For finding solutions for problems, we must not claim that some proposition is right or wrong. All possibilities are open. Until they are proven right or wrong using empiric methods that are scientifically accepted.
Rumors tell that Russia shot a hypersonic- or should be hypersonic 3M22 Zircon missile in Ukraine. This hypersonic weapon may be still under construction. In that case, Russia tested that missile in that area. And in that case, the Zircon is not ready yet. When this missile is ready, it can carry a 200 kt thermonuclear warhead. The have been reports that the Zircon has some problems with detonating warheads in the precise right altitude.
The problems with scramjet-driven hypersonic missiles are the same all the time. The combustion must happen in the right place. If that thing happens in the wrong position the missile or aircraft loses its power. Another thing is that the hypersonic scramjet engine system requires hydrogen as fuel. So that means the hydrogen must stored in the missile or the ship that carries this missile must make that hydrogen using electrolysis or taking it from some tank.
The ignition of the hypersonic missiles and especially their scramjet system requires. That the missile's speed is high enough. The missiles must be over Mach 6 so that the scramjet can start. There are two ways to reach that speed. The first way is to use the rocket, which transports a 9-meter-long missile to the ballistic trajectory.
And when the missile turns to dive the rocket engine gives enough speed that the scramjet can start. The question is can the missile frigate carry a rocket? That is fast enough for that operation. If the Zircon is on the intercontinental ballistic missile, that thing can give it a speed. That is high enough.
Another way to start the scramjet engine is a wind tunnel. In that system, the super- or hypersonic wind tunnel pulls air through the scramjet engine. Then the system simply injects hydrogen into the missile's engine.
One of the problems with hypersonic aviation is the control. The pressure cone that forms in the missile's bow can bypass the control layers. And that causes a situation where the missile is out of control.
The Zircon missile looks like an X-51 "Waverider" test plane. It's possible. That Zircon planned to launch from missile frigates, submarines, and supersonic bombers. Maybe its purpose is to replace Kinzhal missiles. It's also possible that the ICBM can carry a Zircon missile to the high atmosphere or even suborbital trajectory. When that missile falls back into the atmosphere scramjet activates.
In stories, the Zircon is covered with an ion layer. That ion cloud makes that missile impossible to see using radar. But the question is, are those systems operational?
FOBS (Fractional Orbital Bombardment Systems) are nuclear weapons. Positioned in low or medium orbital. In the Cold War, the Soviets and U.S. forces planned to place different sizes of nuclear weapons in space, where those systems could make a very fast attack against the enemy.
In some plans modified CORONA or Progress capsule would act as weapon carriers. The size of those nuclear weapons that could reach Earth is planned to be from a couple of kilotons to 50 megatons.
The space nukes might not be dangerous for people on the ground. Their targets are other satellites and incoming missiles.
Most of those space nukes would be EMP weapons. The idea is that the nuclear weapon that detonated in a low orbiter creates an electromagnetic pulse. That EMP weapon should shut down enemy satellites. And communication systems. And of course, the central computer centers are in danger.
The EMP impulse can destroy aircraft's computers and that can destroy airborne aircraft. And those systems can also affect the nuclear power plant's control systems. So this ability makes them extremely dangerous if the nuclear power plants do not shut down.
The nuclear test "Dominick Starfish Prime" proved the power of the EMP impulse. On June 9, 1962, the "Thor" rocket, launched from Johnson Island carried 2 megaton thermonuclear weapon. That detonated over Honolulu. Detonation caused EMP impulse that destroyed electronics in that city. Those electronic components were more primitive and less vulnerable to the nuclear weapon's EMP effect than modern electronics.
All nukes that detonate in space form EMP pulse if their electromagnetic radiation affects the upper atmosphere. The X-ray radiation from the nuclear weapon impacts atoms. And that emission forms the EMP effect. In nuclear policy, there are contracts whose purpose is to demilitarize space.
But things like navigation and recon satellites are suitable and good targets for ASAT (Anti-Satellite) weapons. Those navigation and recon systems have a key role in targeting GPS-guided weapons. Destruction of those GPS satellites makes those systems useless. And one way to destroy the GPS satellites is the spaceborne nukes.
The modern military uses GPS to locate their own troop's positions. Those GPS systems are key elements in systems like HiMARS and JDAM's accuracy. Without those satellites, those precise guide weapons are not as effective as they should be.
Those nukes destroy also their satellites. But then if the replacements can launch to the orbiter fast after the detonation, that thing could theoretically replace its losses. In real life, there is high-energy plasma a long time after detonation. And that thing can make the orbiter useless for a long time. Those GPS satellites don't mean so much if the forces do not use GPS or precise guided weapons.
We think that the future is closer to us. When we close to the gravitational center we must ask what transports the future, or event from the future to us? The model is that gravitational waves push the future near to us. And if that gravitational radiation is strong enough. It can push all events behind us. That melts the future with the actor. In that case, the hypersurface of the present is before all other events.
Or another way to say the future is where we are. The requirement for that thing is that. We could raise the hypersurface of the present to the place. Where the future thing happens. But when we think that thing in the future sends reflection to the past we can ask, what causes this reflection?
Information reflects from branes. They are like potential walls in the information flow. Those branes are like the Hall effect.
Above: Brane model.
"In diagram A, the flat conductor possesses a negative charge on the top (symbolized by the blue color) and a positive charge on the bottom (red color). In B and C, the direction of the electrical and the magnetic fields are changed respectively which switches the polarity of the charges around. In D, both fields change direction simultaneously which results in the same polarity as in diagram A.
1. electrons
2. flat conductor, which serves as a hall element (hall effect sensor)
3. magnet
4. magnetic field
5. power source
(Wikipedia, Hall effect)
The reflection comes from the layer called the brane. The brane acts like the Hall effect in a time cone. Same way horizontal or space brane changes the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation. The brane creates the crossing field, that dams energy behind it. Only when the energy level rises high enough it can break the brane.
The model goes like this. There are multiple horizontal branches or layers. Those layers form the space branes. The time branes are the vertical layers. The brane is the denser point in the energy or wave movement continuum. The thing that forms those energy layers that are 90 degrees angle to branes there they affect. The energy layer in the time brane is horizontal. And space branes that thing is vertical.
The thing that forms those energy branes or layers is the high-energy reaction at the point in spacetime. That thing acts like a Hall effect. The crossing quantum field makes a dam between two layers in the energy flow. There is forming a standing wave behind that energy wall. And that thing disturbs information that travels through that brane layer.
Objects can travel in four directions in spacetime. That is from the past to the future. The reason for that is the past is a higher energy level than the future.
If an object travels at the speed of light, it can stop time in it. And then it can travel forward in time. The object also can travel in the space sideways to the time brane. That is vertical when an object travels on a horizontal space brane it travels through time branes it changes its wavelength. When an object travels in time the energy focus is in the hypersurface of the present. That is the space brand that locks reality.
The thing is this: the hypersurface of the present travels in time. And because the energy focus is on that layer it's hard to affect the thing. That happened in the past. If we try to touch the thing that happened in the past its energy level is higher than our equipment.
Because the hypersurface of the present is a higher energy level than the future we cannot see it. Energy and information travel to the future. And because the energy level in the future should be lower that denies that we can see the future if there is not forming a higher energy point that makes information travel oppositely as normally.
What if there is no Hall effect?
Resistance's other name is the Hall effect. If the Hall effect is removed or something blows quantum fields from around atoms. That could make even teleportation possible.
Hall effect makes potential wall across the magnetic field. The Hall effect is a crossing field that travels through electromagnetic fields. That effect is used to measure electromagnetic fields.
The thing that makes the Hall effect destructive is the standing wave that dams the magnetic field behind it. The Hall effect acts in regular magnetic fields in electric wire. But also things like electromagnetic fields around atoms are forming the Hall effect's quantum version.
When some electromagnetic waves travel through the material those electromagnetic fields dam the wave movement. And that thing destroys material or disturbs information.
Removing the Hall effect makes it possible for information. That it can flow through the wire without disturbance. If there is no Hall effect the material can travel through the space without any potential barriers. And that can make teleportation of the complex structures possible.
In teleportation, the potential barrier or potential wall destroys the material's entirety or order. If some system can remove the potential barrier or electromagnetic fields around atoms it could send complex structures through the walls.
"This artist’s illustration shows a cross-section of the supermassive black hole and surrounding material in the center of our galaxy. The black sphere in the center represents the event horizon of the black hole, the point of no return from which nothing, not even light, can escape. Looking at the spinning black hole from the side, as depicted in this illustration, the surrounding spacetime is shaped like an American football. The yellow-orange material to either side represents gas swirling around the black hole."
"This material inevitably plunges towards the black hole and crosses the event horizon once it falls inside the football shape. The area inside the football shape but outside the event horizon is therefore depicted as a cavity. The blue blobs show jets firing away from the poles of the spinning black hole. Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss" (ScitechDaily, Telescopes Reveal Rapid Spin of Milky Way’s Black Hole Warping Spacetime)
A new study may help settle the question of how rapidly the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole is spinning.
The black hole, known as Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), contains about 4 million times the mass of the Sun.
Using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and NSF’s Very Large Array, this study found Sgr A* is spinning very rapidly.
This high spin is warping the spacetime around Sgr A* so it appears to have the shape of an American football. (ScitechDaily, Telescopes Reveal Rapid Spin of Milky Way’s Black Hole Warping Spacetime)
The supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A* spins very fast. That black hole exists in the Milky Way's center. The fast-spinning supermassive black hole offers data about spacetime curvature near it. The question is where that curvature begins and how it interacts with material and wave movement around the black hole.
The spin of that supermassive object offers the way to the new spacetime and gravitational models. The black hole is like a pothole. And the particles can't go put from that pothole. In some models, gravity is like water. The black hole spins around its central axle. In that central axle is a gravitational tornado that aims quantum fields at the black hole's poles. That thing forms the vacuum that pulls objects into the black hole. The time dilation is the denser or more powerful quantum field. Gravitational center packs those quantum fields near them.
And then, the gravitational tornado transfers those fields to the black hole's poles. The reason why objects and even radiation cannot go out from the black hole's powerful gravitational field is that the backcoming quantum fields, particles, and radiation push the object into the black hole. If the pothole would be like a whirl in water the objects cannot get out, because the wall of that whirl is too high energy that they cannot cross it. The energy from that whirl called event horizon has too high an energy level, that nothing can travel through it.
Time interacts very interesting way in the black hole. While particles close to the speed of light. That is the hypersurface of present its energy level rises. Also, its size turns smaller because quantum fields press it into a smaller size.
In the spacetime model, the hypersurface of the present or the space is horizontal. And the hypersurface of the time is vertical. Time travels across the hypersurface of the present. And in that focus the object's energy level is highest. The black hole's event horizon is one of the hypersurfaces of the present.
The electromagnetic spectrum would be horizontal. The reason for that is that electromagnetic waves can turn into particles and the opposite. The particle's energy level determines how long it remains. So energy level rises the particle's position vertically. Changing energy level is the thing that determines time. If the particle gets a new energy load, its lifetime extends.
When we are looking at the time cone and then the "cat" in the middle of the hypersurface of the present that thing means that the hypersurface of the present sends information or wave movement into the future and to the past.
The hypersurface of the present is the most high energy point in the spacetime. The event horizon is the hypersurface of the present where time freezes. Then after the event horizon. Where escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light the time starts to run backward.
Normally. There is the possibility that we could get a reflection from the future. In normal situations. That reflection is so weak, that we cannot see it very well.
And the thing. What makes black holes interesting is that massive gravity transfers the future closer to the object. So we can think that gravity radiation pushes the projection from the future closer to the observer. That thing makes the observer able to see the future. The observer can even touch and affect the future if the future comes close enough.
The mystery is the Hawking radiation. And how that extreme short wave still hypothetical radiation can escape from a black hole's intensive gravity. In some models the radiation that gravitation packs near the black hole's axle creates a standing wave. And then this thing pulls energy back to the event horizon.
There are models where Hawking radiation forms when some photons or electrons fall in the black hole. Then the event horizon's position changes. And it leaves those photons outside the black hole. If gravitons are proven and they are the thing that creates superpositions and is left out from the event horizon that makes the Hawking radiation modelling easier. If particles make quantum entanglement out from the event horizon, that makes it possible for energy to travel out from the event horizon when its position changes.
In some other models, the particle-like photon that orbits a black hole at the point of the event horizon makes the superposition with a photon that is outside the event horizon. This thing explains why Hawking radiation can come out from the event horizon.
"Death is not a single moment but a process involving a cascade of changes in brain activity, including the depletion of ATP and a surge in brain waves, culminating in the “wave of death.” Researchers have found that this wave begins in the pyramidal neurons of layer 5 in the cortex, suggesting that death’s progression can be tracked and potentially reversed within a specific time window. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Death’s Riddle: Scientists Decipher the Brain’s Final Signals)
Death is a mystery. We know that evolution created death and that old generations can leave space for new generations. Some species live only a couple of months. One of them is Labord's chameleon, which has the shortest life cycle of all Chordata. That species lives a short and intensive life. Those chameleons live only five months. And in that time they make their descendants.
There are many theories about this kind of species. And one of them is that some of those extremely short-living animals can make copies, or clone themselves in some of the eggs. But there is no evidence about that kind of thing in the case of Labord's chameleon (Furcifer labordi).
The idea for that thing is taken from bacteria. Bacteria proliferate catching up. It makes copies of itself. So that means bacteria is immortal. But does the animal clone also its memories into that cloned body? Could that kind of animal exist?
Labord's chameleon (Furcifer labordi)
Those chameleons cause many interesting thoughts. One of them is, that the shortest shortest-living animals could also be longest living. The Furcifer labor is the shortest-living tetrapod or quadriplegic.
Just after laying eggs Furcifer labordi dies. That thing tells us that those eggs might get a chemical signal from a dying chameleon that the next chameleon that the small calves can come out. All of those chameleons are dying after they release their eggs.
When those chameleons die they don't transfer dangerous parasites to the next generation. In the case of Furcifer Labordi, the next generation of that chameleon never sees living adult chameleons except for its generation.
So would you like to see what Furcifer Labordi thinks while it lives? The AI can someday give us the gate to things that happen after we die. And what we see after dying.
The AI and its capacity to decode signals from the brain are remarkable tools. And maybe someday, the AI tell, us what we see while we die. Researchers made new research about death. And one remarkable thing is that death is not a single event. There are two waves of increasing brain activity just before and after a moment of death. And that thing causes some kind of ideas and thoughts about death.
Maybe someday AI can decode things that people see while dying. And that thing can maybe show us the thing called the "corridor" and other things that the so-called border or near-death experience involves. In some cases, some doctors claim that the NTP causes those hallucinations. But in many cases where people are been in extreme danger, they feel that their entire life traveled in front of their eyes, and that causes the idea that something drives memory blocks from the brain. Maybe someday AI will help us to see what happens when a person dies.
"The discovery of Nube, a faint and extended dwarf galaxy, challenges existing astrophysical models. Its unique characteristics might provide new insights into the universe and the nature of dark matter. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Ghost in the Cosmos: Almost Invisible Galaxy Challenges Dark Matter Model)
"“One possibility which is attractive, is that the unusual properties of Nube are showing us that the particles which make up dark matter have an extremely small mass” (ScitechDaily, Ghost in the Cosmos: Almost Invisible Galaxy Challenges Dark Matter Model))
Spanish astronomers made new fundamental observations of a dwarf galaxy called "Nube". That galaxy is almost invisible. And that thing makes it interesting. The new observations caused astronomers to introduce that dark matter has an extremely small mass. If hypothetical WIMPs weakly interacting massive particles are small-size particles with extremely slow spin, that thing can explain why that matter is impossible to detect.
There is the possibility that the shape of the WIMP is so high energy that it tunnels itself even through elementary particles. In some other models, dark matter particles' energy level is so low, that it pulls energy into itself. And if energy flows only to the object, that makes it invisible. So in that case, the dark energy is the radiation that reflects from dark matter particles core.
"The measurements of dark matter are made by observing gravitational lensing. And another way to measure the invisible is to calculate some object's mass. Then the system calculates the predicted rotation speed. And then compile it with the observations. Those observations tell if there is more material than there should be." (ScitechDaily, Ghost in the Cosmos: Almost Invisible Galaxy Challenges Dark Matter Model)
"The Nube galaxy. The figure is a composition of a colour image and a black and white image, to pick out the background. Credit: GTC/Mireia Montes" (ScitechDaily, Ghost in the Cosmos: Almost Invisible Galaxy Challenges Dark Matter Model)
So WIMP is a lightweight particle that looks like quarks or leptons. But it's smaller than them. The forms of dark matter are a mystery. And in some visions the dark matter particle WIMPs could be particles that orbit electrons. New observations about galaxies and black holes challenging traditional cosmological models.
The interaction between dark matter and visible material is purely gravitational. But if the relation between WIMP's size and electron is the same as electron and proton. That could explain, why the only known interaction between dark matter and visible matter is gravitational.
There are galaxies with dark matter and galaxies with no dark matter. That thing tells us that dark matter is not distributed evenly. This means that dark matter can form structures similar to cosmic nebulas. Or it's possible. That dark matter can form planets, that are invisible to us.
Dark matter is a fascinating thing. The invisible matter. But can interact through gravity. There is a theory that energy level determines what its name is. So the lepton's energy level determines if it's an electron or muon. The same way the energy level determines is particle down or top quark. That means that it's possible. That energy level determines whether can we see particles or not.