Saturday, October 30, 2021

When the full moon shines, the werewolves are traveling.

Image: Pinterest

When we are developing anything. We must realize that all advances have positive and negative effects. And biotechnology is one of those things. Biotechnology and genetic engineering give many opportunities for humans. But same that technology opens the road to some of the most terrifying visions in human history. 

Werewolves are the most terrifying characters in the gallery of horror stories. During the moonshine, that organism turns into a beast. Theoretically, werewolves are organisms that can use two DNA sequences. When the organism gets the stress, that thing activates the other DNA sequence. So could that kind of organism be possible? There is the possibility that the immune system of the organism uses the virus. 

That can transform the organism into another one. There might be two cell lines that are producing the virus that transforms organisms into the "hunter mode". And then the cell-line that produces virus that transforms organism to the "peaceful mode. 

The immune cells can produce viruses that can transform an organism into another mode.

The activator of that transformation could be stress. When an organism feels it is under threat or it has no food, that thing will activate the immune defense that produces the viruses that are turning the organism into beast mode. And when that mode is not needed. Another cell group will turn the organism back to the "peaceful mode." 

The cells of that organism could have the destruction mechanism that makes them produce the enzymes that are destroying the DNA. That will clean the nucleus of the cell. And then the immune cells produce the virus that transforms the shape of the organism. The activator of that kind of system could be the brain chemicals. And the full moon can activate the light-sensing cells that are connected to brain areas that are sending certain chemical marks in the blood. 

The cells that are transforming their purpose are next-generation biotechnology.

Making a hybrid cell that has the abilities of two cells is not very difficult. There is needed only to connect two DNA bites from two different cells. 

And that thing makes the hybrid cell that has the abilities of the two cells. The thing is there is l possibility to make a cell that changes its type when controllers want. The xenomorph cell is the organism that has two DNA sequences what the cell is reading in different situations. 

The simplest version of that cell is the cell that has two connected DNA bites. When the first DNA bite is read the cell is starting to read the second DNA. This technology allows creating "werewolf"-bacteria. The genetically engineered bacteria will position in the bacteria population. 

And then they would turn to macrophages that are destroying the bacteria population. This kind of thing is not a very good example but in that case, the bacteria will not alarm the defense of the targeted organism. And then it turns to different bacteria. 

In the wrong hands' biotechnology is one of the deadliest things in the history of mankind.

In the horrifying visions, the friendly cells are transforming to produce viruses. That are turning humans into a werewolf. Or they can produce filoviruses like ebola. In those scenarios, the friendly bacteria will have transformation genomes that make them produce deadly viruses or chemicals.

 On the wrong hand's biotechnology is the most dangerous thing in the world. And in the most horrifying scenes, genetic engineering creates the weaponized coronavirus. That kind of organism could be the coronavirus that produces filoviruses. That thing is the part of the series "the most horrifying weapons ever". 

But there is the possibility to make the xenomorph cells that are changing their form can make that thing when they are getting a command. The idea of that thing is that that there is nanomachine in the cell. When the order to change its purpose is coming the nanomachine removes the DNA from the cell and replaces it with new DNA. The system will just collect the DNA from the nucleus to the chamber. And then that nanosystem transfers the new DNA to the nucleus of the cell.

And when the purpose of the cell wanted to return the original. That nanomachine replaces the DNA with the original DNA. This thing is xenomorphic at the cell level.

Could a hypothetical quark star be invisible?

There is the possibility that there are so-called "stealth stars" in the universe

The hypothetical quark star is one of the "should be" objects. But there is no single observation of that type of star. Theoretically, quark stars are the medium between neutron stars and black holes. But why we cannot see that thing? 

Could the reflection that comes from free quarks have a wavelength that we cannot observe? The free quarks will send the radiation that has so short wavelength that we cannot observe that radiation because we have no object that resonates with that thing.

What if radiation comes straight from the surface of quarks? Normally the radiation comes from the quantum fields of atoms or protons and neutrons. But if there are free quarks somewhere in the universe, those quarks would send radiation that has so short wavelength that we cannot see that thing. So does that thing explain, why we have no observations about the hypothetical quark stars? Are those objects sending wavelength that is invisible to us?

Could dark energy mean the radiation that comes straight from the surface of quarks? If naked quarks are sending the radiation. That radiation has a wavelength that is shorter than any other radiation. Normally quarks are in the protons and neutrons. And those objects are sending radiation from their quantum fields. 

But there is the case where the quarks might be free. That case is the quark star. There is the possibility that the quark stars are invisible to us because in those cases the quarks are sending radiation in the wavelength that is the size of quarks. 

The thing that might cause the forming of a stealth star is the case, where the reflection is coming back in the form of a wavelength that is impossible to see. So maybe so-called quark stars have small bubbles of quarks on their surface that make them invisible to the eye.

In that case, the reflection happens with a wavelength that is coming from the frequency of quarks. When radiation hits the quarks they are sending echo as the wavelength that is the same. As the size of those subatomic particles. In normal cases, quarks are in the protons and neutrons. And we can see things like neutron stars. 

The reflection from the neutron stars is coming as the wavelength that is the same as the size of neutrons. But in quark star the quarks are naked. They are without the quantum field and give the reflection as the pure quarks. In a neutron star, the radiation reflection comes from quantum fields that surround neutrons. So if naked quarks are giving reflection or sending radiation that means the wavelength of that radiation would be far shorter than radiation that comes from neutrons. 

The question of planet 9 is causing an interesting theorem. Could that mysterious object that causes the strange gravitational effect to the trajectory of planet Neptune be the fermion or rather saying quark star. 

There is the possibility that the quark stars are invisible because the quarks are sending radiation reflection in a wavelength that is impossible to notice. There is the possibility that quark stars are not smooth. In some theories, the quarks are making the small hills or small bubbles in the surface of the quark stars. And that thing means that the reflection from that surface is coming from an extremely short wavelength. 

There is the possibility that there are so-called "stealth stars" in the universe. In some ideas, extremely heavy objects can surround by the whirl of electrons. Which are pushing photons away from the surface. In some other visions, the halo that is caused by reflecting radiation around quark stars can eliminate the reflection. In that case, the star reflects 100% of radiation in the same direction where that incoming wave movement is coming. 

And in this case, the counter radiation of the object will delete the incoming radiation. So in this idea, the object acts like an active jammer system that denies the echo of the radiation. When the incoming and reflecting radiation with the same wavelengths hit together they are neutralizing each other.


Thursday, October 28, 2021

Who were the Etruscans?

Etruscan mother and child, 500–450 BC (Wikipedia, Etruscan Civilization)

The most mystic thing in the Etruscans is their language. 

The DNA tests are proof that the DNA of that mysterious ethnic group that ruled the Italian peninsula before Romans is ordinary in that area. That means the origin of the Etruscans was in Asia Minor. The question is where do those people start to use that language?  Was it happening in Asia Minor? Or did those people start to use Etruscan in the Italian Peninsula? The thing that makes Etruscans interesting is their language? There are no known language relatives for that unique language. So who were Etruscans?

The thing is that the Etruscans who lived in the Italian Peninsula before Romans were a group of native people who absorbed their unique language and other behaviors like social codes from some ethnic group. Behaves of those people were common in Greece women were also allowed to participate in parties. 

"Extent of Etruscan civilization and the twelve Etruscan League cities". (Wikipedia, Etruscan Civilization)

And the position of women was better than in Ancient Greece. But otherwise, the behavior of those people was quite similar. So there is an "idol theory" that is introduced to explain the position of Etruscans. The "idol theory" is simple that the Etruscans were "fans" of some idol. The idea for that theory is coming from a human need to imitate their idols. 

So were the Etruscans some kind of servant for some other ethnic group? 

So maybe the original Etruscans were some people whose behavior and language transferred to local people. And that means the original Etruscans might be very respected people who might be some kind of nomads.  And the people who used that name of their community wanted to adapt the language that their idols used. 

There is the possibility that the first Etruscans were some warrior group that came from Asia Minor. And then people who contacted them started to use their language. But there might be a long journey between the source language. And the language what those people used in the Italian peninsula. The thing is that we don't know. Where the people who used Etruscans language started to use it. Did that thing happen in Asia Minor or was it happen in the Italian Peninsula?

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Could the signal that received from Proxima Centauri last December be the alien radio transmission? The fact is: nobody knows.

Confirmation of the source or the reason for that signal is difficult. The situation is that the case is very similar to the Wow! signal that was captured by the University of Ohio on 15 July 1977. 

The signal was unique and that means there is nothing where researchers can compile that signal. The Proxima Centauri signal from December 2020 was a unique case and there is no absolute sure that it came from the Proxima system. And that thing means nothing will close out the alien hypothesis. 

But the problem is that nothing is sure about that thing. So the origin of the BLC1 (Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1) signal remains a mystery. It came from the direction of Proxima Centauri but it can be near us. And that means its origin could be manmade. 

But there is also nothing that makes sure that aliens sent that signal. So the signal has an unknown origin. The thing that makes those signals weird is they happened only one time. If the source of them is a neutron star those kinds of signals should be more common. Or the origin of at least the Wow!-signal could be in other galaxies or outside the galaxy. If the Wow! the signal is extraordinary strong FRB what is its origin?

There is strange activity on the radio frequency.

There is a funny question about the origin of 1652 FRB:s in the last 47 days. That thing means that there is some kind of weird actions in the universe. The FRB (Fast Radio Burst) is not a very common thing. What causes that extraordinary FRB:s?

And the extraordinarily high number of those very high energetic bursts are making me think that could those FRB-bursts and the signal of December some kind of connection? But what that connection would be?!_signal

This is the end of the scientific part of this text. 

This is speculation... And you might think that I chanced to folio hat. But this is the thing, what I always wanted to write. 

The thing is. That if we think that the origin of the December signal was some kind of alien spacecraft. We must ask why those signals are not repeating? The answer could be that aliens use the radio to transmit only for some emergencies. And the hypothetical aliens use superpositioned and entangled particles as communication. That would explain why we cannot hear their transmission. 

So if some of their craft sends the emergency call for some reason the aliens would notice. That third party could detect that transmission.

If hypothetical aliens know about the human race. There is the possibility that they expect that their crafts will capture. And they might send the warning signals. The idea is that the alien craft can use an artificial black hole as the power source. And if that thing is vaporized they must ask the base to make them the new black hole. And maybe their base calls the other craft that has similar problems.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Two polar explorers whose fate is the mystery.

Two polar explorers whose fate is the mystery.

Henry Hudson (c. 1550-1611)

The famous painting portrays Henry Hudson (c. 1550-1611) and his son. There is no portrays painted of Henry Hudson during his lifetime. So what was the reason for that? 

Henry Hudson (c. 1550-1611) was the man who explored the areas near Hudson Bay. The tale of that person is well-known. There was a rebellion on his ship. And Hudson's fate was that rebellious sailors forced him and his son to the small boat. Then they vanish in history. The question is who told authorities about that thing? The crewmen who were participated in the rebellion arrested and taken to court. And the only punishment what those people could get was death. 

But the question is who told the details to the authorities? Did Hudson survive from Hudson Bay? And did he walk to European colonies? There is, of course, one interesting theory about that episode. In that theory, Henry Hudson framed his death, because somebody suspected him of being a pirate. Did somebody believe that Henry Hudson was "Henry Morgan"? 

Did Hudson frame his death?

The thing that supports the theory that Hudson was a pirate is that nobody has drawn a portrait of that man during his lifetime. So how did Hudson prove his identity when he took the ships to his command? And how he proves his identity when he took his paycheck?

The fact about Henry Morgan is that it's theatrical. And maybe many pirate captains used that name. The fact is that the pirate captains were not probably using their real names during their business. But as you might see from the life years of Hudson that man lived before the golden age of pirates. Maybe sometimes we find the truth about that man. Whose name is given to the bay where he was last time seen by other people.

Vitus Bering (c.1681-1741)

Vitus Bering (c.1681-1741)

Vitus Bering (baptized 1681-1741) was the man whose name was given to the Bering Strait, the Bering Sea, Bering Island, the Bering Glacier, and the Bering Land Bridge were named in his honor. Bering Island is the place where he died during his exploration in the Bering Sea and Alaska. The thing is that there is the possibility that Bering died because he ate some mushroom that caused death. Or maybe he ate some poisonous algae. There is the theory that appendicitis and burst of the appendix caused the death of that man. 

The thing that makes this man interesting is that he and his crew suffered scurvy when they were working in that northern area. But there are questions about what caused the death of that explorer. Was the death accident or did somebody poison him? And what would be the reason for that? 

Another interesting thing is how Bering and his men traveled to the Far East. The city of Petropavlovsk was founded by Vitus Bering 1740. Wikipedia has notified the writer of the history of Petropavlovsk about the lack of sources. But Bering died the year after that case. So maybe Bering establishes some kind of base on that point. 

And the cossacks visited that area in 1695. But the question is did Bering build his ships in that area? Or did he buy them from Englishmen or Frenchmen? The fact is that when Bering gets sick. No way can save his life. There was nothing in the Russian far East at that time. And even if there was a base called Petropavlovsk Bering should need medical attention. If there was not a doctor with him that thing caused death.


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Birds have the mysterious quantum sense that makes them see the magnetic fields.

Birds have the mysterious quantum sense that allows them to "see" the Earth's magnetic field. That thing means that the magnetic sense of the bird is connected with the sense of sight. The ability to see magnetic fields causes of course the idea that the birds can see the things like the nervous signals of another animal. 

And help them to predict what predators or prey are going to do. The ability to see the nervous signals makes birds the telepaths who can predict things that other animals are going to do. But proving that thing requires more research. And for confirming that claim requires that the distance that this quantum sense can feel magnetic field. Will be measured. 

The magnetic sense is not unique in the world of animals. But if it is connected to the visual lobe of the brains of the birds that thing means that it has something else to do than just navigate the bird. The thing is that the birds can see magnetic fields is interesting. The sense is enough for navigation and the thing that would be interesting is that it is giving the visual sight.

Does the skull of chaffinch in the mouth of a young girl have something to do with this sense?

The next part is speculation. Does the skull of chaffinch in the mouth of a young girl have something to do with this sense? The people who buried the young girl in Poland in the cave head of the bird in mouth c. 1650. Might believe the head of that bird. Which was Peipo (chaffinch) will fly her spirit to a home. 

In some wilder vision, the girl was the "human-robot". The person who was kept in sensory adaptation and the idea was to use the bird's head as an antenna. That transmits the electric phenomenon of other people to the brains of that girl. This thing is speculation. And I think that I'm wrong but it's an interesting point for that thing. 

The thing is that the persons who buried that girl might make that ritual under the supervision of the priests. Or they could dig the body up from the grave and transfer it to the cave.

The quantum sense is giving a strange idea. Does the strange case where a young girl buried in Poland the Peipo's skull in the mouth. Some kind of connection with this strange sense? This is speculation and probably that skull meant for sending the spirit of that girl home.

I have written about this case in Finnish.


Who found America part II?

The image I: Leif Erikson's statue in Boston

The founder of America is a mystery. But we know that Cristopher Columbus (1451-1506) was not the first European in America.  Neanderthal people traveled to the North America by following the isthmus that connected North America to Asia. When we are talking about the pre-Columbian journeys to America, we must realize two things. 

1) The journey to America is not the same as the regular journeys. Maybe some pirates visited New World a long time before Columbus. And that could explain why those pre-Columbian explorations are not told to people. That means those pirates or outlaws might rest in that land. And that means they wanted to keep it secret. 

In some other versions, the noblemen hide gold or pieces of jewelry that they stole from the crown to the New World. Out from the eyes of the king. It could mean very big trouble if somebody is caught stealing the king's gold. So the beaches of America could be good places to hide the gold taken without permission. 

2) The new lands were explored and marked to the maps when they were allowed to mark. And permission came from the ruler of the nation. 

So there is the possibility that the explorers put the explorations in storage that they would not cause disappointment for their financial supporters. And maybe those explorers sold the instructions where to find new islands to their friends. So that means that this thing was a very lucrative business. 

 And the main thing is that the maps were not so good during the time of Columbus as they are today. There was a possibility that the ships sailed out from maps. And maybe the skippers were not told that thing to the crew. And if that thing happened in the Atlantic Ocean the ship must only take the course back to east. That maneuver took the ship back to the mapped area very easily. 

Images II and III: Djoser and Yucatan pyramids

Europeans were active in America 1000 years ago claims new studies. The fact is that I presume myself that the Carthaginian admiral Hanno the Navigator (5th century BC) was probably one of the first sailors who might find America. That man lived in the fifth century BC. But the pyramid of Djoser that built during the rule of the pharaoh Djoser (c. 2670–2650 BC).

And its similarity with the Mayan Pyramids in the Yucatan peninsula is giving a tip.  Europeans or Egyptians knew America about 3000-2000 BC. So we cannot say that Columbus found America. The thing is that there is evidence that Leif Erikson (c. 970 – c. 1020) the son of Erik the Red (c. 950 – c. 1003) lived in Newfoundland in c. year 1000. But the thing is that there was suspicion that Leif Erikson was not the first European in America. 

Image IV: The Columbus Voyages to America 

The thing is that the Egyptians, Sumerians, and Phoenicians might travel to America over the Pacific ocean. During those trips, those explorers could benefit the Micronesian archipelago. Or they might travel through the land to Angor Watt and then over the Bering Strait to the new world. So we know that Columbus was not the first man, who saw the New World. 

And in fact, that man ever visited on dry land when he traveled through the Atlantic ocean. There is the theory that Columbus bought the instructions on how to find the new world. And maybe that man once visited the new world before he offered the great exploration for his funders.,on%20the%20top%29%20and%20stairs%20ascending%20their%20faces.

Image I:

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Image III: Pinterest

Image IV:

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Tunguska explosion on June 30, 1908

The image I: The nuclear test at Pacific

The structure of the meteorite that caused the Tunguska detonation is a mystery. There is the possibility that the asteroid was the bite of methane ice under the dust. And that thing makes it possible that the explosion happened in the air. The fact is that nobody can prove that they saw an object flying in the air. Many people saw that explosion. But nobody has proven to see that object when it was flying. I use the term "object" for meaning the meteorite that caused the explosion. 

The fact is that the shape or form of the meteorite is a mystery. The Soviet science academy started the research of that case in 1927. And there were almost 20 years of that case. So the memories of people were not clear. And maybe some of the "witnesses" played mad because they were afraid Soviet secret police. Between the explosion and the start of research was a long time. 

 Leonid Alekseyevich Kulik (1882-1942) 

Image II

The first research of the Tunguska case began in 1921. And the notes of the first, 1921 exploration lost. The problem was the Russian civil war. So the conditions in the Soviet Union stabilized in 1923 when the civil war was over. And that's why I will claim that the first real investigations were possible in 1927. Russian mineralogist Leonid Kulik (1882-1942) was the leader of all explorations in that area.  In the years 1921, 1927, and 1937. 

There was the First World War, the Russian revolution, and the civil war. That means the research team had a very small chance to solve that mystery. When the story of the changing trajectory of the object is told the researchers might just forget to ask did the self seen that thing or was it some cousin? 

And another thing is that they probably didn't ask what kind of trajectories that person saw? Did the object come to the ground at 90 degrees angle? Or was it gently and what was the position of the observer? Was that person under the trajectory? Or did that person standing at the side of the trajectory? Did that object leave smoke trails or was it like some kind of laser ray? And what color was that trail? Was it black that might be the sign of carbon meteorite that vaporizing in the atmosphere? 

Image III: The ground zero of Tunguska

If the antimatter arrived in the atmosphere that should cause the detonation in the upper atmosphere. So if the reason for the explosion was antimatter it should be inside some kind of magnetic bite. The magnetic core could cover the antimatter bite so long that it would be near the ground or at least in a deep atmosphere before the explosion happens. 

Or was there the meteorite at all? Could some kind of radiation like XRB or GRB (X- or gamma-ray burst) that the spin of electrons will turn opposite in the atmosphere. In that theory, the antimatter was formed spontaneously by the radiation impact deep in the atmosphere. So that would also explain why there is no mark of meteorite left. 

Image IV: Famous image of fallen trees in Tunguska

There are strange stories about that case. One of them was that the object that flew in the air turned its direction. But there is no evidence that the persons who told that story didn't even be there. The person who told that story didn't describe the size of the detonated object. 

The mystery is why there is no impact crater? The meteorite that exploded in the air is the answer. But the thing that caused the worries is that nobody saw anything special before that explosion happened. That means that the object that caused the detonation was quite small. So could the reason for the Tunguska detonation be the antimatter?

Image V: The marks of the explosion are still visible

The mystery of Tunguska is why the meteorite or object that dropped from the space detonated on air? The detonation didn't leave any kind of craters behind it. But the "ground zero" of that impact is still visible. Also, the fallen trees are seen on the ground. And the reason why no trees are growing on ground zero and trees are remaining so well is that the particle that detonated on air caused intense heat.

The pressure wave caused the vacuum in that area. And that thing caused that fire itself to end. Because trees didn't start to burn. That explains why there is no carbonized wood or marks of fire. 

Also, powerful wind denied that the fire had not started to burn in the area near the explosion. The vacuum, along with rising air, pulled radon up from the ground caused a small rising of the radioactivity in that area. 

How antimatter could pass the atmosphere? If the ionized antimatter particles are in the bubble of magnesite meteorite. That thing makes the situation possible that the antimatter can travel deep inside the atmosphere. When the meteorite falls through the atmosphere it will melt, and then the antimatter particles touching the air. The result is an explosion.

There is the possibility that if the extremely thin gold layer is in the bubble of the small asteroid. The cosmic radiation can cause that antimatter is forming inside those asteroids. And even a small-size asteroid can cause large destruction. 

Sometimes is introduced that the Tunguska explosion was the UFO. The thing is that there is no evidence about that thing because the meteorite vaporized in the explosion. So officially, the reason for the Tunguska explosion was the object that came from space and detonated in the atmosphere.

Image I:

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Image V:

Could the Tunguska explosion cause because by human activity? Did someone accidentally make the antimatter bomb?

I hope that I'm wrong. But in some creepy visions, the Tunguska explosion was the result of human activity. There is the possibility to make the antimatter by using lightning. The system would be the capacitor like the Leyden jar that is on the tall mast. 

Then the electricity will conduct to the extremely thin gold layer. The electricity will collect to the  Leyden jar and then sooner or later it will strike to the gold. 

If the power of the electricity is high enough that thing causes that the electrons turn to antimatter. The system can be the lightning collector and the small gold bite. The Leyden jar stores the electricity in electrolytic liquid. Then the antenna must target the gold plate. And the detonation would be impressive.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Crystal skulls, annihilation and artificial brains

This text is not handing morals and ethics about the use of the cloned neurons in computers. Those things are the thing that is different from technical solutions. So the law books are the thing that limits this kind of thing. 

The reason why the researchers are interested in the use of cloned neurons is clear. For making more powerful computers the cloned neurons are the ultimate tool. Human brains use 20 watts of electricity and they are much powerful than any known computer. The reason why the cloned neurons are causing problems is that they have their own will. And the second thing is that the cloned neurons are problematic in the point of view of memory handling. Memory handling means that the memories of the neurons cannot remove.

The modern bio- and life support technology can make the modern crystal skull-looking biological computer possible. So are those artifacts attempt to talk with the dead? If somebody steals a corpse for that kind of test that brings prosecution

Maybe the next part of this text is science fiction. But even if the famous crystal skull of the British museum is made to store the dead people's brain waves. In that case, brains will be put in the skull. And then the electricity is put to travel through that tissue. Then it will be stored to record. The fact is that even if that strange artifact could be fake, its purpose could be serious. 

The electricity of the brain the EEG can store to the tape. And then transmit to the brains of other people. But I don't know if this thing is possible to use by using dead brain tissue. The EEG can store easily during the EEG tests. Then that thing can be played by using the record player. 

But the cloned neurons and modern equipment make it possible to create cloned brains. Or in some ideas, the crystal skull can use for making "human robots". In those ideas, the pineal gland of the person would be put in the crystal skull. And the electric signals will send through that organ to the crystal skull. But the thing is that this kind of writings might seem non-scientific. 

And the fact is that there have been made many experiments during history that were not successful. The occultists and other groups made many things that were illegal or against morals. They stole corpses and bones from cemeteries and made many things that are causing imprisonment or even sending them to mental hospitals. 

When the cloned neurons are finishing their mission their memories should remove.  And that is the problem with the "living" or biological computers.  But there has been introduced an idea of the modern "crystal skull". In the chamber will make the artificial brains by using cloned neurons. 

And then that structure will connect to the platform and the decoding system by using neck nerves. Then data will download to the brain structure by using brain-core stimulation. And then the data will put to travel through the brain cells. That thing means that the system will act as the biocomputer. And the heart-lung machine can deliver nutrients for those cells. 

What if the crystal skulls were an attempt to talk with the dead? Or are they more frightening things?

By the way, the tale about the 12 crystal skulls that can destroy the world can be true even if those crystal skulls were fake. There is the possibility that to the eyes of the skull is put the leaf gold. And then the high energetic cathode ray will aim at those eyes. The system might work that behind the skulls is put a magnet and then the cathode ray will strike to leaf gold. That thing can use natural electricity. And if the lightning strikes through the leaf gold layer that can cause an annihilation reaction.

If those artifacts were fakes made for some occultists in the late 19th century. That is not a guarantee that the purpose of those merchandise is legal. There is the possibility that the occultists wanted to "steal" memories of the dead. And then they made those crystal skulls and then put brains in those systems. Then they could conduct the electricity to that thing. And after that, because they were afraid of authorities they took those crystal skulls to the jungle.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Who found America?

"Leif Eriksson Statue by Anne Whitney, erected in 1887 at the west end of the Commonwealth Avenue Mall in Boston, Massachusetts, the United States" Wikipedia

In SciTech Daily was an article highlighting. "Ancient Documents Suggest Italian Sailors Knew of America 150 Years Before Christopher Columbus" So where those Italian sailors got those documents? 

So who found America?

How Leif Erikson knew that return to home was safe when he lived in Vinland?

Who found America? That is an interesting question. Maybe we should ask how we describe the founded of America?  The thing is that the Son of Eric the Red, Leif Erikson (c. 970-c. 1020) was the man whose statue is in Boston was the first European in America. 

He lived a year in Newfoundland. But there is the possibility that his father Eric the Red (c. 950-1003) visited Newfoundland before his son. Eric the Red made settlements in Greenland and there was no long journey to Newfoundland. But the reason why Eric the Red hired that place was that his son must escape his enemies. So maybe the advice about the place of Newfoundland came to Leif Erikson from Eric the Red. The thing that Leif Erikson returned to Iceland or Greenland a year after the escape. 

Makes people suspect that somebody told them that the controversy agreed. So there must be some connection between Leif Erikson's settlement and his home. Or how that man knew that return was safe? The fact is that we just believe that the Vinland is Newfoundland. The evidence of that thing has been introduced the Viking house that is found in that place. But was it made by Leif Erikson? Or somebody before him.

But there are suggestions that even the ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians knew America. The Chinese and Siberians may be traveled to America over the Bering Strait. And the fact is that there might be other more or less deliberate visits to the American coast and Antillian archipelago. 

Image II: Recreated Norse buildings c. 1000 A.D at L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland (Wikipedia)

The German pirate Klaus Störtebecker (1360-1401) was also claimed to visit America but there was no evidence about that visit. The thing that supports this theory is that the Störtebeckers treasury is lost forever. There is the tale that Cristopher Columbus (1451-1506) was the descendant of Klaus Störtebecker and he followed the tale or some documents that Störtebecker. For supporting that theory is introduced the blond hair of Columbus. 

Columbus was born 50 years after the death of Störtebecker and that thing means that he could be a descendant of that pirate. Maybe he heard stories of that man and then realize that nobody remember Störtebecker. What confessed the funders that there was more than just some trees and mud in the new land? Were some documents were the thing that made funders confess that the funding that exploration was necessary. Somebody people are saying that Prince Henry the Navigator (1394-1460) gave that money. But that well-known funder of some explorations died when Columbus was about 10 years old. 

If we want to describe who founded America we are facing a very difficult thing. In the time of Vikings and great explorations was no GPS and only skippers knew how to navigate. Maps were limited. And if the ship slip out of the map the captain would not tell that thing to the crew. Also if some pirates wanted to hide their treasury at some cost they might not know where they were. If we want to think about the relationship between Störtebecker and Cristopher Columbus we cannot ever be sure.  

Or maybe we should use the DNA test for making sure about that kind of story. Of course, if Störtebecker visited New Land and made some documents. There is the possibility that the Italian traders bought them from Hansa. The fact is that anyway, Störtebecker was not found America. That thing was made long before he was ever born. But were those European explorers Vikings or somebody long before them? Did somebody escape from Europe to that mysterious land? If that person exists there is the possibility that also ancient Romans or Phoenicians knew that area.

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Christmas is here.

Christmas is here. Now it is Christmas night. The night should be the celebration of mercy. But sometimes that thing causes trauma. Christma...