Thursday, June 23, 2022

Super predictors

From Oracles to modern days the predictors are making their predictions by collecting data from the environment. Travelers reports are transforming to the internet. But the method of the prediction is always the same. The information is used as a matrix, and then the predictor searches for similar things from history. If some kind of thing caused war many times. The predictor will calculate the probability of war. And that thing is one of the most useful ways to make predictions. If a similar situation caused the war 7 times out of 10, the probability of war is 70%. 

The things that predictor must notice are: (at least)

-Political environment on both sides. 

-Economic situation. 


-Health care. 

-Public services


The reason for war might be very simple. The public attention wanted to turn away from some things like corruption or internal problems. If the government is very authoritarian. The outside enemy gives an excuse for censorship and crushes the opposition. 

The bad economics can be the reason for military action because the government might want to make sure that other actors are buying their products. Also, corruption and bad public services are the reason that can cause internal disorders. If the government crushes demonstrations it might need some outside enemy for turning attention from it. 

The reason why I took the war as an example in this text is that thing is total. And it's a clear thing. Things like organized crime can also cause war. In some cases, the criminals make an attentate and then find protection from another country. 

Then the chain reaction where other country starts to blame their neighbor for protecting criminals causes the war. That case can be real if another state is more powerful than another, and that thing can encourage the more powerful government to decide to start the actions against the weaker part of the conflict.  

Oracles and the DMT (N, N-Dimethyltryptamine) 

This part of the article bases the idea that Greeks believed in those oracles and that means there must be something that makes those people believe those things.

When we think that Oracle smelled narcotic smoke before the prediction there must be some purpose for that thing. Maybe the hallucinations made those predictors say something that could interpret as a prediction but there is the possibility that those predictions were so common that they could fit many situations. 

There is some kind of claims that the drug called DMT that our nervous system creates an open gate to the "other world". Somebody says that the DMT is just offering the excuse to think freely. And that drug is used for the same reason as "Absinth" or LSD.  When we are looking at the image of Sibyl the famous Greek predictor the woman seems to look at the smoke there is narcotic smoke. 

There is the possibility that she looks at the mercury plate. There is a small possibility that the mercury vapor makes the antenna between the smell coil and that plate. 

And if we want to be very free thinkers we might think that there is forming a weak electromagnetic bridge between the pineal gland and that mercury. Maybe DMT plays some kind of role in this kind of thing so does the DMT open the senses to another dimension? The fact is that this kind of thing is not scientifically proven. And could there even be another dimension? 

Could there be another invisible world? 

In brane theory, there might be branes in horizontal and vertical directions. The vertical branes mean. The energy level of the material turns so high that we cannot see it. The vertical brane means that there can be many particles that are sending wave motion that we cannot see because that wave motion has a very short or long wavelength. The things like gravitation waves are proven that maybe there are particles that we cannot see even in our third dimension. 

If we are thinking of brane theory where dimensions are the certain energy levels we can think that there are also branes in the horizontal direction. That means there can be words that we cannot see because the particles of those worlds have a different size than the particles that we can see. ',N-Dimethyltryptamine

Scientists found the possible source for the red cap of Pluto's largest moon Charon.

Image: Pluto’s largest moon Charon 

Could there be Bose-Einstein condensate in the atmosphere of the Charon? Could there be a boson cloud between those gas molecules? There is a possibility that a large part of that atmosphere is formed of helium atoms. And that thing means that there is the possibility that part of that atmosphere is formed of Bose-Einstein condensate. 

Even if Charon itself doesn't have its atmosphere it pulls gasses like methane out from Pluto's atmosphere. And there is also helium at the highest altitude of Pluto's atmosphere. So Charon could pull those helium atoms to orbit itself. And that thing can cause that near the poles of that small world is forming the Bose-Einstein condensate. 

Because of the low temperature. The temperature on the dayside of the Charon is about -220 degrees Celsius, but on the night side, it's far lower. The low temperature means that all reactions on that moon are extremely slow. 

The image above portrays Charon, the largest moon of Pluto. The image shows the red cap of that small world. And the red or brown dust on the cap of this small world looks like cardamom. That is thrown away. The thing that makes this cap interesting is its form and size. 

Conditions on that small world are so cold and stable that there could be Einstein-Bose condensate freely in the extremely thin atmosphere of that moon. There is the possibility, that part of the atmosphere is in the form of the Bose-Einstein condensate. 

The source of that red area could be an impact with some cosmic snowball. But scientists are suggesting that the sunlight causes some kind of chemical reactions in the thin atmosphere of Charon. 

The energy level on the surface of that moon is very low. So the material in that atmosphere would be the form of the Bose-Einstein condensate. And that thing makes this gas able to react with the magnetic field. If the methane in that atmosphere forms Bose-Einstein condensate. That thing makes it able to react to magnetic fields.

Bose-Einstein condensate is the gas of bosons. So there is the possibility that between methane atoms in the thin atmosphere of Charon are free bosons. 

The question is: why that brown dust is so locally positioned on the Charon's surface? There is a possibility. That there is some kind of chemical reactions in that super cold world. The material in Charon's atmosphere is at a minimum energy level. 

And there is a possibility that the magnetic field of that moon causes the ionized material to pile up to the poles of Charon. If the atmosphere of the thin atmosphere of that moon is partially in the form of Bose-Einstein condensate and conditions of the moon are otherwise extremely stable even the weak ion flow can drive that material to the poles.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Can we someday de-extinct species like the Tasmanian tiger (Thylacine)?

Thylacine (Wikipedia/ Thylacine)

The fact is that today de-extinction is impossible. There is the possibility that researchers could isolate the DNA from the corpses of mammoths or some recently extinct species like the Chrismas Island rat. But the fact is that the DNA that is in the skulls of those animals is hard to separate. The DNA would be damaged or there are connected viruses. So the result of cloning could look like a Chrismas Island rat. But it would not be a "real rat". 

There are many suggestions that extinct species will return to life by simply cloning those animals. The fact is that the result would not be perfect copies of the extinct animals anyway. The DNA of those animals could be polluted. And that means that even if the result will seem like Tasmanian tiger or Christmas Island rats (McLear's rat) they might not be those animals anyway. 

If we want to return extinct species to life we must realize that thing is easier to plan than make in real life. The problem is that the animals that are stored in museums are independent cases. And that causes that even if we can clone some animals population would be extremely small. And that thing causes degeneration. 

Another thing is that we don't know about the behavior of those animals. We would make individual animals but what happens if it's the only member of that species? Would that animal feel good? And could that kind of animal be safe? 

Technology is advancing. And that thing makes it possible to create synthetic DNA molecules. But the fact that there are billions of DNA sequences that must be made. When we are thinking possibility to return things like dinosaur's life, we must remember that if we connect some DNA of frogs or birds with the DNA of some dinosaurs the result would be a different species than the original dinosaur was. 

The thing is that finding the missing DNA sequences is difficult because there is no confirmed DNA of those animals. Where isolated DNA, can be compared. Nanotechnology and other things can make it possible to create synthetic DNA quite soon. New methods like the ability to erase single atoms from molecular structures are making it possible to create synthetic organisms. 

And that thing makes it possible to create synthetic organisms. Maybe those organisms are at the level of cells or bacteria. But the fact is that those things are the first steps on the road of nanotechnology and genetic engineering.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Denialism means people refuse to listen other than facts that support their opinions.

We must remember that only facts mean something in the courtroom. But the thing is that feelings mean much in our life. We should always follow facts, but then we are facing one thing. In information warfare, emotions are playing a big role. 

If we are suspicious about things, that is told to us by propagandists. We are always stamped as cold and rough people. In a warzone, we might see many bodies. We know what we see. But who is behind that thing? We might want to believe something that is told to us. When we see war crimes or other crimes, we must ask about the motive?

We see bodies. But who made them? Why do those people have to die?

Why were those people selected for execution? And, who selected the victims and decided to murder them?

When we see crime. We must understand that there is always a motive behind the crime. And even in large-scale war crimes, we must remember that we are investigating crimes. 

When you look at information warfare, you must realize that people who are making that stuff are the best neuropsychologists in the world.  The arguments that are used in propaganda are not very easy to refuse, because they are affecting our emotions. 

Denialism is the thing that is visible in many discussions. People like conspiracy theorists always refuse to listen to other arguments. But then some skeptics are feeding conspiracy theories. They are calling psychiatrists or stamping other people maniacs. One version of denialism that is made on purpose is propaganda. In those cases, only things that are supporting the opinions and wishes of the other side are mentioned and mean something. 

In information warfare, the key element is to confess that some actions are ineffective. And one of the examples of this kind of influence opinions is, that Russia tells that the economic sanctions do not affect it. And another way is the callups. There is mentioned that over half of people don't support economic sanctions if they raise prices. 

The purpose of those things is to show people that economic sanctions are unnecessary. They hurt only people who put those sanctions. The thing is that sanctions are an important way to show that other nations are not accepting some actions. 

Disinformation means misinformation that is delivered on purpose. The thing is how to separate disinformation from real information is simple. Disinformation must keep sterile. There is no argument tolerated against disinformation. Every critical comment against the disinformation will crush by using methods like highlighting the psychiatric papers of the person who criticized that thing. Persons like John Nash are a good example of cases, where their scientific work is left background. 

The first remembered thing is schizophrenia. And the second is the game theory of John Nash's scientific work. All mentioned things came after the world schizophrenia that covers the scientific merits of that person. 

This is one mark of purpose denialism. The argument against the person has no connection with that man's work. 

Propaganda is a misrepresentation that is done on purpose. And one version of misrepresentation is the case of car thieves where some 90 years old person will carry to the courtroom to tell people what happened in the Second World War if somebody steals a car that was meant for a field ambulance. 

And that story is spiced with own war experiences. The fact is. That car is stolen from the front of a supermarket in the year 2022. And the thief and owner of that car are under 25. The fact is this is one example of misleading. The court must follow facts. The car was not a field ambulance.

And the place was not the front of the Second World War. The example is that. These kinds of stories have nothing to do with the case that is under judgment. 

One of the marks of denialism or propaganda is that arguments appeal to emotions, not facts. Or arguments against the person are not basing the work that person is done. 

All arguments against their opinions are prohibited. And they must not listen to things that are not supporting their opinions. They are looking only for evidence of what they want. Denialism is very common in small groups like "flat Earth societies". If people are not talking about what the leaders of the group want. They will kick off from society. Every single discussion in that kind of society must follow the manuscript. 

 Those people have strong opinions about some things. And they want to believe that their authorities are not making mistakes. Toxic denialism means that people close away things that are not supporting their ideology. Or their opinions are the only things that people should listen to. But how to detect that thing? What are the characteristics of denialism? 

The best mark of denialism is that there is only one allowed opinion in the discussion. And the arguments that are used in discussions are basing the authority of some people. That means only one kind of opinion is allowed, and if there are some other arguments they will not hear. Then another mark of denialism is the arguments. That is used in the discussions are physical. They are threats of physical violence against the person who tells things that are not supporting the other people's opinions. 

And when we are talking about the scientific equipment that can find evidence the argument against those systems is money. The first thing that is mentioned is the price of the system. There can be many other places to put the money than some very expensive space telescope. And one of those things is the new aircraft carrier. 

Theories and reality.

Above this text is the famous image where Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald. 

Could Governor Connally be the real predicted target of the JFK assassination? 

Just asking questions is the thing that conspiracy theorists are saying. The same thing says TV provocateurs and then we are living in a world where everything is a conspiracy. The term "conspiracy" means that a couple of people are planning to make something illegal. 

Many times conspiracy theorists have just exaggerated the real theories. They claim that there are always thousands of people involving crimes like the JFK assassination. There could be only a couple of people behind that case. The person who could be the most probable target for a professional killer would be governor Connally.

Why the "real" or predicted target in Kennedy's assassination, cannot be governor Connally? The man who caused problems for the mafia? 

We want to believe in superlatives. We want to believe that the president is always the target of assassination. As an example in the same car with JFK was at least one person who was in trouble with bad boys. And that person was Governor Connally. Why was the predicted target, in the JFK case, can't be governor Connally?

 Maybe the shooter just shot the wrong person. The JFK could be a good shield for the shooter(s) who might work for the mafia. The FBI and secret service would hunt the psycho who shot the president. And that would cover the real target. The governor caused problems for the mafia and people like Jack Ruby's gangmates died in the electric chair at the prison in Texas. Ruby was the gangster who killed Oswald when he was transported to court after the arrest of a shooting police officer and president Kennedy. The shooting of that officer happened at a movie theater after the shooting of the JFK. 

There is ever mentioned the possibility that governor Connally was the real target in the Kennedy case. Sometimes I have thought that maybe the real target was Jackqueline Kennedy (later Onassis). There is the possibility that the father of JFK wanted to make sure that his son was re-elected for president. 

And Jackqueline Kennedy maybe wanted to devote themself because he wanted to marry Onassis. That thing could make her a security risk for the mafia. And especially the father of JFK and Robert Kennedy. JFK needed the second period for amnesty of some of his father's mafia friends. Or maybe the mafia wanted to revenge on Connally that this governor made their business very difficult and caused trouble to gangsters. 

And even in the cases like JFK murder, there must not be thousands of people behind that murder or assassination. When we are investigating crimes we must realize that there is always some kind of motive behind those cases. The motive for that murder might be the mafia connections of his father. Or who knows was the governor Connally the real target?

The investigators can find a motive in a person's private or public life. When a public person dies there are always theories that half of the government is involving the case, even if there would be only four or five persons who planned the criminal activity. 

At this point, we must realize that skepticism is a royal virtue. We must be suspicious when somebody shows us things like the UFO pictures. But then we must realize that the UFO doesn't necessarily mean extraterrestrial object. When we are hearing stories that UFOs are visiting the air show, we must realize that the air shows could be the perfect place for testing the new types of stealth systems. 

The stealth aircraft might look very different than regular aircraft. And whenever somebody sees those things the person can see UFo, but the origin of that thing can be in the aircraft factory. Sometimes clouds are very nasty-looking things and they might look very much like some spacecraft. 

Skepticism is many times the synonym for denialism. There are always things like the extraterrestrial origin of the UFOs that must be closed away. This thing must be done before there are no single samples or even images of the UFOs. That thing must be done before the investigations are even started because there is no evidence about the extraterrestrial origin. There is no evidence about any kind of origin of the UFOs. But some of those UFOs are possible to make by using existing technology. And holographic systems along with ionizers can explain the rest of those things.  

Then we must understand that skepticism is the thing that can save us from big bills. But another thing is that skepticism is sometimes very bad denialism. In the worst cases, the person who claims to be a skeptic refuses even to look at some images or other pieces of evidence. Discussions with those people about things that are against their opinions about the UFOs or some other things cause that the skeptic will keep us an appointment to the psychiatrist because that kind of person cannot handle that kind of thing.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Oak Island Money Pit: the mystery remains maybe forever.

Image 1) The Money Pit (Historic Mysteries/ Oak Island: Legends of Pirates and Treasure)

The thing that makes the Oak Island Money Pit interesting is its complicated structure. If there were two chests of rubins and other jewelry. The question is:  what was below those chests? Or what is buried in that pit along with those diamonds or gold? Of course, some pirates could bury their money in that structure. But why did they make it so complicated? What was the motive for making that complicated structure? 

The images in attachment 1 show why the mystery of the Money Pit remains. There is nothing to the left after the treasure hunters. And the fact is that the Money Pit itself is destroyed. So there is nothing left for archeological research. The rumors are left, and maybe we ever get the answer to why that Money Pit is made? 

Even if some person claimed that the Money Pit is made for something. There might be something that the people who made that Money Pit didn't tell their henchmen. And pirates were good workers because they kept their mouths shut. If some person would arrest for pirate actions. That would mean the death penalty. 

Image 2) The location of the Oak Island (Wikipedia/Oak Island)

The Money Pit was a complicated structure. And if that is the old pirate treasure. That was buried in there. The question is why that structure is so complicated. Image 1 shows the diagram of that structure and pirates needed mining engineers and miners for that kind of project. In some theories, the Money Pit was some kind of cannon. Like Jules Verne's "Columbiad". In that theory, the side tunnels were used as the side chambers. And the system was the multi-chamber cannon. Or in the wildest theories, that thing was the alien missile silo. 

But the fact is that nobody knows the purpose of that Money Pit. Or we all can see that there was some kind of chest at the halfway point of the Money Pit. And there is the possibility that those treasures were pulled up and sold to dark marketing by treasure diggers. But the complicated structure is the thing that makes the Money Pit so interesting. The treasure of two million pounds was lots of money. 

So the interesting thing is what was below those chests? Was there something buried under the treasure? Something so important that this kind of structure was reasonable? The thing is that these kinds of stories and structures are interesting. And legends remain. Even if there was the treasure of Captain Kidd. What else is buried in that money pit with that treasure?

Attachment 1)

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

A thing about Leif Erikson's "Vinland".

Image 1) Statue of Leif Erikson in Leif Erikson Park, Duluth, Minnesota (Wikipedia, Leif Erikson) 

When a Viking named Leif Erikson (c. 970 – c. 1019 to 1025) escaped his enemies from Iceland and Greenland to Nova Scotia that person was the first (almost certainly) confirmed European, who laid his feet in America. There is the possibility that some Fonikians or Egyptians had some kind of relationship with American Indians. 

And the thing that supports that theory is a similarity between Maya or Mesoamerican pyramids and Pharaoh Djoser's pyramid. There is the possibility that the similarities between those step pyramids are a coincidence. 

Image 2A Pyramid of Djoser (Wikipedia/Pyramid of Djoser)

Image 2B El Castillo, Chichen Itza (Wikipedia/Mesoamerican pyramids)

But when we are thinking about the name "Vinland" which means "The land of wine" we must realize a couple of things. There is a possibility that this name was symbolic, and Vikings didn't drink wine in that land. 

That name could mean the place, where those Vikings could take a rest and feel safe. Or there is another possibility. There is the possibility that the Vinland is the place where rock is red. Or maybe the trees were red. There is a tree called Blood maple. The leaves of that tree are red. So was there where Leif Erikson visited the forest of Blood maples? That thing could explain why people are not found Leif Erikson'w wine source. America is an interesting thing. 

Image 3)

Posthumous portrait of a Man, Said to be Christopher Columbus's. (Wikipedia, Cristopher Columbus)

The reason why people are interested in the explorers of that land. Is there the possibility that there is lost treasure on some islands? There is a possibility that some pirates like Klaus Störtebecker (1360 – supposed 20 October 1401) buried their treasures on the coast of North America before Columbus. Sometimes I have thought that could Christopher Columbus ( born between 25 August and 31 October 1451, died 20 May 1506), be the grandson of Klaus Störtetebecker the German pirate who lived 50 years before Columbus. 

So did Columbus follow some guide when he went on his famous exploration of America? There is one interesting detail in the Christopher Columbus biography. The date of the born is not marked very accurately. And that thing causes the question of why there is that error? The place of his birth is believed to be Geneva. But there are introduced many other places like Corsica. 

Image 4) "Columbus map", drawn c. 1490 in the Lisbon mapmaking workshop of Bartolomeo and Christopher Columbus (Wikipedia/Christopher Columbus)

The memories of Cristopher Columbus wrote his son Fernando Colón or Ferdinand Columbus (c. 24 August 1488 – 12 July 1539). 

There are two versions of the name of that person Fernando Colón and Ferdinand Columbus. So which mane does that person use in everyday life? Did Ferdinand Columbus use the name Fernando Colón as a pseudonym, when he published memories of his father? 

The question is, why did Fernando Colón have a different name than his father? Of course, Fernando Colón could be some local version of Columbus. But the question of the memories of Cristopher Columbus is did Fernando Colón interview his father? Or did he read his father's diaries after his death? 

In the wildest versions of his ethnic background, Columbus has been claimed to be American Indian or Jew. The reason why his family moved from Genove to Spain is unknown. The biography of that man was written after his death by his son. And many things are not true. Sometimes is claimed that Columbus was a fundamental Christian who wanted to release Jerusalem from the hands of Muslims. 

The fact is that Columbus was not the only person in Europe in the 15th. century who spoke things like that. In his biography mentioned that there were some non-true adventures. But the question was did Columbus tell those stories himself or did his son invent those things himself?

Sunday, June 12, 2022

The mystery of alien abductions.

We can think of alien abductions as crimes. And in crimes, there is a motive that makes it possible to solve them. So what is the motive for alien abductions? Why does somebody collect samples from humans? The needed technology for those things already exists. 

If some abductors are extraterrestrials, they would collect the DNA for denying degeneration. But if abductors are humans. The thing that is missing is motive. If the abductions are sleep paralysis or PTSD that causes more questions than answers. 

If those abductions are false memories we must ask, "why those experiences are so similar?". Is there something that causes similar falsified memories? If abduction is the result of PTSD. That means it happened before the person remembers it. What whipped it away from memory where it return to haunt a person while sleeping?

Alien abductions are the thing sometimes classified as sleep paralysis. Sometimes to some kind of kidnapping. There are stories about the bright light that comes from the sky. Then something pulls a person to bed. The abducted people didn't see the craft.

They only saw the bright light. There is the possibility that the purpose of the light is to cover the shape of the abductor. Or it is used for aiming the pressure system or so-called "tractor ray". 

And then that person is surrounded by grey or white creatures. That has no gender. Sometimes the grey or white creatures come to a room where a person is and just touch the victim. 

There are claims that those "grey men" are robots that have X-ray machines and things like EEG sensors in their bodies. But who sends those things? That is the problem. The thing is that the things like the so-called tractor ray can make by using the pressure system where four pressure whirl channels are impacting the target and rise it airborne. 

Are these things UFOs? No, they are new airships. The left one is a floating wind turbine. And the right one is the Russian cargo airship. The third image is the "Skylifter", a heavy-duty cargo airship.

Also, the UFO can be the airship. So the technology that is used in those systems is not very difficult to make that it cannot be manmade. The thing is that if there is a plasma ring around the saucer-shaped object that whirls near the speed of light that thing forms the virtual Tipler cylinder around that saucer-shaped object. So, the fast-moving plasma can cause time dilation. The plasma can also make the craft invisible to radars. And saucer is a good stealth shape. 

But we always forget one thing. The time dilation can also be neurological. Have you ever noticed that when we are walking on strange roads time moves slower than when we are walking on the road than we know before? 

The reason for that is simple. On a strange road, brains must save things to memory more often than on a well-known road. So there is the possibility that during some abduction cases brains start to save things to memory more often than usual. Or the flashing light that is synchronized with the alpha-signal of the brain can cause epileptic symptoms. 

There is the possibility. That some nano-drones are flying around the head of the person and recording the EEG-alpha wave. Then those drones will just send that EEG wave to the computer. That uses the flashlight. Also, things like powerful ultra- and infrasounds can make the person unable to work. There is nothing in abductions. That is impossible to make by human technology. 

There is the possibility that the high-power magnetic field can make that effect. In that case, the high-power magnetic field can cause the neurons to start to work very fast. 

So, the question is are some abductions made without purpose? If we think that those so-called saucers are using ion engines. That thing can also cause the person rises upward. Extreme powerful magnetic fields could raise a person above from ground from metal things like belt buckles. 

The thing about abductions is that nobody sees abduction. Or there is no evidence that the abduction is happening. Sometimes there were other people in the house and they saw nothing. This is the thing that makes alien abductions interesting. The person who is captured ever has any kind of evidence. 

If a person sleeps in the room and claims to have been abducted. But nobody else sees anything. There is one frightening thing. 

That person might abducted earlier. And the last abduction was PTSD. So all in the case was a flashback of what happened earlier. The thing is that. At least some abductions are real but who makes them? Abductions are possible by using existing technology. 

So some terrestrials or humans are behind those abductions. Why do they make them? Is there somewhere some kind of secret society that needs the DNA or collects cell samples? But why they would make those things?



The 21-gram theory by Dr. Duncan Macdougall

In 1901 Dr. Duncan MacDougall attempted to show that the human soul has a mass. Dr. MacDougall measured many patients before and after their death he got the idea that there was a simultaneous loss of 21 grams of the weight in every single body after they were dead. Skeptics thought that things like the size of tumors caused that small loss of the mass. And the 21-gram theory is justified as pseudoscience. 

The theory remained (at least almost) pseudoscience. Until some neurologists noticed that during death the neurons are activated before and after the moment of death. 

Especially the activating of neurons after the moment of death can cause that weight loss. That thing requires energy. And maybe just 21 grams of some nutrients or sugars are turning into energy. 

Why do neurons increase their activity, especially after death? Some sources are mentioned. That in brain activity has two pikes just before and after the moment of death. 

Just after the death neurons reactivate and that thing causes thoughts that "is somebody or something checking that everything was just fine"? this is one of the creepy things that come to mind. When we are looking at the results of modern neurology and old theories. 

That strange two-stage activation of the neurons could explain that mystery. There is the possibility that some neurotransmitters are destroyed during that process or some chemical reactions are transforming nutrients like pyruvic acid into energy. 

The thing is that what happens during death is not researched yet. The precise moment of death is not documented very often by using EEG and MEG scanners. Those scanners are uncovering the new things about that process which is the end of a person's life. 

Many things happen during death that has never been noticed yet. And the key question is why neurons reactivate after death? There is some genetic trigger that causes this thing. But what is the purpose of that strange thing that is happening during death?

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

A couple of things about the western aid to Ukraine

M-777 Howitzer. (Wikipedia) 

Ukraine got military aid from the western alliance. And one of the key elements in that aid is the GPS homing grenades. Those very highly advanced grenades can adjust to detonate at a certain altitude and they are the most effective precise guide ammunition that artillery has ever used. 

The GPS must just have the information of the location of the target and the new systems can update that position very rapidly. So the modern GPS-guided grenade can also hit moving targets. The GPS systems that are connected to Javelin and other modern antitank weapons allow to shoot off those missiles over buildings and hills and the shooter can remain unseen. 

The GPS will guide the missile at the beginning of the trajectory. And then the optical seeker will start to search for targets. The fact is that the NATO or the controller of the GPS systems can observe every single GPS-guided weapon that is used in Ukraine. That means NATO can control where Ukraine uses those weapons. 

The microchips that are used in those GPS-guided grenades must resist a very powerful acceleration. The extremely powerful acceleration causes problems with the microchips. And that means the structure of the microchips must be very strong. Or they will crack. 

The problem with the imported microchips is that their molecular structure is well-known. There is the possibility that acoustic weapons will target those microchips. In that case, the resonance will crack those microchips. 

The weakness of the Ukrainian defense is that it cannot attack the Russian territory. The Russian side can make troop transportations and move the equipment from the Russian territory. So the Ukrainians cannot strike the airfields that are deep inside Russian territory. And the second thing is that Ukrainians cannot destroy factories where the Russians make their equipment. 

The Russian side can attack to entire Ukraine by using missiles and strategic bombers. The Russian artillery (maybe) was used with more dummy or traditional ammunition. And they probably save the laser-guided grenades for the high-priority targets. The problem with the Russian military is the lack of microchips that are used in smart weapons. 

One problem with the microchips that are bought from outer lands is that the materials are in the opponent's knowledge. That means the opponent can point acoustic weapons to those microchips. And that causes the cracks in those microchips.


When we are looking microbe above this text we might almost see the microchip on that microbe. The microchip will send the commands to the microbe. And then the system can turn to use neurotransmitters for connecting those cells. The idea is to make a cell-based quantum computer that uses chemical qubits. 

Another name for quantum computers that use chemical qubits and forms of living neurons is brains. The human brains use 25W electricity per day. Maybe artificial brains or biological microprocessors are not as powerful as human brains. But they can control things like drones and man-size robots and make them more independent than ever before. 

The microbe called choanoflagellate was the first of the organisms that started to form the nervous system of the ancient animals. The choanoflagellate could be acting as the body of the new type of half-organic microchips. The idea is that the microprocessor that controls the organic part of these microchips will be put on the choanoflagellate. 

And then that organism starts to communicate by using neural proteins. The idea is that the microchip-controlled neural network could be acting as the half organic biocomputer. That kind of biocomputer can be a very effective and powerful system. Biological computers are things that bases is on the living neurons or pre-neural organisms that can communicate by using neurotransmitters. 

The microchip is the tool that gives a mission to the neurons would give electric stress to living neurons. Then those neurons would start to operate with that problem. That kind of system can be slower than real quantum computers. But that system requires less power than inorganic quantum computers. And the living neurons can use to control robots like drones. 

The problem with those biocomputers is that they must not be too independent. The operator must have the ability to control those vehicles. But living neural structure that controls robots. Need the same food as other neurons. So the robot that uses the biological computer must eat the same food that we are eating. The biocomputers must not be complicated. And only a couple of neurons can control things like drones. 

Those neurons that the system needs, can be taken from the bugs. But the problem is how to decode their EEG so that those neurons can deliver control signals to the drones. The half-organic microchips are very powerful tools. The problem is that those microchips can be acting somehow surprisingly. One requirement for safe robotics is that controllers know precisely what robots are doing. 


Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Brain-signal proteins formed before animals did.

"This microbe, called a choanoflagellate, is one of the single-celled organisms most closely related to the animal kingdom. New work shows that its ancestors made proteins that were later repurposed by the nervous systems of the first animals". (Quanta magazine/Brain-Signal Proteins Evolved Before Animals Did)

The origin of brain signal molecules or neurotransmitters is long before the first cells. That means brains didn't "invent" those molecules that are playing a vital role in human and animal brains. The question is how neurons "learned" to use those molecules? 

Things like bacteria could use similar neurotransmitters in communication. But nobody ever found an intelligent bacteria mass. The fact is that there is the possibility that bacteria can form similar structures to brains. 

It's theoretically possible, that neurons can hybridize with bacteria and from intelligent structures. In that case, nothing limits the size of those neural structures. And the communication between those things and computers could happen through the brain-computer interface systems. That kind of neural structure can also take other species under their control. But the thing is that we don't know any of that kind of organism. 

The synapse bladder is one of the most important things in neural structures. That thing keeps neurons separated from each other. 

When we are thinking about evolution there must be something that gives species benefits from this kind of chemicals. And then the neurons must connect the production order of those chemicals in their genomes. The human brain would be far faster if those neurons would connect straight without the synapses bladder. 

And the purpose of the synapse bladder is to protect the neural structure against the virus infection. Because all neurons are separated the virus cannot infect all neurons straight. The thing is that synapses bladder and neurotransmitters are making brains a little bit slower than they could be. 

The same structure that protects brains against viruses makes them vulnerable to botulinum and other neurotoxins. Neurotoxins like botulinum are affecting the enzymes that are destroying neurotransmitters. 

So that thing causes the neuron cannot destroy the neurotransmitters. And that thing causes the symptoms like spasms. When the neuron will start to send the same signals again and again through the neural structure. 

If the brains would use electricity in communication, they would be more effective or faster. And that structure protects them against neurotoxins that are basing organophosphates. The other neurotoxins are just mixing the signals that are traveling in the neural structure. 

In the case, that something wants to connect neurons the system should use nanotechnical carbon structures that can connect synapses precisely without cross or duplicated connections. And that denies mixing the signal in the synapse bladder. The thing that makes things like mercury neural poison is that the droplets of that metal will get between synapsis. And that will make it impossible to separate neural signals that are traveling between the neurons. 

If those channels are not connected precisely, that makes an error in data transmission. The thing that makes human brains a little bit slow is when the signal will travel between neurons. They must pack it in the neurotransmitter before it can travel through the synapses bladder. 

Maybe that kind of thought that the power of the human brain can boost by using nanotechnology is possible in the future. In that model, the carbon wires will connect neurons precisely from the end of the synapsis. And that thing makes the neurotransmitters unnecessary.


Could the myth of vampires be somehow real?

Cancer cells act like small vampires when they steal mitochondria from the immune cells. When tiny tentacles or nanotubes are sucking mitochondria out from the immune cells those cancer cells can connect those mitochondria to themselves. 

The myth of vampires is claimed as a hoax. The new findings in the behavior of cancer cells. And, especially their ability to steal mitochondria from the wealthy immune cells. And the cases when old mice are injected by using the blood of young mice. 

That turned old mice younger has caused the thought that the vampire myth requires a closer look. We can say that cancer cells are like little vampires that are using tiny tentacles to steal mitochondria from wealthy immune cells. 

But then researchers found that the blood of young mice made elder mice younger. That thing caused an idea that somebody will start to think about, what kind of creature the vampire would be. We know that the serial killer Erzebeth Bathory took blood baths to remain young forever. Young blood can take affect cells in two ways. 

"Left: Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) image shows the formation of a nanotube between a breast cancer cell and an immune cell. Right: Confocal microscopy image shows mitochondria (labeled with green fluorescence dye) traveling from a T cell to a cancer cell through the intercellular nanotube. DNA in the mitochondria was labeled with blue dye. Credit: Nature Nanotechnology DOI: 10.1038/s41565-021-01000-4" (ScitechDaily/Cancer Cells Use “Tiny Tentacles” To Suck Mitochondria Out of Immune Cells)

The first way is the cell can renew the main genome of the cell. The main genome of the cell is in its nucleus.  And the second point is the mitochondria. 

Mitochondria are the power units of the cells. And those power units have their internal DNA molecules that are not connected with the main genome of the cells. When a cell starts to split it will send the chemical mark to mitochondria that they are starting their mitosis. 

If the cells are transferring fresh mitochondria that would cause the creature must avoid UV radiation. The UV radiation will damage the DNA. And then the creature will get burning injuries. There is one thing that is also interesting and that is connected with the cancer cells. 

Cancer cells can steal mitochondria from other cells and connect them with their power system. So, cancer cells are stealing the "force of life" from other cells by using small nanotubes. And in the book Dracula, the hand of the vampire is described as hairy. So could the be the possibility that some creature could steal mitochondria from other animals or even humans. 

The thing of how a vampire could transform a human into a vampire would be easy to explain. The vampire could transfer the virus into the body of the victim. And that virus transforms the victim of the bite into a vampire. But could that creature exist? The fact is that there could be something that some people don't want others to know.,the%20study%20published%20in%20the%20journal%20Cell%20Metabolism.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Many parts of the evolution tree might be wrong. (Theory itself is right but the DNA has uncovered the new details in the history of species)


Toucan (Pinterest)

Probosci's monkeys and toucans have one interesting detail on their face. 

The main question in evolution is why some animals have "useless" details in their body?  What made natural selection favor the big nose of the proboscis monkey? We can understand that the toucan's beak helps the toucan hunt because its beak looks like a banana. But what is the benefit of the big nose of the proboscis monkey? When we think about natural selection. The thing that makes nature favor a certain thing. 

Is it useful and helps to fill nutrients if there are not enough vegetables. Toucans are omnivore birds. In that case, Toucan will transfer to eat bid eggs and lizards.  The colorful beak of the toucan makes it a good hunter but that bird eats mostly fruits. And the thing is that a colorful beak is attractive because it brings food like lizards. But the nose of the proboscis monkeys seems to have no similar use. So the reason why that monkey has that nose remains a mystery. 

We should turn to using DNA test for making evolution trees. 

When we are talking about the Darwinian model that certain details in the shape of the animals would highlight because something makes things like a big nose more attractive than other noses. So the big nose of the proboscis monkey could be the result of the natural selection that benefits the big nose. 

The thing that formed that special detail of that monkey is unknown. Many animals are looking like each other but they are genetically very far away from each other. Some researchers are saying that we should start to use DNA tests in all evolution models and forget the phenotypes or external details. Two animals that are grown in similar areas might have similar details. But they are genetically far away from each other. 

When we are thinking about the game theory and the species we must realize that all species and individuals are maximizing their benefits. But why non of the species must not come too dominating? The fact is that too dominating a species will be destroyed because it eats its food. And that thing causes hunger. 

But when we are thinking about the game theory we must realize that evolution is a network. Sometimes some researchers introduced the theory that somewhere in the universe could be planets where is only one species. That kind of species would be extremely sensitive. 

And those species would not have any kind of immune defense. And they cannot protect themselves against outcoming enemies. If there are only one species on the planet one virus can destroy entire lifeforms. Multiple species or biodiversity guarantees that one virus cannot destroy all biological organisms from that planet. 

Probosci's monkey (Pinterest)

Those organisms could be primitive algae or some other bacteria-level species. Higher organisms like animals require vegetables to eat. The mono-organism ecosystems require organisms that can turn the soil minerals straight into sugars. So only the arc bacteria can form that kind of ecosystem. 

The biodiversity guarantees that the species must not turn to cannibalism. And if conditions are suddenly changing at least some of the species will remain after extinction. But the fact is that the multiple species and competition between species caused. That natural selection started to favor intelligence. Normally, a large number of descendants are enough to guarantee that species remain alive.

But when the environment changes very fast the intelligent individuals would stay alive because intelligent individuals with the ability to think abstract turns overwhelming. Abstract thinking allows us to find tools that make it possible to dig food below the snow. Abstract thinking is also making it possible to connect things like warm when two sticks are rubbed against each other and fire. 

Even the most intelligent species require something to eat. That means the only thing that can form the mono-species ecosystems are vegetables or rather saying primitive algae. Higher vegetables require bacteria that are pre-handling the hummus to nutrients. Animals in the form as we know them require vegetables or some other animals for nutrients.

The cancer cell's ability to fix its DNA makes it possible to create genome therapy against cancer and aging.

Researchers found how cancer cells are fixing their DNA damage. That gives great opportunities for cancer treatment. But what if that ability can transfer to normal cells? That thing makes those cells able the resist things like aging or cancer. 

Reprogramming cells is one of the possibilities to remove at least some cancer or other diseases from the human race. The ability to transfer synthetic DNA to cells makes them produce new DNA and remove the old. In nature, the retrovirus is making that thing all the time. So synthetic retroviral can make this thing possible. In that case, the retrovirus virus will just slip the new genome in the form of the RNA in the human cells. 

That means the synthetic DNA can slip into the cells and drive through cell organelles. Or actually, the RNA will just take the cell organelles under the control and programs them to create the new DNA for the cells. 

That DNA can involve orders to destroy the old DNA and replace it with new DNA that those cell organs create. The process will look like mitosis. But the old DNA will just be destroyed in this process and replaced by using the new DNA. Then the DNA must remove the sequences from it that make that replacement process possible. 

A cancer cell's ability to fix its DNA is the thing that denies the effect of a medicine. The same ability that makes cancer cells fix the DNA is the thing that can use to reprogram cells. That thing can make it possible. That cancer can be removed, from the human race. In that case, the researchers remove the DNA sequence that causes cancer from the DNA. Or researchers can replace it by using wealthy DNA. 

Replacement of the damaged DNA is easy to make in the morula-level embryos. The researchers must just make the wealthy DNA and then suck the damaged DNA out from the morula. Then they can inject wealthy DNA into that embryo. That thing is quite easy to make. Researchers must just take the morula out from the mother's body for a moment, change the DNA and then put the morula back. 

Reprogramming cells means that the young or not damaged DNA will transfer to cells. If the DNA in the nucleus of the cells can replace with no-damaged DNA that thing can make a person theoretically immortal. The reason for aging is damaged DNA. If we want to make a person immortal we must also change mitochondria from the cells. 

Researchers are making tests with old mice who are got the blood of young mice. And that young blood made them younger. The young blood caused the situation that the cells transfer the young DNA to the nucleus of the cells. 

There is also the possibility that young blood is causing the renewal of the mitochondria. The effect of the blood transplant is confirmed. But the point is does that new blood affect the nucleus of the cells, or does that thing affect mitochondria? The problem with DNA reprogramming is that there are a lot of cells in the human body. 

If somebody wants to change the DNA in the nucleus of the cells there is one possibility. That possibility is the genetically engineered bacteria. In that case, the research program bacteria to create the new DNA. And then the bacteria will just pull the old DNA out and replace it with new fresh DNA. 

Researchers can make that thing by using synthetic DNA plasmids. The fresh DNA can produce by using cells that are taken from a person just after birth. Or the DNA that is taken straight after birth can transfer to cells. And then the cell cultures can use to create the DNA. Some laboratories are researching the possibility to reprogram cells. Genetic engineering opens new roads for wealthy humans. 

The DNA-controlled nanomachines are giving information. That is useful for use in the control of artificial bacteria. The creation of artificial bacteria allows making a new type of large-scale genome therapy. In those models, the bacteria that is injected into the human body will create new DNA and changes the DNA from the nucleus of the cells. And as I wrote before the mitochondria must also renew.


Thursday, June 2, 2022

Researchers have uncovered the physical difference between a psychopath and normal people.

The research found that the striatum region of the brain was on average ten percent larger in psychopathic individuals compared to a control group of individuals that had low or no psychopathic traits. (ScitechDaily/Scientists Have Established a Key Biological Difference Between Psychopaths and Normal People)

Researchers made lots of work for finding the physical difference that makes the person psychopathic. Psychopaths have a 10% larger striatum than regular people. That thing allows us to see psychopaths by using MRI scanners. The psychopath doesn't make a person criminal, but the lack of social conscience makes them more susceptible to make crimes than regular people. 

The nervous system is one structure in the human body. Behind all differences in biological structures are differences in DNA molecules. And finding the difference that causes psychopathy allows finding the genome that is behind that mutation. So, there is a base pair or series of base pairs in the DNA. That causes that person to have a 10% larger striatum. 

Researchers are finding what genomes are controlling the advance of certain organs. By observing people with some differences in their biological structures

The use of MRI scanners to find that difference is a fundamental idea. That thing allows us to show those differences from MRI images. And that thing makes it possible to confirm that the person is a psychopath. The lack of social conscience makes psychopaths more dangerous because they have no social rules. The only thing that drives those people ahead is personal benefit. 

Psychopaths might seem very charming and intelligent people. They are excellent manipulators because they are not the shame of anything. They can take a person who sits in a wheelchair because they want to pass row. They can collect money for poor children. And then go to the shop and buy a new mobile telephone. 

The extreme cases of psychopaths are serial killers. They would kill people just for fun. The thing is that serial killers are not shamed for what they are doing. The lack of shame makes those people very dangerous. And that thing makes it important to locate them from the society. 

Confirmation of psychopathy in this kind of research is important. That the physical difference in nervous structure is common for psychopaths. There must be some mark or detector. That determines a person as a psychopath. One of the details that can use for confirming psychopathy is heavy crimes. If the person does not feel shame that thing might be the mark of a sociopathic or psychopathic personality. 

If a person feels that raping and other violence against weaker people are justified that thing. Is a serious mark of psychopathic behavior. If a person believes that their pleasure justifies the violence that means the person needs some kind of attention.


Christmas is here.

Christmas is here. Now it is Christmas night. The night should be the celebration of mercy. But sometimes that thing causes trauma. Christma...