Saturday, December 2, 2023

The story of the oldest pyramid in Indonesia got a new turnaround and controversy.

    The story of the oldest pyramid in Indonesia got a new turnaround and controversy. 

A long time before Egyptian sculptors made sphinx and pyramids nature made those places. For some reason those naturally formed, extraordinary-looking places turn holy. And then Sumerians and Egyptians started to make their pyramids. Those natural pyramids were holy places for people. 

I know there will be a lot of "maybes" in this text. Indonesian archeologists said, that the Gunung Padang Pyramid is the oldest in the world. And that thing caused controversy. "We all know that Djoser's pyramid or Pyramid of Djoser in Egypt is the oldest". Or rather saying Djoser's pyramid is the oldest existing pyramid. There were some pyramids in Mesopotamia, maybe before Egypt. 

South and Central American Indians built pyramids. But did Egyptians teach that skill to them?  And that thing can tell something about trade routes from the past. There are also suspected pyramids in Antarctica and Bosnia. 

Geologists believe that Bosnian pyramids least partially natural. And if the Antarctean pyramids are man-made, the Bosnian pyramids follow the same building method. However, the Antarctic pyramids are not confirmed to be man-made. The building method in those Bosnian cases was that builders found some suitable hills and then modified them to a pyramid form.

Were Bosnian pyramids some kind of fake Egypt for Roman noblemen? That thing would make it possible to create fake glory for those people, and then if they rise against the Emperor, that thing gives a good excuse for the arrest and execution of those competitors. 

Image above. Giza pyramids and Sphinx. Who made the first pyramids? Nobody knows. 

In some other theories, Romans made those pyramids. The idea is that the place was "mini Egypt" for emperors and wealthy Romans so that they could tell stories about the journeys. Bosnia was close enough to Rome that those people were under control. Military service was the duty of Romans, and that's why somebody wanted to pay, that they would not die in battles. 

So maybe, those pyramids were made to make stories about distant Egypt which was a very exotic place in ancient Rome. At that time there was no GPS and flight routes.

So maybe, the emperor used those fake stories to control his closest men. The fake story would be a good reason to arrest the emperor's competitors. And execute them.  Then we must think: did those people who used that hypothetical Mini Egypt know themselves that they would have some fake merits?

There is the possibility that Bosnian pyramids are naturally formed structures. But there is also the possibility that some people have modified those hills. If those hills are giant sculptures, made by humans that thing makes it impossible to determine their age. In some theories, ancient Bosnians visited Egypt. There they saw pyramids, and then they decided to make them bigger. Just by modifying a couple of hills, to look like pyramids. 

As well as, modern archeologists think that the Great Sphinx in Giza was created by natural erosion, and then sculptures made the head and paws for that thing.  Why did they choose that stone? Nobody knows. 

But if the Gunung Padang pyramids are man-made and as old as Indonesians claim that would be a sensation. And then there is great controversy. As we know many things cause discussions. And Indonesian 27000-14000 years old pyramid is the thing, marked as pseudoscience. Or at least, that article is marked by so-called nationalism archeology. That article caused criticism, and somebody said that it was not peer-reviewed, as it should be. 

If somebody says that Gunung Padang is 27000-14000 years old, that time scale is very long. So is Gunung Padang the oldest pyramid on Earth? That's a good question. The discussions about the oldest pyramid continue forever. Even if the Gunung Padang was built in 45 BC. That thing causes interesting thoughts about that pyramid's origin.  Even if, it's made in 45 BC. That thing makes it interesting. 

But as we know, all new things, said or written against public understanding cause discussions. And that discussion is a very important thing. When we learn something at school, the thing. What we learn is based on knowledge. That writers have at that moment. And then comes new information. Discussions of the pyramids continue.

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