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Showing posts from August, 2023

Creative people are less bored than others.

   Creative people are less bored than others.  Social media, social networks, and neural networks are parts of the same thing. Computer and Internet-based social networks are not separate from the real world. If we verbally hurt somebody in an online game situation that person is very sad. Social media is part of our social network and everything that we say in that digital and virtual world reflects our physical world.  Creative people always do something. They think and things like painting, writing, and other kinds of things give them something to do even in cold and dark autumn evenings. Creative thinking gives those people one thing, that is strange to others. That thing makes creative people find interesting things also in times when there is not very much to do.  And when a creative person sees something, that thing causes a reaction where those people must just tell something to others. Creative and innovative person is not always the same thing. Creative people can make thing

Everything in us is in our DNA.

  Everything in us is in our DNA.  When we think about the topology of the DNA and its connections with climate and environment we must realize that our bodies and our cells cannot match with all types of environment. Things like chemical environment and animal poisons can also affect things which skin color is the best. If animals like snakes are creating white poison, the black skin is better. But if the major toxic agent is black that thing is easier to see from white skin. Also, things like blood leaks are better visible on blond skin.  Genetic adaptation makes African people black because dark pigment protects cells against sunlight. But why do northern people have white skin? The reason for that is in the environment, at spring the snow and sun create scattering light and the dark skin cannot protect cells against powerful UV light. And also dark skin can cause situations.  Where cells are overheating in changes of temperature. In cold weather, people must protect themselves agai

The neuron densities in the cortex area follow a consistent distribution pattern.

   The neuron densities in the cortex area follow a consistent distribution pattern. The consistent distribution pattern, or Gaussian pattern, is the key element of modern mathematics. The consistent distribution model of neuron distribution in the cortex determines everything our brain can do. The cortex is the key element in productive thinking. And the distribution of cell types determines what our cortex can do. Some skills that neurons have are determined by their genomes. Researchers have noticed that fruit flies have extraordinary numerical abilities. That thing means that the DNA determines what skills neurons have. All neurons are not similar. And when we are learning something, we transport that information to our neurons. But then all of us realized that we don't learn all skills in the same way. Some of us learn math easily, but things like languages are harder to learn. And that means we are learning things differently. That thing causes the idea that we can teach any

The MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics)and Beoynd: Can Newton and Einstein be at the same time right and wrong?

 The MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics)and Beoynd: Can Newton and Einstein be at the same time right and wrong? We cheer for new physics and new ideas about natural interactions. But when we think about General Relativity and Newton's principle that gravitation. Always interacts with particles and wave movement in the same way, there is an area at extremely low acceleration where gravitation doesn't interact with all particles in the same way.  That means there is an exception in both reality and theory. There is a possibility that the exception is visible only in low-acceleration areas. So there is a window in gravitational interaction at low acceleration where Einstein and Newton fall. Did Einstein and Newton's models fall near binary star systems because they just forgot that there are other gravitational interactions than just gravitation? There are no pure gravitational interactions in the universe. Also, other fundamental interactions, like weak nuclear forces and ele

Forgetting is one of the most important things in the brain.

Forgetting is one of the most important things in the brain. Forgetting is as important as learning. Forgetting things is necessary for people. If people are not forgetting things, they will have a very large memory. And large memory storage makes the brain slow. The reason brains forget is that they can respond to things that require a fast reaction. This is the reason why people have three memory levels. How often some neural connection is needed determines the level of memory. When the brain does not use some neural connections, it removes some of them. That transfers memory backward. If the neural connection is not used or needed, the brain removes that connection, releasing memory cells for some other purpose. In the human brain, there are 100 billion to 300 billion neurons. Depending on how we calculate them. If we calculate only individual neurons, there are 100 billion neurons. But if we calculate virtual neurons, which means the neuron combinations that axons connect, the numb

Scientists injected young mice's blood into old mice, and that blood rejuvenated them.

 Scientists injected young mice's blood into old mice, and that blood rejuvenated them. That thing causes interesting visions about the possibility of creating something that slows aging. Before that test, researchers injected young mice with brain fluid. Normally, we think that this kind of thing is hard to make. Our immune system destroys that blood immediately. But then we can think about the possibility of creating artificial or cloned bone marrow cells, and we can say that this kind of thing removes immune reactions. Groundbreaking research where researchers can reprogram cells into stem cells can make it possible for scientists to rejuvenate an individual's bone marrow cells, making those observations even more fundamental than we think. The ability to create stem cells and turn them into bone marrow cells makes it possible to make bone marrow transfers to individuals by using their cells. And the ability to use the receiver's cells makes this thing f

Count Dracula, the king of vampires, dreams of immortality.

Count Dracula, the king of vampires, dreams of immortality. The real Count Dracula was Vlad Tepes b. 1428–1431- January 1477), known as Vlad the Impaler or Vlad III. That man ruled Wallachia three times in the 15th century. The remarkable thing is that when we read the biography of that man, the precise year of his birth is unknown. Another thing is that Vlad the Impaler was not worse than any other European ruler at that time. The fact is that this man is the real person behind the myth of the blood-sucking vampire that is known to people in popular culture. The fact about Vlad III was that he didn't do anything worse than other European noblemen. And he didn't invent impalement. All the punishments that Vlad III used were also used in other kingdoms. And when we think about the famous case where Vlad III claimed to burn a large group of beggars in one of his castles, there is a claim that the fire was started accidentally. Another thing is that people say that people cried be