Monday, February 12, 2024

Telescopes are researching time dilation near supermassive black holes.

"This artist’s illustration shows a cross-section of the supermassive black hole and surrounding material in the center of our galaxy. The black sphere in the center represents the event horizon of the black hole, the point of no return from which nothing, not even light, can escape. Looking at the spinning black hole from the side, as depicted in this illustration, the surrounding spacetime is shaped like an American football. The yellow-orange material to either side represents gas swirling around the black hole." 

"This material inevitably plunges towards the black hole and crosses the event horizon once it falls inside the football shape. The area inside the football shape but outside the event horizon is therefore depicted as a cavity. The blue blobs show jets firing away from the poles of the spinning black hole. Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss" (ScitechDaily, Telescopes Reveal Rapid Spin of Milky Way’s Black Hole Warping Spacetime)

A new study may help settle the question of how rapidly the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole is spinning.

The black hole, known as Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), contains about 4 million times the mass of the Sun.
Using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and NSF’s Very Large Array, this study found Sgr A* is spinning very rapidly.

This high spin is warping the spacetime around Sgr A* so it appears to have the shape of an American football.  (ScitechDaily, Telescopes Reveal Rapid Spin of Milky Way’s Black Hole Warping Spacetime)

The supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A* spins very fast. That black hole exists in the Milky Way's center. The fast-spinning supermassive black hole offers data about spacetime curvature near it. The question is where that curvature begins and how it interacts with material and wave movement around the black hole. 

The spin of that supermassive object offers the way to the new spacetime and gravitational models. The black hole is like a pothole. And the particles can't go put from that pothole. In some models, gravity is like water. The black hole spins around its central axle. In that central axle is a gravitational tornado that aims quantum fields at the black hole's poles. That thing forms the vacuum that pulls objects into the black hole. The time dilation is the denser or more powerful quantum field. Gravitational center packs those quantum fields near them. 

And then, the gravitational tornado transfers those fields to the black hole's poles. The reason why objects and even radiation cannot go out from the black hole's powerful gravitational field is that the backcoming quantum fields, particles, and radiation push the object into the black hole. If the pothole would be like a whirl in water the objects cannot get out, because the wall of that whirl is too high energy that they cannot cross it. The energy from that whirl called event horizon has too high an energy level, that nothing can travel through it. 

Time interacts very interesting way in the black hole. While particles close to the speed of light. That is the hypersurface of present its energy level rises. Also, its size turns smaller because quantum fields press it into a smaller size. 

In the spacetime model, the hypersurface of the present or the space is horizontal. And the hypersurface of the time is vertical. Time travels across the hypersurface of the present. And in that focus the object's energy level is highest. The black hole's event horizon is one of the hypersurfaces of the present. 

The electromagnetic spectrum would be horizontal. The reason for that is that electromagnetic waves can turn into particles and the opposite. The particle's energy level determines how long it remains. So energy level rises the particle's position vertically. Changing energy level is the thing that determines time. If the particle gets a new energy load, its lifetime extends. 

When we are looking at the time cone and then the "cat" in the middle of the hypersurface of the present that thing means that the hypersurface of the present sends information or wave movement into the future and to the past. 

The hypersurface of the present is the most high energy point in the spacetime. The event horizon is the hypersurface of the present where time freezes. Then after the event horizon. Where escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light the time starts to run backward. 

Normally. There is the possibility that we could get a reflection from the future. In normal situations. That reflection is so weak, that we cannot see it very well. 

And the thing. What makes black holes interesting is that massive gravity transfers the future closer to the object. So we can think that gravity radiation pushes the projection from the future closer to the observer. That thing makes the observer able to see the future. The observer can even touch and affect the future if the future comes close enough. 

The mystery is the Hawking radiation. And how that extreme short wave still hypothetical radiation can escape from a black hole's intensive gravity. In some models the radiation that gravitation packs near the black hole's axle creates a standing wave. And then this thing pulls energy back to the event horizon. 

There are models where Hawking radiation forms when some photons or electrons fall in the black hole. Then the event horizon's position changes. And it leaves those photons outside the black hole. If gravitons are proven and they are the thing that creates superpositions and is left out from the event horizon that makes the Hawking radiation modelling easier. If particles make quantum entanglement out from the event horizon, that makes it possible for energy to travel out from the event horizon when its position changes. 

In some other models, the particle-like photon that orbits a black hole at the point of the event horizon makes the superposition with a photon that is outside the event horizon. This thing explains why Hawking radiation can come out from the event horizon.

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