Friday, June 30, 2023

The ancient shark megalodon was not a cold-blooded killer, and that was one thing that caused its extinction.

"Scientists have discovered that the extinct megalodon shark was warm-blooded, as indicated by the isotopes in its tooth enamel. Their research suggests that the megalodon could maintain a body temperature about 13 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the surrounding water, a significant difference compared to other contemporary sharks".( Was No Cold-Blooded Killer – And That Spelled Its Doom)

The ancient shark, known as "megalodon" is one of the largest predators in history. Megalodon was probably a warm-blooded shark. Or actually, megalodon was something, that was a combination of shark and whale. That means the "Meg" was a warm-blooded shark that used gills for breath. The other thing was that megalodon was not more murderous than some tiger sharks. 

Megalodon was a beast that needed lots of food and it had its place in evolution. But then some other sea predators reach that giant shark. Maybe those new predators like whales ate megalodon's calves. The whales had lungs. And they could also hunt in the water there was no oxygen. That made them able to reach megalodons. 

Maybe ancient whales didn't eat full-size Megalodons but competition for the same food was destructive.  The size of the megalodon was big. It was 17 meters long. And maybe its fate was a competition for food with Livyatan the ancestor of the sperm whale and other large sea mammals. Maybe full-scale megalodon was safe from "Livyatan".  Livyatan was also 17 meters long and about the same size as megalodon. 

But immature individuals were good food to those ancient whales. And when Livyatan faced full-scale megalodon the winner was whose bite was sharpest. 

But the other thing that made whales superior to megalodons was sonar. That allowed whales to hunt their prey in darkness. The sound system that those ancient whales used was suitable to use as a weapon. Sound weapons could break the megalodon's bones. And even today whales use soundwaves to track and terminate their prey.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

The new magnetic-twist paradigm can make quantum computers more effective.

The new magnetic twist paradigm can make quantum computers more effective. It allows sharing of information between multiple quantum systems. And that makes it possible to exchange information between complex quantum systems. The reason, why making superpositions between atoms is so difficult is that atoms have multiple actors, and there is also very much free space. 

Free space in material forms pockets. Where energy can move. That means a large number of oscillations are traveling in those empty free spaces that are between electron shells and quarks. There is the possibility to make the superposition and entanglement between electromagnetic fields around the atom. But the problem is that electrons that orbit atoms make that electromagnetic field unstable. 

"This artistic depiction shows electron fractionalization — in which strongly interacting charges can “fractionalize” into three parts — in the fractional quantum anomalous Hall phase. Credit: Eric Anderson/University of Washington" ( A Major Quantum Computing Leap With a Magnetic Twist – “A New Paradigm)

Cut information in pieces. And turning it back to its entirety is the key element in quantum computers. The problem with that is. How to protect information when it travels between quantum systems. If some non-controlled effect disturbs or changes the information that travels between systems. The result that the system gives is wrong. The problem with quantum computers is that the only thing that can detect errors is another quantum computer. So only the possibility to transport information in form there are no changes makes quantum computing possible. 

The problem with quantum computers is error detection. The only thing that can check the results that a quantum computer produces is another quantum computer. That's why sharing identical information between quantum systems is extremely important in quantum systems. Quantum technology is not very old. And that means there is not very much experience about those things. 

The image of two black holes that orbit each other could also introduce classic superpositions. The close range of those black holes makes it possible that skyrmions around those things can turn to superposition. And sooner or later, the oscillation of those skyrmions or transition disks makes the black holes oscillate at the same frequency. 

At the quantum level, the accuracy of those oscillations must be high enough. That they can transport information. If there is space that thing causes an effect that energy falls in those empty spaces. And that makes superposition impossible. 

When the quantum system transports information to another quantum system. It sends oscillation to another quantum system. That oscillation adjusts the receiving system. And then it can form the quantum entanglement. When quantum entanglement forms the dominating participant will take touch with the receiving participant's quantum field. 

Then it starts to rotate that quantum field. So the energy that travels between those particles forms a strap that rotates receiving or lower energy level particles in opposite directions. When the energy level between those participants turns stable that forms a standing wave between those particles. And then that destroys the quantum entanglement.

Negative mass and negative energy could be almost the same thing.

Negative mass and negative energy could form when the Higgs boson collapses. The spin of that boson is zero, but the reason for that could be there is no time for the start spin in that the shortest living particle in the world. But when Higgs boson divides. There are forming multiple particles like Z and W bosons. So what is forming those particles? And could that solve the problem of negative energy? Are those remnants dividing of Higgs boson form inside the Higgs boson shell?

 Or are the interactions between collapsing Higgs boson and its environment behind those remnants? In some models, negative energy is like a curve that rises in the Higgs boson and other particles. When those camels hump-looking energy structures are rising that causes situation there the energy hump will cause the quantum flow from particles into their environment. So could that energy flow out from particles the source of dark energy or negative energy? 

Is the thing that is behind Dark energy some kind of elementary particle? acts like a vacuum bomb. There is forming a static wave inside the particle. And that effect increases the power of energy. So if elementary particles act like vacuum bombs and increase and focus the dark energy. That explains why dark energy is so dominant and why there is too much energy in space. 

The dark energy rips the universe into pieces. The source of dark energy is unknown. The reason why we cannot see the source of dark energy is simple. The origin of dark energy is a particle or quasiparticle that we cannot see. In some models, the origin of dark energy is in standing waves. 

When energy hits the particle it interacts with its quantum field. That causes an effect where energy waves impact those particles' quantum fields. The energy that this interaction forms travel in the middle of the particle. There that energy faces the centrum of the particle. That thing causes a similar effect to a vacuum bomb. When energy forms standing waves in the center of a particle that particle acts like a vacuum bomb. That thing also could explain the dark energy.

Are there two different gravitational interactions? That two different-size graviton transports.

By following supermassive black holes researchers hope that they can see where gravitational waves forming. When two supermassive black holes impact each other. They form an extremely high-energy area between those black holes. There are standing waves between those black holes. 

And sometimes, people think that gravitons and gravitational waves can also form between those kinds of black holes. The supermassive black holes that orbit each other also pump energy in the middle of that system. That energy reflects from deep inside the black hole. And that energy is the thing called gravitational waves. 

"Following 15 years of observing pulsars, the NANOGrav collaboration has detected gravitational waves stronger than ever before, likely produced by supermassive black hole pairs. This groundbreaking discovery presents the first evidence for the gravitational wave background, which is surprisingly louder than anticipated, possibly pointing to an abundance of supermassive black holes or alternative gravitational wave sources." ( Than Expected: Gravitational Waves From Merging Supermassive Black Holes “Heard” for First Time)

Models show that strong gravitational waves impact the point between those black holes. Those impacting gravitational waves can form standing gravitational waves between black holes. And that thing could send reflection around the space. 

"In this artist’s interpretation, a pair of supermassive black holes (top left) emits gravitational waves that ripple through the fabric of space-time. Those gravitational waves compress and stretch the paths of radio waves emitted by pulsars (white). By carefully measuring the radio waves, a team of scientists recently made the first detection of the universe’s gravitational wave background. Credit: Aurore Simonnet for the NANOGrav Collaboration." ( Than Expected: Gravitational Waves From Merging Supermassive Black Holes “Heard” for First Time)

If some phenomenon has two wavelengths. That means those wavelengths must have different-size origins. In some theoretical models. The origin of high-amplitude gravitational waves origin is in the strings between quarks and gluons. That causes a question: are there two sizes of gravitons? Large gravitons transport gravitational waves with long wavelengths. And small gravitons transport the high frequency or short gravitational waves.

 So are the hypothetical gravitons particles that are forming when strings between quarks and gluons oscillate. That forms a standing wave between quarks and gluons. Gluons are strong nuclear force transportation particles. So is a graviton particle that nobody has confirmed in the interaction between strings that are inside the atom's nucleus, between quarks and gluons. 

There are two types of gravitational waves in space. The gravitational waves can have long and short wavelengths. That means that some people think that there are two different gravitational types. The gravitation travels in the form of long gravitational waves. And another wavelength type is short. 

This means there is a possibility that the material could be at two points where gravitational waves can be left. Maybe extremely massive objects can send gravitational waves from their shell. 

And the origin of short-wavelength gravitational waves may be in the atom's or subatomic particles or the connections between quarks and gluons. The gravitational waves with long wavelengths can be in the entire atoms. Or it's an oscillation that is leaving from proton's and neutron's shells.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Dark energy is strange interaction that pushes the universe larger.

The zero spin means that the Higgs boson will turn flat immediately. That thing sends waves in Higgs field. So could that thing be the reaction that forms dark energy? When the Higgs boson collapses or divides that thing causes a situation that a Higgs field (or some other electromagnetic field) will fill that point. And that thing causes interaction. 

So could dark energy form when the Higgs field interacts with another electromagnetic field. There is the possibility that the Higgs field is a so-called base-field that pulls energy out from other EM fields or four fundamental interaction's transportation particles. That thing causes flow and resonance. So maybe this interaction is the thing that causes dark energy.  

Higgs boson's virtual spin can be zero. The lifetime of that particle is so short that it doesn't have time to begin the spin. 

Higgs boson spin is 0. That means it cannot interact straight with other particles. Interaction with other particles requires wave movement between particles. If a particle has spin, it sends wave movement around it. Spinning particle acts like a whisk in water. 

When it spins, the interaction sends a wave movement from the particle. That interaction causes resonance with another similar particle. The existence of Higgs boson is extremely short. That means. It's possible that the Higgs boson would just have no time to spin or measurement tools cannot detect so short-time reactions. 

It's theoretically possible. That two Higgs bosons can turn superposition. If there is some kind of energy. That impacts the Higgs boson-pair sideways and connects them. But making that thing in the real world is very difficult because Higgs boson collapses before photons can travel between them. 

Higgs boson forms in quark-gluon plasma that causes waves in the Higgs field. And then the particle accelerator must keep that energy level long enough that the superposition can form. But in black holes and supernovas could be energy level. That is high enough, that Higgs boson has time to make spin. If Higgs boson spins. That thing makes the revolution in physics. 

But there is the possibility that the energy level that allows Higgs boson spin exists only in black holes. And if that spin of Higgs boson happens only in black holes. There is no way to get information about that thing from outside the event horizon. 

Image: ScitechDaily

A black hole and how it interacts with its environment?

The lifecycle of the black hole is one of the most interesting things in the world. The upper image could introduce the black hole's lifecycle and ability to exchange information with its environment. When a black hole forms after a supernova explosion, it will close information behind the event horizon. 

When a black hole vaporizes it releases information. That is stored in it during its birth. So the lifecycle of a black hole is like a tube where information travels. That tube is the event horizon. And when a black hole evaporates or turns to wave movement it releases that information. 

In the beginning, the supernova forms a bubble that acts like a vacuum bomb. The extremely high energy level pushes all other quantum fields away from the point. Where the star has been before. When those quantum fields return and try to fill that quantum vacuum, they press the Higgs field to the structure that looks like a hill. 

The lower image could tell how the gravity and Higgs field are forming a hill-looking structure in the 2D field model. The problem with black hole interaction is that all quantum fields can interact only with similar quantum fields. All quantum fields or fundamental interactions have similar wave-particle duality. All four fundamental interactions (strong, and weak nuclear force, electromagnetism, and probably gravitation)  have transportation particles and wave-form. 

Gravitation transportation particle graviton is not confirmed yet. Those interactions have different wavelengths. And that means they interact very easily with other similar fundamental interactions. But things like electromagnetism have only weak interactions with other interactions like wean nuclear force. 

And that means there is some missing field that forms black holes. Gravitation is like a structure that interacts with that unknown field and pumps energy to it. The outcoming energy keeps the energy hill in one piece and pumps energy to that pillar. If there is no outcoming energy that pillar collapses immediately. 

The black hole is like a bubble. Interactions between its halo and environment form the situation where the holo pumps energy waves into the black hole. The energy that travels in the singularity forms a standing wave at some point in the black hole. And when the energy level of that standing wave turns strong enough it can push energy out from the black hole. 

That energy forms the famous gravitational waves. The point where that energy reflects is speculative. The thing is that when energy travels out from the black hole, that stops the energy pump in the black hole. And those gravitational waves are evidence that energy travels out from the black hole and that energy is the thing that destroys the black hole. 

The Higgs field is a similar electromagnetic field to other electromagnetic fields. That field should oscillate similar way as other wave movements. But the problem is how to measure that frequency. The only known interaction with other fields and the Higgs field is the Higgs boson, which is an extremely short-term particle. But there is the possibility that in a black hole energy level is high enough that in that extreme object can form the static Higgs boson. 

There is the possibility that the black hole is sending other wave frequencies, than gravitation. And maybe those yet unidentified frequencies are the wave movement in the Higgs field. And could the mythical Hawking's radiation be the wave movement in Higgs field? 

Black holes send gravitational waves. That means that black holes are changing the wavelength of other quantum fields. So that thing acts like the amplifier. When energy impulses from outside are falling through the event horizon they continue their journey to the black hole's core, where they reflect and form gravitational waves. The point where that reflection happens is in the middle of singularity or on its shell.  

There is the possibility that the black hole's singularity is not perfectly slight. The quantum fields are so close to that point where time, space, and material are forming entirety that interactions between fundamental forces are possible. But the problem is that those interactions have so different wavelengths than the Higgs field that they cannot pump energy in it, and that causes the Higgs field leaks out from the black hole. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The magnetic fields cause pulsars. And they have along with cosmic radiation connection with Earthquakes.

Pulsar doesn't necessarily mean neutron star. Also, white dwarfs can form pulsars. The nova- and supernova remnants are things. that form the most powerful reactions in the universe. The pulsar is forming when the magnetic field travels to the poles of the white dwarf and neutron star. Also, black holes are pulsars. They are sending their radiation mainly in X- and gamma-ray areas. The energy level of those pulsars is far higher than in neutron stars and white dwarfs. Fusion happens in both poles of the star fossil which is the remnant of the star that used its energy. 

The fusion that forms a pulsar happens outside the star remnant's shell. And that makes it so interesting for fusion research. 

When those fusion reactions are burning. They send energy to star remnants. That energy impacts from the center of the white dwarf and neutron star. That energy causes quakes in the shell of those cosmic fossils. And that resonance forms gravitational waves. The difference between fusion reactions in cosmic fossils and regular stars is that the fusion in cosmic fossils happens outside its shell. In regular stars, the fusion happens in the star's nucleus. 

The requirement for forming the pulsar is that the magnetic field is strong enough. That it can drive those particles together, causing fusion. Particles that travel to the white dwarf's or neutron star's poles have the same polarity. Ions travel to the negative pole and anions travel to the positive pole. Those particles repel each other. And that's why the magnetic field must be strong enough that those particles can impact each other. 

Fusion reseach and pulsars. 

So energy impulses of pulsar form because of fusion reaction. That reaction forms when a white dwarf or neutron star pulls ions and anions against it. And then the magnetic field acts like a particle accelerator. Sometimes is introduced that the magnetized iron ball can form or assist a fusion reaction. 

In that case, the magnetic field that traps ions and anions is made by using iron balls. In the wildest models, the opposite poles of highly magnetized iron balls would transfer close to each other. Then ions and anions will spray against those iron balls that transport them to their magnetic poles. 

When those opposite poles are against each other. Those ions and anions that are packed to opposite poles will melt together. That kind of fusion system requires an extremely powerful magnetic field. And it's hard to make this reactor produce more energy than it uses. 

The heavily magnetized iron ball will transport anions and ions to its poles. Then ion cannon shoots ions against anions and oppositely if the target is the anion cloud at the other pole. In that case, the iron ball anchors the anions and ions to a position where particle accelerators (ion cannons) can shoot particles with opposite poles to those particles and that could make ion fusion possible. 

Scientists linked cosmic radiation with earthquakes. 

When cosmic radiation hits Earth it transports energy to material. That happens straight or indirectly, through Earth's magnetic field. Especially materials like iron and heavy isotopes. Changes in temperature of the temperature of magma cause that magma expands and shrinks. That affects Earth's shell. 

Things like radio waves always act similarly. They are warming up material where they impact. If short-term radio impulses like FRB hit the magma or Earth's core that causes an effect where iron atoms will take energy to their structures. And when the energy level decreases those atoms release their extra energy to magma. 

The energy impulses that cause things like whirls in magma must not affect straight with Earth. The effect can also be indirect. When cosmic radiation hits Earth magnetic field raises the plasma's energy level in that field. That energy travels to the Earth's core, where it reflects the shell. 

When cosmic radiation hits things like radioactive isotopes. It raises the temperature and increases the speed of the radioactive divide. The radiowaves that impact Earth's magnetic field interact with the plasma. That surrounds Earth. The energy that transfers to plasma in Van Allen belts causes electromagnetic resonance. Plasma sends energy impulses to the Earth's nucleus. And then that energy reflects from the Earth's core. 

The interaction between Earth and cosmic radiation is not very easy to model. All things like radioactive divide, and volcanic activity. local and global temperature, the energy level of plasma around the Earth. And many other things cause interactions that can cause dramatic things on Earth.

Is it possible that the JWST telescope finds life from space?

JWST telescope found carbon structure crucial for life from space. That is one of the most remarkable things in the history of science. That carbon structure tells us that there may be a possibility to find other lifeforms from space quite soon. Or maybe not. The JWST telescope and its plasma spectrometer tell that somewhere are molecules crucial to life. But that's all. Confirming those molecules is not very hard. But is that molecule proven about life? 

That is another thing. Life doesn't mean intelligent life. And we can see multiple planets by using the JWST telescope. But until we would land on those planets nothing confirms the existence of lifeforms. We might see things like methane as the result of metabolism as proof of alien life. Methane is a gas that forms in bacteria. But methane can also form without bacteria. That means the gas doesn't prove that there are bacteria. 

"Scientists have detected a new carbon compound, methyl cation, in space for the first time using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. This compound, crucial in forming complex carbon-based molecules, was found in a young star system in the Orion Nebula. The discovery could enhance our understanding of life’s potential development beyond Earth". ( of All Known Life: Webb Telescope Makes First Detection of Crucial Carbon Molecule)

By the way...

The film above introduces the China's latest vision of electric aircraft. 

NASA canceled X-59. And that plane ever took-off. 

Maxwell X-59 ever flew. NASA stopped that project. And the reason for that is there are commercial systems. That is ahead of the X-59 electric aircraft test bed. The thing is making large-size electric aircraft would be the answer to the noise problem. The electric aircraft uses electric engines while it travels above the city area. Then it can turn to use jet engines or some other engine system while it increases its speed. 

The small-size electric VTOL planes could be the next-generation transporters. But those electric engine systems can also operate in rescue missions and as military systems. The rescue version could pick the person who needs an emergency from anywhere. The trolleys just will connect with the winch and the patient will pull inside. In military systems, those VTOL aircraft can be equipped with the Javelin or some other lightweight missiles. Those missiles give it limited strike ability.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Why it's so hard to see higher dimensions?

When black hole forms in a supernova explosion that explosion packs its material to form called singularity. The black hole gets all its energy in that explosion. And after that, the singularity starts to turn into wave movement. 

That means: the black bole sends radiation with so special wavelength. That we cannot see that wave movement.

 One of the reasons why we cannot see the black hole behind the event horizon is that black holes could send wave movement in a way unknown to us. In some theoretical models, black holes send monotonic wave movement where the energy level is the same all the time. 

In normal wave movement, there is like hills and valleys in that electromagnetic radiation. But there is the possibility that a black hole sends Hawkings radiation in the same way all the time.  So the only change in the energy level of that radiation could form when a black hole loses its mass when it turns to Hawking's radiation. Because there are no short-term changes in that radiation that thing is hard to detect. 

The image above: Curve A introduces how a black hole sends Hawking's radiation. The model is that the curve is straight down without internal changes. If that model is true, it explains why it's so hard to detect that Hawking's radiation that causes that black holes are losing their mass. Curve B: The curve below that straight line introduces the changes in energy level in a  wave movement the source is a regular particle. 

The superstring theory about higher dimensions is a fascinating thing. There are theories about the higher dimensions and one of them is that black holes are four-dimensional spaces. The black hole's energy level is so high. That universe turns to four-dimensional. So black hole presses particles to form, that we cannot see it. And there are theories that higher dimensions exist but they are so small that we cannot see them. 

In some models, the higher dimension is the energy level where the particle stops interacting with other particles. This thing happens when a particle's size turns smaller and smaller when its energy level rises. And sooner or later the particle turns so small that it cannot affect objects in the third dimension. So the size of the wave movement is so small that it cannot cause so large area effect on other particles. The key element of string theory is all material forms of superstrings. Those superstrings are like rolls in energy fields. And there is the possibility that some higher dimensions exist in the superstrings. 

Can we sometimes interact with higher dimensions? If the Higgs field is like a membrane between three- and four-dimensional space, there is a possibility that sometimes there is forming holes in that membrane. The idea is that if Higgs Boson has the precise right energy level it can collapse precisely a certain way. And then that collapsing Higgs Boson could form a follow-up particle that makes a hole in the membrane. 

That hypothetical Higgs Boson's follow-up particle would have a shorter life cycle than Higgs Boson. And that makes proof of its existence almost impossible. But the thing is that this membrane between dimensions should be the Higgs Field. There is the possibility that there are also other electromagnetism fields that are not seen yet. And Higgs Field is the only candidate for that field. So maybe we ever cannot prove or model the higher dimensions the way that it satisfies the scientific world. 


The violation in symmetry: why is more material than antimaterial in the universe?

At the beginning of this text, we must realize that we just call the material that makes us material. And antimatter is the mirror material. The names between those mirror particles are just manmade. So was the reason for that asymmetry that some particles of particle-antiparticle pairs went too far from each other, and then they couldn't return to begin point. And the induction question is, of course, are those antimatter particles still exist somewhere in the universe? That thing causes an idea there could be antimatter somewhere in the universe. 

The other model of the "birth of material" is the annihilation reaction in the extremely young universe formed in a situation where some material particles were somehow at so much higher energy levels than antimatter particles that it caused an asymmetrical annihilation. 

There were many different things In the young, high-energy universe than in our universe. When we talk about things, like great annihilation, we must realize that this annihilation happened between elementary particles. So the things that annihilated were quark-antiquark pairs or gluon-anti gluon pairs. And of course, electron-positron pairs played a big role in that process. 

In some theories during the Big Bang, gravitation turned the opposite. And that caused a wave that impacted some other quantum fields. So could that field where the first particles formed be the Higgs Field? When that model was introduced in the 1980s, there was no knowledge of the Higgs Boson and Higgs field. So could the Higgs field exist before the Big Bang? 

The weakness in this model is that there should be some kind of quantum field that existed before the Big Bang. And in some models during the Big Bang formed Higgs Bosons. The Higgs Bosons could be like antennas that send wave movement to the Higgs field. That energy wave could make the first particles. The energy level in that universe was extremely high. And that could make it possible that there formed Higgs bosons that existed more than a microsecond. 

"Astronomers from the University of Florida have discovered, for the first time, evidence of a necessary violation of symmetry at the dawn of the universe by studying one million trillion galactic quadruplets, revealing that the universe preferred certain shapes over their mirror images, a phenomenon known as parity symmetry violation. This finding not only strengthens the inflationary aspect of the Big Bang theory but also provides a clue to one of cosmology’s biggest mysteries: why there is more matter than antimatter?" ( Discover First Evidence of Symmetry Violation – And It Could Explain Why You Exist)

Then the universe froze. And those Higgs Bosons lost. When Higgs Bosons collapsed they caused bubbles or impacting waves in extreme heat plasma. And the collapse of Higgs Bosons happened just when quark-gluon plasma formed. Then the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) in CERN created Higgs Bosons for the first time after the Big Bang. 

The idea of asymmetry is this. There was a little bit more material in the universe when it formed than antimatter. And that thing made it possible for Antimatter "lost the battle". When during the Big Bang, the Schwinger effect formed material, it formed antimatter-matter particle pairs. The electromagnetic pulling effect made those particle-antiparticle pairs impact. And then that thing caused annihilation, that destroyed almost all antimaterial from the universe. 

Antimatter particles are forming when high-energy particles hit the atmosphere. And in some visions, there could be antimatter stars and even antimatter galaxies in the universe. But those things are pure theories. But the asymmetry in those material-antimatter relations causes a situation, that the system turns stable. 

Without that asymmetry, the antimatter-material annihilation continues forever. And that's why we should take that asymmetry that material in the form as we know it exists. Without that asymmetry annihilation continues forever. . And stable material cannot form.

Space X launched the first space factory.

Space factories are the tools that would make a revolution to drug development and nanotechnology. The system would use remote-control laboratories. And if something goes wrong. Those laboratories could be driven to the sun. Spaceborne small-size biological laboratories can research unknown bacteria and viruses. The zero-gravitational conditions are suitable to create complicated molecules. Those things can use in drug development and nanotechnology. The problem with this technology has been the orbital launch's high price. 

The space factory is a space capsule with an unmanned, remotely controlled laboratory and production unit. Maybe, a very small-size production system can make it possible to benefit microgravity for producing very complicated molecules. The unmanned orbital production units can also make it possible to create new types of nanomachines and things like drugs. When the production unit made its duty, it will return to the atmosphere and on Earth. 

Those AI- and remote-controlled laboratories can install in special capsules or small-size space shuttles. The production unit has remotely controlled manipulators and microscopes. And those systems can adjust the gas mixture, the operating environment's chemical and physiological environment, along with gas pressure. The large rockets allow the shooting of multiple small-size production units to the orbiter. And that makes the costs lower. 

In some visions, the first samples from Mars, Ceres, or Jupiter's icy moons are transported to a remote-controlled moon base. Or orbital laboratory, and that denies the pollution of that material. The thing is that remote-control orbital laboratories can also use to test highly infectious and dangerous viruses. And if there is some kind of problems, that unmanned laboratory can drive to the sun. That thing immediately destroys those extremely dangerous organisms. In that case, those laboratories should be so far away from Earth that they are not falling back to Earth with their dangerous cargo. 

The new launching systems like space towers are the tools that can make the space industry one of the most effective production methods. 

But making mass production of drugs on the orbital trajectory requires a very high number of launches. And that is the reason why companies are searching for replacers for rockets. Things like miniature rockets that will rise to the edge of the atmosphere by using hydrogen balloons are the most conventional of those systems. The mylar balloon, which rises small rocket to the atmosphere's edge will decrease the launch costs. Also, centrifugal launchers that spin the capsule to a very high speed before launch are interesting.

But other impressive things are the space towers. The idea of the space tower is that the air statue will keep that structure up. That air statue could be between the space tower's outer and inner walls. Then there is a hatch at the top of the tower. And then the air pressure pushes the rocket through that tower. 

Things like magnetic accelerators can give extra speed to that space rocket. Or there is the small space elevator connected to that structure. The space tower is a lightweight version of the original space elevator. In the original space elevator, centrifugal forces pushed the craft through the mast. That is connected with the asteroid in the geostationary orbiter. In space towers, the mast is just outside the atmosphere. 

In some other versions, the space tower could connect with a centrifugal launcher. The system pulls the capsule to a certain altitude. And then it starts to spin the wire where the payload is connected. And then the computer releases the hook just at the right point. 

The structure of that space tower could be like a telescoping baton. First, the quadcopters or hydrogen balloons will pull the space tower to enough high altitude. And then the compressed air pushes that structure up. Then if those operators want to lay that space tower on the ground they just remove the air statue from the structure.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Higgs field and the speed of light

Dimensions are energy levels. When the difference between energy levels between two objects rises too high, they lose their ability to interact with each other. And the problem with crossing the speed of light is that researchers cannot pump enough energy that the particle can jump to the fourth dimension. 

When a particle closes speed of light its size turns smaller, and finally, a particle cannot turn smaller anymore. And that thing is the cosmic speed limit. The light cone is the model that for crossing the speed of light the particle must push its structure through itself. And that is difficult because the particle's density turns so high that it cannot push its superstrings through that structure. 

When we think that the Higgs field pulls energy through particles we might understand why only photons and other massless particles can reach the speed of light. The energy that travels through particles impacts the Higgs field. And that's why it will deny crossing the speed of light. 

When the speed of a particle with mass closes the speed of light. That thing means it goes closer to the Higgs field. And then the energy flow to the Higgs field is stronger than slower moving particles with mass. The mass is the mark that the particle interacts with the Higgs field. 

The light cone

The reason why energy transfer to particles goes weaker is that all other interactions wave movement or particles that speed limited to the speed of light. When the speed of a particle closes speed of light less energy will transfer to it. 

And the thing that makes gravitation and especially black holes different is that the black hole presses material. That means the energy travels in material from its sides. In a straight universe, energy travels to particles from the front of it. But the problem is that an electromagnetic vacuum or an electromagnetic low-pressure channel pulls energy out from it. There is one vision that can turn to cross the speed of light possible at least at the electron's level. 

The idea is that the particle will shoot to travel as close to the speed of light as possible. And then laser ray will point it from its side. That energy impulse could increase the energy that allows the particle to go through that Higgs field. 

The Higgs field could be like a membrane between the third and the fourth dimensions. And that means it interacts oppositely in the fourth dimension. 

The model goes like this. The Higgs field is like a membrane between the third and the fourth dimension. The Higgs-mirror field exists but it's at the fourth dimension. And that thing explains why hypothetical tachyon cannot straight interact with the third dimension. When the tachyon hits Higgs field it pumps energy to that field. And that energy could the thing that we call dark energy. 

The light cone can show what happens when a particle reaches the speed of light. At that point, the particle interacts straight with the Higgs field. And at that point, it would turn to the opposite. This model could explain why the hypothetical tachyon particle cannot come to the third dimension. The speed of light is the point, where the particle interacts straight with the Higgs field. 

And Higgs field is the "light wall". So Higgs mirror-field denies the tachyon drop to the third dimension. The fourth dimension is the opposite side of the Higgs field, and there Higgs field acts oppositely. In the fourth dimension, the Higgs field pumps energy to particles. And that thing means that a tachyon cannot interact straight with three-dimensional particles. 

So tachyon interacts through the Higgs field. When it hits to Higgs field or mirror-Higgs field it transfers energy to that field until it jumps back. That thing causes the rise of energy level in the Higgs field. Or otherwise, we can say that there is forming a small hill. That hill is seen in lower the third dimension as the weaker point in the Higgs field. But when the tachyon hits Higgs mirror-field in the fourth dimension that sends wave movement to the third dimension. The Higgs field or Higgs membrane denies that the tachyon cannot come to the third dimension. 

Demon core: when small energy turns into an explosion.

A little bit same effect that breaks the glass and explodes nuclear weapons. Glass is almost pure silicon. And if something starts to resonate that silicone structure. 

There are no pockets where that energy can go. The energy forms standing waves that push atoms away from each other. When energy travels in that object it takes all standing waves with it. And that causes the situation that breaking glass sends shards across the air. 

All homogenous objects act a little bit like glass. If we think of things like hypothetical iron stars we must realize that those stars are pure iron. When energy hits that kind of iron ball it causes resonation. The iron atoms are turning iron atoms opposite poles against each other. 

And then the energy impulses in that very old universe will push those iron atoms away from each other. Then the electromagnetic interaction along with gravitation pulls those atoms back. That thing loads energy onto the objects. And by vibration by vibration, the distance of those atoms turns longer. The pulling force of the electromagnetic force is also stronger.

Sooner or later, the impulses of that oscillation are so strong that iron atoms melt together. In the old universe, the energy level is lower than now. And also particles travel at a higher speed. 

When those particles impact with objects they transport energy to those objects in a different way than in the modern universe. The energy level of the old universe's quantum fields is lower so they don't transfer so much energy to that traveling particle than quantum fields in this time. But the iron stars caused a question did somebody try to make their iron star? 

There are findings of the balls that are made of pure iron. There is the possibility that those iron balls are loaded with electricity. And then somebody throws them against the wall. That thing forms a situation where that thing releases energy similar way as glass breaks. 

The demon core. 

The reason why one Manhattan project worker caused a radiation accident in the laboratory of Los Alamos was innocent. That person just scratched the plutonium ball by using the screwdriver. And that thing caused a sudden rise in radiation levels. 

The reason for the radiation level rise was energy asymmetry in the plutonium ball. When the screwdriver touched that ball it send an energy wave in it. The demon core was a plutonium ball where almost all atoms were plutonium. The energy that traveled in the ball caused resonance. There were no pockets where energy could go. And then the energy pushed those atoms away from each other. 

This is what happens in the implosion. 

In implosion, non-controlled nuclear fission. Explosive segments send energy impulses to the plutonium ball. That energy travels in the middle of the ball. Then it reflects. That energy forms standing waves in the plutonium ball. Pushing atoms away from each other. That causes changes in electron trajectories. 

The electron shell keeps the atom in its form because electrons are pulling protons symmetrically from opposite sides. And then the change in those electrons' trajectories causes a situation where that electromagnetic force turns weaker. This releases neutrons from the nucleus of the atom. 

The weak nuclear force pushes that neutron away. The neutrons hit other plutonium atoms and form the nuclear reaction. The reason why plutonium is suitable for nuclear weapons is that its atoms are large. There is an odd number of neutrons. And that makes the atom unstable. 

The dragon. 

The iron star and implosion are basing the same idea. When energy travels across an object it takes all other energy waves with it. The energy in the object rises to so high level that its atoms are hovering. Atoms in the homogenous object will form the standing waves between them. Then if there is an asymmetrical point, the energy that impacts that asymmetrical point travels through that object. 

That energy impulse takes all of those standing waves with it. The idea is the same with the dragon, and somebody hits its tail with a hammer. That energy travels through the entire dragon and takes all its free energy with it. If our dragon would be a ball the opposite shell would always be at the same distance from its front wall.

New technology breaks limits.

Microwave rockets. 

The microwaves can create plasma for ion engines. And it can boil things like liquid hydrogen in a rocket chamber. 

The EM thruster might not work. But there is a possibility to make the plasma-ion engine or electromagnetic rocket engine that microwaves. In the most conventional version, the EM-system points microwaves into the water or some other propellant. 

The microwave system just heats that material. And then that vapor can travel out from the exhaust tube. That is the most conventional version of the microwave-based rocket. 

That kind of microwave rocket can use any propellant, that it can boil or vaporize. The microwave-based rockets where microwaves expand propellant can be useful in flights to gas giants like Jupiter to transport the rocket into space. This speculative system can use water or hydrocarbon from Jupiter's atmosphere or its moons. The problem is that this kind of system requires a powerful energy source. 

The ion thruster can use microwaves for vaporizing and ionizing propellants that will drive to the acceleration tracks. 

The microwave system also can use in the crafts that travel in the asteroid belt. Microwave systems can use to vaporize things like iron or some other materials. The system just must ionize materials and then drive them to the particle accelerators.  Ion engines with two acceleration tracks can use both ions and anions for thrust. 

The ion engine requires only two tracks and the system that separates ions from anions. Then the system can drive anions to their acceleration track and ions into their acceleration track. Then the plus and minus poles in those tracks are on opposite sides. And the system will drive anions and ions into their magnetic acceleration tracks. 

The new type of quantum technology is much more than just quantum computing. 

MIT researchers have discovered that novel photovoltaic nanoparticles can emit streams of identical photons, potentially paving the way for new quantum computing technologies and quantum teleportation devices. The ability to create identical photons is necessary for making superpositions and quantum entanglements between those photons. If the photons or some other particles are in different energy levels but their oscillation is similar, that allows researchers to create quantum entanglement and transport information between those particles. 

Energy and wave movement always travel to the point, where the energy level is lower. And that makes it possible to create a system. That transports wave movement in a certain direction. If the spacecraft's nose is at a higher energy level than its tail, energy travels from the nose to the tail.  And that thing makes it possible to transport the craft forward. An interesting thing about this kind of system is that it can transport energy or wave movement in a certain direction. So we can call energy wave movement. And then induction thought is that wave movement that carries messages as radio waves.  

The new quantum technologies are much more than just quantum computing. Those systems are making it possible to create many great things. And one of them is the quantum system that focuses energy on one point. The idea is that the quantum entanglements are forming a series of quantum rolls on the shell. And then those quantum rolls transport wave movements in the middle of that structure. This thing is a very interesting tool for transporting information. And maybe that kind of system can someday transport even spacecraft.

Particle theories, Big Bang, and negative mass are interesting things.

RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) particle accelerator opens new views into the universe.  The most interesting part of the research is that researchers try to find the critical point in energy level when quark-gluon plasma turns to particles. That point is a good tool to determine the age of the universe. 

If researchers find that point, they can start to find the point where the Big Bang happened. And that could open the biggest mystery in the universe. That thing is what happened before the Big Bang or during the Big Bang. One of the versions of the reason why the Big Bang happened is in theory, called "the Brane model". 

That model requires that there was some kind of electromagnetic field before the Big Bang. In that model, two electromagnetic fields touched each other. And that formed a standing wave. That standing wave between those electromagnetic fields pushed those fields back forming the wave where the Schwinger effect formed material in those wave movements or electromagnetic fields. The question is, of course, are those fields overlapped or side-by-side? 

The negative mass requires Higgs's mirror-field existence. So could the Higgs mirror field form by standing wave movement between Higgs fields? 

"Mapping nuclear phase changes is like studying how water changes under different conditions of temperature and pressure (net baryon density for nuclear matter). RHIC’s collisions “melt” protons and neutrons to create quark-gluon plasma (QGP). STAR physicists are exploring collisions at different energies, turning the “knobs” of temperature and baryon density, to look for signs of a “critical point.” Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory" ( Point in Matter Transformation: When the Universe Changes Its Mind)

When we think of the model of the anti-universe, we can think that the universe formed. When two Higgs fields, or some other electromagnetic fields impact, forming a Schwinger effect.

When the Schwinger effect forms material. That effect formed particles and their mirror particles. So in this model, there is a possibility that our universe has identical twins. But in that universe, everything could be upside down. And the Higgs field could interact oppositely. In the model, the Higgs field pulls energy through the particle. That effect formed an electromagnetic low-pressure between superstrings. And that wave movement collapses particles sooner or later. 

But then we can think about a special case called Higgs Boson. Higgs Boson is like a wave that moves in Higgs field. That means the Higgs field must be more powerful inside that wave. So could the Higgs mirror field hide in the Higgs boson? Could Higgs Boson be a place, where the Higgs field interacts oppositely more than otherwise? 

The thing that makes this model interesting is that. Higgs Boson forms Z and W bosons and many other particles when it divides. In that model, the Higgs Boson can fall, and it sends shockwaves where the Schwinger effect forms those particles outside the Higgs Boson. Or otherwise, the Higgs boson releases a negative Higgs field from inside it. The negative mass requires a negative Higgs field. 

Standing waves and the Big Bang. 

Did two electromagnetic fields that impact formed the standing wave that sends energy impulses through the electromagnetic field? The idea is that all electromagnetic fields, including the Higgs field, and gravitation field can form standing waves if their frequency is the same. In some models of the Big Bang, the gravitation turned its mirror, and the antigravitation formed the Big Bang. 

Along with Higgs mirror fields could form by making standing waves between those fields. In that model, the standing wave can make the situation that the field that impacts it cannot travel through that thing. If standing waveforms between the particle and the Higgs field that locks the effect of the Higgs mechanism. 

Maybe, the extremely fast spin of the photons is the thing that makes it possible that the Higgs field cannot interact with that particle. There is a possibility to make the standing wave of the Higgs field between particles or layers by forming Higgs Bosons that send wave movement against each other. 

But forming stable Higgs Bosons is very difficult. And that requires so powerful energy pump that this kind of system requires extremely high energy production. Maybe things like antimatter systems can create these kinds of energy levels someday in the future.

Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä found a new type of Astatine the rarest element in the world.

Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä found a new type of Astatine the rarest element in the world. The new isotope called 190 astatine is the lightest known isotope of this very fast-dividing element. And it should be the longest-living isotope of Astatine. 

 "In a remarkable scientific breakthrough researchers have discovered the lightest isotope of the rare and rapidly decaying element, astatine. The discovery of 190-Astatine was made by Master of Science graduate Henna Kokkonen as part of her thesis work, providing important insights into atomic nuclei structure and the boundaries of known matter". (, Recoil, Discovery: A New Type of Atomic Nucleus Discovered)

"Researchers at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, have made a groundbreaking discovery of a new atomic nucleus, 190-Astatine, which is now the lightest known isotope of the rapidly decaying and rare element astatine. The achievement of creating this novel isotope was made possible through the fusion of 84Sr beam particles with silver target atoms. The isotope was then identified amid the fusion products using the RITU recoil separator’s detectors". (, Recoil, Discovery: A New Type of Atomic Nucleus Discovered)

During those experiments, researchers created fusion by bombing silver atoms using 84 Sr (Strontium) beam particles. During those fusion experiments, researchers found a new isotope of Astatine. And that thing is one of the most interesting things in history. Astatine is one of the fastest-dividing radioactive isotopes. That extremely rare halogen doesn't have any known role in chemical reactions. And the reason for that is that element is so short living.  But in next-generation computing, the astatine can offer the possibility to store information. 

Some very advanced systems tested the model where the system decreases the temperature to zero kelvin. The system drives information to short-living nuclear isotopes. When that information is needed the system reads it from those isotopes. And after that, the short-term isotope will divide. And that makes it impossible to return information. The problem is that short-term isotope production requires lots of energy. 

Certain spectrum lines in laser communication systems can use as access to the system. 

The half-time of that element is about 5-6 hours. The abilities of Astatine are not known. And it's predicted to be solid. But there is the possibility that a couple of atoms for nano-size lasers can use. 

The short-term radioactive isotopes can offer very high security in data transportation. When the message is left those short-term atoms are destroyed. And without those atoms, the system cannot allow access. Making those short-term isotopes is difficult. That means faking the key is almost impossible or requires particle accelerators. 

There are many theoretical systems where things like radioactive noble gas radon are used. And one of them is a gas laser that uses radon. Same way astatine can use in laser systems. But the problem is the short-term existence of that gas. If communication lasers use Astatine that could help to make contact in a long distance. 

The laser-based communication system can use short-living elements as the key. If a laser ray comes in a radioactive element's frequency the system can see that the user has authorization for that system. That thing can use to confirm access to the system. 

The lower-level users can use different spectral lines for the key. The Astatine-based laser system can cause unique resonation at longer distances than other lasers. And when the message is left those Astatine atoms the laser system used to make the laser ray lost in seconds. Then another gas can use to fill the laser element.

Cytoelectric Coupling" is a groundbreaking hypothesis of our brain working.

Things like BCI systems make it possible to transfer human thoughts to the computer screen, making it possible what people see when they sleep. That ability allows researchers to go into the mystery world of imagination and dreams. 

When researchers use those neuro-interacting microchips is possible to see what people see while they sleep. The problem with dream research is how to confirm what a person tells. And another problem is that people cannot remember anything about their dreams. The person loses memories of dreams about a minute after waking up. And those memories contain only a small part of the sleeping sequences. 

If people use these kinds of things like suggestions and BCI systems. That makes it possible to use dreams in the R&D process. But for that thing, we should have perfect models of how the brain works and interacts. 

If we think that our brain is a quantum computer, we can say that this quantum computer has 200 billion different qubit states. In that model, every neuron has axon connections that allow it to connect with another neuron. And every single connection between neurons is a unique state of this awesome qubit. 

The number of neurons is not as important as the number of connections between them. Every single connection between neurons forms virtual neurons that act like physical neurons. And there are possibilities to make about 200 billion virtual connections. The connection between two neurons side-by-side is the same way important as the connections between neuron groups around the brain. In the brain is no meaningless connections. 

A new theory, called "Cytoelectric Coupling" is the model where researchers try to explain why our brain has so many functions with low-level energy use. The groundbreaking model tries to explain why our brain is so effective. The model is simple. The information travels in the neural system to the molecular- and maybe even to the atomic level. The atomic level connections mean. 

That there could be more than 200 billion connections and virtual connections. The thing is that EEG impulses transport information in the brain. And those electromagnetic fields are also interacting with each other. So how big a role do those EM fields and their interaction play in brain functions? Cytoelectric Coupling tries to explain those interactions. 

"Researchers from MIT and Harvard have demonstrated that people are more creative when awakened from early sleep stages and guided to dream about a specific topic. This method, facilitated by a device called Dormio, increased creativity by 43% in comparison to those who napped without specific dream guidance". ( Hypnagogia: MIT and Harvard’s Breakthrough in Boosting Creativity Through Targeted Dream Incubation)

"Brain waves act as carriers of information. A recently proposed “Cytoelectric Coupling” hypothesis suggests that these wavering electric fields contribute to the optimization of the brain network’s efficiency and robustness. They do this by influencing the physical configuration of the brain’s molecular framework". “ Cytoelectric Coupling”: A Groundbreaking Hypothesis on How Our Brains Function.)

The powerful self-suggestion made it possible that Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz could model the Benzene molecule's structure. He saw that structure in a dream, and I will return to that thing a little bit later. 

But then we can think about the theory about the quantum world and its effect on the brain working. The question is this. How deep interaction between particles in the brain is? How small are the particles that take part in the brain working? 

Deep knowledge of brain functions makes developers possible to control the brain's working. Researchers at Harvard and MIT improved creativity by using targeted brain incubation. We know that human is the most productive while sleeping. 

Sleep releases neurons that normally handle sensor-motor functions to production processes. And the problem is that we cannot remember anything about this thing. Many great inventions are forgotten just after a person wakes up. 

The reason why I believe that is simple. Many great inventions are made while a person sleeps. And some of those people just wrote those things to papers. The most well-known of those cases was the finding of the form of the Benzene molecule, where Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz saw the molecule while he sleep. 

And that thing made him understand how carbons were in the Benzene molecule. Or actually, Kekule von Stradonitz saw a snake that ascending from the fire. And then that bites its tail. And then that vision made him understand the form of Benzene. 

Kekule von Stradonitz thought that form very hard. And then that form was solved while that man slept. So the reason for that sudden happening success was self-suggestion. And of course, he was lucky that he wrote that thing in his papers. 

But the fact is this: by using BCI systems and suggestion is possible to transform dreams into a tool for the R&D process. If the BCI system can see images what a person sees that thing takes us deeper into the mythic world of dreams.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

The mirror fields and electromagnetism.

The mirror fields and electromagnetism. 

Can we make a standing wave between Higgs bosons? Or can we someday create the standing wave between two Higgs fields? That standing wave could make the Higgs field-based levitation. 

Electromagnetism is one of the best ways to demonstrate negative energy. When the same poles turn against each other, it makes magnets repel each other. The thing that causes that repel is a standing wave between those poles. The electromagnetism causes flow that impacts in the middle of those magnets, and then that standing field pushes those magnets away from each other. 

Can we make a standing wave between Higgs bosons? Or can we someday create the standing wave between two Higgs fields? That standing wave could make the Higgs field-based levitation. 

The reason for that is that there is no place where that energy can dump itself. If the north pole turns against the south pole. That makes magnets pull each other because the flow between magnets goes to another (negative) pole that makes electromagnetic low-pressure between magnets. And that causes the pulling effect. 

So could hypothetical gravitons have south and north poles? 

Theoretically is a possibility that a theoretical graviton particle that should transport gravitation could have poles. The idea is that graviton could interact like a neutron star. The strong and fast spin around the axle of the graviton could explain why gravitation seems to have no poles. In some models, the graviton spins around two axles. The spin happens around the polar axle and equatorial axle. 

And that means the polar interaction between gravitons is so short-term that gravitation is a virtually neutral force without poles. The fast interaction periods can also explain why gravitation is so a weak force. If a graviton is a fast-spinning particle with a strong quantum field. 

That makes it possible that all wave movement travels around that particle without reflection. That makes reflection that pushes energy back to the point where the energy impulse comes. 

If material doesn't reflect it pulls all energy in it.  And sooner or later, that energy destroys the structure of the material. 

So what are Higgs bosons? 

Higgs boson is a rather small wave in the Higgs field. Those bosons have extremely short lifecycles. The spin of the Higgs boson is zero, but the life cycle of that massive particle is very short. 

In some visions, the Higgs bosons can stabilize by using extremely high-power energy loads. That thing makes it possible to create a standing wave between two objects, and the difference between those waves and other waves is that. 

Those waves are made by using the Higgs boson. The idea is that two layers that are opposite to each other can form a standing wave between two objects. And maybe that standing wave model is suitable for the Higgs field. 

Oppositely thinking, the hypothetical graviton is the opposite particle to the Higgs boson. The Higgs boson will interact short time. Graviton is a hypothetical low-mass particle that interacts with long distances. And that makes gravitation so interesting. 

The theology professor says: "Ancient aliens are fantasy stories for atheists".

Why did Indians believe that Europeans were gods? 

Well, that could be right. Or maybe we should ask one question. When we are talking about ancient aliens, are we just replacing the terms "angels" and "the god" by using the words "ancient aliens"? So is this the new way to say that "angels visited here on Earth in the dawn of humans? That is one of the biggest things in history. 

In some visions or fantasy tales the god and angels are aliens with highly advanced technology. This hypothesis's origin is in the European voyages. And American Indians' attitude to Europeans made it easier to conquer the new world. America was the place where Indians believed that Europeans were gods. We know that some Vikings visited America a long time before Columbus. And Vikings had white hair and a beard. 

But Viking's technology and their weapons were not so high-level that Indians thought that they were gods. Things like Anunnaki and Tikal's images. Along with Nazca lines, Atlantis is sometimes introduced as proof of ancient aliens. In hieroglyphs are images that look like helicopters. Those things might be a coincidence. 

The thing is that the year 2012 vision is probably a coincidence. Mayan priests just finished their calculations that year. And maybe they planned to continue their work. And then Europeans came. So that's why some of those things are pseudoarcheology. 

The image of Pakal is sometimes claimed to introduce ancient astronauts. The skeptics say that this guy was only some Mayan priest who made observations about the sky. 

The "helicopter" image in the Temple of Hathor.  

There are many hypotheses about the ancient astronauts. And one of them is that those "visitors" came to Earth once. And then they left after using humans as servants. 

But then we must realize one thing. There is an interesting semi-hypothesis. That thing is called "The Silurian hypothesis". The story that ever proved true or false is this. The alien craft visited Earth in the time of dinosaurs. And then that crew left something like their training systems behind them. Then some first humans found those things that made them almost gods. 

Then we can go to facts. Nobody ever said that they had seen aliens. Another thing is that the things like BCI or neuro-implanted microchips can make it possible that aliens implanted humans with microchips. The fact is that there is no evidence about that kind of thing. But is this the thing called the god that went into his or her body?

Friday, June 23, 2023

The next-generation binary and quantum computers can use 2D material and photonic qubits.

The solid quantum computer can use nano-size computers to control the qubit states. 

In some visions, solid-state quantum computers use similar microprocessors as binary systems. Or actually. Researchers can replace Those regular microchips by using nanotechnical computers that make it easier to control quantum or virtual quantum states. The quantum system base is the same idea as on TCP/IP protocol. At first, the system drives data packages or data segments in the line from the row. 

At first, the system drives data packages or data segments in the line from the row. And then the system transports them to another processor. This kind of system can use the pins of the microprocessor in that operation. In that system. Each of those pins is a certain state of the qubit. And modern microchips can have a very large number of pins. The thing that makes this kind of system slower than other quantum systems is that driving the data row in linear mode takes a little time.

2D materials allow the system to observe and control qubits and quantum states.  

The ability to image quantum states is necessary so that system can control them. It's hard to control things that the system can not see. The vital thing for making superpositions and quantum entanglements is the system can stabilize the structure. In that process, the primary thing is that there are so few possible tracks as possible that particles can use. 

The reason why quantum states are easy to image in 2D materials is this. There is no 3D movement or vertical movement in 2D material. And that makes it easier to aim those particles in the right position for making things like quantum entanglements and superpositions. 

The thing that is needed in the 2D material is that laser or some other physical system, that will push material against the layer and anchor the particles in the right positions. Then the system can adjust the oscillation of the particles and make superpositions and other kinds of things.  

There is a possibility that silicon atoms are put on the corners of the graphene. That makes it possible to create quantum entanglements between those silicon atoms. And that could solve the problem of solid quantum computers. The problem with pure silicone is that the material forms standing waves inside them. And that breaks the structure very easily. 

Another important thing for successful data transportation in quantum systems is speed. Every microsecond that information travels in qubits. That information is exposed to outcome effects. The photons are the fastest known particles. And they have excellent abilities for computing. Magnetic fields don't interact with photons so electromagnetic forces cannot destroy the information that those photons carry. 


How to separate a series of ones and zeros from each other? If a message looks like this 001100 the easiest thing is to put the commas between those numbers. So the message should look like this: 0,0,1,1,0,0. There is a possibility. Use the third wire or line to put commas between those binary numbers. So the system looks like this. 

Line (or wire) 1 is for 0

Line (or wire) 2 is for 1

Line (or wire) 3 is for a comma. 


A photonic computer is quite easy to build at least in theory. The computer requires a photon source. And then light cells can detect that information. The photonic binary computer can use two tracks for sending information. Track 1 could be 0 and Track 2 could be one. The laser flash that sends to track 1 means 0. And laser flash that is sent to track 2 means 1. A similar router or switch that is used in regular internet components can control the system and deny the possibility that the system sends 0 and 1 at the same moment. 

How to separate a series of ones and zeros from each other? If a message looks like this 001100 the easiest thing is to put the commas between those numbers. So the message should look like this: 0,0,1,1,0,0. There is a possibility. Use the third wire or line to put commas between those binary numbers. So the system looks like this. 

Line (or wire) 1 is for 0

Line (or wire) 2 is for 1

Line (or wire) 3 is for a comma. As I wrote before. 

There is the possibility that there is a third track. The third track can use to separate different zeros and ones. That third track is useful in the case, where the system sends the same binary number again and again. The binary series could look like this: 1100011. And the third track could separate those 11 and 00s from each other like point. And in this case, the message looks like this 0,0,1,1. 

In quantum systems, the photons can have multiple different superpositions. Each frequency and other things can give photonic quantum computers very powerful abilities. The fact is that silicon-based solid-core quantum computers are very hard to make. The reason for that is that silicon creates standing waves in that material. Those waves push silicone atoms away from each other. And that can cause the silicon-based quantum computers can be broken very easily.

Christmas is here.

Christmas is here. Now it is Christmas night. The night should be the celebration of mercy. But sometimes that thing causes trauma. Christma...