Saturday, June 29, 2024

The arrow of time.

The image above introduces the internal structure of a wormhole. The energy channel that travels through the universe. The pockets or bubbles in their shape make it hard to use it. If an object touches the wormhole's shell it loses its energy. So, does the wormhole stop time inside it? 

The answer is that in many models wormholes are spinning energy tornadoes, which means that time moves slower in them than it moves outside it. Do those wormholes exist? Image 2 introduces the BOSS Structure of the universe. Those channels between galaxies give a hint, that maybe those legendary Einstein-Rose bridges are true. 

British astrophysicist Arthur Eddgerton created the idea of the "arrow of time" in 1927. The idea is that particles or radiation (wave movement) travel in time in the same way as they travel in space. What made his idea fundamental? It handles time as space or dimension. The dimensional time means that we are traveling in time forward. The image 3 introduces the key component in that model. The arrow is the object that travels in time. The largest known object is the universe. 

When an object travels in time, it releases its energy to objects near it. That thing causes a situation that when an object travels forward in time it pushes objects around it back in time. 

Image 3) The arrow of time. When an object travels forward in time. It releases energy to objects around it. That pushes those objects back in time. So if we want to put object travel back in time. we must transform the energy flow's direction. Energy must start to flow from particles around it into the arrow. 

If an object travels inside the wormhole, that means time travels backward or slower in those energy channels than it travels outside it. And that means if the energy level in the energy channel is high enough, it can send objects around it back in time. 

In that model time is energy and energy always travels to the lower-energy object. That means the entire universe travels forward in time. But space around the universe travels back in time. 

Entropy is the thing that denies us to see into the future. The entropy also gives limits to ranges that we can see. The oscillating particles are pulling energy from the universe. And when photons or other particles hit their quantum fields, those photons and other particles deliver or receive energy. And energy is information. That information makes objects like neutrinos dirty. 

Image 4. Time is like a swing board. That means information travels from the higher energy side to the lower energy side. So if researchers want to make information travel back in time, they must create a higher energy object in spacetime, and turn the swing board opposite. 

This is the thing that makes sterile neutrinos interesting.  If the neutrino is sterile or "clean" that means it hasn't touched quantum fields yet. And one of the reasons why it doesn't touch quantum fields is that it travels in a channel called a wormhole. 

The reason why entropy increases in the system is same way easy to explain. When the size of the system expands but the number of actors remains the same, that makes space in the system. And that gives things like particles space to oscillate. 

Before the Big Bang energy, time and space were the same. I know, I forgot the material. The reason for that is that material is a form of energy. 

When time separates from energy that makes room in the system. That gave superstrings space to move. And that formed the first entropy. When the Big Bang sent superstrings through space, first those superstrings were straight. But then there formed curves. Those curves deny us to see into the future. If we want to see into the future, we must make there a higher energy object than in the point where we stand. 

So if we want to bring information from the future to the 30.6. 2024 we must make higher energy points in the future than the energy level is in the 30.6.2024. The energy level must be so high that it can force those superstrings into the straight form. If the system can force those superstrings into straight form, that makes it possible to transmit information from the future to the back in time. 

And then we can think of the time arrow in image 3. The time arrow (or arrow particle) must get so high energy level that it can push particles around it back in time so strongly, that they can travel between those superstrings.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Maybe Black holes multiply themselves by gravity lensing.

"Artist’s impression of a microlensing event caused by a black hole observed from Earth toward the Large Magellanic Cloud. The light of a background star located in the LMC is bent by a putative primordial black hole (lens) in the Galactic halo and magnified when observed from the Earth. Microlensing causes very characteristic variation of brightness of the background star, enabling the determination of the lens’s mass and distance. "  (ScitechDaily, Black Holes and Dark Revelations: Gravitational Waves Provide New Clues to the Composition of Dark Matter)

"Credit: J. Skowron / OGLE. Background image of the Large Magellanic Cloud: generated with bsrender written by Kevin Loch, using the ESA/Gaia database. Credit: J. Skowron / OGLE. Background image of the Large Magellanic Cloud: generated with bsrender written by Kevin Loch, using the ESA/Gaia database." (ScitechDaily, Black Holes and Dark Revelations: Gravitational Waves Provide New Clues to the Composition of Dark Matter)

Black holes form in energy. That means any particle or object can turn into a black hole. But the lens must focus enough energy for that point. So if we have a lens that collects enough energy, we can create a black hole. When the energy load in a particle grows, it turns smaller and denser. Energy always flows to the lower energy area. 

When the system focuses very much energy on the object sooner, or later that energy jumps out from the particle. There forms an electromagnetic vacuum around the particle, and then that quantum fields fall into that thing. There the quantum field impacts the incoming energy impulses. 

We can think that every elementary particle is like a whisk-looking structure. And if the origin of the gravity waves is in those strings that form particles, that causes a theorem that maybe gravitons are particles, that form those strings. In that model, gravitons are like pearls on a string of pearls. The energy flow that travels past that structure forms the gravity waves. When that quantum wind blows through that whisk-looking structure that can be quark it forms quantum shadows, energy ditches that we call gravity waves. 

In models, particles are like sombrero. The energy ditches around the particle are the gravity waves. To be visible the object must push particles so hard, that they can travel across that energy ditch. So the energy level of the particle must be so high, that it is higher than the depth of the ditch. 

The in and outcoming wave movement impacts outside the particle. In that version, the gravity ditches also impact forming a deeper ditch around the particle. If that energy ditch turns deep enough that causes effect, that the object in it turns invisible. The idea is that the energy level is like rising the structure in the sombrero. To be visible the energy level of the hill in the middle of the sombrero rises so high, that the middle hill rises above the edge of that pothole. 

The sombrero model means that the particle is in the middle of the gravity ditch, And if the ditch or pothole is too deep and its shape is right the wave movement that falls in the pothole jumps over that particle. And that thing forms the energy stick or relativistic jet that travels out from that particle. The particle itself is at the bottom of that pothole, and it can conduct energy from around it upwards. 

Gravitational lensing can focus energy and other gravity waves into dark matter. And that thing makes it possible to observe dark matter. The interesting question is: are hypothetical weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPS) material? Or are they virtual material? The structure of gravity waves should be like in all other wave movements. The gravity itself is a little ditch ahead of that wave. There is a higher energy level behind that wave, and the energy ditch pulls the wave forward. In some models, the gravity lens can cause those waves to interweave. And in that model, the gravity waves close those energy ditches inside them. 

This thing means that the dark matter is at least partially something other than regular particles. The gravity lensing focuses on gravity waves. And that means it's possible. That supermassive black holes can create other black holes, so-called "Kugelblitz" black holes. The idea of the Kugelblitz black holes is that the wave movement from those black holes.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Energy flow keeps things moving.

Superstrings and dark energy. Can the source of dark energy be in the strings between quarks and gluons? 

The universe's expansion is one of the things that put energy into motion. When particle's distances turn higher, that means their interaction turns weaker. And that means that also quantum fields in the universe turn weaker. Energy always travels to a lower energy level. And that means material sends wave movement all the time. 

The universe's expansion pulls wave movement out from material, and that thing called vaporization causes that sooner or later material to turn into wave movement. This thing keeps energy moving and without this movement, the universe freezes. 

Can dark energy be energy that the source is in strings between quarks and gluons? When energy flow hits those strings they act like antennae, and they send radiation or wave movement to the quarks. That means that the shape of the transmitter is different than normal. 

When energy flow travels through the quarks, it hits those strings. In some models, there is an electromagnetic or quantum low-pressure in the quarks. And that could pull energy from the strings straight to the quark. 

So if the transmitter of the dark energy is some kind of superstring that means the wave movement's wavelength is so short that it's hard to detect. And it's possible. Only the ends of the superstring send that radiation. 

This means that quantum gravity can have a source in this reaction. When the string between a quark and a gluon captures the energy, it transfers it into a quark. Before the quark can resend that energy it must collect it. The energy level of the particle must be high enough that it can push energy through the quantum field that surrounds the particle. And in that process there forms a small electromagnetic ditch at the forward of the particle. 

Energy interacts with its environment like water. Only when particles move they release their energy. The noise or radiation is the thing that forms when particles release their energy. 

Those superstrings do not create energy. They collect and transform the wavelength of wave movement. Energy always flows from a higher energy level to a lower energy level. If we want to use energy, the fall between energy levels must be high enough, that it causes strong enough energy flow. 

The zero-point energy means energy that the extreme low energy object puts move. The idea is that researchers create an extremely low-energy object, or energy pothole in the energy field. And that energy pothole puts energy to move. The problem is how to make enough high difference in energy levels that the energy flow is strong enough. The system can use Bose-Einstein condensate to make that zero-point on Earth. 

Black holes are the universe's engines. Those supermassive objects don't create energy. They move energy. The idea of zero-point energy is stolen from black holes. The idea is that there is an extremely low-energy object in the box. When the low-energy object is put in the box. Energy travels to that object and the box which can be a cage, can harness that energy. So the zero-point energy system could be a cage where is Bose-Einstein condensate. And then that cage collects energy from that energy flow. 

If energy stands, it has no effect. Only when energy moves, does it affect material.  Materia is one form of energy. Things like lakes have lots of energy stored in them. But we cannot use that energy straight. We must put water to move before we can turn water into electricity. 

When material falls from the higher energy level to the lower it must release its energy somewhere. And in that process, material sends wave movement. That wave movement is like noise, that the water sends when it falls from the higher level to the lower level. The thing is that we don't see energy itself. We see the change in the energy level. Like water sends noise when it falls in the waterfall. Particles send wave movement or photons when they release their energy. 

When energy travels in the universe it faces particles like atoms. Energy is like some kind of plaque that touches particles. When energy hits a particle it increases its mass. 

The energy hits the smallest parts of the atom, the small quantum channels that keep the protons and neutrons together. And some part of the energy or wave movement hits bonds between quarks and gluons. 

That causes a situation in those bonds act as an antenna, that pushes energy to the quarks and gluons and pushes them away from each other. In some dark energy models, the dark energy is energy that comes from those strings that keep subatomic particles in their entirety. 

Thorium reactor, and what nobody might tell you before.

Thorium (Th) is a good nuclear fuel. That weakly radioactive element is easier to handle than uranium (U). Its waste remains for a shorter time than U-235 waste. If we want to use Thorium as the fuel in conventional nuclear reactors, that is ok. Th.232 turns into U-233 when nuclear fission neutrons impact it. Thorium acts in the same way Uranium 238 turns into Plutonium, Pu-239 in neutron bombardment. 

Th-232 catches free neutrons and turns into U-233. That chain is a little bit more complicated. But finally, the Th-232 turns into the Uranium 233. It's possible to make the Thorium-based fast breeder reactor. Normally fast breeder reactor turns U-238 into Pu-239. The fast breeder reactor should have the capacity to handle Th-232, as it handles U-238. 

"Experimental Breeder Reactor II, which served as the prototype for the Integral Fast Reactor" (Wikipedia, Breeder reactor)

So Thorium can make it possible to create new types of nuclear weapons. The U-233 is suitable for nukes, as well as Plutonium. The small, subcritical fission weapon can send neutrons into the Thorium stage. That thing changes the Thorium into U-233 immediately, and it starts nuclear fission. In that model the natural Uranium shell. That used to boost fission bombs is replaced with Thorium. The reaction should be similar to when the fission booster sends fast neutrons into the U-238 shell. 

Above: Liquid Metal cooled Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR) (Wikipedia, Breeder reactor)

Of course, it's possible to create Uranium 233 using nuclear reactors. This system requires a hard radiation shield. The reason is that the Uranium 232 is a very strong gamma source. The centrifugal systems can separate the U-232 from the U-233. 

But it's possible that the Uranium 233 bites are far away from each other, and they are cut into smaller pieces. In those weapons, the system uses the shield that is used in plutonium bombs. U-233 sends more neutrons than U-235. And that makes it suitable to work as a neutron source. That means it can used as triggers. Thorium opens new and interesting paths to nuclear power. But it can also be a tool of destruction.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

What is Alexandretta? (How the AI must act if it tries to find something)

Image above: The Damsel of the Sanct Grael
by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1874) (Wikipedia, Holy Grail)

The image above portrays the lady. Lady keeps the Holy Gail in her hand. And there is a bird behind that lady. The bird carries some ball, and that causes an idea. That maybe the Holy Grail was two-part merchandise. The human has the cup, and then. Some unknown thing brings the activator. So, the Holy Grail requires two parts. The cup and the activator. And in stories, the Holy Grail is ineffective without that activator.  

And if we think freely, that activator can be the ball, there is forming a miniature black hole when the lightning hits that thing. Or maybe the electric shock drives DNA to the person who keeps the Holy Grail in their hands. The high-power electric shock that the electric eel makes can transfer genomes from one species to another. And that makes Holy Grail interesting. 

There is lots of fiction and almost fact about the Holy Grail. Somebody said that the Holy Grail was some mark that was used to mark important documents. Some others say that the Holy Grail is the gate to innovation and creativity. So the Holy Grail is some drink like absinth. In stories, the Holy Grail is the cup, that offers forever youth. So is it some energy pump, that can renew the person's DNA? Maybe it's only a story, but those stories are fascinating. 

This next part is based on a mixture of fact or almost fact-based and fictional sources, and it's an example of how AI should search for things like archeological merchandise. The theorem is this: there is a map and a reference to Alexandretta. 

If we talk about the Holy Grail we can think that the Alexandretta can be a city, it can be a woman. Or it can mean the bank office of Templars in Alexandretta. 

If AI wants to find the thing it must know all that this thing means. We can take the example of the data that the AI can use if it tries to find the Holy Grail. This example is from the fictive movie "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade". 

The AI can follow the history line and say that "Alexandretta" is the city, that the Crusaders destroyed. And the place that is on that place is now Iskenderun. But if we continue this chain and talk about fictive maps, there are no names for the place, the AI can search what other things the Alexandretta can mean. 

The Alexandretta can be the woman's name. And maybe that woman is the person, who has those names. Without a map those names are ineffective. 

The Alexandretta can also be some other city, maybe the name of the hometown of the king's lover. Or maybe Alexandretta was some woman, who stored those missing names in her merchandise. The Alexandretta can also be the keyword for the box, where is the place of Holy Grail.  And maybe the Holy Grail meant some document. Or maybe not...

Or again maybe, Alxandretta was the bank office of Templars. That means the notes were stored in the bank in the Alexandreatta and then templars handled those papers. That bank office stored important papers of kings and noblemen. And it's possible. Those missing names were stored in the safebox, guarded by templars. Or Alexandretta can mean the Jerusalem or Akko branch of Templar's Bank of Alexandretta.

But as you know, this is an example from a fictional source. Indiana Jones is fiction, but the battle of Alexandretta was real.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Does glow from the Big Bang ever lose?


The event called the Big Bang happened about 13,5 billion years ago. Or, at that point, the material, time, and energy got their shape as we know them. We don't know what happened before the Big Bang. And maybe we see only the last part of it. 

When we look at this model, we can compare the Big Bang with a nuclear weapon's fireball. All material formed in that fireball, and the fireball's size increases even today. It turns lower energy so, the universe's temperature turns lower. The universe freezes all the time because energy travels out from it. 

That means. Its particle's distance turns higher, and the forces between particles turn weaker. The visible material seems to be in a ball-shaped structure. But mainly material in the universe is invisible to us. That material, called Dark Matter is gravity effect, which source is unknown. Dark energy is the thing, that rips the universe into pieces. 

So dark matter determines the shape of the universe. Then we look at the ball-shaped structure of visible material. Maybe visible material formed in some kind of shockwave. Maybe visible material formed when weakly interacting massive particles or WIMP particles impact each other. But that's only theory. 

Today the temperature in the universe is 3 K. That is called cosmic background. This cosmic background is the dimming glow from the Big Bang. And the dimming glow exists as long as the material exists. In the far future, the material loses its existence and turns into wave movement. And at that point, the Big Bang's glow ends. 

Could there be objects whose temperature is lower than 3K?

The energy minimum in the universe is 3 degrees below the cosmic background. And that means it's possible that in some areas exists a lower temperature than this 3K. In those cases, energy travels in those areas. Their energy waves impact like vacuum bombs. So in zero point energy, the low-temperature area makes quantum energy fields move. 

Energy always travels to the lower energy area. The lower energy particle or point cannot send reflection or photon until its energy level is higher than the environment. And if that object sends reflection only in one direction in a very thin, short-term wave burst. That means it's hard to see those objects. 

Maybe that thing explains dark energy. When those wave movement fronts impact their wavelength changes. And that thing is possible also in impacting gravity waves. The thing is that, if some point in the universe has a lower energy level or temperature than 3K it's hard to see that object because energy travels in it. The 3K cosmic background covers those object's existence.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Neutron stars can uncover what the WIMPs can be.

"A recent study from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics suggests that neutron stars could play a crucial role in understanding dark matter. The study found that dark matter particles, when colliding within neutron stars, can quickly heat these stars, potentially making them observable through future astronomical technologies. This rapid heating process, previously thought to take longer than the universe’s age, now appears achievable within days, providing a new method to study dark matter’s interactions with regular matter." (ScitechDaily, Dark Matter Decoded: How Neutron Stars May Solve the Universe’s Biggest Mystery)

Neutron stars can explain dark matter. At least, part of it. In some models, the dark matter can be the curvature in spacetime. So, the thing is that dark matter is the virtual material, that puts gravity waves moving. The curvature in spacetime can mean a very small space. There are models where the "U-shape" structures in superstrings can put gravity waves moving. 

In some other models, dark matter is a so-called singularity. In singular material, all particles and quantum fields are one entirety. In some theories that material can form black holes. The idea is that when particles get a high enough energy load, that energy turns material into singularity. And that tells the thing can make it a black hole. In some theories, the dark matter is like exciton. 

So dark matter can be a hole in the energy field. Or it can be material whose temperature is lower than 3K cosmic background. If that material is at a lower energy level than 3K or if its energy level is lower than 0K that material is not possible to detect. The 0K is the absolute zero point in the universe. 

But if some material reaches a lower temperature, that material forms a pothole in the quantum fields. The radiation cannot reach that hypothetical material, because it must go through energy minimum. And in that moment. The material reaches the same energy level as its environment. 

In that moment material blends into its environment. In the same way, the radiation cannot travel through energy minimum. An energy minimum seals the particle away from the environment. A hypothetical particle, with a temperature lower than zero kelvin cannot interact with its environment. Or its interaction is so weak, that we cannot notice it. 

There are many theories about what the dark matter can be. Some theories explain that the mystery gravitational effect is the impacting gravity fields. That offers an answer to the key question of dark matter. Why are there no weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) detections? What makes dark matter mysterious is this. It doesn't seem to have a source. The other version of that theorem is this. When the universe expands, quantum fields travel out from it. 

That energy is like plaque that impacts the smallest particles in the universe. When that energy impacts particles or the small strings between quarks and gluons, that thing makes those strings or particles over energy. When energy impacts particles, it just increases their mass. There is the possibility that dark matter is so-called free superstrings. 

In some theories, those superstrings form the particles or the whisk-looking structure that we know as particles. Suppose there is a free superstring structure in the universe. That means that there is a material that is different from what we know. All known particles that we know are like balls. Free superstrings are like wires. 

And that means those superstrings can exist separately from the ball-shaped particles, which means that we are hard to see that thing. In string theory, the superstrings are the smallest possible parts of material and energy. Those strings form whisk-looking structures like quarks around the mass center, that could be quantum-size black holes. 

Sometimes researchers argue which is the right thing. The quantum field theory explains material as the internal structures of quantum fields. And superstring theory explains materia as the entire of superstrings. It's possible that both those theories are right. The possibility is that quantum fields are like gauze over the quantum strings. 

And if particles spin too fast that effect causes a situation. That energy flows out from the spin axle. In this process, outcoming energy travels in the particle. If spin is too fast outcoming energy pushes the particle into the form, that looks like a stick. This thing can turn particles invisible.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The mystery of FRB.

"Artist’s rendition of how the angle of polarized light from an FRB changes as it journeys through space. Credit: CHIME, Dunlap Institute" (ScitechDaily, Mysterious Origins: Polarized Light Transforms Our Understanding of Fast Radio Bursts)

The fast radio burst (FRB) is one of the most mysterious phenomena in the universe. The thing, that makes that radio burst mysteriously is that they seems to come outside our galaxy. And the other thing is that they might seem to have nothing, where they can come. The mystery is: why FRBs cannot form in our galaxy? The FRB is a similar phenomenon with gamma- and X-ray bursts. 

The radiation frequency is different from that in GRB and XRB, and the problem is that those effects seem to have a source. The FRB is separated from the GRB and XRB which might form when neutron stars or black holes collide. The FRB is sometimes unique, and those three phenomena are not connected. So, the FRB doesn't mean that at the same time comes XRB and GRB. Those things come separately. And that makes them interesting. 

In some models, there is the suggestion that the Doppler effect can be behind the FRBs. Or, otherways saying, the Doppler effect can have a connection with FRBs. 

In the universe, high-power gravity fields like black holes can stretch wave movement. That means if the black hole is behind the gravity waves its gravity field can stretch gravity waves. And that effect means that the gravity wave's wavelength changes. 

Theoretically is also possible that the gravity waves travel past lots of neutron stars and those things can change their wavelength. In the same way when the gamma rays impact with other gamma rays that can affect those high-energy waves' wavelength.

Normally doppler effect or redshift means a situation where wave movement stretches when an object's distance from the observer increases. The opposite effect, blueshift means that the wave movement's wavelength turns shorter when an object comes to the observer. When the object travels to the observer it gathers the quantum fields. 

And that forms the wave, just like for example stones form when they hit water. So the thing, that differs this pressure effect from blue and redshifts is the wavelength and the size of the interacting particles. 

When some high-energy particle comes from the intergalactic environment to the galaxy's halo it interacts the same way as particles, that come to the atmosphere. Those particles release their energy as radiation shockwaves. When some other energy impulse hits those shockwaves, that thing gathers or stretches the wave movement. 

When extremely high-energy particles like Higgs bosons release their energy, that energy impulse forms a small void. And if some wave movement travels through that void, its wavelength changes. Same way, galaxies and black holes send radiation. When two radiation beams. With identical wavelengths hitting each other that affects their wavelength. And when wave energy impulse travels through the galactic plasma, that plasma pumps energy in it. 

That means it's possible that the FRB forms when some other high-energy bursts impact each other. And that can change other radiation types into radio waves. Theoretically is possible that the gravity waves can turn to some other type of radiation or wave movement when they stretch or gather. And that thing makes it possible that the gravity waves can turn into gamma rays or even visible light.

Christmas is here.

Christmas is here. Now it is Christmas night. The night should be the celebration of mercy. But sometimes that thing causes trauma. Christma...