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The man and walking thru the tube

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Walking thru the tube is the symbolic thing. When the walker is in the tube, this person sees only things that are ahead. The tube might seem very dark when the person is in it, but in the cold weather, it will offer the coverage to the walker. But the man cannot stay in the tube forever, and the world is waiting for our traveler. The end of the tube would seem the very cold point, but the traveler must know, that this person cannot stay in tube rest of the life.

The tube is the thing, there is only one possible direction, and as we all know, the only natural way to move is forward. When the person wants to turn around and return the point the trip began, this person must have the good explanation for that. There is not endless room in that tube, and behind our traveler is always other travelers, who want to walk thru this tube. Those other people would cause some kind of stress of the disturbing situation if the traveler talks alone or wants to do something, what is not accepted.

But there is one rule in this tube, the person must look forward, and that is the reason, why other travelers don’t recognize our traveler. What travels in the tube might be the person, but it can also be a human race. Mankind has one direction, and that is forward. When we moved to the house, there was only one direction for advancing. This direction is forward. The research and development of technology and other things like legislative would advance the human race, what is facing the biggest challenges in history.

The first time we will understand that there would be an asteroid, what is targeting to the earth. And this threat might be bigger than any humanoid interstellar cruiser can cause. We could talk to that cruiser, but the asteroid doesn’t care anything. There have been plans to connect the rocket motors to asteroids, and then pull asteroid against enemy capital. And that’s why we must be wake against those threats. And of course, humanoids could use those asteroids as the “STEALTH”-attackers.

Small size (10-20 meters) asteroids can push from their trajectory quite easily, and only thing, what is needed is the rocket, what push that stone. The equipment, what has planned to use, is the S-IVB or the most upstage of the Saturn 5, what has the feet like moon module. First, that thing would drive to the asteroid, and then the rocket motor would start. That would push that small asteroid in wanted directions.

The reason why this thing was interested in the Soviet and United States military, was that this kind of strike can be covered by the natural impact of small meteorites. The impact power of those things is very big, and all the city can be erased by this kind of vehicle. Also were plans that the kinetic warhead, what filled by concrete was first to shoot to orbit the moon. This would give that weapon very high speed, and the impact power to the earth would be enormous.

But if we think this strike carefully, the threat is not so big, if we will notice that incoming bite. There would shoot the salvo of small rockets to the one side of that stone, or the same technology, what is created to that strike, can be used to turn the asteroid. We could use the same kind of vehicle to push it another way, and the defense against impacting asteroids must begin years before it arrives. If the turning actions would begin beyond the asteroid belt, there would be the chance to use many vehicles and if one attempt fails, there would be time to send another probe to finish the job.


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