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Why didn’t they assassinate Adolph Hitler?

 Reichstag's building  in 1930's
(Picture 1) 

Kimmo Huosionmaa

In history is only one question overall, and this is, why somebody didn’t assassinate Adolph Hitler? Or why this man was not stopped before the WWII began in 1939, and why this man was allowed to make his crimes? The problem of that action was that nobody knew anything about concentration camps in 1936 when Germany was occupied the Rhineland, and everywhere in Europe were political prisoners. The holocaust began in 1941, and in 1936 there were no extermination camps.

In Rhineland case, France, Great Britain, and the United States let the occupation happen, because of they afraid that military actions against Germany were fed the nationalism, and the many people had an opinion, that Versailles peace treaty was been too tough for Germany. And in 1936 there was no reason for murder the man, who was the leader of new Germany. The reason for passive actions against Adolph Hitler was also, that Hitler wanted war, and that’s why the other nations had no will to act against this man.

The same line continued in Austria and Czechoslovakia. But then Hitler continued his actions, and in 1939 this man attacked to Poland. The reason, why this man was not listed as the assassination target was, that the allies knew him. They knew about his anger sequences. The unstable personality and the orders that withdrawing from positions were caused death penalty made this man feared. And those orders cost life of many German soldiers, Also the guarding of concentration camps was tied many men in that mission, and that was the reason, why Hitler was not targeted for assassination. And in Great Britain were opinions, that Hitler should stop by Germans themselves.

Also, the hate against Jews caused the situation, that there were trusted allies inside Germany, and no Jew or spy would ever surrender to Gestapo. But the main reason that Hitler allowed to live, was that he was used as the decoy. The purpose of this action was to track the friends of this man from the German command system, and then those friends of this madman could be killed. This is one explanation, why this man was not shot by using the sniper rifle or bomb. Many attacks against the leader of Germany were made by his own propaganda ministry because that gave him popularity. And then some Jews or other his political resistance were justified to death and send to kill.

But there are rumors that Adolph Hitler was actually poisoned by some chemical agent, what caused the slow and painful death. Somebody claimed that some of those bombs were used the agricultural chemical, what caused cancer. Those highly toxic chemical agents were created by Porton Down. Those carcinogens cause cancer, and in some cases, the KGB have put those chemicals to injection nails, what are delivered to the narcotics users, who are sitting in jail. Those horrifying chemical agents are invincible in tests, but they cause cancer tumor. This makes them very lethal, and if that tumor is in the brain, would that targeted person transfer unable to work. In this scenario that chemical agents would put in the powder, what was used in the bomb, what was targeted, Hitler. Or it can be delivered to that person by putting it to food or drink.

But when we are thinking about the bomb strike in 1939 what was made by the man named Elser, we must see that this man sends to the concentration camp, where he was preferred prisoner, until he sends to Dachau just before the war ended. But the question about this bomb strike, was that was Hitler even should be in there? He was sitting on the train with Joseph Goebbels. And why Elsener kept the postcard in his briefcase when this man was arrested? This case is not same as 20 July plot, what is known as "Operation Valkyrie", and what was accomplished in 1944.

He always claimed to work alone, but why this man was so called preferred prisoner? In that strike died 8 nazi-party members, and in the burn of the parliament (Reichstag's fire) house were killed none. But the Dutchman, who claimed to start the burning was sent to kill. And even today some historians ask, “why Elsener was not executed immediately?”. And then we must ask another question, what goes like this "why Gestapo believed Elser?". And why he was allowed to sit in concentration camp five years and executed one month before the war ended? That bomb strike would be the good thing for creating the conspiracy theory inside the Nazi-Germany, and that would give reason to make a couple of political arrests. Those are things what we must think while looking at the history.


Picture 1:


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