Thursday, September 13, 2018

The "soft" military methods are a good tool in the pressure the opponent

Kimmo Huosionmaa

U.S Intelligence suspects that Russian and Chinese authorities have given pressure for diplomats by using microwaves or infra- and ultrasound equipment. This kind of equipment is the good tool for giving pressure to the opponent in the dirty business meeting. LRAD-systems, what send that kind of sound or microwaves can be installed in the place of the grenade-launcher under the assault rifle, and they are easy to carry in the operational area.

They can cause extreme pain or even death, but low noise systems have other influence, and that is the lack of the concentration. The electromagnetic radiation can increase the loss of water, and make the person feel thirsty. But if the opponent is targeted with high power microwave, would that cause death, because the internal organs would be burn. And the tissues would expand, and that would cause that the skull would explode or brains will be damaged by expanding effect.

The microwave-based systems are disturbing electric components and the WLAN-networks can be broken down if the electromagnetic radiation is targeted to the victim. And the mobile telephones could be damaged by EMP-effect of that radiation. But the targeted sound doesn't leave those marks in the area. The same time used infra- and ultrasound makes people feel sick, and if the sound gives resonance effect to the bones, that would cause terrible injuries, what would not be able tracked to the electromagnetic source.

The sound can also give resonance to the water molecules, and that would break the connections between atoms. The infra-and ultrasound systems are easy to build and they can be used in the cleaning operations of some area. Those systems have also used in the torture, and by using them with the new MEG (Magnetoencephalography)-scanners the torture would break the target. In this case, the system follows the reactions inside brains, and if something would feel uncomfortable or cause fear, those systems would increase that effect.

And if the system simultaneous uses infrasound and repeat the claiming, that the superiorities who deny the existence of the prisoner had left the target of torture alone in the hands of the enemy, and that would increase the breaking. In fact, only the modified tape recorder or loudspeaker is enough, and maybe those are in use in illegal actions by organized crime. Mafia would use that equipment for making people flee the houses and sell them for good profit.

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