Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Are ghosts real?

 Are ghosts real? 

This is a good question. Things like reality are subjective things. And things can be real to some other person, and they are not real to some other person. This is the thing that we must remember when we talk about things like ghosts. In many theories. Ghosts are a psychological phenomenon. 

When people see ghosts, they don't always see dead people. They might see ex-leaders who went to other work. They might smell those ex-leaders candies and aftershaves even if they are not at the same workplace or in the office for years. 

"A significant proportion of Americans believe in ghosts, with many claiming personal encounters. However, despite the prevalence of recording devices, concrete evidence for the existence of ghosts remains elusive." (ScitechDaily.com/Are Ghosts Real? Examining the Scientific Evidence)

In this model, ghosts are flashbacks from the past. In that model, traumatic stress like PTSD can explain things like ghost cars or something like that. The PTSD flashback means that a person feels the stressful and dangerous situation again. And if the car almost drives over the person, that thing causes the ghost car vision in front of the person's eyes, who goes in a similar place. 

When some person stands many times at the same point, that thing can cause a reaction where the brain believes that person stands there. Sometimes things like ghost stories can launch the effect that a person's mind starts to create ghosts. In some cases, people lie because they don't want to upset their guides. And if some young, handsome guide tells nice ghost stories, people want to be polite and say that they "feel something". 

"Organizational ghosts can have a major influence on how companies operate. Credit: Nate Edwards/BYU Photo" (ScitechDaily.com/Researchers Reveal the Power of “Ghostly Encounters” on Organizations)

Sometimes people see "corporate ghosts" like their bosses standing next to them, while they do something like playing games without permission. The memory is created to protect humans against enemies. So our brains think that all shadows near us is our boss. And we should always beware of doing anything prohibited when our boss stands next to us. So our subconscious warns us about our boss. Same way our brain thinks that all sticks in front of us are poisonous animals. 

But the fact is this. There is always the possibility that there is somebody in the house. It's always possible that some burglars enter some isolated house or somebody uses the basement without permission. 

But there are other types of theories about ghosts. In some theories, ghosts are holograms that come out from wormholes. The wormhole is like a light cable that brings information from the past. And maybe this thing forms a holoprojection called a ghost. 

In the wildest visions, ghosts are aliens or some government officials who use optical invisibility suits. That theory is very wild. And I don't believe it. But there is research about clothes that can turn people invisible. And those invisibility cloaks are in use for Air Force Pilot's rescue kits. Those kits can turn the pilot invisible. And snipers and other special forces soldiers can use the same cloaks. So some ghosts may be special forces soldiers that use those new invisibility suits. 



Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Bell family mystery and strange namesake The Bell is "Die Glocke" in German.

The Bell family mystery and strange namesake The Bell is "Die Glocke" in German. 

The Bell family mystery is one thing that popular culture made famous. And in fact, nobody knows if there ever lived family name Bell in the entire USA. 

The Blair Witch Project is a fictional horror movie based is in the story of Bell mystery. The Bell Mystery is a folk story whose origin was in the 1890s. The things that claimed to happen to the Bell family happened in 1820, if we believe those stories written in 1890's. 

But the fact is this. There is no evidence about the existence of the Bell family and their mysterious Witch. In some versions and psychological models, the modern horror film is connected with some old novel. That thing makes people feel that the originally fictional story was true. Maybe most of the people didn't even care if those old stories were true or not. They might just search for data about those old witch stories. And that thing brought the old story about the mystery in public knowledge. 

The point when Blair Witch Project was published was just right. The Internet was just invented. Or the telephone-used net was a very popular thing. And during that time there were no courses or knowledge about disinformation. 

That movie had a very theatric commercial, "few youngsters disappeared, and film found a year later". That film was like a document And there is a possibility that some people introduced it like a document. Maybe that thing caused the expansion of the legend. 

The strange namesake. 

The Bell was possibly some kind of attempt to create an electric arc-based rocket engine. Or maybe The Bell was only a rumor. There is the possibility that the Bell was created after the war. The metal taste in the mouth mentioned in the film hints that the system sends some kind of electromagnetic- or acoustic waves to the air that affects hemoglobin. This kind of story is always expanding. But it's possible. The Nazis worked with acoustic systems that can destroy the hemoglobin. 

Maybe one of the things that might increase the interest in the Bell family is that the name of that family is "Die Glocke" in German. And maybe some filmmaker can connect that family with the mysterious "The Bell" or "Die Glocke". In some theories "The Bell" is the time machine that creates plasma or electromagnetic tornado inside it. 

In those theories, The Bell uses two shell plasma whirls. The outer plasma whirl is made in the Henge the structure that is around "The Bell". And the inner plasma whirl is in the Bell. There could be many layers in a system called "The Bell". The Bell could be a very good topic for some SciFi tales. 



Sunday, October 22, 2023

Researchers linked the FRBs (Fast Radio Bursts) with star quakes.

   Researchers linked the FRBs (Fast Radio Bursts) with star quakes. 

When FRB hits a star it transfers energy to that object. That thing causes the shockwave in plasma, which we see as a star quake. FRBs are mysterious high energy, short-term radio signals with unknown origins. 

Researchers say that the FRB can cause the end of the planets more often than GRBs or XRBs (Gamma- or X-ray bursts). Radio waves interact more powerfully with the metal core of planets. And that thing causes acceleration in natural fission in the planet's nucleus. Same way. FRBs can raise the temperature in the star because it transfers energy into it. And that rise in energy level rises. 

The radiation that affects all planets rises. FRB involves a very high energy level. And theoretically, that energy can captured by using radio antennas. Then that FRB can conducted on capacitors. And they could be used as a power source. In reality, the practical solutions are hard to make because predicting the FRB is very hard. But FRBs can bring information from long-distance high-energy reactions. 

Kilonovas, or colliding neutron stars, create heavier than iron elements.  

"Two neutron stars at the moment of their merger. Recent advancements in 3D computer simulations have provided insights into the light emitted following neutron star mergers. These simulations are pivotal in understanding the origin of elements heavier than iron. Credit: Dana Berry SkyWorks Digital, Inc." (ScitechDaily.com/Cosmic Alchemy: 3D Models Reveal Kilonova Secrets of Heavy Element Creation)

The molecular cloud around impacting neutron stars turns to an extreme version of the FAE (Fuel Air Explosive). In that version the fusion front creates energy, just like chemical fire creates energy to FAE bombs. 

In this model, the shockwave smashes particles together. Forming fusion around impacting neutron stars forms an effect that is like a vacuum bomb. The energy released from neutron stars pushes particles in the clouds together. And that thing forms the hollow fusion ball, that sends energy in and out. When energy hits in the middle of that ball it reflects from the center of that ball. And that reflection can explain FRBs. The cloud around the neutron stars forms the extreme version of the FAE (Fuel Air Explosives). In that version, the fusion replaces the chemical fire. That creates an extremely powerful energy load. 

Sometimes introduced that kilonovas or colliding neutron stars are behind those effects. Kilonovas are things that cause extremely powerful electromagnetic shockwaves through the universe. That shockwave packs gas and dust around those neutron stars. The neutron star or its magnetic field transfers particles to the neutron star's poles. During that journey on the shell of that 20 km diameter neutron, the ionized particles travel to the opposite pole to those ion's polarity. 

On a neutron star's shell strong magnetic field accelerates those particles. Those particles impact each other. And in that process forms energy. That fusion creates heavy elements. But collision increases energy level to a much higher level. Causing shockwave. That smashes that gas and dust together. That impact wave creates the heaviest elements in the universe like gold and uranium. 

At the neutron star's pole, those particles travel to the pike or electromagnetic tornado that is forming in the neutron stars' poles. That effect from the radio beam is called a pulsar.  When neutron stars are close to each other their north poles turn to other neutron star's south poles. 

The radiation of the pulsar beam, left from the north pole hits the south pole of another neutron star and starts to travel to the opposite pole. That increases its energy level. When neutron stars impact each other the impact energy pushes those particles to the speed and power they never met before. And maybe that thing explains why FRBs are so powerful and hard to predict. 



Friday, October 20, 2023

The secret code in nature: plants "talking" to each other.

The secret code in nature: plants "talking" to each other. 

Recently, I wrote that maybe plants are not intelligent. But in this moment I must say that there could be intelligences that cannot communicate with us. The fact is that plants communicate. But are they intelligent, that is the key question. Plant intelligence is one of the most interesting things in the world. Plants send information to each other. And that information involves things like what kinds of nutrients and what kinds of damage the plants get. 

When plants have enough nutrients, they send more pheromones than plants that do have not enough nutrients. Same way. If plants are sick, the fungi will start to eat that plant away. And that fungi sends other pheromones to the air. When we talk about plant intelligence, we should ask: are those things conscious? Can plants control their behavior? When pheromones impact cells. That thing makes them grow in a certain direction. The communication between plants is an interesting thing. And we are just starting to hack nature's secret code. 

"Scientists have visualized how plants communicate using volatile organic compounds (VOCs) when under threat, a phenomenon first identified in 1983. The team discovered that plants interpret these VOCs as danger signals, prompting a defensive response. Using innovative equipment and imaging techniques, they identified the specific VOCs responsible and the cells within plants that first react. Their research offers profound insights into the intricate communication mechanisms of plants and their resilience in the face of potential harm". (ScitechDaily.com/Nature’s Secret Code: How Plants “Talk” Through the Air)

Gaia hypothesis: can species communicate over species borders? 

But then we face things like the Gaia hypothesis. The Gaia hypothesis goes like this: All living creatures form the living entirety. But could that thing be intelligent? The key element in the Gaia model is this. Living creatures can communicate with each other over species borders. Things like plants and fungi form the base, the network that connects species into one entirety. You can read more about the Gaia hypothesis from Wikipedia. The link to that is below this text.  Next to this chapter is another link to that Wikipedia article. 


And can that creature be intelligent? The answer to that question might be more complicated than we ever imagined. The fact is that we cannot consciously communicate with separated cell groups. That means we cannot order our liver to burn alcohol faster. Or we cannot order our natural immune cells to travel at certain points in our body. But we know that all our functions are not conscious or volitional. There are lots of functions in the human body that do not reach consciousness. 

We know that all species on our planet have their ecological locker. And if we bring some foreign species into nature, the results could be devastating. In this scenario, jungle snakes or other foreign species will accidentally released into Northern nature. That foreign species can destroy some other species. 

When we think about pheromones and plant communication, nothing denies that plants and mammals can communicate with each other. Using pheromones. We don't know how those pheromones interact with the mammal nervous system. But when mammal smells those things, they impact the olfactory coil. The question is how the nervous system reacts with those pheromones. The fact is that there are many things in nature, that are unknown to us. 



Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Warped Milky Way can give many answers.

    Warped Milky Way can give many answers. 

There is a star cluster near Sagittarius A*, that should not exist. 

The reason why star cluster IRS13 is the thing that should not be is that those stars are too young. Stars near the galaxy's core are usually older, and the reason why star cluster IRS13 is younger than it should be could be the result of impacting gasses somewhere near Sagittarius A*. 

The problem is where that impacting gas comes from. The answer could be that the other Milky Way steals material from Sagittarius A*. In that place, the donut-shaped gravitational field just pulls energy and particles out from the Sagittarius A*. Those impacts can create stars. 

The Milky Way's warped shape could tell something about the nature of dark energy and dark matter. If we think that electromagnetic radiation's wavelength is long enough. We would see those waves virtually straight. If the wavelength of the radiation is lightyears. We might not see that thing as wave movement. We would see that thing as simultaneous transmission. 

"Researchers have discovered that the star cluster IRS13 near the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* in our galaxy is much younger than anticipated. This challenges existing theories about star formation near black holes. The team suggests IRS13 had a turbulent formation, which may have led to the unexpected presence of young stars in its vicinity". (ScitechDaily.com/Stellar Surprise: Fountain of Youth in the Center of Our Galaxy “Shouldn’t Be Possible”)

"Harvard astronomers suggest the Milky Way’s warped shape is due to an irregular dark matter halo. This supports theories of a past galactic collision and offers insights into the nature of dark matter. Credit: Stefan Payne-Wardenaar; Magellanic Clouds: Robert Gendler/ESO" (ScitechDaily.com/Dark Matter and Galactic Collisions: Harvard Astronomers Explain the Milky Way’s Mysterious Warp)

It's possible. That dark matter is not the only type of particle. Dark matter may be a group of virtual and short- and long-term particles. Dark energy might have multiple wavelengths. 

When we think about the dark matter's form. Some parts of dark energy might come from dark matter. In some versions, part of the dark matter particles are warped wave movement that forms when quantum fields of other particles touch each other. All quantum particles are similar, but those warped waves that form between two particles. And they are short-living. When those warped superstrings are tuning straight again they send wave movement if they strike with another particle. And they send wave movement that we cannot observe. 

The long-living versions could be WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive particles). Those particles spin so fast that they drive particles and wave movement past them. 

The Milky Way's warped shape is the thing that can form because there is some kind of interaction in the Dark Matter halo around it. In some visions. The reason why the Milky Way warped is ancient cosmic impacts or collisions. And that thing can cause the warped shape of our galaxy. In some other theories, the burst of gravitational waves is the reason. Why the Milky Way is not as straight as it should. But could gravitational waves be so long that the size of that wave movement is the same as a galaxy? What is the limit of wavelengths?

When we think of the model that dark energy forms in material. There that mysterious wave movement falls in the particle's center and then reflects from the standing wave. In that process the wave movement's wavelength changes. When a black hole loads energy into itself, it must reach a higher energy level than an environment where it can send the energy burst that we call gravity waves. 

Dark energy may be on both sides of the electromagnetic spectrum. The long-wave dark energy might have a longer wavelength than radiowaves. And short-wave dark energy is outside the gamma area. 

In wild visions, the warping of the Milky Way shows how long gravitational radiation remains, or how long wave movement those "gravitational waves" can have. So in that vision, the dark energy can travel in wave movement, and that wavelength is the size of a galaxy. 

When we think about dark energy the wave movement that we call that name may be not only one wavelength. The dark energy may have different wavelengths like the visible spectrum. And that means dark energy, or dark wave movement is a continuum in the spectrum. But we cannot just see that thing. This thing makes dark energy and dark matter interesting. 



Monday, October 16, 2023

Is the origin of dark energy in superstrings or photons?

    Is the origin of dark energy in superstrings or photons? 

Dark energy dominates the universe. That term means wave movement whose origin is unknown. Some researchers introduced that dark energy forms because of universe expansion. 

Energy and particles form the entirety that we call the universe. So when we think that the universe's expansion is like a balloon, we should think that this expanding balloon is in a vacuum. That introduces the situation that no more material and energy is coming into that balloon than there already exists.

If the universe's expansion forms dark energy. the reason for that is when the size of the universe expands the quantum field's pressure is turning lower. That causes vaporization in particles. That means particles turn into wave movement. And that thing could be the origin of the dark energy. 

When the universe expands, particle's size expands. 

But we always forget that when the universe expands. The material in it also expands. So the part of material that sends that dark energy could be in the superstrings. When material expands, superstrings that form material expand. The universe's expansion also causes an effect that we can call dandruff. In that model, superstrings send smaller parts of themselves to the universe. So the size of dark energy's wave movement is so small that it cannot push larger entireties. 

The reason for that is that dark energy is so hard to detect and can form in the smallest part of particles.  In that model, the origin of the dark energy is in the superstrings. The superstrings are the wave movement that forms material. The material is like a warped string that turns into a yarn-ball-shaped structure. And those superstrings can also break. Those breaking superstrings are splitting and cutting into smaller superstrings, and maybe that thing is the origin of the dark energy. 

Above: The original animation was created to introduce how material and energy fall in singularity. But it also can introduce how dark energy could interact with material. Only reflection  That comes from the middle of the particle is missing.

Can pulsating particles give a tip, on how dark energy can form? 

There is the possibility that dark energy forms in material like this. There is an electromagnetic shadow in the particles. That shadow pulls wave movement in it. And there forms standing wave movement in particles. Then wave movement (energy) starts to travel out from the particle. So the particle acts like a vacuum bomb. The wave movement that reflects from the middle of the particle also rips the particle into pieces. 

The wave movement must collect a standing wave in the middle of the particles before it can reflect. That means particles send wave movement as bursts. And that wave movement transfers a little bit of the superstrings with them. That thing destroys the material. When a material or particle's size expands the speed of wave movement rises. And that means its kinetic energy rises. That thing explains why material vaporization increases when the universe is freezing. 

The photonic model. 

In some models, the photonic interaction is the thing that forms some part of the dark energy. In some models photon is the particle that travels around the superstring. Superstrings are the smallest parts of the material. And they are wave movements that warp and turn to ball. And that means the material is one version of wave movement. 

In this model photon is like a plate around the superstring. It conducts energy out from that superstring or energy string. And that energy or wave movement continues its travel outside the photon. 

Wave movement is one name for energy. When a photon, or the warped wave movement travels around the superstring, it forms the warped wave ahead itself. The wave that forms at the front of a photon is the thing that causes the photon's speed is the cosmic speed limit. The photon delivers as much energy as it gets. And that makes it timeless. If a photon travels around the superstring. That explains its special nature. The photon is higher energy than its environment. Photon conducts energy out from the superstring. And that energy is the thing that creates the dark energy. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Singularity and its physical shape are interesting things.

   Singularity and its physical shape are interesting things.

"Once you cross the threshold to form a black hole, everything inside the event horizon crunches down to a singularity that is, at most, one-dimensional. No 3D structures can survive intact. However, one interesting coordinate transformation shows that every point in the interior of this black hole maps 1-to-1 with a point on the outside, raising the mathematically interesting possibility that the interior of each black hole gives rise to a baby universe inside of it, and the possibility that our Universe itself may have arisen from a black hole in a pre-existing universe prior to our own". (BigThink/Ask Ethan: Are singularities physically real?)

When we think about the singularity and its shape. That is the point. Where time, material, and space are as an entirety. And that's why it's hard to model that point. It's hard to think that time is part of something or it's in something. 

Time affects singularity as it affects all other material. And the thing that forms that thing is the "super fusion" that smashes all particles in a certain space into one entirety. That pushes quarks, gluons, and electrons together forming an extremely high energy level. That energy forms when all four fundamental forces interact at the same time.

 Or at least three nuclear forces,  strong and weak nuclear interactions, with electromagnetism take part in that reaction. The energy level in singularity is higher than in all other materials because so many fundamental interactions participate in its forming. Material is one form of energy and that reaction packs very much energy to singularity. That means singularity exists longer than regular material.


"Both inside and outside the event horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole, space flows like either a moving walkway or a waterfall, depending on how you want to visualize it. At the event horizon, even if you ran (or swam) at the speed of light, there would be no overcoming the flow of spacetime, which drags you into the singularity at the center. Outside the event horizon, though, other forces (like electromagnetism) can frequently overcome the pull of gravity, causing even infalling matter to escape." (BigThink/Ask Ethan: Are singularities physically real?)"

You can see in the first animation that material and energy (wave movement) fall into a black hole. So they must reflect from the center of that object. That means a black hole is like a giant gravitational version of the vacuum explosive. It sends gravitational waves or gravitational radiation. And that radiation causes a vacuum that pulls other quantum fields and particles into the black hole. In the second image is the hypothetical case the gravitational field, along with other energy fields turns into a rope-shaped form in the rotation axle of the black hole. 

"In the vicinity of a black hole, space flows like either a moving walkway or a waterfall, depending on how you want to visualize it. Unlike in the non-rotating case, the event horizon splits into two, while the central singularity gets stretched out into a one-dimensional ring. Nobody knows what occurs at the central singularity, but its presence and existence cannot be avoided with our current understanding of physics." (BigThink/Ask Ethan: Are singularities physically real?)


Image: Credit: E. Siegel/Beyond the Galaxy

"As a balloon inflates, any coins glued to its surface will appear to recede away from one another, with ‘more distant’ coins receding more rapidly than the less distant ones. Any light will redshift, as its wavelength ‘stretches’ to longer values as the balloon’s fabric expands. This visualization solidly explains cosmological redshift within the context of the expanding Universe. If the Universe is expanding today, that means it was smaller, hotter, and denser in the past: leading to the picture of the hot Big Bang."(BigThink/Ask Ethan: Are singularities physically real?)

The balloon. That introduces the expansion of the universe. We see that the distance of the points increases. And that means interaction between them is becoming weaker. Or is it so? Relative distances between those coins are the same if they also expand with the universe. Also when the universe expands the disturbing quantum fields between objects turn weaker. The model says that when quantum fields in the universe turn weaker because there is no outcoming energy. That increases the size of the particles. 


But when it will not get more energy from the transition disk the black hole starts to vaporize. In some models, the energy and material that fall into the black hole do not reach the singularity that is the nucleus of a black hole. In those models, the singularity itself is in electromagnetic low pressure and that thing causes the vaporization. 

And that could be the reason for gravitational waves. that are leaving from black hole. The question is: do those gravitational waves come from the singularity or the event horizon? The fast-spinning singularity can form a standing gravitational wave around it. That could pull the gravitational field out from the nucleus of a black hole. 

In some models, the event horizon is like a gravitational version of the Van Allen belt. It can trap particles in it. And when those particles rotate singularity radiation that travels through the event horizon pumps energy to them. So there may be a hole in the event horizon. That hole forms when the core or nucleus of the black hole sends coherent gravitational waves to the event horizon. And then that thing means that there may be no gravitational field at the poles where the radiation beam leaves a black hole. 

When material falls in a black hole singularity loads energy to it. That thing is called the curvature of spacetime. The curvature of spacetime means that the quantum fields are thicker near the black hole. And that effect slows time, or otherways saying: causes time dilation. When material travels through the event horizon time starts to travel backward. And that means material should come out from a black hole at the moment when it formed. 

The energy that a black hole gets, when it forms after the supernova explosion makes that material super heavy. So singularity is so high energy level material that its energy level is higher than all other material in the universe. It's packed energy that sends energy waves through space and time. 

We can think of a situation like this. The singularity sends radiation monotonously. So because one frequency of radiation travels out from the gravitational center, that causes a situation where other quantum fields that is the common name for multiple power fields in the universe are falling into a black hole.  

The animation shows that the singularity packs that wave movement into a form, that looks like rope. And then that radiation beam that could be gravitational waves and high-energy electromagnetic radiation travels out from the black hole's poles. 

In normal energy production situations like in nuclear fission the weak nuclear interaction alone makes energy. Or rather saying, nuclear fission just releases energy. That is stored in the form of material. In annihilation, only strong nuclear interaction takes part in the reaction. The thing that forms singularity is a little bit like nuclear fusion. 

When a supernova explosion happens it pushes quantum fields away. Then the quantum fields drop back into that vacuum and press all particles into their entirety. During that process, their quantum fields are impacted. And then the singularity starts to rotate or spin. 

Singularity may have two spin axles. The axle between magnetic poles. And equatorial axle. And that thing forms the acceleration disk and X- or gamma-ray beam. The spin of the black hole is required for wormholes. And the whirl around them proves that black holes are spinning. 


Is a protoplanet called Theia the source of gold platinum and Earth's mysterious gravitational hole over the Indian Ocean.

  Is a protoplanet called Theia the source of gold platinum and Earth's mysterious gravitational hole over the Indian Ocean. 

Is the protoplanet called Theia the former of the gold and platinum in Earth's mantle? In the new theory, the same protoplanet that formed the Moon created also platinum and gold in our planet's mantle. When that protoplanet impacted Earth, which still was liquid, the shockwave started to travel through liquid Earth. That powerful shockwave caused a fusion reaction where atomic nuclei impacted together. 

And that impact might explain gold and platinum on our planet. Theia might be one source of the Zealand missing continent near New Zealand. If that continent formed from Theia impact, and fell to Earth's mantle because material at that point was heavier than Earth. Theia's remnants remain in Earth's mantle. In some models, Theia was a remnant of some larger protoplanet. That means it could formed of heavier elements than the Earth's mantle. 

"Southwest Research Institute’s Dr. Simone Marchi collaborated on a new study finding the first geophysically plausible scenario to explain the abundance of certain precious metals — including gold and platinum — in the Earth’s mantle. Based on these simulations, scientists found an impact-driven mixing of mantle materials scenarios that could prevent the metals from completely sinking into the Earth’s core. Credit: Southwest Research Institute. " (ScitechDaily.com/Moon-Sized Impacts: The Secret Behind Gold & Platinum in Earth’s Mantle?)


The ring-shaped gravitational field can pull gravitational waves out from inside that ring. 

In some models, the ring-shaped gravitational field can pull gravitational radiation out from some point. The ring-or wheel-shaped gravitational field can form when the heavy particles orbit some point. In that model high-energy particles that have very high weight form the gravity field that forms a lower gravity area in the middle of that wheel. 

That wheel is formed by particles that are at high energy levels and very massive. In some visions, the water ring that impacted high-energy radiation can form the wanted ring- or wheel-shaped gravitational field. The thing that makes this wheel possible is the material that has a gravitational field. 

 Otherwise, gravitational waves can push the gravitational field away from some point. And if that is the reason for Earth's mysterious gravitational anomaly, the weaker point of gravity field over the Indian Ocean that thing could be the observation of the century. 



"A rendering of the Earth's gravity as seen by the European Space Agency' Goce satellite. Yellow and orange regions are those with more gravity and the blue, marked over the Indian Ocean, shows where gravity is less pronounced. (Image credit: ESA via Getty Images)" (livescience.com/Indian Ocean gravity hole was caused by extinct ancient sea, scientists say)

The gravitational hole over the Indian Ocean is an interesting thing. That point helps to make gravitational models. And that gravitational hole also uncovers things like: is there a possibility that some materials absorb those waves? Researchers can't detect that phenomenon in any material. But if the material that absorbs gravitational waves is possible, it revolutionizes many things. That theoretical material could deny gravitational waves reaching some target. And that removes the gravitational field from that area. 

"Topography of Zealandia, outlined in pink. The linear ridges running north-northeast (Colville to the west and Kermadec to the east, separated by the Havre Trough and Lau Basin) and southwest (the Resolution Ridge System) away from New Zealand are not considered part of Zealandia, nor are Australia (upper left), Vanuatu, or Fiji (top centre)." (Wikipedia.com/Zealandia)

Could Zealandia have some kind of connection with the mysterious gravitational hole in the Indian Ocean? 

There is a possibility that there is lighter material in the mantle below the Indian Ocean. In some models, the ocean currents form the magnetic field or form some other phenomenon that pulls material in the mantle away from the point of the Indian Ocean. Because there is less material under the Indian Ocean bottom than in other places on Earth. That thing causes the gravitational weakness in the Earth's gravity field. In some very wild visions, the centripetal force in the ocean current's whirl in the Indian Ocean can form a gravitational effect that pulls material sideways from the bottom of the Indian Ocean. 

If another gravitational field creates a gravitational hole on Earth. That is one of the most interesting observations in history. That thing means that a wheel-shaped gravitational field can turn gravitational waves from the center of that wheel. And that could form the point, where there is no gravity. That kind of gravitational field can formed in a plasma ring in the universe. 

But there could be many other explanations for the gravity anomaly at that point. One of them is Earth's nucleus is at a longer distance from the Earth's shell at that point. 

If that model is real there is a small possibility that Zealandia will change the gravitational wave's trajectories. And that thing can explain the gravitational hole on Earth. But could it be possible that curves in gravitational waves or their trajectories can cause the gravitational hole on Earth? 

In another model, the material at that point is lighter. One of the reasons for that could be Zealandia which denies the cosmic radiation effect on those particles. Electromagnetic radiation loads energy to the particles. And when the energy level rises the particle's mass rises. If there is some kind of shield between particle and radiation source, that is the Sun. That shield causes the effect, where the particle remains at a lower energy level. And that means the particle is lighter. 




Friday, October 13, 2023

Do trees have feelings? Probably not.

    Do trees have feelings? Probably not. 

The plant intelligence is a fascinating thing. But when we are talking about plant intelligence and the ability to exchange information, that doesn't mean that plants can think or have feelings. The ability to exchange information between individuals doesn't mean that those individuals can think. If trees or other plants can exchange primitive information using pheromones like enough water, that doesn't mean that trees are talking to us. 

This information can be simple. If some trees send lots of pheromones they are at a suitable place. The number of pollen determines which side the other tree makes its inflorescence. When we cut some plants, that creature makes lots of flowers. And the reason for that could be that water flow in its cells ends. And to guarantee that its genomes will transfer to other plants that cut plant creates lots of flowers. But that thing doesn't mean that those plants have feelings. 

"Researchers scrutinized claims made in two popular books about trees having human-like traits and emotions. Published in Trends in Plant Science, their findings challenge many of these claims as unscientific. They caution against anthropomorphizing plants and highlight issues like the flawed “mother tree concept” and the dangers of making decisions based on appealing but inaccurate narratives, especially in the context of climate change adaptation". (ScitechDaily.com/Scientists Debunk the Myth: Do Trees Really Have Feelings?)

The trap of a Venus fly trap, showing trigger hairs.

If we think of cases where the plant can send different chemicals in the case of fire and if some bugs are eating them. That thing can tell that there are different chemical information transporters in cambium or leaves. Fire releases different chemicals than a bug that eats the leaves. That thing can make it possible for trees can exchange information. 

But those actions like pumping more water into trees are reflexes if they exist. Same way flytraps are eating bugs by closing their leaves. The Venus flytrap can move its leaves very fast. But that vegetable is not intelligent. The Venus flytrap plays butterfly when it cheats bugs to sit on its leaves. And even if that vegetable is a beast, it will not be intelligent. 


Thursday, October 12, 2023

There is lots of carbon and water in samples that Osiris REx took from Asteroid Bennu.

   There is lots of carbon and water in samples that Osiris REx took from Asteroid Bennu.

There is lots of carbon and water in samples that Osiris REx took from Asteroid Bennu. This is an important thing. If we search for the origin of life. Asteroid Bennu is about 4,5 billion years old. Bennu's location is at a longer distance from the Sun than the asteroid where the Japanese took their samples to Earth. That means minerals on Bennu faced less electromagnetic radiation and other changes. 

Sometimes researchers think. Bennu might be part of some protoplanet that some catastrophe destroyed in the early solar system.

There are also remnants of clay. That means the protoplanet might have water on its shell or atmosphere. The clay could form when that protoplanet is destroyed by gravity or impact. 

In that process, water impacts with minerals that fly away from that destroying protoplanets. The effect raised the speed of those particles to a hypersonic level. 

During that process, some effect like impact energy transforms the planet into an asteroid cloud. Hot and liquid minerals interacted with vapor in that protoplanet's atmosphere forming the clay. 

In that scenario, there was no liquid water on that extremely hot protoplanet that formed Bennu. The water was vapor that formed the clay in seconds. And the asteroid Bennu is one of the remnants of that planet. 

And when some catastrophe destroyed that planet. Vapor in its atmosphere interacts with melted minerals. The thing that destroyed the protoplanet was the impact of another protoplanet. Or maybe its spin's speed was so high that centripetal forces destroyed that planet, which was liquid magma with vapor in its atmosphere. 

An artist's depiction of the hypothetical impact of a planet. Like Theia and the Earth". There is the possibility that Bennu formed in that kind of impact. (Wikipedia.com/Theia (planet))

But in wild vision that protoplanet could have a solid shell. And then some impact destroyed it. There is lots of carbon in that asteroid. That element is vital for life forms. Bennu samples tell that it's possible that in the young solar system was at least one planet more than the Earth that could form lifeforms. 

But that planet is lost in impact or some gravitational effect before life can begin or it got a solid shell. So the history of that planet was short. And maybe it stayed as a planetoid. The early ages in the solar system were violent, and many planets and moons faced their fate in cosmic catastrophes. 

Theia was a protoplanet that impacted Earth forming the Moon. 

If the Moon formed at the same side, where Theia impacted. It got its beginning from the giant droplet. 

If the Moon formed the opposite side from Theia's impact. It formed from the giant shockwave that traveled through the Earth. 

Also, Earth impacted another planet called Theia in its younghood. That other protoplanet's remnants remain in Earth's magma. Sometimes is speculated that the gravity hole in the Indian Ocean has something to do with particles forming clouds in magma. The position of that cloud is the thing that causes the gravity anomaly. And there is a possibility that those particles are from Theia.

Another interesting thing is the missing continent that remains at the Pacific bottom near New Zealand. That area is called Zealand. That lost continent could have lots of material from Theia. And if that material was heavier than other rock. It means it falls to the mantle. 

But Theia completely vanished in that catastrophe.  During that impact Earth's shell was liquid. And that could save our planet from turning into an asteroid cloud. The impact with another protoplanet formed the Moon or at least part of it. 

When the large, almost small planet-size asteroid impacted young Earth before its shell was solid. Theia sends material to the orbital trajectory. And the question is: did our moon form on the same side where Theia impacted? In that case, Theia sends a giant droplet to space. And that droplet turned to the Moon. In another vision, Theia sent a giant shockwave through the Earth, and the Moon formed the opposite side to Theia's impact. 







Wednesday, October 11, 2023

There is CO2 in Jupiter's icy moon Europa. (Also, primitive organisms can travel between planets as spores)

  There is CO2 in Jupiter's icy moon Europa. 

There is a potential hub for extraterrestrial life in Jupiter's Europa moon. The JWST telescope found carbon dioxide from that icy moon. And that thing increases the possibility that there are some kind of primitive lifeforms under the ice of that moon. 

The CO2 emission can form in other chemical reactions. But one source of carbon dioxide emission is always lifeforms. The metabolism in cells forms that gas. That's why carbon dioxide emission on Europa moon is interesting and same time scary thing. 

If there are some kind of lifeforms under the ice of those icy moons those lifeforms could be similar to lifeforms that live around the black smokers at the bottom of the ocean. And that possibility causes re-estimation about the possible manned- or unmanned flight to those moons. If there is some kind of life forms. It's a risk. That Earth viruses infect those lifeforms. There is a possibility that the virus stays "alive" or can keep its ability to transfer genomes to other species over a long journey. 

Otherwise, those lifeforms might infect humans. When we are dealing with extraterrestrial lifeforms, we are facing things that we can't imagine. We have no idea what kind of lifeform that thing is. And we don't know anything about how it exchanges its genomes. Only one virus from Earth could be devastating to those lifeforms. But otherwise, those primitive lifeforms can infect people, who work with the samples. 

"Observations from the James Webb Space Telescope have led two independent studies to suggest that the CO2 ice on Jupiter’s moon, Europa, originates from its subsurface ocean. These findings offer new insights into the composition of Europa’s internal ocean, which is considered a prime target in the search for extraterrestrial life." (ScitechDaily/Potential Hub for Extraterrestrial Life: Webb Observations of CO2 on Jupiter’s Moon Europa)

"This graphic shows a map of Europa’s surface with NIRCam (Near Infrared Camera) on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope in the first panel and compositional maps derived from Webb’s NIRSpec/IFU (Near Infrared Spectrograph’s Integral Field Unit) data in the following three panels. In the compositional maps, the white pixels correspond to carbon dioxide in the large-scale region of disrupted chaos terrain known as Tara Regio (center and right), with additional concentrations within portions of the chaos region Powys Regio (left). The second and third panels show evidence of crystalline carbon dioxide, while the fourth panel indicates a complexed and amorphous form of carbon dioxide. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Gerónimo Villanueva (NASA-GSFC), Samantha K Trumbo (Cornell University), Gerónimo Villanueva (NASA-GSFC), Alyssa Pagan (STScI)" (ScitechDaily/Potential Hub for Extraterrestrial Life: Webb Observations of CO2 on Jupiter’s Moon Europa)

Also, primitive organisms can travel between planets as spores

Also, primitive organisms can travel between planets as spores. And that makes it possible that red dwarfs can be multi-planet ecosystems. That requires that the sender planet's gravity is weak enough that spores will travel out from its gravity field. And the other planet's position or gravity field must be that those spores will travel to that other planet. 

By the way, it's possible that the fungi. Or anthrax-bacteria-type lifeforms can send spores between planets. Cosmobiology experts created a model for interplanetary ecosystems for red dwarfs. And their planetary systems. Those planetary systems are small. And their star is colder than the Sun. So that is why bacterial spores can travel between those planets. 

There are observations that Callisto- moon's atmosphere contains CO2. There is also organic dust on those moon's icy shells. And there is a model. That there could be a Gaia-type-organism. That could exchange genomes between those Galilean moons. 

It's possible. Primitive lifeforms can travel between planets. Researchers can use the same model for all closed planetary and subplanetary systems like Jupiter's moons. If there are similar chemical and physical environments. Those planetary systems are smaller and their star is colder than the Sun. And there the bacteria spores can survive longer time than in our solar system. And in those solar systems organisms can exchange genomes between planets. 

There are also three other moons around Jupiter with oceans below their shell. In some models. There are primitive organisms also under those other Galilean moon's icy surfaces. Maybe those lifeforms are like fungi or anthrax bacteria that can create spores with very high survivability. The distance between Galilean moons is not very long. 

And that thing creates a model. That those lifeforms can exchange their genomes through space. The idea is that primitive lifeforms can send spores between the lifeforms on different moons. Those Jupiter's moons are quite close to each other. And the bacteria spores can easily survive over those distances. So it's possible that also primitive lifeforms can send living spores through space. And those spores can be viruses that can transform other lifeforms into another. 


Friday, October 6, 2023

JWST found objects called "jumbos".

 JWST found objects called "jumbos". 

In astronomy "jumbo" means the extremely large and hot exoplanets. Or those objects are between stars and planets. The temperature is about 1000 Celsius. And their size is about Jupiter. Mostly those objects involve water vapor and methane. The remarkable thing about those "Jumbos" is that they are pairs. And that causes the theory that maybe those Jumbos were parts of red dwarfs. The fast-spinning red dwarf can turn into two planetary objects. 

So centripetal force can rip the red dwarf into two pieces. This might be the reason why those "jumbo-planets" form a binary planetary system. Those binary planetary systems are two planets that orbit each other. The binary planetary systems can orbit their star. Or they can be rogue planets. 

The image portrays a planetary nebula. The first image is taken by using short wavelengths. The other is in the same area. And there is used longer waves. The detail that looks like some kind of squirrel is also interesting. The details are visible only in longer wavelengths. And as always this thing causes interesting thoughts in people's heads. 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Wobbling jets of supermassive black hole. And intelligent universe theory.

  Wobbling jets of supermassive black hole. And intelligent universe theory. 

A wobbling beam of M-87 galaxy is evidence of incredible.  

The wobbling beam around the M-87 spiral galaxy tells that the supermassive black hole in its center wobbles. The reason for that could be asymmetry in the material that falls into the black hole. And if M-87 is full of cosmic voids or there is another black hole near the beam. That can cause the wobbling movement of the jet or beam of the supermassive black hole. 

That thing is incredible. Because normally, there is only another black hole that can wobble the black hole. Of course, things like cosmic voids can also cause an effect where energy bursts from the black holes and turns asymmetric. And there is the possibility that small cosmic voids cause an effect where some kind of wave movement travels away from that black hole asymmetrically. In wild visions, the small cosmic voids can cause a situation where black hole vaporization turns into an asymmetrical. 

"Schematic representation of the tilted accretion disk model. The black hole spin axis is assumed to be straight up and down in this illustration. The jet direction points almost perpendicular to the disk plane. The misalignment between the black hole spin axis and disk rotation axis triggers the precession of the disk and jet. Credit: Yuzhu Cui et al. (2023), Intouchable Lab@Openverse and Zhejiang Lab". (ScitechDaily.com/M87’s Wobbling Jet: A Spin on Black Hole Mysteries)

Intelligent universe theory. And the hypothesis that the superpositioned and entangled black holes would escalate through the young universe. 

When we think about theories of the intelligent universe, we might think that those theories are only hoaxes. But we must realize that there is a so-called Kuiper belt or gas and dust along with extremely cold asteroids and dwarf planets surrounding almost every star. There is a small possibility that those atoms and subatomic particles can spontaneously form quantum computers around that star. 

But the most incredible idea about that theory is that the entire universe turns intelligent. The idea is that the superpositioned and entangled black holes started to send their resonance in the universe. Then those oscillations just escalate through the entire universe. That thing means that the universe would be intelligent. The intelligent universe is the thing that interests philosophers very much. If we think that the universe would be intelligent that creature will be so large that it cannot see a single individual. But it sees intelligent civilizations as better than humans. 


Christmas is here.

Christmas is here. Now it is Christmas night. The night should be the celebration of mercy. But sometimes that thing causes trauma. Christma...