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Showing posts from March, 2024

The new quantum materials are coming.

"Researchers have devised a quantum mechanics-based approach that significantly improves the prediction and enhancement of metal ductility, leading to the development of metals that are so durable they could be considered “unbreakable” for their given application. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough Paves Way for “Unbreakable” Metals) When we think about things like neutron stars one of the reasons why it is so hard to break is this: Neutron star is a homogenous object. On its shell are only neutrons. The neutrons are spinning in one direction. The spin of the entirety is so fast that the impact energy is distributed evenly on that structure. Another thing is that individual neutrons also spin vertically relative to the equator. And that drives energy out from that structure.   And that drives energy out from the neutron star. Normally. Neutrons can exist at 877.75 seconds if it's outside the atom nucleus. But in neutron stars. Those neutrons are

Dark matter is not necessarily a particle. It can be a quasiparticle or a soliton in the gravity field.

"Dark matter influences cosmic behavior through gravitational interactions, leading to phenomena like “dark stars,” which may explode similarly to supernovae. The exploration of potential dark matter particles, such as WIMPs and axions, is critical to understanding these celestial events. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Exploding “Dark Stars” – Unveiling the Explosive Secrets of Dark Matter) In the WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle) model, the WIMP is the dark matter particle. The mystery is how those particles can be invisible. And then another mystery is: are all those particles similar, or are they some kind of quasiparticles?  One thing that can help us to understand the dark matter's role is the energy flow. Energy flows always to a lower energy area. Galaxies are at higher energy levels than their environment. We can think that every single galaxy is on the table. And energy flows away from them. That makes it hard to see material that is between ga

The universe's expansion is a mystery.

The universe's expansion accelerates. Because a particle's distance grows and that decreases the power of gravity. Dark energy is the thing that dominates the universe. When the gravity effect's strength decreases, the power of dark energy increases. Relative to gravity. The universe's expansion is a mystery. The thing, that makes this thing interesting is that if the universe is in the middle of nothing, the universe should not expand. It should collapse. When the material is in an absolute vacuum,  it just turns wave movement. And the direction of that wave movement is out from the material entirety. So if the universe is in nothing that means, the universe should collapse from its edge. The absolute vacuum cannot interact with that wave movement. And there is no resistance. Without resistance. Opposite-traveling waves are impossible.  But if there is a standing wave at the edge of the universe, that effect can keep material in its form. The standing wave requires som

The bright supermassive black hole defies expectations.

"Astronomers studying the quasar H1821+643 found it less impactful on its environment than expected, challenging typical black hole behavior. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quasar Conundrum: Brilliant Supermassive Black Hole Defies Expectations) "In mathematics and physics, a soliton is a nonlinear, self-reinforcing, localized wave packet that is strongly stable, in that it preserves its shape while propagating freely, at constant velocity, and recovers it even after collisions with other such localized wave packets" (Wikipedia, soliton) In some models, the black hole is the thing. Where the energy field moves and the event horizon is standing soliton. And then that thing forms the solution. In normal models, the wave package moves. And the energy field where it moves stands. The moving energy field can also move soliton as a standing wave. In that interaction wave field, or energy field moves against a standing soliton.  The gravitational nature is a myst

Transcendence, or the ability to transcendent thinking may grow in teen's brains.

   "New research has discovered that transcendent thinking, which involves analyzing the broader implications of situations, can foster brain growth in adolescents. This form of thinking enhances brain network coordination, impacting developmental milestones and future life satisfaction. The study emphasizes the need for education that encourages deep, reflective thought, underscoring the critical role of adolescents in their own brain development". (ScitechDaily, Scientists Discover That “Transcendent” Thinking May Grow Teens’ Brains) "Scientists at  USC Rossier School of Education’s Center for Affective Neuroscience, Development, Learning and Education (CANDLE) have discovered that adolescents who grapple with the bigger meaning of social situations experience greater brain growth, which predicts stronger identity development and life satisfaction years later". (ScitechDaily, Scientists Discover That “Transcendent” Thinking May Grow Teens’ Brains) The transcendenc

Soliton can make new types of quantum systems possible, and it can also create planet-mass black holes.

"Topological solitons, integral to various natural and technological processes, are being harnessed through non-reciprocal interactions to innovate in materials science and robotics, offering new possibilities for self-propelled motion and advanced functionality. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Breaking Physics: How Solitons Bend Time, Space, and Rules) Solitons can break the rules of the field and interact with research. "In mathematics and physics, a soliton is a nonlinear, self-reinforcing, localized wave packet that is strongly stable, in that it preserves its shape while propagating freely, at a constant velocity, and recovers it even after collisions with other such localized wave packets". (Wikipedia, soliton).  The second image portrays the soliton series. That kind of phenomenon can act as an elevator. That allows the system to transmit information between states in the quantum computer. The soliton is one of the most interesting phenomena because

Secrets of black holes are opening slowly.

  "The transition in star formation rates and black hole growth as redshift decreases from regimes where positive feedback dominates to a later epoch when feedback is largely negative. Credit: Steven Burrows, Rosemary Wyse, and Mitch Begelman"  The primary question in black holes in the early universe is this. Which one came first black holes or other stars? The thing is that black holes can form from material, but things like electromagnetic fields can also form this strange object. The string theory suggests that material forming of thin electromagnetic fields is called superstrings. Those power fields transmit information to each other.  Energy and information always follow the same rules. The higher energy level transmits information into to lower energy field. And that means there is also energy transmitted between superstrings. Sometimes there is an empty hole in the power field. And that causes the situation that those strings or higher energy areas fall into that vacu

Relativistic jets are the key to gravity.

Black holes are Schrödinger's cats.  They are and they do not exist.  The relativistic jet can form the gravity effect. The idea is that this phenomenon is like a thermal pump that forms a colder area around it. So black hole is like a star, and it's not a star. It's the same time cold and hot. Gravity is the force that moves space or energy field around the gravity center. The relativistic jets move that energy field away from the gravity center in one direction. And then that energy moves particles and photons into the point, where relativistic jet moves energy out from the point into one direction.  Relativistic jets are like thermal pumps. They transport energy out from black holes. A black hole expands if there are lots of stars around it. They form an energy field that can feed the black hole or its giant thermal pump. The energy level around a black hole determines how far it can pull material through the event horizon.  If a black hole is colder than its environment

About UFOs, fake memories, and AARO

Some of the UFOs and abductions might be fake memories. But are those memories connected with PTSD? The fact is that people should dare to talk about weird experiences. In some cases, "abduction" is the case, where the person is stunned by using some drugs and then raped.  In the past, we believed. That our memory was off while we slept. Today, we know that sometimes, when we are too tired, overexertion causes that memory to record some dreams. So if we wake up very fast, we can remember our dreams. And we all face things that when we suddenly wake up, we start to dress in our working clothes.  While we are between sleep and waking up. This medium state between wake and sleep is sometimes a source of fake memories. When we are in this intermediate state. Our brains cannot separate dreams from reality.  So some alien encounters or abductions are so-called fake memories. The fact is that dream research is not a very easy thing. When we see dreams, nobody else can confirm what w

The mystery of Havana syndrome and COVID-19

Some researchers say that microwave weapons can cause Havana syndrome. But the thing behind that mysterious disease is rather acoustic than a microwave weapon. Or some non-purposal acoustic effect.  If some sonic source is targeted to the house and that thing causes resonance in metal structures that structure transfers that resonance to concrete. The calcium in concrete sends that resonance to bones, and that thing causes a so-called ghost sound in the head.  The Havana syndrome didn't leave brain damage. In some theories, the reason for Havana syndrome was some kind of acoustic weapon.  But acoustic weapons can be deadly too. If the nervous system's stress continues too long, the monotonic sound can act like acoustic nerve gas that overstimulates neurons. The US, and at least, China and Russia also tested acoustic systems that can resonate things like an aircraft's body. And the acoustic systems can also break the microprocessor's shell. Or cartridges can get so-calle

Quantum gravity is the key to larger-scale gravity models.

Quantum gravity is the gravitational effect between the smallest known particles. Understanding quantum gravitation requires that all other effects be stripped off. So that researchers can measure the gravitational effect between subatomic particles.  There is the gravitational effect between protons and neutrons, as well as, the gravitational effect affects things like electrons and their movement around nuclei have gravitational effect. But the other three natural forces or interactions cover that gravitational effect below them.  Electromagnetism and weak-, and strong nuclear forces cover the gravitational effect between electrons and an atom's nucleus. Quantum gravity is different than full-scale gravity because the object's size is far smaller. And there are also other power fields than just gravitational fields.  The gravity is wave movement like all other fundamental interactions. And that causes ideas that at the quantum level, there could be something that can reflect