ESAs Euclid telescope unveils dark matter mystery.
Dark matter means the gravitational effect that dominates the universe. Dark matter is the source of the largest gravitational background in the universe. The reason why researchers think that behind that gravitational effect is material is that the gravitational effect is stable. And the observations tell us that dark matter behaves like visible material. There are places in the universe where there is no dark matter.
There are also places where dark matter dominates. There is a possibility that dark matter is standing gravitational waves. And that thing makes it possible to explain why only gravitational interaction between dark matter and other material is possible. If there is somewhere static gravitational wave that forms the gravitational effect, called dark matter that thing is interesting.
"The ESA’s Euclid mission has shared its first high-resolution, full-color images of the Universe, showcasing the ability to map the cosmos in unprecedented detail. These images highlight the telescope’s readiness to embark on creating a comprehensive 3D map of the Universe, focusing on understanding the role of dark matter and dark energy." ( the Universe: Euclid’s First Images Illuminate Dark Matter Mysteries)
But how long those standing gravitational waves can remain? The fact is that: gravitational effects are not forming from emptiness. There is always some source for gravitational waves. It's possible. That gravitational waves can form black holes.
Dark matter is a mystery. The material that only interacts with visible material through gravitation is a remarkable thing. 84,5% of material is so-called dark, which will not reflect, scatter or any other ways cause measurable interaction with visible material is 15,6 percent of the universe's material.
68,3% of the universe is dark energy. And the rest of it is dark and visible material. Because dark matter has gravitational interaction with visible material.l It's possible that dark matter can form at least black holes.
It's possible that:
1) Hot Dark matter is material whose energy level is too high. That means it can't react with visible material. The idea is that the hot dark matter has a different form than visible material. And maybe some kind of energy needle can make energy travel past that material.
X)Visible material. In that model, the dark energy is energy that comes from the dark matter.
2) Cold dark matter that could be 2D material. The spin of the flat material that could look like very small skyrmions could be so high that it throws all radiation past it.
Or could dark matter be quantum-size primordial black holes?
The main problem with this model is this: why that matter cannot cause scattering? Why the only interaction with dark matter is through gravitation? And in some models, the dark matter consists of quantum-size black holes that pull energy and material inside them. That means quantum-size primordial black holes can still form the universe.
Could dark matter be virtual material?
*And in some other visions dark matter could be "flat" particles. The particles can be like small, but quite stable skyrmions. Those quantum skyrmions can be ring-shaped gravitational waves. And if there is some kind of quantum low-pressure in that ring-shaped superstring. That thing makes it possible that the only possible interaction between dark and visible material is gravitation. In this model, dark matter would be a virtual material that can form gravitational interaction. But in that model, there are no dark matter worlds.
But it's possible that lighter objects. Like "dark matter" planets and stellar mass dark matter clouds or gobs can exist. That thing causes interesting ideas that maybe there is an entire dark universe with planets, stars, galaxies, and even lifeforms. There is the possibility that visible material is the material's energy level that is between energy levels of cold and hot dark matter.
In this model, the hot dark matter energy level is so high that it cannot interact with visible material. Cold dark matter has so a low energy level that it cannot cause a reaction in visible material. And the thing that forms dark matter are WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). The interesting thing about WIMPs is this. Why those particles cannot interact? Or why their only interaction with visible material is gravitational? Maybe Euclid tells that thing to us.
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