Monday, September 18, 2023

Dark matter and gravitons are the biggest mysteries in the universe.

 Dark matter and gravitons are the biggest mysteries in the universe. 

Could an extremely small primordial black hole that is smaller than gluon be the source of gravitational radiation and gravitational waves? 

If a graviton is an extremely small primordial black hole. That explains dark energy. The atom-size or smaller black holes can be stable. If they get enough energy. Those small black holes interact similar way as the larger black holes. And there are energy beams also in those small black hole's poles. The energy that leaves those poles could be the thing called dark energy. 

If those small black holes are between quarks and gluons they could send radiation into both particles. The pushing radiation that comes out from primordial black holes would impact into quark and gluon. There those particles will take that energy into their quantum field. 

When those quarks and gluons send radiation that they get from that primordial black hole back there is forming a channel where a larger energy beam covers smaller but higher energy beam. So that primordial back hole would be in the tunnel. Where it sends radiation into that quark and gluon. Because gluon is smaller than quark lots of radiation that comes from quarks travels through the gluon. 

Can dark matter made of gravitons? The answer is that nobody knows. The graviton is a hypothetical particle. That could be the link between the fourth- and the third dimension. 

The fourth dimension is the energy level where 3D material cannot interact with 4D material. So graviton could be the hole between energy levels or spaces. In some theories hypothetical graviton is an extremely small black hole, that brings energy from a higher dimension. 

A black hole is an object between 4D and 3D worlds. And graviton would be the extremely small black hole. But in some other models, the graviton could be a whirl- or spiral-looking gravitational field. So the graviton would be a virtual particle. 

The idea is this: a black hole pulls material and radiation in it. During that process, the black hole loads that material with a very high energy level. Then there is material that falls from the fourth dimension. And when those two materials are impacting the energy travels from higher energy material into lower energy particles. And that energy flow causes gravitational radiation. 

The thing is that dark matter will not probably form purely gravitons. But dark matter involves an element that makes gravitation interact also between visible and dark matter. So there could be gravitons also in dark matter. That gravitational interaction tells that there is something that causes the gravitational effect, but that thing doesn't interact in any other way.

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