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Showing posts from June, 2022

Super predictors

From Oracles to modern days the predictors are making their predictions by collecting data from the environment. Travelers reports are transforming to the internet. But the method of the prediction is always the same. The information is used as a matrix, and then the predictor searches for similar things from history. If some kind of thing caused war many times. The predictor will calculate the probability of war. And that thing is one of the most useful ways to make predictions. If a similar situation caused the war 7 times out of 10, the probability of war is 70%.  The things that predictor must notice are: (at least) -Political environment on both sides.  -Economic situation.  -Corruption.  -Health care.  -Public services etc... The reason for war might be very simple. The public attention wanted to turn away from some things like corruption or internal problems. If the government is very authoritarian. The outside enemy gives an excuse for censorship and crushes the opposition.  Th

Scientists found the possible source for the red cap of Pluto's largest moon Charon.

Image: Pluto’s largest moon Charon  Could there be Bose-Einstein condensate in the atmosphere of the Charon? Could there be a boson cloud between those gas molecules? There is a possibility that a large part of that atmosphere is formed of helium atoms. And that thing means that there is the possibility that part of that atmosphere is formed of Bose-Einstein condensate.  Even if Charon itself doesn't have its atmosphere it pulls gasses like methane out from Pluto's atmosphere. And there is also helium at the highest altitude of Pluto's atmosphere. So Charon could pull those helium atoms to orbit itself. And that thing can cause that near the poles of that small world is forming the Bose-Einstein condensate.  Because of the low temperature. The temperature on the dayside of the Charon is about -220 degrees Celsius, but on the night side, it's far lower. The low temperature means that all reactions on that moon are extremely slow.  The image above portrays Charon, the lar

Can we someday de-extinct species like the Tasmanian tiger (Thylacine)?

Thylacine (Wikipedia/ Thylacine) The fact is that today de-extinction is impossible. There is the possibility that researchers could isolate the DNA from the corpses of mammoths or some recently extinct species like the Chrismas Island rat. But the fact is that the DNA that is in the skulls of those animals is hard to separate. The DNA would be damaged or there are connected viruses. So the result of cloning could look like a Chrismas Island rat. But it would not be a "real rat".  There are many suggestions that extinct species will return to life by simply cloning those animals. The fact is that the result would not be perfect copies of the extinct animals anyway. The DNA of those animals could be polluted. And that means that even if the result will seem like Tasmanian tiger or Christmas Island rats (McLear's rat) they might not be those animals anyway.  If we want to return extinct species to life we must realize that thing is easier to plan than make in real life. The

Denialism means people refuse to listen other than facts that support their opinions.

We must remember that only facts mean something in the courtroom. But the thing is that feelings mean much in our life. We should always follow facts, but then we are facing one thing. In information warfare, emotions are playing a big role.  If we are suspicious about things, that is told to us by propagandists. We are always stamped as cold and rough people. In a warzone, we might see many bodies. We know what we see. But who is behind that thing? We might want to believe something that is told to us. When we see war crimes or other crimes, we must ask about the motive? We see bodies. But who made them? Why do those people have to die? Why were those people selected for execution? And, who selected the victims and decided to murder them? When we see crime. We must understand that there is always a motive behind the crime. And even in large-scale war crimes, we must remember that we are investigating crimes.  When you look at information warfare, you must realize that people who are m

Theories and reality.

Above this text is the famous image where Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald.  Could Governor Connally be the real predicted target of the JFK assassination?  Just asking questions is the thing that conspiracy theorists are saying. The same thing says TV provocateurs and then we are living in a world where everything is a conspiracy. The term "conspiracy" means that a couple of people are planning to make something illegal.  Many times conspiracy theorists have just exaggerated the real theories. They claim that there are always thousands of people involving crimes like the JFK assassination. There could be only a couple of people behind that case. The person who could be the most probable target for a professional killer would be governor Connally. Why the "real" or predicted target in Kennedy's assassination, cannot be governor Connally? The man who caused problems for the mafia?  We want to believe in superlatives. We want to believe that the president is alw

Oak Island Money Pit: the mystery remains maybe forever.

Image 1) The Money Pit (Historic Mysteries/ Oak Island: Legends of Pirates and Treasure) The thing that makes the Oak Island Money Pit interesting is its complicated structure. If there were two chests of rubins and other jewelry. The question is:  what was below those chests? Or what is buried in that pit along with those diamonds or gold? Of course, some pirates could bury their money in that structure. But why did they make it so complicated? What was the motive for making that complicated structure?  The images in attachment 1 show why the mystery of the Money Pit remains. There is nothing to the left after the treasure hunters. And the fact is that the Money Pit itself is destroyed. So there is nothing left for archeological research. The rumors are left, and maybe we ever get the answer to why that Money Pit is made?  Even if some person claimed that the Money Pit is made for something. There might be something that the people who made that Money Pit didn't tell their henchme

A thing about Leif Erikson's "Vinland".

Image 1) Statue of Leif Erikson in Leif Erikson Park, Duluth, Minnesota (Wikipedia, Leif Erikson)  When a Viking named Leif Erikson (c. 970 – c. 1019 to 1025) escaped his enemies from Iceland and Greenland to Nova Scotia that person was the first (almost certainly) confirmed European, who laid his feet in America. There is the possibility that some Fonikians or Egyptians had some kind of relationship with American Indians.  And the thing that supports that theory is a similarity between Maya or Mesoamerican pyramids and Pharaoh Djoser's pyramid. There is the possibility that the similarities between those step pyramids are a coincidence.  Image 2A Pyramid of Djoser (Wikipedia/Pyramid of Djoser) Image 2B El Castillo, Chichen Itza (Wikipedia/Mesoamerican pyramids) But when we are thinking about the name "Vinland" which means "The land of wine" we must realize a couple of things. There is a possibility that this name was symbolic, and Vikings didn't drink wine

The mystery of alien abductions.

We can think of alien abductions as crimes. And in crimes, there is a motive that makes it possible to solve them. So what is the motive for alien abductions? Why does somebody collect samples from humans? The needed technology for those things already exists.  If some abductors are extraterrestrials, they would collect the DNA for denying degeneration. But if abductors are humans. The thing that is missing is motive. If the abductions are sleep paralysis or PTSD that causes more questions than answers.  If those abductions are false memories we must ask, "why those experiences are so similar?". Is there something that causes similar falsified memories? If abduction is the result of PTSD. That means it happened before the person remembers it. What whipped it away from memory where it return to haunt a person while sleeping? Alien abductions are the thing sometimes classified as sleep paralysis. Sometimes to some kind of kidnapping. There are stories about the bright light tha

The 21-gram theory by Dr. Duncan Macdougall

In 1901 Dr. Duncan MacDougall attempted to show that the human soul has a mass. Dr. MacDougall measured many patients before and after their death he got the idea that there was a simultaneous loss of 21 grams of the weight in every single body after they were dead. Skeptics thought that things like the size of tumors caused that small loss of the mass. And the 21-gram theory is justified as pseudoscience.  The theory remained (at least almost) pseudoscience. Until some neurologists noticed that during death the neurons are activated before and after the moment of death.  Especially the activating of neurons after the moment of death can cause that weight loss. That thing requires energy. And maybe just 21 grams of some nutrients or sugars are turning into energy.  Why do neurons increase their activity, especially after death? Some sources are mentioned. That in brain activity has two pikes just before and after the moment of death.  Just after the death neurons reactivate and that th

A couple of things about the western aid to Ukraine

M-777 Howitzer. (Wikipedia)  Ukraine got military aid from the western alliance. And one of the key elements in that aid is the GPS homing grenades. Those very highly advanced grenades can adjust to detonate at a certain altitude and they are the most effective precise guide ammunition that artillery has ever used.  The GPS must just have the information of the location of the target and the new systems can update that position very rapidly. So the modern GPS-guided grenade can also hit moving targets. The GPS systems that are connected to Javelin and other modern antitank weapons allow to shoot off those missiles over buildings and hills and the shooter can remain unseen.  The GPS will guide the missile at the beginning of the trajectory. And then the optical seeker will start to search for targets. The fact is that the NATO or the controller of the GPS systems can observe every single GPS-guided weapon that is used in Ukraine. That means NATO can control where Ukraine uses those weap


When we are looking microbe above this text we might almost see the microchip on that microbe. The microchip will send the commands to the microbe. And then the system can turn to use neurotransmitters for connecting those cells. The idea is to make a cell-based quantum computer that uses chemical qubits.  Another name for quantum computers that use chemical qubits and forms of living neurons is brains. The human brains use 25W electricity per day. Maybe artificial brains or biological microprocessors are not as powerful as human brains. But they can control things like drones and man-size robots and make them more independent than ever before.  The microbe called choanoflagellate was the first of the organisms that started to form the nervous system of the ancient animals. The choanoflagellate could be acting as the body of the new type of half-organic microchips. The idea is that the microprocessor that controls the organic part of these microchips will be put on the choanoflagellate

Brain-signal proteins formed before animals did.

"This microbe, called a choanoflagellate, is one of the single-celled organisms most closely related to the animal kingdom. New work shows that its ancestors made proteins that were later repurposed by the nervous systems of the first animals". (Quanta magazine/Brain-Signal Proteins Evolved Before Animals Did) The origin of brain signal molecules or neurotransmitters is long before the first cells. That means brains didn't "invent" those molecules that are playing a vital role in human and animal brains. The question is how neurons "learned" to use those molecules?  Things like bacteria could use similar neurotransmitters in communication. But nobody ever found an intelligent bacteria mass. The fact is that there is the possibility that bacteria can form similar structures to brains.  It's theoretically possible, that neurons can hybridize with bacteria and from intelligent structures. In that case, nothing limits the size of those neural structure

Could the myth of vampires be somehow real?

Cancer cells act like small vampires when they steal mitochondria from the immune cells. When tiny tentacles or nanotubes are sucking mitochondria out from the immune cells those cancer cells can connect those mitochondria to themselves.  The myth of vampires is claimed as a hoax. The new findings in the behavior of cancer cells. And, especially their ability to steal mitochondria from the wealthy immune cells. And the cases when old mice are injected by using the blood of young mice.  That turned old mice younger has caused the thought that the vampire myth requires a closer look. We can say that cancer cells are like little vampires that are using tiny tentacles to steal mitochondria from wealthy immune cells.  But then researchers found that the blood of young mice made elder mice younger. That thing caused an idea that somebody will start to think about, what kind of creature the vampire would be. We know that the serial killer Erzebeth Bathory took blood baths to remain young fore

Many parts of the evolution tree might be wrong. (Theory itself is right but the DNA has uncovered the new details in the history of species)

  Toucan (Pinterest) Probosci's monkeys and toucans have one interesting detail on their face.  The main question in evolution is why some animals have "useless" details in their body?  What made natural selection favor the big nose of the proboscis monkey? We can understand that the toucan's beak helps the toucan hunt because its beak looks like a banana. But what is the benefit of the big nose of the proboscis monkey? When we think about natural selection. The thing that makes nature favor a certain thing.  Is it useful and helps to fill nutrients if there are not enough vegetables. Toucans are omnivore birds. In that case, Toucan will transfer to eat bid eggs and lizards.  The colorful beak of the toucan makes it a good hunter but that bird eats mostly fruits. And the thing is that a colorful beak is attractive because it brings food like lizards. But the nose of the proboscis monkeys seems to have no similar use. So the reason why that monkey has that nose remains

The cancer cell's ability to fix its DNA makes it possible to create genome therapy against cancer and aging.

Researchers found how cancer cells are fixing their DNA damage. That gives great opportunities for cancer treatment. But what if that ability can transfer to normal cells? That thing makes those cells able the resist things like aging or cancer.  Reprogramming cells is one of the possibilities to remove at least some cancer or other diseases from the human race. The ability to transfer synthetic DNA to cells makes them produce new DNA and remove the old. In nature, the retrovirus is making that thing all the time. So synthetic retroviral can make this thing possible. In that case, the retrovirus virus will just slip the new genome in the form of the RNA in the human cells.  That means the synthetic DNA can slip into the cells and drive through cell organelles. Or actually, the RNA will just take the cell organelles under the control and programs them to create the new DNA for the cells.  That DNA can involve orders to destroy the old DNA and replace it with new DNA that those cell orga

Researchers have uncovered the physical difference between a psychopath and normal people.

The research found that the striatum region of the brain was on average ten percent larger in psychopathic individuals compared to a control group of individuals that had low or no psychopathic traits. (ScitechDaily/Scientists Have Established a Key Biological Difference Between Psychopaths and Normal People) Researchers made lots of work for finding the physical difference that makes the person psychopathic. Psychopaths have a 10% larger striatum than regular people. That thing allows us to see psychopaths by using MRI scanners. The psychopath doesn't make a person criminal, but the lack of social conscience makes them more susceptible to make crimes than regular people.  The nervous system is one structure in the human body. Behind all differences in biological structures are differences in DNA molecules. And finding the difference that causes psychopathy allows finding the genome that is behind that mutation. So, there is a base pair or series of base pairs in the DNA. That caus