Etruscan mother and child, 500–450 BC (Wikipedia, Etruscan Civilization)
The most mystic thing in the Etruscans is their language.
The DNA tests are proof that the DNA of that mysterious ethnic group that ruled the Italian peninsula before Romans is ordinary in that area. That means the origin of the Etruscans was in Asia Minor. The question is where do those people start to use that language? Was it happening in Asia Minor? Or did those people start to use Etruscan in the Italian Peninsula? The thing that makes Etruscans interesting is their language? There are no known language relatives for that unique language. So who were Etruscans?
The thing is that the Etruscans who lived in the Italian Peninsula before Romans were a group of native people who absorbed their unique language and other behaviors like social codes from some ethnic group. Behaves of those people were common in Greece women were also allowed to participate in parties.
"Extent of Etruscan civilization and the twelve Etruscan League cities". (Wikipedia, Etruscan Civilization)
And the position of women was better than in Ancient Greece. But otherwise, the behavior of those people was quite similar. So there is an "idol theory" that is introduced to explain the position of Etruscans. The "idol theory" is simple that the Etruscans were "fans" of some idol. The idea for that theory is coming from a human need to imitate their idols.
So were the Etruscans some kind of servant for some other ethnic group?
So maybe the original Etruscans were some people whose behavior and language transferred to local people. And that means the original Etruscans might be very respected people who might be some kind of nomads. And the people who used that name of their community wanted to adapt the language that their idols used.
There is the possibility that the first Etruscans were some warrior group that came from Asia Minor. And then people who contacted them started to use their language. But there might be a long journey between the source language. And the language what those people used in the Italian peninsula. The thing is that we don't know. Where the people who used Etruscans language started to use it. Did that thing happen in Asia Minor or was it happen in the Italian Peninsula?
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