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Showing posts from August, 2024

Perseverance found a smoking gun about organic material on planet Mars.

Organic material on planet Mars is an interesting thing. The organic material can mean life's building blocks, like amino acids. And that makes life possible. But before we say that we found life on Mars, the researchers must know exactly what they found. The organic material can come to Mars with meteorites quite a short time ago. It can travel to Mars with badly sterilized probes.  Or it can travel from Earth. In theories the planet Mars was quite similar to Earth in its past. Then meteorite impacts throw its mantle into space. And maybe those cosmic catastrophes in the young solar system pushed Mars away from its original position. When we see films where some kind of dinosaurs flew in the Mars atmosphere, we can say that those things are overestimated.  There were no dinosaurs on Mars. But it's possible. That primitive bacteria lived in the sea that covered the red planet a long time ago. Maybe those bacteria were some kind of cyanobacteria. But then meteorites and possibly

Can dark matter be some kind of Rydberg state?

"This artist’s concept shows a pulsar, which is like a lighthouse, as its light appears in regular pulses as it rotates. Pulsars are dense remnants of exploded stars, and are part of a class of objects called neutron stars. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech" (ScitehDaily, Astronomers Detect Potential Dark Matter Objects in Space Using Pulsars) Astronomers detect dark matter using neutron stars. But can we ever see dark matter itself? Weakly interacting massive particles, or WIMPs are a mystery. The thing that dark matter exists near centers of galaxies and black holes tells us that this thing follows the rule of the gravity. And because dark matter seems to pile up near gravitational centers tells us that the WIMPs should be real.  In some models, the WIMP is an extremely large particle or particle group. That means the superstrings that form the whisk-looking structure are at a very long distance from each other. That means the internal structure of that material is so thin that ener

Maybe Perseverance-rover found signs of ancient life on Mars.

NASA says that maybe its Perseverance rover found signs of primitive life on Mars. There are lots of maybe's, and the fact is that nobody knows what that rover found. So, the rover found structures that seemed like ancient primitive bacteria. There are lots of theories that maybe a long time ago, planet Mars hosted primitive life. But the question is why remnants of those bacteria are not all around the red planet.  The fact is that Perseverance didn't find active bacteria, but in two stones were structures that seemed like remnants of ancient bacteria. The thing is that this kind of thing is always interesting. And if those remnants are only those stones. That makes things even more interesting. That means that those remnants are from somewhere else. And could some very primitive bacteria travel from, for example, Earth to Mars?  If those structures that Perseverance found are unique. That makes them interesting, even if they would not be ancient bacteria. Why at this point on

Did somebody steal a revolutionary submarine in Antarctica?

The submarine "Ran" disappeared in Antarctica. "Ran" was one of the most modern autonomous underwater systems. The ability to make complex missions made Ran a very powerful tool. And many operators from private to governments want this kind of tool.  The highly advanced submarine  "Ran" was a revolutionary robot submarine that brought information about climate change and ice glaciers. The submarine disappeared under the ice without a trace. The fact is this: Ran was full of electronics and computer programs that allowed it to operate independently under ice.  That technology is suitable for other ROVs and undersea UAVs. So the question is, did somebody steal that submarine? The submarine was a revolutionary tool, the fully automatic, AI-controlled package that can operate under ice or in an environment where it is programmed. That means the Ran is suitable for recon and sabotage missions in its current form.  "The autonomous underwater vehicle Ran was