Sunday, May 28, 2023

Cosmic dust can uncover even alien life.

 NASA found remnants of the planetary system in the Helix Nebula. 

That thing is one of the most interesting things that ever found. Helix Nebula is the supernova remnant. And that means the star was too heavy and short-living, that there could form technically advanced civilization. But those planetary remnants tell that there is a possibility that also around white dwarfs can be remnants of planetary systems. The white dwarf is the star remnant. That is interesting because our Sun will transform into a white dwarf after a couple of millions of years. 

And if we want to find alien civilizations that can make interstellar journeys, we should look for evidence around star remnants that are out of their fuel. In that case, the civilization must move to another solar system or its fate will be destroyed when its star will erupt as a nova or supernova. 

"The spectral energy distribution of WD 2226-210 superposed on an image of the Helix Nebula from Hubble Space Telescope. The plot combines optical, infrared, and millimeter photometry, the Spitzer mid-infrared spectrum, and upper limits from WISE, Spitzer, SOFIA, Herschel, and ALMA. Models of the white dwarf photosphere (solid) and IR excess showing good fits to the data detections (circles) and upper limits (triangles). Helix Nebula. Credit: NOIRLab; SED credit: J. P. Marshall". ( Reveals a Destroyed Planetary System)

"While not part of this study, this photo taken with a microscope shows the impact paths and bodies of small particles of comet debris from U.S. space agency NASA’s Stardust mission in 2004. The aerogel helps decelerate the particles without destroying them in the process. Credit: NASA/JPL" ( Dust – A New Way To Search for Alien Life)

Supernova or nova eruptions send material all around the Universe. And maybe some part of those cosmic sand bites can travel to our solar system.

he space dust can be a good place to find evidence of those hypothetical interstellar civilizations. The interstellar civilizations would use extremely powerful engine systems like antimatter engines. Those engines send radiation and exotic particles around them. And maybe some of those particles are touching cosmic dust.

Also if researchers find some kind of exotic artificial radioisotopes in space dust. That tells something about the source of that bite of dust. Natural nuclear reactions can form plutonium. But heavier elements like Californium or some other synthetic elements that thing tells that there is some kind of nuclear reactor that sends those elements around them. 

Finding those elements is literally like searching for certain sand bites from the cosmic sand cloud. That thing requires lots of luck, but if in space dust is synthetic elements. That thing means a breakthrough in the SETI program. The best place to find cosmic dust or particles from another solar system is the Kuiper Belt. 

In Kuiper Belt, those dust bites are like in a cosmic freezer. They can involve remnants of the DNA of the ancient species. Also, some viruses can keep their ability to transfer their genetic material in the cosmic journey that can take billions of years. The temperature on that journey is about 3 kelvin, which means there is not very much oscillation or chemical reaction during the journey. So the DNA itself can survive in that journey if the radiation of the nova or supernova will not destroy it. 

There is the possibility that some part of those sand bites fall on Earth. But it's hard to detect alien genomes.  Because even if in the Antarctean Earth lifeforms pollute those particles. There are no confirmed alien species in any laboratory. Researchers cannot search for alien DNA from objects on Earth by just compiling the DNA. But if that DNA or its remnants will found on some asteroid, that thing would change the game In that case the DNA can be proven found from space. 

Normally at Earth temperature synthetic super-heavy nuclear isotopes are not long-lasting. But in models in sand bites in the Kuiper belt. There is an extremely low mass of those isotopes. And the temperature in there is very close to zero kelvin. So that means even the heaviest elements can remain longer time.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

An academic survey tells that 19% of respondents have seen UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena)


"A recent study published in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications has revealed that 19% of U.S. academics, or individuals they know, have witnessed Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), while 37% have expressed interest in researching such phenomena. The survey encompassed 1,460 academics across 14 disciplines from 144 U.S. universities, recording a 4% response rate". ( Aerial Phenomena Observations Reported by 19% of Academic Survey Respondents)

The UAPs are a little bit different phenomena than UFOs:s (Unidentified Flying Objects). The UFO is aircraft or simply a craft like the famous "flying saucer". The UAP is not as clear as UFOs. UAPs are things like "foggy objects" "strange-looking clouds" or "ghosts". Somebody said that also ghost observations are classified as UAPs. Same way strange magnetic fields that sometimes move objects in the rooms can be classified as UAPs. There are four images in this text. You decide are those things natural or something else. 

Sometimes researchers are introduced that things like ghosts formed when wormholes bring information from the past or future. But that is the theory. In that theory, wormholes or Einstein-Rose bridges act like optical cables. And they can bring information even from other solar systems or the future. 

The thing that makes the UAP so hard to detect is that the UAP is like some kind of geometrically interesting hole in clouds. Those holes can be squares, triangles, or something like that. Things like fireballs are also forming the UAPs. And one of the most famous UAP-type of phenomena is the so-called "foo fighters". Those things are like electric arcs or plasma balls or simply lights that are following or surrounding aircraft. Sometimes UAPs are clouds that act differently than otherwise. 

Many times the reason for strange aerial phenomena are been electromagnetic fields. Those electromagnetic fields cause the flashes in clouds but one of the questions is what is the source of those high-power electromagnetic impulses? Of course, things like erupting volcanoes can cause a very strange-looking color in the sky. But sometimes the reason for some exotic weather phenomena remains a mystery. 

When researchers want to research things like "strange-looking clouds". They must determine what is strange-looking cloud. In some theories, the UFOs could be the secretive recon or special rescue systems that mission is to return highly classified recon planes from the hostile ground and could create an artificial cloud around them. But those things are only hypotheses, and the thing is that we know that all military forces are not uncovering their best systems. There is also the possibility that those systems have the origin of an unknown actor.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Are black holes solid gravitational fields that rotate in the warp bubble?

There is a model that a black hole is a group of particles that are whirling or rotating in a warp bubble. In gravitational models, gravitation is radiation, the sender is so small that it travels through particles and pulls them in the smaller size. In that model, a hypothetical graviton is an elementary particle that sends a very thin superstring. The superstring pulls the quantum or Higgs field from the elementary particle. And that pulls its shell near to the center of that particle. 

In some models, the black holes have two event horizons. The outer and inner event horizons deny seeing things that happen in the heart of a black hole. The event horizon is the place where the escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. And at that point, the photons are whirling around the black hole. The inner event horizon is the point, where the escaping velocity reaches 2X the speed of light. And if we think about the light cone and the hypersurface as the event horizon. 

We can think. That there are no limits to the number of event horizons. The most out-event horizon is the point, where the gravitation reaches the speed of light. The second event horizon is the point, where escaping velocity reaches 2X the speed of light and at the point of the third event horizon the escaping velocity reaches 3X the speed of light. So supermassive black holes can have multiple internal event horizons that all form internal space inside the outer event horizon. And those event horizons are the border between those spaces. So at the point of every event horizon, the information turns upside down. 

Those points could be the points where information turns opposite. So if the time moves backward in the outer event horizon behind the inner event horizon time starts to move forward. So in the points of event horizons that are the light-speed coefficients information turns upside down in comparison with the event horizon before that horizon. And that means every event horizon turns the information upside down. 

So in that model, the graviton is quite similar to the Higgs boson. It would be a very small-sized particle. That has an extremely large quantum field around it. The graviton sends radiation that wave movement is extremely thin. But it pushes other quantum fields from around that particle. That thing forms an electromagnetic vacuum that makes Higgs field travel in that field. So could the graviton be the next particle in the energy levels from the Higgs boson? 

The graviton would be a particle that rotates in the electromagnetic vacuum and that vacuum forms the warp bubble. In some models, the graviton would be the electron with an extremely high energy load, and maybe the graviton itself is a quantum-size black hole. 

Can the gravitational field turn solid in the supernova or Kilonova explosion?

There is the possibility that superstrings can turn into material. Gravitation is wave movement like all other superstrings. There is the possibility that if the elementary particle turns very tight. The superstrings that form gravitational waves can form plaque on that particle. 

The material that forms the black hole or its nucleus is different than we know. In some models, the singularity is like a yarn ball of gravitational waves. The supernova or kilonova explosion packs material in an extremely thick form. 

And there is the possibility that in this case, the explosion can form a dense or even solid gravitational field. In that model, black holes formed of the pure gravitational field that turned solid. 

But then, is a black hole the particle group that rotates faster than light? 

When black holes are forming during the kilonova- or supernova explosions the explosion itself forms an electromagnetic vacuum. That vacuum pulls particles inside it and forms a giant fusion. So, the supernova explodes twice. First is the explosion that we see. That effect is similar to the vacuum bomb.  

Then the remnants of that explosion can rotate faster than the speed of light because that collapse and the fusion pushes the falling quantum field back outside. That effect packs material and energy into the type of material called a singularity. The singularity is the type of material where all particles are packed into the same point.

So are all particles in a black hole turned into gravitons? In that model, all particles in the core of a black hole are melted into one extremely dense particle. The falling quantum field pushes also electromagnetic fields back into the atom's nucleus. 

That thing causes a reaction where those remnants are in the warp bubble. The reason why we cannot see that material is that its rotation speed is so fast. And it sends so strong gravitational radiation that the electromagnetic vacuum around the core of the black hole. The gravitational radiation that a black hole sends will cause its destiny. 

When a black hole sends gravitational radiation, it causes its vaporization. We know that all the time black holes are losing their mass. And sooner or later even the largest black hole turns to gravitational radiation. The form of a black hole is a mystery. And we can make multiple theoretical models about the singularity. 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

If something is real, it's not supernatural.

 If something is real, it's not supernatural. 

"Supernatural refers to phenomena or entities that are beyond the laws of nature. The term is derived from Medieval Latin supernaturalis, from Latin super- (above, beyond, or outside of) + natura (nature) Though the corollary term "nature", has had multiple meanings since the ancient world, the term "supernatural" emerged in the Middle Ages and did not exist in the ancient world". (Wikipedia/supernatural) 

"An engraving of the Hammersmith Ghost appears in Roger Kirby's Wonderful and Scientific Museum, a magazine published in 1804. The "ghost" turned out to be an old local cobbler who used a white sheet to get back at his apprentice for scaring his grandchildren". (Wikipedia/ghost)

In this text, I will not handle ghosts as jokes. In the beginning, I must just say, that there are cases where some people made jokes and fake things like ghost photos or dressed as ghosts. Same way in some cases the person who looks like a buried person causes ghost alarms. In those cases, the likeness between living and dead persons causes stories about ghosts. 

Ghosts as a psychological phenomenon. 

If we think that ghosts are real, we must ask what they might be. There is the possibility that ghosts are flashbacks. We see somebody who has often been in some place. Because that person has often been in some place, our brain will remember that thing. And that's why we see people, who we know but who passed away even if that person is dead. But in that case, ghosts are a psychological phenomenon. 

In some cases, ghosts come in our dreams, and we could explain them as a message from our subconscious that we are forgetting something. In that kinds of cases, ghosts ask us for help to find the person, who murdered them, etc. We must remember that our subconsciousness operates while we sleep, and maybe we see that the police forgot something. So if we think something very often, that thing remains in our brain. 

In some cases, places like cemeteries and ghost stories are causing psychological hallucinations. People might start to imagine things like ghosts and vampires when they are in places like cemeteries at night time. 

Could quantum computers explain ghosts? 

But could ghosts be real? Sometimes some philosophers suggest that ghost is the electromagnetic phenomenon. That attempt to explain the ghost is the model, where the ghost is some kind of intelligent fog. There is a small possibility that some atoms can turn into quantum computers. The idea is that energy transforms the oxygen atom in the water droplet into a quantum computer. And there is a small possibility that the EEG of the person can jump into those atom-size quantum computers. 

In that kind of case, the ghost is the soul, that is separated from the body. The soul would be hanging around if the person dies too often. And then we might ask what is the soul? In some models, the body is like a machine and the soul is the electromagnetic phenomenon. So, the soul would be our body's operating system. But could the soul separate from the body? That is the question. If that thing is true, the ghosts would be explained by using some other than supernatural explanations. 

Things like quantum mechanics are giving us answers about things like consciousness. And there is a possibility that the neurotransmitters of the animals or humans would transfer to another person's body. And the big question is could the brain read those neurotransmitters? 

Maybe the origin of the dragon myths is the king cobra. 

The UFOs are the technical equipment like some cars. And maybe the origin of the dragon stories is the vultures or snakes like king cobras. 

When we are talking about the UFOs we should think that those things are machines. They are like cars or aircraft. Maybe they are more advanced than some T-ford. But in that model, the UFO is a manned or robot vehicle that can travel a little bit extraordinarily. The fact is that in that way thinking the UFO is not supernatural. 

Today researchers know that something that we call "supernatural" has an explanation. We know that things like dragons are supernatural. Today we know that things like King Cobras and some other snakes act like mythic dragons. 

Sometimes the vultures are suggested as the root of the tale of dragons. Sometimes vultures vomit things that they ate against the attackers. And that chemical mixture is quite toxic. But even if mythic dragons would exist they would be species, not anything supernatural. They would be species that have different names in modern times.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Theoretically, black holes can also be superpositioned and entangled.

Could the energy bridge in Galaxy 3C 297 be the quantum entanglement between two black holes? That thing can cause radiation that pushes intergalactic nebula away from that galaxy. Or could that hot spot be the white hole?

"The galaxy 3C297 has been discovered to be lonelier than expected, implying it has likely pulled in and absorbed its former companion galaxies. 3C297 contains a quasar, a supermassive black hole pulling in gas at the center of the galaxy and driving powerful jets of matter seen in radio waves. X-ray data from Chandra, radio data from the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array and visible data from Gemini suggest that even though 3C297’s surroundings possess many features of a galaxy cluster, all but one galaxy remains". ( Discover a Mysterious Lonely Galaxy 9.2 Billion Light-Years Away)

"There is also visible light and infrared data from Hubble in this composite. Astronomers think this last large galaxy assimilated the others through its gravitational pull, and may push the limits for how quickly astronomers expect galaxies to grow in the early universe. Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Univ. of Torino/V. Missaglia et al.; Optical: NASA/ESA/STScI & International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA; Infrared: NASA/ESA/STScI; Radio: NRAO/AUI/NSF" ( Discover a Mysterious Lonely Galaxy 9.2 Billion Light-Years Away)

Quantum entanglement and black holes are things that could explain lots of things. Quantum entanglement is a structure that looks like a little bit of two wheels connected with a wire. That thing acts like gear and we can use the model of two strap-connected pulleys as a model of how superpositioned and entangled particle pair acts. Those particles rotate in opposite directions.

Two strings are moving in the opposite direction between those particles and transmit information from the higher energy level to the lower energy level. When the energy level in quantum entanglement turns stable the standing wave between those particles separates them. So that string will transmit information in two directions. When the quantum string starts to travel between two identical objects. They are delivering information to the particle that is in the particle on the lower energy level. 

There is the possibility that the quantum entanglement could be in the WARP bubble. In that case, two elementary particles at very high energy levels are forming a situation where the warp bubble is forming around that quantum entanglement. Or in some other models, the shine or radiation that the lightning send pushes the quantum field out from the layer of that superstring. So that allows, the quantum entanglement can move faster than photons outside its quantum field. 

The length of the quantum entanglement can be extremely long. And that thing causes the quantum tunneling. In quantum tunneling the thicker environment conducts energy to particles or wave movement that travels through the thicker environment. And that thing causes an effect where light can travel faster than otherwise. 

There is a theory that superstrings can travel faster than photons. The idea is that the superstring is so long and thin that it can push quantum fields away from its route. And that means its energy level might change very slowly because information change is minimum. The superstring or information is the smallest structure in the universe. And there is a possibility that the superstring can travel through the particles like gluons without touching them. 

Theoretically, all types of radiation or wave movement can form quantum entanglement. And there is the theory that all black holes in the universe are forming networks by gravitational waves that put the black holes to quantum entanglement. 

This should be the rule in all quantum entanglements. There is a theory that also things like black holes can form quantum entanglements. When we are looking at galaxy 3C 297 we can see the energy bridge, and there is a small possibility that this energy bridge is the quantum entanglement between two objects. 

The energy bridge will transport energy between black holes, and if the black holes are superpositioned and entangled that thing explains the gravitational radiation. That means the energy levels between superpositioned and entangled black holes will reach the same level. And that thing also forms the standing gravitational field between black holes. Gravitational radiation acts like all other wave movements. And that standing wave would turn the gravitational radiation's direction. That effect can also destroy black holes. 

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Solar-powered balloons found mystery infrasound in the atmosphere.

"Daniel Bowman of Sandia National Laboratories uses inexpensive solar-powered hot air balloons to detect unique sounds in the stratosphere, including mysterious infrasound signals with unknown origins. This technology could potentially be used to explore other planets." ( Balloons Detect Mysterious Sounds of Unknown Origins in Earth’s Stratosphere)

That infrasound is an interesting thing. There is the possibility that the cosmic radiation and ion flow from the sun is forming an interaction between them and the atmosphere's atoms. The interesting thing is are those sounds connected with things like auroras. When ion wind hits the Earth's magnetosphere there is forming electromagnetic phenomenon. The auroras are forming when ions from the Sun are impacting the atmosphere. 

And the thing that causes those beautiful lights is the situation where those ions will put the atmosphere's atoms to higher energy levels. And then those atoms start to anneal. That thing affects the atoms in the atmosphere. And maybe that is the reason for the mystery infrasound. Some researchers think that this infrasound could use for researching the solar wind. But researchers must confirm the infrasound's origin. Before it can use for those purposes. The origin of those unknown infrasounds is also interesting. 

There is a possibility that the sound comes from the Earth's shell or mantle. In that case, changes in the Earth's core energy production are causing waves that travel from the Earth's nucleus to the shell. Then those soundwaves impact other soundwaves. But the thing is that nothing must be closed away before investigation. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Can the brain regenerate itself?

 Can the brain regenerate itself?

Brain regeneration is one of the biggest mysteries. In some myths or legends, the people's spirits would transfer to animals. And that thing causes theory about brain regeneration. Neural regeneration explains things like metempsychosis and some "happened in life before this life" experiences. 

Those experiences are documented by people who are experienced, neural specialists. Or at least they are allowed to use things like sodium pentothal and chemical hypnosis. The thing is that there is only a small number of scientific research about neural regeneration. Those things are thought to be only myths. 

The reborn myth is common in Buddhism. And there are many versions of that thing, that are strange to our culture. The fact is that. Theoretically is possible that brains can transform their neurotransmitters into RNA retroviruses. In that version, the memory is stored in the shell of the neurotransmitter. And the RNA transmits the structure of the neuron to receiving cell.  

"A new study from the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience addresses the longstanding controversy over the brain’s regenerative abilities and proposes a roadmap for resolving conflicting results. Researchers critically discussed and re-analyzed previously published datasets, highlighting the importance of accurate reporting and reproducibility in single-cell transcriptomics experiments to uncover the true potential of brain regeneration". ( the Human Brain Regenerate Itself? The Mystery of Brain Regeneration)

"Difficulties in detecting hippocampal regeneration. Credit: Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience"( the Human Brain Regenerate Itself? The Mystery of Brain Regeneration)

When we are thinking pyramids and their form as part of the light cone, we might think that the light cone is the crosser. The thing that turns information upside down. And there is a strange thought that is connected with metapsychosis. That thing that the man reborn as a woman. And the woman will reborn as a man. Those things are stories and myths. But the fact is that this thing, that the person will be reborn in opposite gender is offered as an explanation for why a person cannot talk or remember being reborn. 

Nobody proved that thing, but the brain's and neuron's structure makes it possible. That neuron can form the RNA- or RNA-based retrovirus and then transfer that molecule to some other cell. We know that some of our memories are stored in DNA or our genomes. And that means the brain could transfer their skills to another cell like other species neurons. In that model, the neuron will pack its memories and the structure into an RNA retrovirus. 

That retrovirus would be a neurotransmitter that protects the genome. The thing that causes interest to that thing is the documented cases, where the neural system re-activates just before and after exit. And that tells that something happens just at that moment. There are many things that we don't know about our neural system.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The Dunning-Kruger effect is at least partially debunked by the math professor.


The Dunning-Kruger effect is at least partially debunked by the math professor. 

Debunking the Dunning-Kruger effect – the least skilled people know how much they don’t know, but everyone thinks they are better than average. The question is how Dunning and Kruger estimated the skills of those people. Did they estimate real skills or how many courses those people passed? And did they use some other student group than their own? The thing is that people like data processing students might have excellent skills in things like programming even if they are not yet taken any courses in that thing. 

Dunning and Kruger used fictional people in that test for making the control solutions. The problem is how control-people who do not exist give solutions. The form that those persons used was like a lottery ticket. That means somebody makes the cross on the paper. And then the work is done. 

But then we must ask who fills those forms. The problem with lottery tickets is that they show everything in black and white. If there are lots of questions. That means somebody will fill them in randomly without thinking about their answers. Or maybe they don't even read questions. And the second thing is that person cannot justify, or tell why that man or woman gave that answer. 

"David Dunning and Justin Kruger tested psychology students to see whether the least skilled were also the most unaware.( Professor Debunks the Dunning-Kruger Effect)

That is easy to manipulate. If the test controller puts those crosses on paper, that thing causes an effect where those control people are giving answers to what the maker of that test wants.  Another thing is that even if those questions are about psychology and the person, who puts the answer to paper is a professor of psychology, that person should have better skills in those things than the average person. 

The model of that question paper, which accepts only crosses in the balls causes criticism against that query. People who participate in that examination have a chance to justify and explain why that person answered like how that person answered. 

"When students are asked to rate their ability objectively, they do much better than when they compare themselves with their peers". ( Professor Debunks the Dunning-Kruger Effect)

The Dunning-Kruger effect means the overestimation of own skills. The criticisms against that effect base theorem are that Dunning and Kruger, the professors of psychology at Cornell University put too much weight to the courses and training of the people, who participate in their examination. 

That means Dunning and Kruger didn't measure the real skills of people. They measured the courses that those people performed. They didn't even ask, did some of their student repaired cars. They measured courses, not other things. I don't know did they even ask some other students like History or mathematical students their test. Or did they just select psychology students to make those tests? 

The thing that causes criticism against the Dunning-Kruger effect is that the theorem says that "because you don't have enough courses, you are stupid". And that is the underestimation of people. The Dunning-Kruger effect is the cornerstone when people are beating people who don't follow the main road. The message of that effect is that everybody who disagrees with the majority is somehow stupid. 

The majority means that if something is accepted it would not be allowed to criticize. And if that is the attitude that even researchers should not do about some well-known things that people think as facts. Because something is against the theorems made a couple of hundred years ago, that thing is the Dunnig-Kruger effect. 

The thing is that the Dunnig-Kruger effect or methodology used in those papers supported the idea that when people are studying something they don't open any other books than just their study books. So when that effect was described, those professors selected sources, that supported older student's authority. And the major message of the Dunnig-Kruger effect is that people who don't accept things, that are published are simply stupid. And that thing means that this thing will make somebody angry.

The same article is in Conversation.


The article from and the conversation are under this text. The next-part is copy-paste from 

I'm not author of the next part of text. 

Math Professor Debunks the Dunning-Kruger Effect

Debunking the Dunning-Kruger effect – the least skilled people know how much they don’t know, but everyone thinks they are better than average.

The Dunning-Kruger effect, which claims that the least skilled individuals consistently overestimate their abilities, has been debunked as a mathematical artifact rather than a reflection of human cognition. The majority of people can actually gauge their competence and knowledge accurately.

John Cleese, the British comedian, once summed up the idea of the Dunning–Kruger effect as, “If you are really, really stupid, then it’s impossible for you to know you are really, really stupid.” A quick search of the news brings up dozens of headlines connecting the Dunning–Kruger effect to everything from work to empathy and even to why Donald Trump was elected president.

As a math professor who teaches students to use data to make informed decisions, I am familiar with common mistakes people make when dealing with numbers. The Dunning-Kruger effect is the idea that the least skilled people overestimate their abilities more than anyone else. This sounds convincing on the surface and makes for excellent comedy. But in a recent paper, my colleagues and I suggest that the mathematical approach used to show this effect may be incorrect.

What Dunning and Kruger showed

In the 1990s, David Dunning and Justin Kruger were professors of psychology at Cornell University and wanted to test whether incompetent people were unaware of their incompetence.

What Dunning and Kruger Found

To test this, they gave 45 undergraduate students a 20-question logic test and then asked them to rate their own performance in two different ways.

First, Dunning and Kruger asked the students to estimate how many questions they got correct – a fairly straightforward assessment. Then, Dunning and Kruger asked the students to estimate how they did compared with the other students who took the test. This type of self-assessment requires students to make guesses about how others performed and is subject to a common cognitive mistake – most people consider themselves better than average.

Research shows that 93% of Americans think they are better drivers than average, 90% of teachers think they are more skilled than their peers, and this overestimation is pervasive across many skills – including logic tests. But it is mathematically impossible for most people to be better than average at a certain task.

After giving students the logic test, Dunning and Kruger divided them into four groups based on their scores. The lowest-scoring quarter of the students got, on average, 10 of the 20 questions correct. In comparison, the top-scoring quarter of students got an average of 17 questions correct. Both groups estimated they got about 14 correct. This is not terrible self-assessment by either group. The least skilled overestimated their scores by around 20 percentage points, while the top performers underestimated their scores by roughly 15 points.

The results appear more striking when looking at how students rated themselves against their peers, and here is where the better-than-average effect is on full display. The lowest-scoring students estimated that they did better than 62% of the test-takers, while the highest-scoring students thought they scored better than 68%.

By definition, being in the bottom 25% means that, at best, you will score better than 25% of people and, on average, better than just 12.5%. Estimating you did better than 62% of your peers, while only scoring better than 12.5% of them, gives a whopping 49.5 percentage-point overestimation.

The measure of how students compared themselves to others, rather than to their actual scores, is where the Dunning–Kruger effect arose. It grossly exaggerates the overestimation of the bottom 25% and seems to show, as Dunning and Kruger titled their paper, that the least skilled students were “unskilled and unaware.”

Using the protocol laid out by Dunning and Kruger, many researchers since have “confirmed” this effect in their own fields of study, leading to the sense that the Dunning–Kruger effect is intrinsic to how human brains work. For everyday people, the Dunning-Kruger effect seems true because the overly arrogant fool is a familiar and annoying stereotype.

Test Answer Bubble Sheet Scantron

When students are asked to rate their ability objectively, they do much better than when they compare themselves with their peers.

Debunking the Dunning-Kruger effect

There are three reasons Dunning and Kruger’s analysis is misleading.

The worst test-takers would also overestimate their performance the most because they are simply the furthest from getting a perfect score. Additionally, the least skilled people, like most people, assume they are better than average. Finally, the lowest scorers aren’t markedly worse at estimating their objective performance.

To establish the Dunning-Kruger effect is an artifact of research design, not human thinking, my colleagues and I showed it can be produced using randomly generated data.

First, we created 1,154 fictional people and randomly assigned them both a test score and a self-assessment ranking compared with their peers.

Then, just as Dunning and Kruger did, we divided these fake people into quarters based on their test scores. Because the self-assessment rankings were also randomly assigned a score from 1 to 100, each quarter will revert to the mean of 50. By definition, the bottom quarter will outperform only 12.5% of participants on average, but from the random assignment of self-assessment scores they will consider themselves better than 50% of test-takers. This gives an overestimation of 37.5 percentage points without any humans involved.

To prove the last point – that the least skilled can adequately judge their own skill – required a different approach.

My colleague Ed Nuhfer and his team gave students a 25-question scientific literacy test. After answering each question, the students would rate their own performance on each question as either “nailed it,” “not sure” or “no idea.”

Working with Nuhfer, we found that unskilled students are pretty good at estimating their own competence. In this study of unskilled students who scored in the bottom quarter, only 16.5% significantly overestimated their abilities. And, it turns out, 3.9% significantly underestimated their score. That means nearly 80% of unskilled students were fairly good at estimating their real ability – a far cry from the idea put forth by Dunning and Kruger that the unskilled consistently overestimate their skills.

Dunning–Kruger today

The original paper by Dunning and Kruger starts with the quote: “It is one of the essential features of incompetence that the person so inflicted is incapable of knowing that they are incompetent.” This idea has spread far and wide through both scientific literature and pop culture alike. But according to the work of my colleagues and me, the reality is that very few people are truly unskilled and unaware.

The Dunning and Kruger experiment did find a real effect – most people think they are better than average. But according to my team’s work, that is all Dunning and Kruger showed. The reality is that people have an innate ability to gauge their competence and knowledge. To claim otherwise suggests, incorrectly, that much of the population is hopelessly ignorant.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Are super-earth habitable planets?

That depends on the planet, its atmosphere, and its temperature. Super-earths are giant rocky planets. And theoretically, they could offer harbor for similar lifeforms as on Earth. The reality is another. Most of those super earths are orbiting red dwarfs. And that thing makes the locked. That means the temperature on the dayside is extremely hot. And the nightside is freezing. Very powerful winds are stabilizing the temperatures on those very strange worlds. 

The thing is that theoretically, the super-earth could host lifeforms that can communicate with us if they have a similar atmosphere to Earth. But of course, there could be lifeforms that are separating oxygen from some chemical compounds. But there is a possibility that the rocky exoplanet is too close to its star, and that causes the situation that the shell will turn to liquid stones. And the temperature would be higher than on Venus.

"A comparison of Earth, at right, with a theorized super-habitable planet, at left. In theory, planets orbiting lower-mass stars than our Sun, with slightly larger radii and masses than our planet, and closer to the centers of their so-called habitable zones may be more likely to have life survive and thrive, and be home to greater biodiversity than Earth. Without evidence, this idea is tantamount to little more than guesswork". ( “super-Earth” exoplanets are a scientific catastrophe)

"The more than 5,000 exoplanets confirmed in our galaxy so far include a variety of types – some that are similar to planets in our Solar System, others vastly different. Among these are a variety we lack in our Solar System that are largely mis-named “super-Earths” because they are larger than our world. However, all but the hottest planets that are more than about ~130% of Earth’s radius will likely be mini-Neptunes, not super-Earths, and their potential habitability remains dubious, despite the contrary assertions of a few vocal exoplanet scientists". ( “super-Earth” exoplanets are a scientific catastrophe)

"The CHEOPS mission discovered three planets around the star Nu2 Lupi. The innermost planet is rocky and contains only a thin atmosphere, while the second and third planets discovered have large, volatile-rich envelopes. Although some are still calling them super-Earths, it’s very clear that not only are they not rocky, but most of the planets we call super-Earths are not like Earth at all in any meaningful way". ( “super-Earth” exoplanets are a scientific catastrophe)

Exoplanets with very strong gravitation can host oceans even if the temperature is very high because strong gravitation keeps water liquid. But those oceans would be boiling. Another thing is that the temperature on lightweight Earth can be hellish because the atmosphere is moving so fast. And that causes ultra-strong friction. 

Super-earths are opening new visions for the SETI- and life search. But the problem is that the stars mean much more than the planet itself. Or otherways saying: the planet and the star must both have the right conditions that life can form. The lifeforms on those exoplanets might be different than we even think. But the thing is that the super-earths are confirming that there are large rocky planets. 

Confirming the existence of lifeforms in places like water worlds is not as simple a mission as possible. The water worlds are planets that are covered by oceans. On those planets, friction is very low. And that forms powerful winds that travel around the planet. That wind can turn the temperature on those planets very hot. But if that planet is at a longer distance, that wind can keep oceans open. And that is vital for photosynthesis. But that water would be boiling.  Maybe those organisms are living in-depth and use volcanic temperatures. 

But when we are trying to make models about planets that can host lifeforms we are in trouble. And that is the reason why we must research all exoplanets separately. Lifeforms that are formed on those planets are unique. And they are adapted to their environment. That adaptation means that the lifeforms that are formed on hostile planets, or planets that are hostile to us means that the distant planet would be paradise for those organisms. 

Once astronomer Carl Sagan introduced a model about the lifeforms that hover in Jupiter's atmosphere. Those lifeforms would be like medusas that hover in that gas giant's atmosphere. Sagan's idea is meant for a theoretical model. But it's interesting.

That means lifeforms can exist also in the atmospheres of gas giants. Maybe they are not on Jupiter. But the fact is, that Jupiter is not the only gas giant in the universe. 

Those lifeforms would be primitive, but they are a good example of why searching for lifeforms is difficult. There are lots of possibilities. And astronomers must search all of them. In some other models, the lifeforms can be very local. In that model, a single valley on some exoplanet can be the harbor for lifeforms. 

Things like BLC-1- and WoW! signals have one problem. Nobody knows when those transmissions look began. Lots of data stored in those natural, or artificial signals can lose because nobody knows when that signal began. And the other thing is that nobody confesses to interview aliens. So when we are searching for aliens we don't know what we should search. 

And the thing is that those signals' background is open. The thing is that nobody confessed to being behind those messages. 

 But then we are facing another reality. The lifeform is different than intelligent lifeforms. 

We always hoped that intelligent aliens will answer to us. The problem is that maybe aliens, even if they see us want to research us before they answer. And there is a possibility that the lifeform is at a lower technical level than we are.  The culture of those aliens could be different. And in some models, those aliens will not know. That they get the message from us. 

Another possibility is that aliens will not listen to the same frequencies that we will listen to. Or maybe our attempts to make contact is lost in the cosmic hum, which means nobody can hear those transmissions. Or our transmissions do not reach the alien home planet. There are billions of possibilities for why we don't get answers from aliens.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

The mystery of the Mayan calendar causes interesting thoughts.

Could this calendar have some kind of connection with eugenics? This text includes parts that are close to UFO theories. So believe it or not. But the main question is what ancient Mayans made with a calendar which year is in 45 years period. "Anthropologists from Tulane University have potentially cracked the ancient Mayan 819-day calendar mystery. They discovered it aligns with the synodic periods of all visible planets over 20 cycles (about 45 years), not the previously thought four cycles. This insight reveals the ancient Maya’s profound understanding of astronomy and the complexity of their calendar systems". ( Time and Space: Researchers Decipher Ancient Mystery of Maya Calendar)

Why the year in this calendar stays 819 days? And the biggest question is what the Mayans who made that mystery calendar made with the year, that lasted 45 years. Scientists hacked the code of the Mayan calendar and noticed one remarkable thing. In this mystery calendar, the year is marked as 819 days long. There is a period about 20 times that time. And that is about 45 years. So what is the reason for that "year"? 

"The long-standing mystery of the ancient Mayan 819-day calendar has been potentially deciphered by anthropologists from Tulane University, who found the calendar to be in sync with the synodic periods of all visible planets from Earth. Earlier, it was thought that the calendar referred to four cycles of 819 days, but this didn’t align with the synodic periods of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Instead, the researchers found that 20 cycles of 819 days, equating to about 45 years, align with the synodic periods of all these planets". ( Time and Space: Researchers Decipher Ancient Mystery of Maya Calendar)

"The Mayan calendar not only tracks the planets’ position in the night sky but is also linked to key dates and celebrations. This breakthrough research sheds light on the sophisticated astronomical knowledge of the ancient Maya and helps to decode the complex Mayan calendars." ( Time and Space: Researchers Decipher Ancient Mystery of Maya Calendar)

Why is that calendar encoded like that? There were marks that the calendar must rotate 20 times. Those 5 balls (or spiral-shaped structures) at the edge of four squares might be orders that the number of corners of those squares must count by using the number 5. 

There is a theory about the Antarctica pyramids. Sometimes those pyramids were claimed to be made by aliens. But there is a little bit more earthy theory about those Antarctean pyramids. In this theory, the Antarctic pyramids are real, made by South American Indians. There is a possibility that those Indians used "natural" pyramids in some most secretive rituals, that they had. And they were reserved for rituals of the highest-ranking Mayan or Inca priests. We know that the Inca the king of Inca Indians made children with their siblings. So could that thing have something to do with eugenics and pure-line genetic engineering? 

Are those things real pyramids? They could be natural rocks, but the Indians could sculpt those rocks and use them in secretive rituals. But maybe they are only rocks... 

Antarctica is the giant natural freezer. And in Antarctica is possible to store embryos in the ice. UV radiation is not as strong on the coasts of Antarctica as it's on the Andes. That means the genetic material will not be harmed so easily as in the Andes. 

Is there something or somebody who comes in 45 years of sequence? And if we think that the pyramids in Antarctica have something to do with that thing, we might even think, that some kind of embryo is released in 45 years period. There is the possibility that Mayan Indians visited Antarctica. And maybe there was some very interesting ceremony. In that theory, the Mayan priests would transfer the superhuman, made by using pure lines, to the womb. If that thing is true those Mayns should keep that thing very secretive. And maybe that thing was made in Antarctica away from the eyes of regular people. 

The pure lines are used in horse genetic processing. And that method can use also for humans. Eugenics is introduced as the reason why the Incas made children with their siblings. And if there are two degenerated people their child would be genetically stronger than otherwise. The 45 years period is always interesting. If we think that the Mayan king will rise to power at the age of 20, that king would be 65 after that period.

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Christmas is here.

Christmas is here. Now it is Christmas night. The night should be the celebration of mercy. But sometimes that thing causes trauma. Christma...