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Showing posts from June, 2024

Energy flow keeps things moving.

Superstrings and dark energy. Can the source of dark energy be in the strings between quarks and gluons?  The universe's expansion is one of the things that put energy into motion. When particle's distances turn higher, that means their interaction turns weaker. And that means that also quantum fields in the universe turn weaker. Energy always travels to a lower energy level. And that means material sends wave movement all the time.  The universe's expansion pulls wave movement out from material, and that thing called vaporization causes that sooner or later material to turn into wave movement. This thing keeps energy moving and without this movement, the universe freezes.  Can dark energy be energy that the source is in strings between quarks and gluons? When energy flow hits those strings they act like antennae, and they send radiation or wave movement to the quarks. That means that the shape of the transmitter is different than normal.  When energy flow travels through t

Thorium reactor, and what nobody might tell you before.

Thorium (Th) is a good nuclear fuel. That weakly radioactive element is easier to handle than uranium (U). Its waste remains for a shorter time than U-235 waste. If we want to use Thorium as the fuel in conventional nuclear reactors, that is ok. Th.232 turns into U-233 when nuclear fission neutrons impact it. Thorium acts in the same way Uranium 238 turns into Plutonium, Pu-239 in neutron bombardment.  Th-232 catches free neutrons and turns into U-233. That chain is a little bit more complicated. But finally, the Th-232 turns into the Uranium 233. It's possible to make the Thorium-based fast breeder reactor. Normally fast breeder reactor turns U-238 into Pu-239. The fast breeder reactor should have the capacity to handle Th-232, as it handles U-238.  "Experimental Breeder Reactor II, which served as the prototype for the Integral Fast Reactor" (Wikipedia, Breeder reactor) So Thorium can make it possible to create new types of nuclear weapons. The U-233 is suitable for nuk

What is Alexandretta? (How the AI must act if it tries to find something)

Image above: The Damsel of the Sanct Grael by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1874) (Wikipedia, Holy Grail) The image above portrays the lady. Lady keeps the Holy Gail in her hand. And there is a bird behind that lady. The bird carries some ball, and that causes an idea. That maybe the Holy Grail was two-part merchandise. The human has the cup, and then. Some unknown thing brings the activator. So, the Holy Grail requires two parts. The cup and the activator. And in stories, the Holy Grail is ineffective without that activator.   And if we think freely, that activator can be the ball, there is forming a miniature black hole when the lightning hits that thing. Or maybe the electric shock drives DNA to the person who keeps the Holy Grail in their hands. The high-power electric shock that the electric eel makes can transfer genomes from one species to another. And that makes Holy Grail interesting.  There is lots of fiction and almost fact about the Holy Grail. Somebody said that the Holy Grail w

Does glow from the Big Bang ever lose?

   The event called the Big Bang happened about 13,5 billion years ago. Or, at that point, the material, time, and energy got their shape as we know them. We don't know what happened before the Big Bang. And maybe we see only the last part of it.  When we look at this model, we can compare the Big Bang with a nuclear weapon's fireball. All material formed in that fireball, and the fireball's size increases even today. It turns lower energy so, the universe's temperature turns lower. The universe freezes all the time because energy travels out from it.  That means. Its particle's distance turns higher, and the forces between particles turn weaker. The visible material seems to be in a ball-shaped structure. But mainly material in the universe is invisible to us. That material, called Dark Matter is gravity effect, which source is unknown. Dark energy is the thing, that rips the universe into pieces.  So dark matter determines the shape of the universe. Then we look a

Neutron stars can uncover what the WIMPs can be.

"A recent study from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics suggests that neutron stars could play a crucial role in understanding dark matter. The study found that dark matter particles, when colliding within neutron stars, can quickly heat these stars, potentially making them observable through future astronomical technologies. This rapid heating process, previously thought to take longer than the universe’s age, now appears achievable within days, providing a new method to study dark matter’s interactions with regular matter." (ScitechDaily, Dark Matter Decoded: How Neutron Stars May Solve the Universe’s Biggest Mystery) Neutron stars can explain dark matter. At least, part of it. In some models, the dark matter can be the curvature in spacetime. So, the thing is that dark matter is the virtual material, that puts gravity waves moving. The curvature in spacetime can mean a very small space. There are models where the "U-shape" structures in

The mystery of FRB.

"Artist’s rendition of how the angle of polarized light from an FRB changes as it journeys through space. Credit: CHIME, Dunlap Institute" (ScitechDaily, Mysterious Origins: Polarized Light Transforms Our Understanding of Fast Radio Bursts) The fast radio burst (FRB) is one of the most mysterious phenomena in the universe. The thing, that makes that radio burst mysteriously is that they seems to come outside our galaxy. And the other thing is that they might seem to have nothing, where they can come. The mystery is: why FRBs cannot form in our galaxy? The FRB is a similar phenomenon with gamma- and X-ray bursts.  The radiation frequency is different from that in GRB and XRB, and the problem is that those effects seem to have a source. The FRB is separated from the GRB and XRB which might form when neutron stars or black holes collide. The FRB is sometimes unique, and those three phenomena are not connected. So, the FRB doesn't mean that at the same time comes XRB and GRB.