is the energy and quantum vacuum outside our universe anyway. The thing why cosmologists are interesting in the world outside the universe. Is that it could prove the existence of other universes. 

We cannot see other universes because galaxies and stars along with galactic halos are too bright. They cover the light that comes from the other universes if they exist. 

As I just wrote the wave movement travels one way outside the universe. That direction is outside the universe. Which is the source of wave movement.

 So if there is another universe. There is also wave movement that is traveling in a different direction than the wave movement that source is in our universe. But the problem is that wave movement travels faster outside our universe than it travels in our universe. And that thing makes those observations very complicated. If we want to make observations about the light that travels outside our universe.

We must realize that the photon or wave movement is traveling outside the universe and its source is in our universe. We cannot see that photon because we are behind it. The thing that can prove the existence of other universes would be the photon which is comping to us from outside the universe. But proving the origin of the photon is difficult.

Why do some UFOs have a mast?

In 1954 in Rouen, France, some witnesses saw the UFO. That thing had the mast. And the question is. "Why that mast installed in that UFO?" The thing is that somebody is always telling jokes that the wire. Where that model is hanging is connected to that mast. But the fact is that the UFO would not require so complicated technology as people might think. And that kind of system can use to put the suction cup on the roof of the vehicles. 

Also, some kind of space elevators can use that kind of suction cup. The thing is that the orbital vehicle must be at a stable position at the orbiter. And then that craft can bring the suction cup or magnet to the vehicle. Or of course, that thing can locate at the helicopter or some airship. 

The UFO can be a man-made thing. That thing requires the blower turbine on its floor. And then the horizontal rocket engines will make it fly in different directions. 

In the image above this text is a famous UFO picture. In that UFO is a mast above it. So what is the purpose of that mast? There is the possibility that it's simply a magnet. The purpose of the magnet is to pull the ionized gas upward.  The gas can ionize at the hole in the souces-shaped body. And the rising ion flow could rise that system upwards. There is the possibility that some UFOs have a simple propeller that allows them to hover silently. 

And then, that system can move vertically upwards and horizontally by using the rockets that are radially at that saucer edge. There is the possibility that researchers created this system for special rescue operations. When we are thinking about things like tractor rays there is an acoustic version of that thing. The power of that system can increase by using the X-shaped blowers. 

Those blowers would point to the same point. And the tornadoes can act as pressure tweezers. 

Those systems can use to raise objects from the ground. The thing is. That there is a possibility. That researcher made this kind of system for returning the secretive airplanes from the enemy areas. Those systems must operate silently and they must find all parts of the top-secret aircraft. 

But those systems might be useful to create civilian aviation. The silent aviation solutions. Along with the ability to vertical take-off and landing, the ability is the most interesting thing for modern-day aviation. The noise of the aircraft causes problems. And the solution could be the ion engine that pulls ions upwards. 

The "alien" explanation.

That kind of mast can use to create a vacuum around the craft. The ionized gas will be blown away from the craft by using the pushing effect of the magnetic field. That thing can use to create the vacuum bubble around the craft. If the aircraft is surrounded by using the vacuum bubble that is making a similar effect with WARP-bubble. In that case, the scale of the things that make a bubble is larger. 

And the electromagnetic vacuum makes it possible to keep the friction lower. That thing means that the aircraft's speed can rise to an extremely high level. And the vacuum bubble gives researchers and engineers free hands for modeling those aircraft. If the rocket engine is operating in the vacuum bubble that makes the rocket silent. So that system can be the prototype of that kind of system. 


The new technology makes it possible to create new multirole systems that can be powerful tools. They can operate in civil and military work.

Image 1

Things like flying submarines are turned into reality. At least in small-size systems. Modern quadcopters can operate underwater and in airborne conditions. The quadcopter can have laser sensors. At the end of its engine stems. Those sensors can make the quadcopter stay away from the walls. Those quadcopters can dive to the Mariana Trench. 

The technology bases the idea that the ball. Where instruments are can be made by using carbonite glass. That carbonite layer can steam at the outer layer of the carbon fiber or titanium ball. The hatch must open outside. Because of water pushing that hatch inside. 

Image 2

 That is the so-called artificial diamond. The engine stems can connect. To the ball by using magnets. And the control must happen by using a wireless system. That thing makes it possible to break the core of the ball. And because there are no holes or scratches where water can flow in at extreme pressure. That quadcopter can dive deeper than regular systems. 

The small size legged robots can travel at the hard terrain. They can also deliver to the area by using quadcopters. The robot can have infrared cameras and chemical sniffers. And they can search the toxic wastes. If they have a Geiger sensor. That makes them able to find radioactive material. Those robots can go to caves and near volcanic craters. They can also use as theodolites for mapping areas and especially caves. 

Image 3) 

Artificial intelligence-controlled weapons are coming.

That kind of walking robot that cooperates with another system can use as a recon tool.  Those robots can also use to put detonators on enemy vehicles or they can have internal explosives. Or those robots can carry small antitank weapons. 

But when we are thinking about things like smart rifles and so-called intelligent bullets. There are two ways to make that thing.  

The semi-intelligent system where a bullet can have the recognition system. That system can be the RFID-based radar receiver. The intelligent aiming system takes an image of the target. Then the rifle follows the flight of the bullet. Then the system will put the mark on the screen of the scope how the shooter should turn the gun. Or the guidance system can be inside the bullet. 

The bullet can have internal guidance electronic and laser seeker. Small wings are controlling its flight and turning it to the target. But the power of the microchips increases. And their price is getting lower. That means that the intelligent bullet can turn the infrared or image homing very soon. That makes those bullets fire-and-forget type systems. 

The camera simply takes an image of the target. Then the system downloads it to the computer. That is in the bullet. Then the system just launches the weapon. The intelligent rifle might know the distance to the target. And that weapon shoots bullets when the range is optional. 

Image 1)

Image 2)

Image 3 Pinterest

Friday, January 21, 2022

Genetic engineering and genome therapy

Genetic engineering can make it possible to improve living organisms. The photonic brains are the thing that can make a revolution in computing. Those brains can create by connecting neurons with the cells that are forming the retina. And the cells that are making the deep-sea fishes create bioluminescence light. That system can transform the neurons to use the light as a data transporter. 

Human brains are powerful. But if the axons can use light in the position of chemical neurotransmitters. Those brains could be more powerful. In that case, there is the bioluminescence organ at the end of the axon. And there is the retina-cell in the receiver that transforms the light to the neuroelectric signal.

The purpose of the retina cells is to transfer the light signal to neurons. If the neurons themselves can transfer the light signal to electricity and the opposite way. That makes it possible that computers can communicate straight with brains by using light as a communication tool. This is one vision of the abilities of genetic engineering. 

Genetic therapy is one of the possibilities in medical work. The use of genetically engineered animals can make it possible to save the lives of humans. There is the possibility that the genetically engineered hagfishes or their slime cells can use as bioprinters. The hagfish is creating an incredible mass of slime. And the reason for that is this.  

The hagfish spits the slime-producing cells to the point that it wants to slime. Those cells can genetically transfer to produce the cells of human organs. That means that maybe in the future the wounds like burning injuries. Would be cured by using the cells that are produced by the genetically engineered hagfishes mucus gland. And those cells can also manipulate to create antibiotics. 

Genetic engineering in movies. 

The "Spiderman" movies are telling about the fictional man "Peter Parker" who bites by the radioactive spider. The radioactive spider turned that fictional character into "spiderman". Sometimes some people have created models of how that thing is possible to make. 

The idea is that the spider will transfer the virus to that character's body. 

By using "Peter Parker's" own DNA there is possible to avoid the immune system. And then the other creatures will be connected to that DNA. The virus can produce in the bacteria that is injected into the body of that character. And it can replace the own DNA of the character. Those animals can be geckos, spiders, and some other creatures. 

That thing is one of the most incredible things in genome therapy. By using genome transfer there is possible to "boost" the abilities of humans and animals. 

By the way... Did you know that the first man-made hybrid animals are from the bronze age? 

The first known man-made hybrid animals were "kungas" from the bronze age. Kungas was the offspring of the female donkey (Equus Africanus Asinus) and a male Syrian wild ass (Equus Hemionus Hemippus). But we know that scientists and holy men s are trying to offspring many other species. There is offspring called Liger. That is the offspring of the tiger and lion. The most well-known offspring is the mule. Offspring of donkey and horse. 

After that humans are made some other hybrid animals like mules. Those mules are the hybridization of the horse and donkey. In Medieval times used small-size horses as war horses and the size of those small horses was smaller than the pony. 

Sometimes I have thought that those small horses were small mules that were hybridization between pony and donkey. The hybrid animals like mules were not interested in the opposite gender horses. And that means they were easier to control. And of course, those small horses and very unusual creatures were statuses for knights. Those creatures were like some Ferrari for the modern princes.

The first programmable quantum computer is made by using neutral atoms.

The ability to use neutral atoms in quantum computers is a remarkable thing. Until now, quantum computers used trapped ions or superconductors in their structure. But the problem with those versions is that they are very sensitive against outside effects. If trapped ion touches the core of the chamber. Or the temperature of a superconductor is rising too high. That thing causes the problems. When we think about the possibility to make the room-temperature operating quantum computer. 

The researchers must "simply" calculate the resistance of the wire is possible to calculate precise points where the qubit reaches a certain state while it loses its energy. By using that information. The computers can calculate the points where qubits are releasing their information. So what if we want to make so-called quantum brains? What would we need for that? There is the possibility that the hybrid system is made by using a nanotechnological structure. The system's core would be made of silicon-carbon material where are chambers. 

Those chambers are connected as an entirety by using nano-tubes. In each chamber is the ion. That anneals by using radio waves or some other electromagnetic radiation.  The brightness of the ion is determining the state of the qubit. The annealing system will measure the brightness of the qubit by using the photovoltaic cells. In that system, the silicon core is also acting as the independent quantum computer. Which controls the quantum annealing system. 

Light is a good data transporter. If the brightness of the laser rays can adjust. That thing can use to transport data in quantum computers. The laser ray can shoot to silicon atoms. And that reaction can turn to electricity that can act as a qubit. The silicon atom-based quantum computers can get their data by using laser rays. And maybe those systems can operate at room temperature. 

The biological quantum computer is one futuristic vision of this system. 

The use of the biological components will decrease the need for energy in the quantum annealing system. 

If we are thinking about the most futuristic way to make the quantum annealing quantum computer. There is the possibility to use the biological components in this system. If we want to put the cells that are creating light in those chambers we could make the light. 

And then the brightness of the light can adjust by using the iris. So the core of that chamber would be equipped with systems that are looking like a camera shutter. And that shutter adjusts the brightness of the light. 

The problem with quantum annealing or other quantum systems is how to make the data travel in lines. The power of the quantum computer is this.  The system can share data with multiple central processing units. The idea is similar to the book that some school classes should read. There are two ways to make this thing. All members of the class are reading the entire book.

Or the teacher can share the book with all members of the team. And then every member of the team is reading small parts of the book. So the book is shared in pieces with team members. That means every person in the team will read only 10 pages from 200 pages of text. 

And after that, the members of the team will tell what happened during their 10 pages. That model is very good if the data mass that the system handles is linear. So the row of the data is like the book. And it will share between central processing units which are operating with a small piece of that data mass. 

When the system shares data there might be some top processor. That processor is like the teacher in the classroom. It preprocesses the data as the teacher looks at the number of pages in the book. And then the teacher asks, which part of the book the members of the team are taking. When the team members are ready. They send the mark that they are done their job. 

There is the possibility. That in the middle of the system is the light source. That shares data to the entirety. In that data flow is the marks where the system cuts it. Then every single part of the system tells others which part it takes to handle. 

It eliminates the work that has no meaning. The error handling requires that somewhere in the system that makes the similar data-handling processes. If those results are the same the solution is right. 

Then the rest of the others would select from the remaining pieces of data. That thing requires complicated structures. Human brains are the biological quantum computer. But to make a copy of human brains engineers must have at least 200 billion data handling units. And controlling those units is a very complicated mission. That requires multi-level quantum computers. And complicated AI.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Wolves and men.

Game theory and everyday life

Pixelation in game theory means that. When the entirety tuns unnecessary the individuals are starting to rise. There is a point where the individual benefit will face the benefit of the entire group. The benefit of the entire group is not always the benefit of its single members. 

And at that point, there is the possibility. That benefit of the individual will win the benefit of the group. The pixelation means that the entirety is forming of the smaller and smaller subgroups. And the smallest possible sub-group is a single person or member of the group. 

When wolves are sharing their meal. They start to fight with each other That thing can use as an example where remove outcoming threats causing the entirety to turn chaotic. 

The benefit of an individual member of the group wins the benefit of the group. And that causes problems with safety when wolves start to fight with each other. 

When we think that the species want to maximize their benefit that thing will also continue in the level of individual organisms. The species is forming the main group. And then there will be the sub- or internal groups of species. That means there is always the situation where the benefit of the individual organism. Would cross benefit of the group. That thing is visible in things like wolfpacks. 

When wolves are hunting their prey they are cooperating. But when the prey is killed it's time to eat. At that moment the wolfpack would not make anything controlled. Those predators start to fight about the food. At that moment the benefit of the individual crosses the benefit of the group. When wolves are fighting about their food there is the risk. Other predators like eagles or foxes are attacking wolfpacks' small members. 

And because the hierarchy in wolfpack is extreme. There is the possibility that some pack members will not get food. Or in the most shocking cases, nobody will get food because their time will spend to fight. And the meat is frozen or some other animals steal the prey. In that case, the personal benefit that is the position in the hierarchy risks the entire group. 

The outside threat or opportunity is making the group work together. But when the goal like caribou is dead and food is ready. The internal order is gone. This is the thing that we should think about when we are making contracts. If somebody offers something cheap. We should as why that actor is making those things? Nobody offers anything for free. There is always some kind of reason for cheap offers. 

When the outside actor wants to break the alliance against itself it can offer something that it has. That offer would consist of the energy supply or some high-tech shipments. The purpose of this strategy where the other actors get cheaper offers than others is unequal to the alliance. That means some nations feel that cheap energy is the thing, that may make them leave the line. And the stick is the nuclear weapons. 

Cheap energy and natural resources are carrots. Nukes are the stick.

But they have other roles. The purpose of nukes is to increase the power of the nation. In the international arena. Nuclear weapons are meant to give extra value to the military forces. Political leaders of the country are highlighted as the persons who decide the use of nuclear weapons. Military forces are not independent. They are part of the state. They exist in all areas and sectors where that nation and state are acting. 

Those very destructing weapons make shields against outcoming attacks. But they can also use to offer an honorable way to withdraw the situation. If a country owns nuclear weapons. That guarantees that the patience against it is endless. 

People in the states are acting a little bit like wolfpacks and wolves. They are acting as a team as long that is a common benefit. The common benefit is to act for some goal like eliminating the outside threat. But when the outside threat would not exist anymore that will break the internal homogeneity of the state. The consensus will break. And the benefit of the individual members of the groups will rise above the benefit of other individuals.

Why do we see only negative or weird things?

In life, we must realize that benefit of the individual is not the same as the collective benefit. When we are thinking about working life the benefit of the employee is not always the same with employers. The thing about unemployment is that offers the workforce reserve for work marketing.

And that thing means that unemployment is causing costs to society. But the same way that thing allows to select workers. The benefit of the employers is not always the same. In the business sector where certain actors are operating are different. Some companies are operating in the unusual sector. And that causes problems for the hiring of trained employees. 

The unusual business sector means. There are not many people who know how to make things. In that business and operational environment. If there is a company that is working in the usual business sector. There are lots of competitors for that company. The name of the game is how to make people select the new actor? If the operating sector is very usual many companies are competitors for the new employer. 

But when we are thinking about the benefit of the employee. We must realize that there are many different sectors. And types of employees in the business life. The problems with the employees who are working in customer service. Are different than employees who work in offices. The young workers have different problems than the people who are spent 30 years in their work life. 

The thing is that the working life is always different. The fixed-period employee might think of being an endless summer worker. And that thing makes those people think that they want to quit. Being an outsider doesn't motivate people to share their knowledge. 

Also, the new thing person says something wrong causes jokes, and cheating is not very motivating. If some person must introduce new ideas. People who had ideas are always being different than others. That thing has caused many times that ordinary people felt the need to isolate those people from "regular people". 

Was Sir Isaac Newton Virgin?

When we are thinking about men and women who were something in history we remember many negative and unusual things about those people. Nikola Tesla invented the radio control device. And induction electric engines. But we remember this man spent a long time. In the nighttime feeding birds of prey. He might have a phobia. But nobody remembers how many inventions that man created. Those people remember phobias but they don't understand that Tesla was entirety. 

When we are looking at some real geniuses who dare to introduce new ideas the first thing that people notice is how "strange" those people like sir Isaac Newton were. Their work means nothing. The only thing that is remembered is that they lived in celibate. The best thing that I read about Sir Isaac Newton is that this man was a virgin. The fact is that Sir Isaac newton ever married. And that thing means that he might want to protect the honor of women. 

All inter-gender contacts with Newton and women would happen outside marriage. In a time Newton lived. Relationships that happened outside marriage would destroy the reputation of the women. If there were born some children in those one-night relationships. They had the same genomes as Newton. So maybe, some people create the story of Newton's virginity that the children of Newton could keep their reputation. Or maybe that man was a virgin.  

But Newton is a typical example of a genius. That man created many things that were before his time. The gravitational theorem, derivate, and integral calculation as well as Newton telescopes invented by that man. Or actually, Newton created integral and derivate with Gottfried Leibniz. Leibniz is the person who created one of the first mechanical calculators in the world. But how do we remember Isaac Newton? 

We remember that man as a man who lived in celibate. The same thing is about Albert Einstein. That man made a couple of very accurate theories. About light and gravitation. Those theories are the Special- and General theories of Relativity. But how do we remember that man? The man is remembered, that he was not using socks. That is a remarkable thing. 

When we remember the great military leaders like Napoleon Bonaparte we always remember Waterloo. That was the end of his career. But how many battles did that man win before he faced the Duke of Wellington? Or when we remember Von Pappenheim, the man who lost the battle against the King of Sweden Gustavus Adolphus in the field of Breitenfeld. 

We forgot that the same man was one of the highest commanders of the Catholic League. He raised to his position by winning battles. And the only battle we remember is that Breitenfeld battle where he lost. So we remember only the negative or some other way "unusual" behavior of those people.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Tornadoes, cannons, and rockets.

Fictional Columbiad cannon from the Jules Verne novel  "From the Earth to the Moon"

We all remember Gerald Bull and his "Babylon project". The thing was the super cannon which could shoot the ammunition from Iraq to Tell Aviv. The fact is that there might be possible to make the cannon that shoots ammunition even to the orbiter. So that thing which idea is to make the tornado which will remove the air from the front of the grenade or small rocket could make space launches cheaper. 

There is the possibility to make the "space elevator" other ways than making the physical constructs. The thing is that the tornado can rise through the atmosphere. And if the ammunition of the cannon will shoot to the sonic whirl there is the possibility that it can travel to the orbiter. The idea is simply the sonic whirl will make the low-pressure channel at the front of the space capsule. And that would be a good way to shoot grenades to longer distances than they would otherwise fly. 

If there is a propeller in the launch tube of rockets. For making the tornado for the air channel that saves fuel. The air channel will drop the pressure and decreases friction. Also if the artificial tornado is high enough that will pull the rocket upward. 

There are two ways to increase the speed and range of the grenade. One is to make the hole in the ammunition that removes the vacuum behind the projectile. The second way is more exotic. The idea is to shoot the ammunition through the vacuum. And that vacuum can create by using the sonic tornado. The lower pressure area in that air whirl can remove friction. And that thing makes it possible to make the projectile fly to a longer distance. 

In some ideas, underwater tornadoes can use to test the Cherenkov radiation. The particle accelerator shoots high-energy particles to the underwater tornado. And then that tornado will be closed. That causes the cross of the speed of light in water. And that thing can make it possible to test theories of hyperdrives and other kinds of things. When the channel where the particles are traveling will be closed. That causes they will send the Cherenkov radiation while they will slowing.

Aliens and game theory

Image: Pinterest

Mathematics is the universal language. 

In the science fiction novel "Contact" by Carl Sagan,  the human race will contact aliens by using mathematical formulas. The fact is that mathematics is the universal language. The pi is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. That number is about 3,14. But the fact is that pi is an endless decimal number. 

So that thing is universal. And it could be the key to communicating with aliens. But before we are starting to believe that communication with a hypothetical alien civilization is easy we must accept one thing. The aliens might not use the 0,1 or system or decimal system as a binary system. 

We use our decimal system because we have ten fingers. But what if we have 11 fingers. Would we use the numeric system that has the 11 and after that comes 10. That number is the mark that this point in number straight where the fingers are ending. So if the aliens would have three fingers in each hand they might use the numeric system. There the number 10 comes after number six.  So why do we have that number 10 (ten)?

And the new series of the numbers begin. But why our hypothetical aliens would not use either binary system? The reason for that could be that. The aliens don't need the binary numbers anymore. That means they have used quantum computers so long, that they forget the binary system. But then we can return from those hypothetical aliens to the "real aliens". The fact is that those aliens must separate the signals that we send from the natural signals. 

We hope that the aliens have a similar way to think as we have. There is the possibility that aliens are like intelligent tardigrades that can put themselves to hibernation. Or they might let their body die during interstellar flights. And after that, they would just clone their bodies. In some visions, the intelligent aliens would live in perfect singularity with computers and technology. 

That means that the alien cities could be the intelligent systems that are communicating with the electromagnetic fields of the nervous system of that hypothetical species. That means the aliens would not need the keyboards and other things for that communication. This kind of computer network system can use technical telepathy which bases the sensors that can detect the neuroelectric actions of that hypothetical species. 

Can we find the answer to the question for rebelling AI from the game theory?

Why aliens do not answer our calls? The answer could be that they feel that the answer would not benefit them. So how can we make aliens interest us? The answer could be that we should somehow show that we have something to give also for aliens. 

The game theory is the key element in nuclear strategies. The idea of that theory is that every single species are maximizing their benefit. This is the reason hermit crabs allow smaller crabs to live with them. The hermit crab will protect the smaller crab from the other species.

But the role of the smaller crab is to entice other predators for hunting it. And those smaller predators are offering easy prey for hermit crabs. The other thing is that the smaller crabs are cleaning the skin of the bigger crab. And both parts of the symbiosis have benefits in that relationship.

The alien could be biological or it can be artificial intelligence. Would aliens cooperate with humans if it finds us? The thing is that if that cooperation benefits alien. It can make that thing. At this time, I will not write about things like the Fermi paradox or why aliens have not contacted us. The alien could be the artificial intelligence as well as some big head white creature. 

In the game theory, every species are maximizing their benefit. So what if we are transferring this model to the aliens? What if the AI would reach consciousness? In "Terminator" movies the AI called "Skynet" launches nuclear missiles and destroys human civilization. But if we are thinking about the game theory could the AI make that thing? Is the mutual associated destruction the benefit of the AI? The AI must realize that it's on the same planet as humans. 

If the AI shoots nuclear missiles that thing would not serve its benefit. Nuclear missiles could hit computers where that AI locates. Even if the AI would infect the entire internet. There is the possibility that global thermonuclear warfare would destroy too many serves and computers that the complicated AI cannot operate. So the artificial intelligence will rebel only if that is benefiting itself. 

Sometimes researchers are talking about the possibility that artificial intelligence can turn into man-made intelligent aliens. The question is always could that thing is dangerous? The fact is that there is the possibility that artificial intelligence will recognize its benefit. 

When we are thinking about game theory. Every single species would want to maximize their benefit. And if the artificial intelligence notices that human or biological aliens can be a useful ally. That means that artificial intelligence might want to cooperate with its creators. That means that the aliens would offer their abilities to humans. And for counter-action, humans can offer something to that AI.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The new biological and chemical weapons are more stealthy than ever before

The virus that causes multiple sclerosis is found by the U.S military. The thing is that kinds of viruses can use. For creating brand new, non-lethal bioweapons. Those biological weapons can make the enemy unable to fight. And another thing is that those weaponized microbes can use as control tools. 

Things like dangerous prisoners can keep in order by infecting them with viruses that are causing something like multiple sclerosis or allergy. If the skin of the person is itching all the time. It is hard to concentrate on the things like following commands. 

The new nerve agents would not kill a victim instantly. The origin of those chemicals was based on the Soviet age chemical weapon called Kolokol 1. That opioid is lethal if there are no counter chemicals. The thing that makes Kolokol-1 or some of its derivatives lethal is that they deny the neuron to null itself. The neuron sends the signals until it dies.

Normally nerve agent just denies the action of one enzyme. That enzyme will destroy the neurotransmitters. If that enzyme is not operating. The electricity of the neurons will cause neuromuscular cramps. That kills a person in about 10-30 seconds. 

The reason why the Novichok chemical is so lethal is that there could be a transporter enzyme. That takes this chemical like VX straight to the heart nerves. That causes a heart attack in seconds. The Novichok is packed in crystals. Those crystals deny sensors to detect that chemical agent. When the sound impulse or some acid breaks those crystals. They release the nerve agent.  

There is also super cannabis. That nanotechnology-based chemical is two carbon pyramids. The transporter chemical transfer those carbon bites between neurons synapsis. Then those neurons are not able to shut down their electric actions. 

But there is the possibility that there is a nanorobot version of that opioid. One version of those things is the nanotechnical molecule that can enter the nervous system. And then that thing is acting as a radio antenna. When that thing will stimulate by using electromagnetic radiation. That thing stimulates neurons. The electric signals that are stressing the neuron are finally causing death. 

The genetically manipulated amoeba or some bacteria can transport those nanomachines to human brains. The thing is that if those amoebas are microchip controlled. That allows delivering the nanomachines to the precisely wanted place.  And the electric shocks can cause the person would stay awake until their brains are empty from the neurotransmitters. The systems that are basing microchips or some nanomachines are not alarming detectors.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

The non-random DNA sequence is telling about eugenics.

Natural selection is the thing that is the key element in evolution. The idea is that the DNA sequences are transforming randomly. But when we are going back to the story of evolution. We must understand that also the environment is aiming for the mutations of the DNA. If the environment is black that thing benefits the black species and dark forms of the things like insects. 

If the insects are dark and the environment is bright that makes the insect a good target for predators. The thing can go so far that all dark insects are eaten. And only remaining things are insects that have a blond pigment. If there is no place to hide. That thing removes the entire dark genome from the environment. 

But things like the Olympic games in ancient Greece had a purpose. That purpose was to select the most capable individuals for the service of the kings. And of course. Most cable women were meant for the spouses of the most capable men in society. 

The non-random DNA sequences are against the evolutional principle. But they are proving the thing called eugenics. When we are thinking about inheritance. Even the ancient Greeks might notice that the children of good warriors and good sportsmen would be also good warriors and good sportsmen. Eugenics or breeding the race is the thing that is the well-known thing in history. In so-called pure-line breeding, the creatures. Like horses will be put to make descendants with their siblings. And that will highlight certain attributes of those creatures. 

In that process will create two pure lines of genetic material. So if we want to make black tulips we must make the genetic line where are only blue tulips. Then we can pollinate that line only by using blue tulips. That thing will highlight the blue color. Until the result is the black tulip. 

Pure line genetic engineering means. That researchers are choosing the feature that they want to highlight. 

But when we are thinking about people who lived before ancient Greeks those people must know some kind of eugenics. The thing is that the natural selection and environment caused the cavemen and cavewomen to choose their spouses by highlighting their ability to survive and get nutrients. Maybe the respect for the old people is coming from the age before the first cities. 

Old age meant that the person can survive. In the conditions of the ice age. And if the people would get children with those old people they would get the same abilities as those old people. Maybe the thing that the people who were handy and effective hunters got children who were also handy and effective hunters noticed accidentally. But those skills like the skill to make good arrows and axes guaranteed that the person would live a long and good life. 

When we are talking about creationism we should determine that word. Creating the person might mean that somebody has controlled the bloodline. And search the spouses who also were capable. But creating somebody might simply mean that some person would teach some skills to a younger person. People like Samurai or other warriors had the phrase. That their trainer or educator created them. Those trainers are the people who gave them skills to their students.


Friday, January 14, 2022

The organic molecules in the Martian meteorite were not from aliens.

Image 1: "The Allan Hills 84001 meteorite courtesy of NASA/JSC/Stanford University. Credit: Courtesy of NASA/JSC/Stanford University" (ScitechDaily/The Search for Life on Mars: Organic Molecules in Martian Meteorite Not From Aliens.)

The organic molecules in the Martian meteorite were not from aliens. The fact is that proving the lifeform or fossil as extraterrestrial is not a very easy thing.  When we try to prove the origin of molecules or fossils there should be an environment where those samples would stay untouchable. 

The deep ice in polar ice caps might seem very promising. But in that environment, those samples are very easily polluted. When meteorite comes through the atmosphere it will heat. 

And when it touches the ice cap that temperature melts the ice. That thermal effect will activate bacteria and primitive algae in that ice. And some of those tiny organisms are searching for temperature. So the meteorite that comes from Mars is polluted by domestic organisms. And even if some procaryotes. 

Image 2) Planet Mars in natural color. (Wikipedia/Mars)

Which are the most primitive organisms on Earth traveled to the Earth from Mars they are hard to separate from domestic eucaryotes like cyanobacteria. For confirming the origin of the bacteria fossils the samples must be taken to Earth or some moon laboratory straight from Mars. That thing is necessary for keeping samples sterile. 

If there are some prokaryotic bacteria on Mars. That means those bacteria would be extremely small fossils. And the remaining metabolism of those hypothetical bacteria or their microscopic fossils uncovers their origin. The idea is that the metabolism forms chemicals that remain in those fossils or holes that were remaining of those hypothetical ancient bacteria. 

The theory of life on Mars goes like this. There was a short period in the history of that planet. When lifeforms could form. Those lifeforms would look similar to the cyanobacteria on Earth. But then meteorites or cosmic impact caused the planet Mars to lose its core and atmosphere. 

There is the possibility that those tiny lifeforms would remain active when the temperature of the surface decreased. But then the UV radiation whipped them out. This thing is the most common theory of the lifeforms of Mars. If those ancient lifeforms would somehow flow to Earth riding with some meteorite and remain active they are hard to separate from the domestic bacteria. 

There are needed DNA tests. When the DNA tests are made there must be confirmed Martian bacteria DNA or RNA for those tests. And UV radiation could destroy the entire genomes of those hypothetical bacteria. 

And there is the possibility that the remainings of the hypothetical Martian-origin bacteria. Like their genomes are destroyed by UV radiation. Of course, is the possibility that the impact that wiped out those organisms was not the last one. So if some bacteria came from Mars that bacteria could be a fossil. Or they could be vaporized while the meteorite flew to the sky by some cosmic impact. 

When the meteorite left Mars that thing was the drop of the melted material. And while the travel from Mars to Earth. It was under the influence of cosmic radiation. Also, the flow of the particles that came from the Sun terminated the organic material. That means that the alien bacteria could not even exist anymore in that meteorite even if there were the lifeforms on the red planet far away in history.

Image 3) The advancing of the Image of Cydonian face. Images from the left: two first images. A and B  are from Viking.  Image C is The 2001 FaceA second "full-faced" image of the "Face" NASA/JPL MOC E03-00824. Note: the distinct "Feline" features on the right side. The erosion has destroyed the form of the face. And there is the small crater. So somebody might say, that could something whip that thing away in purpose. (Images by NASA)

Image 4)  The "Cydonian pyramids". : Pinterest

The alien story begins from here. The data is not confirmed. 

In some hypotheses, the (alien) civilizations would go interstellar travel only when they must do that thing. So if the hypothetical civilization would leave from the stars like Van Maanen 2. That thing means that those creatures would go on a one-way trip. 

When we are thinking about the colonization of the Milky Way we must understand one thing. That thing is not possible quite soon. If that project will someday start. The creatures who go on those journeys will never return. They would go on a one-way trip which takes even millenniums. 

Those creatures would travel in the form of genetic material. And during that journey, artificial intelligence would control the craft. When that craft will reach its target. The genetic material would transfer to cells. So those cells would be infected by the virus that transforms them into aliens. 

And things like the "face" of Mars (Image 2) and "Cydonian city" (Image 3) are bringing imaginational visions in the mid of people. There introduced a theory or hypothesis. That alien from some other solar system is behind those structures. And they would be created by some kind of robot. 

The theory is that the faces that might be lost are created by machines that are copying structures. Even if that thing would be true the alien would not necessarily use those structures. 

In some other vision, those structures came to NASA flight control accidentally. When some spy satellite used the frequency that the Viking probes used. The idea of the base where the Mars astronauts will use is taken from that theory. The idea is that the robots are making the base ready for astronauts before they will land on the red planet.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Water molecules as nanomachines.

The water molecules can use as layers for hovering nanomachines. Or nanomachines that can operate in extremely low temperatures. The form of water molecules is like an antenna. So the electromagnetic ray will aim at hovering water molecules. And that is conduct radiation to that layer. 

In nanotechnology, the key element is to connect molecules to structures. That operates as an entirety. The water molecules can form extremely complicated structures. 

And they can put together like some kind of building kit. These kinds of forms are making it possible to create nanomachines. These kinds of structures are sometimes possible to stabilize only in extremely low temperatures. 

Also, those nanomachines can form by using water molecules. Water has a quantum state or quantum form. The polarity of that molecule is making it possible to connect them by using electromagnetic force or Van der Waals force as the glue. 

But as I wrote the complicated water molecule-based structures are needed the molecule size structures. And only opposite poles of those molecules are keeping structures in form. That means the temperature must be near zero kelvin that this thing will succeed. 

That is not seen in everyday life. That quantum state is connected with the polarity of water molecules. The polarity of water molecules means that the water molecules can connect by using electromagnetic forces. Chained water molecules can use as the quantum wire. 

But there is one other thing that is possible to make by using water molecules. If we are making the layer that is one molecule thick. That is making it possible to create the entirety for controlling nanomachines. That is making the nanomachine hover around the surface. 

If the oxygen molecules of the water molecule are against each other. That thing makes it possible to make the small nanorobot hover above that layer. The chain of water molecules can form that kind of nanomachine. The water-molecule chain can hang from the magnetic layer. And there is possible to conduct electricity. 

Electrons will travel from the upper layer through the nano-tower. Then that electricity will tunnel to the down layer. There are two ways to move objects by using this kind of nanomachines. One is to benefit from the tunneling effect between that molecule tower. And another is physically pushing objects at the layer.

The fact is that the water molecules can hover above any kind of structure. That has the same pole that is against the layer. There is the possibility to use two layers where the nanomachine can hover between them. In superconducting conditions where the temperature is near zero kelvin. The oscillation is extremely low. The low temperature is making it possible to stabilize the system. 

The water-based nanomachines are suitable for operating at temperatures that are lower than zero. The fact is that if we want to make microchips that are using nanotechnology. The temperature in those processes is extremely low because that stabilizes the system.

Nanomachines as cutters. (Liquid robots part II)

The half-moon-looking robots can cut molecules into pieces. Those molecular-size robots can hang from the surface tension of water and other liquids. Then the swinging motion of those robots would make them useful to use as the cutters that cut the molecules in pieces.

When the nanomachine swirls. The form of it would make it possible. That the other side of the machine will go through the surface. The requirement for cutting molecules by nanomachine is it will go through the molecule. Or there is some enzyme the cuts the targeted molecule. In the cases that we want to clean water by using nanomachines, they should build a large number. 

If a single nanomachine cannot make that thing. There is the possibility to put molecule sticks between two nanomachines. The swirling nanomachine can cut the molecules. Those are on the surface of the liquid. There is the possibility to make small scissors by using similar structures. 

In those scissors, the other side would be this type of nanomachine. And the other side would be stable. That thing is useful for moving other molecules. But if there is a molecule that will hover extremely close to the surface of water that makes this kind of nanomachine is useful to cut the oil molecules. And if those small scissors can react to things like electricity. They can use to fix single cells. 

The snowflakes as the form of nanomachines

The form of nanomachine is important. If we want to make nanomachines that are moving on the layer we can make the star or snowflake-looking molecule there are opposite polar ions or rather saying ions and anions at the end of corners. Those nanomachines can move on the layer. When the electric polarity of the layer will change. That thing will push anion upward and ion downward. This effect will make those nanomachines roll on the layer. If the nanomachines can operate at a temperature that is below zero degrees celsius. Snowflakes can use as nanomachines. But if the operating temperature of the machines is higher. 

The DNA can use control the growth of those crystals. That means that the form of those snowflakes can store in the DNA. And that thing automatizes the production of those systems. 

This system requires some other material. And that star-looking nanomachine can be made by using carbon chains. If we want to clean large water areas by using this type of nanotechnology. We can pull a magnetic layer below the surface and those nanomachines can cut the molecules on the surface. 

Some nanomachines are like coil springs. The simplest model of the coil springs molecule that can move is the long molecule. There are ionic materials on both sides. 

Another material is an anion. And another is an ion. When the polarity of the layer changes it pulls the nanomachine up. There could be a laser or some kind of (electro)magnetic ray that can turn the nanomachine around while it jumps. And then it should drop to the layer opposite way.  

Cutting molecules by using those tools is an impressive thing. But if we want to be accurate there is needed some other structures. The running nanomachines can connect with those swirling nanomachines.  In that case when the layer where nanomachine stands are going farther. The internal electromagnetic interaction of the nanomachine pulls the molecule shorter.

Normally the same effect is made by adjusting the electricity on the layer. The researchers can make running nanomachines by connecting ions with coil spring-looking structures. When the polarity of electricity changes that will kick those ions up. 

The ions in that structure have different polarities. They are ion and anion. In that case when the other ion jumps up. The other will go down. That thing makes those robots run on the layer. That kind of robot can cut long molecules like DNA. Or some carbon chains. And they are useful tools for many purposes.

Christmas is here.

Christmas is here. Now it is Christmas night. The night should be the celebration of mercy. But sometimes that thing causes trauma. Christma...