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Researchers have uncovered the physical difference between a psychopath and normal people.

The research found that the striatum region of the brain was on average ten percent larger in psychopathic individuals compared to a control group of individuals that had low or no psychopathic traits. (ScitechDaily/Scientists Have Established a Key Biological Difference Between Psychopaths and Normal People)

Researchers made lots of work for finding the physical difference that makes the person psychopathic. Psychopaths have a 10% larger striatum than regular people. That thing allows us to see psychopaths by using MRI scanners. The psychopath doesn't make a person criminal, but the lack of social conscience makes them more susceptible to make crimes than regular people. 

The nervous system is one structure in the human body. Behind all differences in biological structures are differences in DNA molecules. And finding the difference that causes psychopathy allows finding the genome that is behind that mutation. So, there is a base pair or series of base pairs in the DNA. That causes that person to have a 10% larger striatum. 

Researchers are finding what genomes are controlling the advance of certain organs. By observing people with some differences in their biological structures

The use of MRI scanners to find that difference is a fundamental idea. That thing allows us to show those differences from MRI images. And that thing makes it possible to confirm that the person is a psychopath. The lack of social conscience makes psychopaths more dangerous because they have no social rules. The only thing that drives those people ahead is personal benefit. 

Psychopaths might seem very charming and intelligent people. They are excellent manipulators because they are not the shame of anything. They can take a person who sits in a wheelchair because they want to pass row. They can collect money for poor children. And then go to the shop and buy a new mobile telephone. 

The extreme cases of psychopaths are serial killers. They would kill people just for fun. The thing is that serial killers are not shamed for what they are doing. The lack of shame makes those people very dangerous. And that thing makes it important to locate them from the society. 

Confirmation of psychopathy in this kind of research is important. That the physical difference in nervous structure is common for psychopaths. There must be some mark or detector. That determines a person as a psychopath. One of the details that can use for confirming psychopathy is heavy crimes. If the person does not feel shame that thing might be the mark of a sociopathic or psychopathic personality. 

If a person feels that raping and other violence against weaker people are justified that thing. Is a serious mark of psychopathic behavior. If a person believes that their pleasure justifies the violence that means the person needs some kind of attention.



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