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Maybe Black holes multiply themselves by gravity lensing.

"Artist’s impression of a microlensing event caused by a black hole observed from Earth toward the Large Magellanic Cloud. The light of a background star located in the LMC is bent by a putative primordial black hole (lens) in the Galactic halo and magnified when observed from the Earth. Microlensing causes very characteristic variation of brightness of the background star, enabling the determination of the lens’s mass and distance. "  (ScitechDaily, Black Holes and Dark Revelations: Gravitational Waves Provide New Clues to the Composition of Dark Matter)

"Credit: J. Skowron / OGLE. Background image of the Large Magellanic Cloud: generated with bsrender written by Kevin Loch, using the ESA/Gaia database. Credit: J. Skowron / OGLE. Background image of the Large Magellanic Cloud: generated with bsrender written by Kevin Loch, using the ESA/Gaia database." (ScitechDaily, Black Holes and Dark Revelations: Gravitational Waves Provide New Clues to the Composition of Dark Matter)

Black holes form in energy. That means any particle or object can turn into a black hole. But the lens must focus enough energy for that point. So if we have a lens that collects enough energy, we can create a black hole. When the energy load in a particle grows, it turns smaller and denser. Energy always flows to the lower energy area. 

When the system focuses very much energy on the object sooner, or later that energy jumps out from the particle. There forms an electromagnetic vacuum around the particle, and then that quantum fields fall into that thing. There the quantum field impacts the incoming energy impulses. 

We can think that every elementary particle is like a whisk-looking structure. And if the origin of the gravity waves is in those strings that form particles, that causes a theorem that maybe gravitons are particles, that form those strings. In that model, gravitons are like pearls on a string of pearls. The energy flow that travels past that structure forms the gravity waves. When that quantum wind blows through that whisk-looking structure that can be quark it forms quantum shadows, energy ditches that we call gravity waves. 

In models, particles are like sombrero. The energy ditches around the particle are the gravity waves. To be visible the object must push particles so hard, that they can travel across that energy ditch. So the energy level of the particle must be so high, that it is higher than the depth of the ditch. 

The in and outcoming wave movement impacts outside the particle. In that version, the gravity ditches also impact forming a deeper ditch around the particle. If that energy ditch turns deep enough that causes effect, that the object in it turns invisible. The idea is that the energy level is like rising the structure in the sombrero. To be visible the energy level of the hill in the middle of the sombrero rises so high, that the middle hill rises above the edge of that pothole. 

The sombrero model means that the particle is in the middle of the gravity ditch, And if the ditch or pothole is too deep and its shape is right the wave movement that falls in the pothole jumps over that particle. And that thing forms the energy stick or relativistic jet that travels out from that particle. The particle itself is at the bottom of that pothole, and it can conduct energy from around it upwards. 

Gravitational lensing can focus energy and other gravity waves into dark matter. And that thing makes it possible to observe dark matter. The interesting question is: are hypothetical weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPS) material? Or are they virtual material? The structure of gravity waves should be like in all other wave movements. The gravity itself is a little ditch ahead of that wave. There is a higher energy level behind that wave, and the energy ditch pulls the wave forward. In some models, the gravity lens can cause those waves to interweave. And in that model, the gravity waves close those energy ditches inside them. 

This thing means that the dark matter is at least partially something other than regular particles. The gravity lensing focuses on gravity waves. And that means it's possible. That supermassive black holes can create other black holes, so-called "Kugelblitz" black holes. The idea of the Kugelblitz black holes is that the wave movement from those black holes.


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