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Showing posts from September, 2023

Dark energy interaction. And the universe's ultimate fate.

    Dark energy interaction. And the universe's ultimate fate.  Are dark photons the source of dark energy?  The Australian researchers claimed that they detected dark photons. If that is true, dark photons can explain at least part of dark energy. The thing that makes photons dark is that energy flows into them. In this model, there are three types of photons.  The black photon is a photon whose energy level is lower than in the universe's visible material. Because energy travels into those, 2D photons are lower than visible material in the universe. That makes them unable to detect.  The reason why dark photons never reach the same energy level as regular photons or neutrinos is this. There are so many more dark photons than particles and sub-atomic particles in the universe. Energy travels to those other dark photons.  And because the energy level in those particles near the universe or energy centers is higher than farther particles energy always travels to those lower ener

First time neutrinos produced in LHC (Large Hadron Collider)

  First time neutrinos produced in LHC (Large Hadron Collider) The world is waiting for the next big step in quantum information. That thing is the ability to produce and control neutrinos. Neutrinos or "grey photons" are mysterious particles that can travel through Earth without any contact with other particles. Neutrinos are hard to detect, but if some system can trap them and manipulate those particles, that thing can open a new route to the material.  The neutrino is a particle whose interaction with its environment is very weak. The thing that makes neutrinos weakly interacting is the energy travels between neutrinos and their environment very slowly. That could mean that the spin of the neutrino is quite slow. In that model, energy flows through neutrino.  So some researchers suggest that neutrino is the particle between photon and electron.  The thing that makes the photon massless is that there is no energy flow between photons and their environment. If a particle'

How nano- and quantum technology, mathematics, and geometry are working together?

    How nano- and quantum technology, mathematics, and geometry are working together?  Hofstadter's butterfly  Researchers found Hoftadter's butterfly from the graphene. Hoftadter's butterfly is a butterfly-looking geometrical structure. Researchers can use that kind of structure to calculate the positions of the qubits. Or, sharper saying Hoftater's butterfly can be an effective tool for modeling the point where binary data transforms into the qubit.  The area of Hofadter's butterfly can tell what is the right distance between the transmitter that transmits information into qubit. In that model, the qubit is multiple Hofstadter's butterflies that can transport information into the sensors.  When energy hits to layer it can make Hofstadter's butterfly. The outside force can form that butterfly simultaneously if some force at corners pulls an energy field in that form where a circular energy field forms. That can used in a system that turns binary data into q

Singularity is the sum of material and all fundamental interactions.

    Singularity is the sum of material and all fundamental interactions.  The curvature of spacetime is the thing that might explain why all theories about gravitation and spacetime are the same time true and false. The curvature in spacetime means that gravitation makes a pothole in the spacetime or dimension. And that hole pulls material inside it. So what makes that pothole interesting? And why that so-called gravitational pothole can explain why all theories from Newton's gravitational model to Einstein's special and general relativity are right and wrong.  We might think that the pothole is straight. The pothole that gravitation makes steepens when gravitation turns stronger. And that thing means that the edges or slopes of that pothole are turning closer to each other. That thing brings particles and electromagnetic waves closer to each other. And that thing forms "singularity" the form of spacetime where all four known fundamental interactions are united.  The

Is K2-18b an inhabited planet? Many people say "no".

 Is K2-18b an inhabited planet? Many people say "no".  The K2-18b is a mini Neptune. The planet's mass is about 8 times of Earth. And the distance to that planet is 124 ly. The JWST found some "weak signs of life" on that planet. K2-18b habitable zone but that doesn't mean that there are lifeforms.  The temperature of K2-18b is about zero Celsius. There is no ocean in that planet's atmosphere. But there is a water vapor. But the planet itself is dry. And that means there are no endemic advanced lifeforms.  The JWST telescope found these elements from K2-18b's atmosphere.  -Methane -Carbon dioxide -Hydrogen -and probably dimethyl sulfide from that planet's atmosphere.  In some rumors, there are some kind of radio signals detected from that exoplanet. Those rumors are the result of misunderstandings. The "signs of life" that the JWST telescope sees are the gasses that JWST saw in that planet's atmospheric spectrum. Those signs are int

How to measure dark energy?

 How to measure dark energy?  In some models, the cosmic voids are forming dark energy. In that model, the quantum fields fall into that void and impact together in them. The cosmic void acts like a vacuum bomb.  This model means that there is a standing wave in the middle of those voids where quantum fields reflect. So what separates this thing from the gravitation? That is the wavelength of traveling electromagnetic fields and gravitation is one energy field.  In some other versions of this model, the cosmic voids increase the speed of material vaporization. In that process, the material turns into electromagnetic wave movement. When that wave movement hits to void's edge. This impact causes energy interaction called dark energy. But this is only a hypothesis.  So we must remember one thing. There must be many radiation wavelengths that are forming entireties called dark energy. Dark energy consists of multiple radiation wavelengths that are not visible to us or our sensors. In s

Dark energy is one of the biggest mysteries in the universe.

 Dark energy is one of the biggest mysteries in the universe.  Dark energy is roughly 68% of the universe. The source of dark energy is unknown. Some researchers believe that black holes are the source of that unknown wave movement that rips the universe into pieces. The idea of this theory is that the universe is full of black holes. Some of them are smaller than atoms. Every black hole is the tube or tunnel between the third and fourth dimensions.  The dark energy would be energy, that falls from the fourth dimension into the third dimension (or dimension where we live) through black holes. When material falls in a black hole, it interacts with energy that falls from the fourth dimension or the energy level that is so high, that material cannot interact with so high-energy material.  Black holes can cause a situation where the energy level in a material rises so high that it loses its ability to interact with other particles. If we look at image 2, the droplet that is separated from

Does the AI take jobs from programmers?

 Does the AI take jobs from programmers?  Before we start to discuss topics: Will the AI take jobs from programmers? We must realize that the AI will not do any work for humans. Even if AI is an excellent tool for programming the human operators must check the code.  Things like Chat GPT and Bing could be excellent programming tools but their limits are this. They need a very complicated and precise description of what the user wants. And that is quite hard to make without knowledge of programming. Without precise and clear orders the AI cannot create the code from public databases.  So again: Does the AI take jobs from programmers?  The answer is yes and no. If the AI makes the computer programs, it requires very accurate orders. And people who give orders for the AI must understand something about programming. When we think about public AIs like Bing and Chat GPT they can make effective complicated code structures.  Those code structures are easy to modify from the trunk where the da

Could the mysterious RNA circles produced in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases be the key to those symptoms?

   Could the mysterious RNA circles produced in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases be the key to those symptoms?  The RNA circle acts like a computer program's loop when it travels through a cell organ without the ability to separate itself from that organ. The cell organ continues that process until the RNA circle is removed from that cell organ. And if that RNA circle does not remove its touch, it damages the cell organ.  The cell uses RNA molecules to control it's organs. When RNA circle travels through a cell organelle or cell organ it controls the actions of that thing. If a circle-looking RNA molecule travels through a cell organ without the ability to separate itself it keeps the cell organ busy. When a circle-looking RNA molecule travels through cell organs it acts like a computer program's loop. That RNA circle is the thing that keeps the cell organ busy, and it doesn't have time to do anything else.  "Researchers have identified over 11,000 circ

Dark photons can explain dark matter.

   Dark photons can explain dark matter.  A dark photon, anti-photon, or negative photon is a theoretical particle that is opposite to a photon. A regular or positive photon is a visible particle that travels at light speed. And that regular photon is the thing that transports information in the universe. The photon speed is the same as the speed of light. And that means photons have an energy stability with their environment.  If we think that a photon is like a regular particle it has no mass, because energy will not travel between a photon and its environment. Photon will get all its energy back, and the thing that makes it interesting is that it should recycle energy through it. The photon will not get rid of its quantum field. When it releases its energy it will get new energy back. And that means the photon cannot slow its speed. So if the photon has no mass that means it slows. And that means it will not photon anymore after it slows its speed.  The thing, that makes hypothetica

Dark matter and gravitons are the biggest mysteries in the universe.

 Dark matter and gravitons are the biggest mysteries in the universe.  Could an extremely small primordial black hole that is smaller than gluon be the source of gravitational radiation and gravitational waves?  If a graviton is an extremely small primordial black hole. That explains dark energy. The atom-size or smaller black holes can be stable. If they get enough energy. Those small black holes interact similar way as the larger black holes. And there are energy beams also in those small black hole's poles. The energy that leaves those poles could be the thing called dark energy.  If those small black holes are between quarks and gluons they could send radiation into both particles. The pushing radiation that comes out from primordial black holes would impact into quark and gluon. There those particles will take that energy into their quantum field.  When those quarks and gluons send radiation that they get from that primordial black hole back there is forming a channel where a

Robot ants can destroy foreign species like fire ants.

    Robot ants can destroy foreign species like fire ants.  Fire ants are a new foreign species in Europe. Those ants are aggressive and harmful foreign species.  The problem with poisons is that some ants and ant queens will survive from poisons whose mission is to destroy the ant population.  Those insects turn immune to poisons, and used poisons also affect useful insects. The robot ants or cyborg ants can be used to destroy queens from the population. Robot ants offer non-poisonous alternatives for the poison that causes danger in nature.  Fire ant Cyborg bug  Someone introduced the idea, that things like ants can destroyed using cyborg ants. Cyborg ants are ants equipped with microchips that take them in command. The operator can equip some ants by using microchips.  And then they can use those implanted ants to destroy eggs, and cyborg ants can assassinate the queen from the nests. Implanted cyborg insects can be used to carry pollen into the wanted vegetables. That thing makes t

Neutron stars and mountains generate gravitational waves.

     Neutron stars and mountains generate gravitational waves.  The mountains of the neutron stars are less than milli- or micrometer class. But the neutron star is one of the densest objects in the universe.  That means even the smallest anomalies in their form have a bigger effect than around the smaller objects. The neutron star is a very homogenous object that consists of only neutrons or a neutron-quark structure where in the middle of it is some kind of quark liquid.  ******************************************************************** Could the dark energy form when waves in elementary particles' quantum fields push the quantum field around them away? Could the dark energy form when waves in elementary particles' quantum fields push the quantum field around them away? In that case, the quantum hills around the elementary particles interact like mountains on neutron stars. There is a model that no particle in the universe is not perfectly slight. The stretch in the quantu

Webb found carbon dioxide and methane in the exoplanet's atmosphere.

 Webb found carbon dioxide and methane in the exoplanet's atmosphere.  Exoplanet K2-18b is an ocean planet, an 8,6 times Earth's mass world, that is covered by ocean. The planet's size is something between Earth And Neptune. The planet is one of them that orbits a red dwarf in its habitable zone. And that thing makes those findings interesting.  The water world might not host intelligent lifeforms. But there is a possibility that in that giant ocean swims some kind of organisms. The existence of those organisms like cells and amoebas, and probably fish-like creatures, is not sure.  Confirming those things requires more observations. But methane and carbon dioxide are promising things that could show the existence of some underwater organisms. But the distance to K2-18b is 120 light years.  And that means we cannot confirm the existence of those hypothetical primitive creatures. And at that point, I must say that at least on Earth even the tiniest organisms traveled through

The Universe did not begin from "nothing".

  The Universe did not begin from "nothing".  The reason why, the Big Bang is so hard to understand is that: there should be material or some kind of quantum field before that event. So if the Schwinger effect formed material that requires that there were quantum fields or quantum foam before the event called the Big Bang. The fact is that the Big Bang was a series of events that formed all the material and energy that we know. And the material is one form of energy.  The Big Bang never ended. We are living in the Big Bang that continues until time in the Universe ends and all material transformed into wave movement. The Universe is the Big Bang's remnant.  It's temperature decreases all the time.  The modern universe is the fading remnant of that energy eruption that was the beginning of known material and energy.  Because the energy level in the universe decreases. As the size of the Universe increases we can say that the change is only a stable thing in that system

There is no "nothing" in the quantum world.

   There is no "nothing" in the quantum world.  The bubble theory goes like this. All material and quantum fields are one kind of bubble. And everywhere in the universe are quantum fields. Those quantum fields transport information, and there could be short and long-term vacuums or voids in those fields. When some of those voids collapse the quantum wave travels from the shell of that bubble into the middle of it. There that energy forms a standing wave and jumps back.  That thing can explain why particles can form from emptiness. The particle is like a standing wave or power field in that quantum foam. In that model, the falling bubble in quantum foam can involve "sub foam". And then the outcoming quantum field or quantum foam just tries to press that bubble in. In that case, the pressure wave will lock in a certain position.  The energy that comes outside the particle cannot press the internal energy or waves of a particle at one point. The ability to reach energy

Gravity doesn't begin instantly.

  Gravity doesn't begin instantly. Gravity, or gravitational interaction, is one of the most powerful and dominating effects of what we know. We can describe gravitational interaction as the process where two particles or objects form a bridge and that bridge or energy tunnel pulls objects together. The size and density of the object determine its gravitational field.  We can see that large and dense objects have strong gravitational fields. That thing causes an idea that quantum low pressure in the middle of the large particles causes a situation where quantum fields start to travel in the middle of the particle. The outcoming gravitational radiation causes a thing called a gravity field. The reason why gravitational interaction doesn't begin immediately is that the tunnel where gravitation interacts. This tunnel is the thing that causes gravitational interaction between dark matter and visible matter. The gravitational tunnel must form before gravitational interaction can beg

Negative thinking and computing.

  Negative thinking and computing.  Vectors and inverse matrixes are ultimate combinations.  When engineers are thinking about problems, they should think through a problem. The idea is similar to vector calculations in mathematics. The idea is the opposite of the regular way, where people try to go from point A to point B by following the shortest route.  A typical vectorial way to think about things is this: the teacher wants to walk from the house's door to the car across the yard, and during that journey teacher will get a snow shower from the warehouse. The idea is that we can go from point A to point B through point C. The journey is longer but it's still a journey from point A to point B.  In data security, the vector model means that the sender system can send the cipher key into different routes or at different times for receivers. The idea is that once a day the server system sends the list of decryption algorithms to receivers. Then before the message the server send

Will humans ever go to Mars?

  Will humans ever go to Mars?  Nuclear rockets are always a risk to their environment.  The problem with that kind of journey is that Mars is not the Moon. The distance to that planet is extraordinary for our rocket technology. For that journey, we require nuclear rockets, and there is a lot of political resistance against nuclear engines. It's possible to make lightweight nuclear reactors that use plutonium at the weapon enrichment level. But making that kind of reactor safe, requires a Moonbase.  The plutonium pellets will transported to the Moon in the form of uranium. Then the nuclear reactor transfers that uranium into plutonium. Then the interplanetary craft's reactor will be loaded with plutonium. For making that process safe the operators must send uranium to the Moon in very small transport batches. The nuclear rocket will launch from the Moon orbiter because in the case of an accident. Radioactive debris drops on the Moon.  This kind of project is huge. There is lots