Monday, May 8, 2023

Are super-earth habitable planets?

That depends on the planet, its atmosphere, and its temperature. Super-earths are giant rocky planets. And theoretically, they could offer harbor for similar lifeforms as on Earth. The reality is another. Most of those super earths are orbiting red dwarfs. And that thing makes the locked. That means the temperature on the dayside is extremely hot. And the nightside is freezing. Very powerful winds are stabilizing the temperatures on those very strange worlds. 

The thing is that theoretically, the super-earth could host lifeforms that can communicate with us if they have a similar atmosphere to Earth. But of course, there could be lifeforms that are separating oxygen from some chemical compounds. But there is a possibility that the rocky exoplanet is too close to its star, and that causes the situation that the shell will turn to liquid stones. And the temperature would be higher than on Venus.

"A comparison of Earth, at right, with a theorized super-habitable planet, at left. In theory, planets orbiting lower-mass stars than our Sun, with slightly larger radii and masses than our planet, and closer to the centers of their so-called habitable zones may be more likely to have life survive and thrive, and be home to greater biodiversity than Earth. Without evidence, this idea is tantamount to little more than guesswork". ( “super-Earth” exoplanets are a scientific catastrophe)

"The more than 5,000 exoplanets confirmed in our galaxy so far include a variety of types – some that are similar to planets in our Solar System, others vastly different. Among these are a variety we lack in our Solar System that are largely mis-named “super-Earths” because they are larger than our world. However, all but the hottest planets that are more than about ~130% of Earth’s radius will likely be mini-Neptunes, not super-Earths, and their potential habitability remains dubious, despite the contrary assertions of a few vocal exoplanet scientists". ( “super-Earth” exoplanets are a scientific catastrophe)

"The CHEOPS mission discovered three planets around the star Nu2 Lupi. The innermost planet is rocky and contains only a thin atmosphere, while the second and third planets discovered have large, volatile-rich envelopes. Although some are still calling them super-Earths, it’s very clear that not only are they not rocky, but most of the planets we call super-Earths are not like Earth at all in any meaningful way". ( “super-Earth” exoplanets are a scientific catastrophe)

Exoplanets with very strong gravitation can host oceans even if the temperature is very high because strong gravitation keeps water liquid. But those oceans would be boiling. Another thing is that the temperature on lightweight Earth can be hellish because the atmosphere is moving so fast. And that causes ultra-strong friction. 

Super-earths are opening new visions for the SETI- and life search. But the problem is that the stars mean much more than the planet itself. Or otherways saying: the planet and the star must both have the right conditions that life can form. The lifeforms on those exoplanets might be different than we even think. But the thing is that the super-earths are confirming that there are large rocky planets. 

Confirming the existence of lifeforms in places like water worlds is not as simple a mission as possible. The water worlds are planets that are covered by oceans. On those planets, friction is very low. And that forms powerful winds that travel around the planet. That wind can turn the temperature on those planets very hot. But if that planet is at a longer distance, that wind can keep oceans open. And that is vital for photosynthesis. But that water would be boiling.  Maybe those organisms are living in-depth and use volcanic temperatures. 

But when we are trying to make models about planets that can host lifeforms we are in trouble. And that is the reason why we must research all exoplanets separately. Lifeforms that are formed on those planets are unique. And they are adapted to their environment. That adaptation means that the lifeforms that are formed on hostile planets, or planets that are hostile to us means that the distant planet would be paradise for those organisms. 

Once astronomer Carl Sagan introduced a model about the lifeforms that hover in Jupiter's atmosphere. Those lifeforms would be like medusas that hover in that gas giant's atmosphere. Sagan's idea is meant for a theoretical model. But it's interesting.

That means lifeforms can exist also in the atmospheres of gas giants. Maybe they are not on Jupiter. But the fact is, that Jupiter is not the only gas giant in the universe. 

Those lifeforms would be primitive, but they are a good example of why searching for lifeforms is difficult. There are lots of possibilities. And astronomers must search all of them. In some other models, the lifeforms can be very local. In that model, a single valley on some exoplanet can be the harbor for lifeforms. 

Things like BLC-1- and WoW! signals have one problem. Nobody knows when those transmissions look began. Lots of data stored in those natural, or artificial signals can lose because nobody knows when that signal began. And the other thing is that nobody confesses to interview aliens. So when we are searching for aliens we don't know what we should search. 

And the thing is that those signals' background is open. The thing is that nobody confessed to being behind those messages. 

 But then we are facing another reality. The lifeform is different than intelligent lifeforms. 

We always hoped that intelligent aliens will answer to us. The problem is that maybe aliens, even if they see us want to research us before they answer. And there is a possibility that the lifeform is at a lower technical level than we are.  The culture of those aliens could be different. And in some models, those aliens will not know. That they get the message from us. 

Another possibility is that aliens will not listen to the same frequencies that we will listen to. Or maybe our attempts to make contact is lost in the cosmic hum, which means nobody can hear those transmissions. Or our transmissions do not reach the alien home planet. There are billions of possibilities for why we don't get answers from aliens.

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