Monday, November 29, 2021

What kind of creature would the vampire be?

 What kind of creature would the vampire be? 

The cancer cells can suck mitochondria out of the immune cells. And that ability makes them real-life vampires. If those cells can connect mitochondria to themselves they are sucking the life force out of patients like vampires does in fictionary stories.  

Biotechnology can use to create vampire macrophages or super macrophages. Those super immune cells would have a genetic transplant that allows them to transfer the mitochondria from bacteria to themselves. 

That thing could happen by using the same genomes that make the cancer cells steal mitochondria from the immune cells. And then, if the immune cells can connect those mitochondria to themselves they would turn stronger when they are sucking the "power of life" from the bacteria. 

And those cells are making me think that "luckily vampires are only functionally characters". But then we can think that could genetic engineering and biotechnology make vampires possible?

The cancer cells that are "stealing mitochondria" from the immune cells are giving a tip on what kind of creature the fictionary vampires could be. The fast renewing tissues make them very resistant to gunshots. And the thing is that the vampires would be afraid the daylight means that maybe they are created by using extremely fast splitting cancer cells that are hybridized with neurons. 

Hybridization with neurons allows those fictional characters to change their forms from bats to wolves and humans. That means the vampires would just make hairs or nanotubes for stealing the mitochondria from the real humans. And that thing makes them invisible because without mitochondria the humans cannot resist them. 

So where the vampire needs blood? And why the vampire needs only the blood of a virgin? The reason would be that nobody misses unmarried women very soon. And the other thing is that the women are weaker. 

The idea for that short text about the form of vampires is given in the article from the SciTech daily. There the cancer cells are stealing mitochondria from the immune cells. 

If our cells would all hybridize with neurons we would have the abilities that no other creatures have. The thing is that the vampires are one version of the xenomorphs creatures that can change their form when they want.

Friday, November 26, 2021

The vulture bees have extra teeth in their jaws and poisonous guts.


 The vulture bees have extra teeth in their jaws and poisonous guts.

The vulture bees are living mainly in South America. Those bees are eating rotten meat and then make honey of that thing. That is the reason why those bees are called "vulture bees".

Most vulture bees are harmless, but there is one thing that there is something hidden in jungles that is not so harmless. The thing that makes scientists believe that there might be some kind of dangerous species is that some of those bees are bitten people causing painful sores. 

Also, there is the possibility that some vulture bees can have botulinum bacteria in their teeth after they are eaten rotten meat. Or something like that as the food that thing can cause that the botulinum bacteria is transferring in the human body causing poisoning. There is no evidence about the vulture bees that are hunting other animals. But as we know there are things like migratory ants (also: Army ants and Bivouac ants) that can make even humans disappear in minutes. 

In normal cases, we think ants are harmless but migratory ants are the exception. And the migratory ants are suspected to be behind some missing person cases. There are also species in the world of bugs that are hunting only at night. So even if we don't have met the vulture bees that are hunting other animals. 

We must say that in jungles and nature is many dangerous things. Things like climate chancing are also affecting species and there is the possibility that if the species will not get enough food its behavior changes. 

And when we are thinking about other necrophages. We are facing the behavior where those animals are eating mainly carcasses. But if there is not enough food they are turning predators. Also, when the species are coming to the new environment they can eat something that turns them deadly. 

One of the examples is the killer bees. Killer bees are normal bees that were brought from Africa to America.  Normally, bees are quite harmless. But when they are eating the nectar of one flower they are turning into killers. Probably that nectar makes them believe that all of them are queens. So there is the possibility that the same thing happens when some South-American species are moving to Europe as container passengers. There is a couple of "nice animal videos" of vulture bees when they are destroying carcasses.


Saturday, November 20, 2021

Mystery of Nikola Tesla

 Mystery of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) Image by Napoleon Sorony c. 1890

The short biography.

One of the most mysterious men in history was Nikola Tesla (1856-1943). The thing that made that man interesting was his incredible productivity. That man invented many things like some kind of UFO. That "flying saucer" could fly by using the electric arc. But was it something more than just a "heavier than air" experiment? 

The best-known inventions of that man are radio-remote control systems and induction engines. He also worked with the things like death rays and things like "pure energy". Sometimes is not mentioned that Tesla graduated from college in three years. That school was planned to pass in four years. But Tesla was genius. And he passed that school sooner than it meant to pass. 

Then Tesla went to Imperial technical college in Gratz. His professor made the recommendation letter to  Charles-Ferdinand University, but he arrived too late. And that means Tesla ever started his Greek studies. And maybe that was lucky for people. Then he moved to Paris and after that New York where he worked for Thomas Alva Edison. Nikola Tesla died in 1943 in a hotel room that  Westinghouse Company paid for him. 

"Edison Machine Works on Goerck Street, New York. Tesla found the change from cosmopolitan Europe to working at this shop, located amongst the tenements on Manhattan's lower east side, a "painful surprise"(Wikipedia, Nikola Tesla). Sometimes I wonder, did regular people even know what happened behind those walls, where some of the most fantastic inventions have been created by Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla. 

There is a long list of inventions that Tesla made or where he influenced.

Things like satellites and Tesla coil were invented by Nikola Tesla. He invented X-rays at the same time as Wilhelm Röntgen. And the most interesting of his inventions was the remote control, robotics, and many other things like lasers are invented by Nikola Tesla. Or that man had a strong influence on those inventions. 

One time Tesla made the small loudspeaker that caused resonance to the building. And that resonance almost destroyed the house where that man worked. 

But Tesla also made other interesting inventions that were mentioned as "too futuristic".  The wireless electric transfer is also made by Nikola Tesla. There was also incredible things like death rays and engine that used "cosmic energy". The death rays were maybe the cathode rays that killed cells in the body of the victim. Or maybe they were the X-rays that pointed the target from multiple directions. Creating X-rays is quite an easy process. The electrons must just make to impact with the iron cathode. 

The engine that used "cosmic energy" was probably the regular electric engine that used the superconducting antenna for turning the Earth's magnetic field as electricity. The idea is that the extremely low energetic (read: low temperature) object is put in the chamber. 

And then the energy can travel only in one direction. If there is an antenna between the lowest-energy level particle and air that thing allows collecting energy from that flow. Or maybe Tesla used the extreme electronegative object to make the electron flow to the unit that transforms natural electrons to the electric flow in the circuit. So was that strange invention the zero-point energy system?

Tesla might have Asperger syndrome or oversensitive senses. But is there something? Was there something that was not mentioned in the official biography?  

The strange thing in the life of Nikola Tesla was that he claimed to hear the fly will lay on the table. And the other thing was that he wrote in his biography "My inventions" that he could sense things in the dark like the bat. 

The question is: did somebody "control Tesla"? The idea for that thing claimed was given by Sidney Gottlieb. The person who was responsible for the MKULTRA-project. 

The reason for that kind of success in the field of inventions could be that somebody used the subliminal systems or "infrasound gramophone" from keeping lessons for Tesla. Or did he have the induction loop in the skull just after the skin? There is no evidence about that thing. But as we know Tesla was somehow "different". But he was a genius. And that thing means that he is one of the most incredible persons in history. 


Saturday, November 13, 2021

Dark matter and its relationship to parallel universe theory.

Image 1

Is parallel universe or multiverse theory science or science fiction? The answer is that theories are theories until they can be proven true or false. That's why we might say that multiverse is only a theory. 

But if a multiverse exists we can explain dark energy by using the multiverse theory as the base. And simply saying that outside gravitational effect from other universes causes the expansion of the universe. So the fact is that if the other universes exist they are there can we see them or not. The ability to observe the thing doesn't affect its existence. 

The thing that makes the dark matter so interesting is that is invisible to us. It's similar material with other materials. But we just cannot see it. 

There is no evidence about the existence of other universes. There was one big thing or hype that NASA has found the mirror universe. 

But that thing was a so-called false alarm. The article that caused that alarm was the highlight that "NASA has found new universe". But the original article told about exoplanets. 

The existence of other universes would explain why we cannot see dark energy or dark matter. The radiation and gravitation source outside the universe could explain dark matter and dark energy. But there is no observation about other universes. 

Theory about mirror-universe. 

So sometimes is introduced an interesting hypothesis that dark matter is the superposition of the visible material. The thing is that the dark matter would be opposite to the visible material. The origin of that idea is in the hypothesis. 

That during the Big Bang, the fast-spinning black hole formed two bubbles of material. Or rather saying send two rays of radiation to the opposite directions. And both of those wave movement rays would turn to the universe. 

That means the material would be the superposition. If the material is a superposition that would explain why we cannot see the dark matter. The thing that makes the superposition is the radiation that comes behind the dominating particle. The term means that the oscillation of the dominating particle would copy to the recessive particle. 

And when the wave movement travels through the universe the power of that radiation would get lower. That means the superpositioned particles would be a little bit different in size. Maybe that thing is meanless if the distance of superposition is a couple of hundred meters. But when the distance of those particles is about billions of light-years that thing has a mean. 

What if dark matter doesn't exist? The thing that can explain the expansion of the universe is the outcoming gravitational effect. So what if dark matter does not exist? Does that close the dark energy away? 

Dark energy is not connected to dark matter. That means the dark matter is the wave movement which origin is unknown. Sometimes the empty bubbles of the universe are introduced as the source of dark energy. The origin of those bubbles is interesting because something has been pulling material away from those areas. The reason for that is the introduced black holes. But there seems to be not that kind of object. 

So could the reason why those mysterious bubbles are formed the vaporized black hole. Or is it some mysterious radiation that has pushed material away from those bubbles? Sometimes even the anti gravitation has been introduced as the reason why those bubbles formed. 

And in the wildest theories, there are new universes formed in those bubbles. In some versions of those theories, our universe is also a bubble in the far bigger universe. If the material of our universe has different size particles than other universes we cannot see that other universe. 

Image 2: The relations of the parts of the universe. And as you see the most dominating effect is dark energy. The part of visible material is only a couple of percent. That's why we should not call visible material "regular material". There are unconfirmed theories that also dark matter can form dark or invisible atoms.

But those theories are just theories. The confirmation of those theories requires that the researchers would know dark matter better. And the fact is that the only observation of dark matter is the gravitational interaction. So there is needed much more research to confirm that theory. 

How do empty bubbles form dark energy?

When some particles like neutrinos or gluons are released near the empty bubble their speed can cross the speed of light in the regular universe. There is no medium in those empty bubbles. That means the speed of photons and other particles is higher in those bubbles. And when those particles hit the medium they release their extra energy as radiation. 

The thing that can prove that dark matter does not exist is the existence of other universes. If the parallel universes are true, that means the outcoming gravitational effect will expand our universe. 

The thing is that these kinds of theories are interesting.  And there is one thing that can break the hypothesis of dark matter. But otherwise, if the dark matter forms similar structures with visible material. The question is: why cannot form invisible universes? 

There is one thing that can erase the dark matter.  That thing is the parallel universe theory. If there is another universe or bubbles of material the gravitational effect of those bubbles can explain the universe's expansion. 

But the thing is that those hypothetical other universes might hide behind giant clouds of dust and matter. They might be so dim that the light of our universe and its objects are covering their existence. But there is another explanation. And that is that those hypothetical other universes are formed of dark matter. 

What if those parallel universes are formed of a material. Which particles are a different size than particles in our universe? That means they are formed of dark matter.

Image 1:

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The Tollund Man is the most well-known bog body in Europe. (Why did somebody want to retain those bodies forever?)

The faces of Tollund Man

Tollund Man lived. And he was buried in the 4th century BC. He is one of the most well-known bog bodies in Europe. And the thing is that there is a mystery why bog bodies were buried in swamps? The swamp naturally mummified the corpses that remain almost forever. 

Roman historian Tacitus wrote that military escapers and bandits hung. And then their bodies flood to the swamp. But swamps retain bodies. And that thing is fighting against the writing of Tacitus. 

The thing is that the Tollund Man ate porridge there were lots of seeds of weed and other garbage that supports that theory. But the meat is against the punishment. And the thing is that the body has carefully put to the grave means that people who buried him respected him. 

So did he die because of some kind of poisoning. He was about 30 years old. And in his living time, that age was about 40 years. So did he die because of poisoning or some kind of illness like cirrhosis or cancer? His body seems undernourished. And that can tell that this man couldn't eat. So was the reason for dying the anorexia? But the last meal is telling that he ate voluntarily. And that means somebody might want to save his life. 

The reason why his grave was in a bog swamp. Were that there was somebody who wanted that the remains of that body rest forever. So somebody wanted the memory of those people to remain forever. 

The thing about the bog bodies is that those ancient persons who are buried in the swamps might be somehow different or remarkable members of society. The thing is that those people who buried those persons wanted that the remainings of the person would remain forever. 

That means that they didn't want that those bodies or persons not forgotten. So in some theories, the bog bodies were the ancient version of cryonics. The ancient people hoped that those people could restore to life and then they can return to live with people. 

But then we might think of one another point of view of those bog bodies like the Tollund Man. Maybe the people who buried bog bodies those bodies would want to use them as the "radios" between the world of dead and living people. 

The thing is that those people might hope that the force that came from the internal earth would take the signals from the bog bodies and the shamans could receive those signals. So the dead people would be the mediums and shamans communicate with spirits through that body.

So could there be some scientific evidence about that thing? There is the possibility that radiation could resonate with the nervous system and act like a carrier wave that can receive. But could some shamans use that thing? Well, many things are unknown to us. 

The force would be like magma would transmit the thoughts of the spirits to the living people when that internal energy inside the earth will travel through those bodies. That internal energy would go through those bodies and then it can bring the information from the versatile world. That part of the text is written in modern form. 

The thing is that if the Tollund Man was a respected person. He lived and was buried in the 4th century BC. So he was German. He lived before the Roman golden age.  So was there a ritual in German tribes that they hung their dead people in front of living people after their death? 

That thing could confirm that the person is dead before burial. There is the possibility that the death of that man was a ritual execution. When the respected and feared warrior gets old or sick his friends executed him because the revengers might torture the leader who kept the order in society. 

There is the possibility that the people who buried him hung that person over the small lake. The idea of that ritual might be that. The rising force from the lake drove the spirit of that man to the trees and nature. And then it transmits to all people. 

Or in some other version would be that the people who buried that man. Simply wanted to hide the identity of the dead. The peaceful look on his face is telling the tale that his death itself was peaceful. 

So maybe he was some kind of warrior or leader. And his fellows wanted to hide who he was because the identity of that strange body could bring revengers on that village. 

A peaceful death means that the death could be natural. Or it might be ritual execution. When he became too weak, his best friends or trusted men made sure that he was not feeling pain. And that ritual made for keeping secrets that should not tell anybody away from ears or outsiders.


Friday, November 12, 2021

About the gravitational waves, strong nuclear force, and gluon interaction.

Image 1: Artists view of the neutron and its internal structure. Credit: Prof. Dr. Xiaorong Zhu, University for Science and Technology, China (ScitechDaily)

The quantum origin of the gravitational waves and gravitation might be in gluons. Or something that is between gluons.  So, could the gluon be the particle that is behind the gravitational waves?

When the energy level of gluons is rising. Those small subatomic particles are sending wave movement through the universe. Or actually, the energy flow away from gluons would begin just after the energy stress or energy pumping ends. 

The fact is that the gravitational wave doesn't require the graviton. The question is that the gravitational waves are the wave movement that origin is in the extremely small particles. When the extremely high mass objects impact together they are sending wave movement. 

So when the objects like neutron stars and black holes are impacting they are orbiting each other. And the energy is transferring between them. When the energy load of the objects is increasing it starts to anneal the gluons. And the gluons send the radiation or wave movement through the universe. 

The gravitational waves are the extremely weak wave movement in the universe. The fact is that every particle is sending gravitational waves. But only the most massive objects can send strong enough gravitational waves that researchers can see those wave movements with sensors. So the thing is that there must be some kind of particle or reaction that sends the gravitational wave moves through the universe. 

The idea is that the gravitational wave is the energy load that travels in the universe and changes the weight of the particles. So is the origin of the gravitational waves the interaction between some yet known material and antimatter particles. And could those particles maybe graviton and anti-graviton the hypothetical transportation particle of the gravitation. But that requires the existence of graviton.

 Or maybe, there is no need for antigraviton for sending the gravitational waves. The thing is that. If the source of the gravitational waves is small-size the wave movement that the particle sends. Affect only the quantum field around the atoms increasing the weight of the material. And then those quantum fields will resend the wave movement and particles to other quantum fields. The quantum field around the atom acts like gel. When a particle hits the quantum field shakes. And forming the small vacuum area and that pulls the other quantum fields to it. 

Are gluons the quantum origin of gravitation?

The gluons are particles that make quarks stay together in protons and neutrons. The structure of protons and neutrons is a little bit more complicated than the diagrams introduce. 

The idea is that maybe the quantum annealing of the extremely small subatomic particles causes the gravitational wave. The impact of extremely massive objects like neutron stars or black holes would cause that energy to be loaded into those extremely small particles that are sending that wave movement through the universe. 

But mainly, those particles are forming of three quarks and gluons that are traveling in them. The question is how the gluon will glue those quarks to one entirety? The answer for that thing might solve the question of which way the gravitation will affect. The idea is that when gluons are jumping between the quarks they are causing the "quantum vacuum" behind them. That vacuum will pull the quarks together. 

So that thing would explain why the strong nuclear force will interact only the short distance. And then the thing that makes the protons and neutrons stay together would be the "vacuum" of energy that follows the gluons. 

And then we must ask one very vital question. Is the energy vacuum the thing that forms the protons and neutrons? Can this energy vacuum form when the extremely small subatomic particles like gluon and anti gluon are impacting. That extremely small annihilation would push the quantum field away forming the quantum shockwave. Or actually, it could be acting like an extremely small nuclear detonator. 

That thing could form the quantum-size black hole that pulls the wave movements away from some area. And then the quarks are closing together. The gluons would be the debris of that wave movement. Or maybe the origin of gluons is in the quarks. When quarks impact, they are sent small sparks that are gluons together. 

In the case, that the protons and neutrons are hadron particles. Form around the electromagnetic or quantum energy vacuum. That thing means that the outside quantum force or quantum field pushes those particles together. The thing is that the quantum field is keeps the quarks together is the surface of protons and neutrons. 

When the particles hit together in the quantum world they are sending wave movement. That means they are acting like particles in our size world. When two quarks hit they are sending the wave movement like stones send soundwaves. The annihilation is the most high-energetic reaction in nature. 

That reaction happens between mirror particles. The only difference between antimatter and material particles is the polarity of those particles. So when the anti-particle hits with its mirror-particle that causes the quantum field around it will rip. And the subatomic particles are released. That means the subatomic particles in the protons and neutrons are sending the energy wave that looks like a flash of energy wave.

Image 1:

Why are humans still searching for intelligent alien life?

The thing that makes searching intelligent alien civilizations interesting. Is it just the question of how we could be the only existing intelligent species in the universe? We haven't got any evidence about the existing intelligent alien species but we don't know many similar stars like the sun. The question is how long we can search the existing alien civilization? Maybe we must search for it for thousands of years. 

Maybe, we will make contact tomorrow. But the SETI program is offering the frame where researchers can test the new artificial intelligence-based methods.  That can use to scan multiple radio frequencies at the same time. The thing is that the SETI program offers also information about quasars and other radio-astronomical interesting targets. 

But also the SETI program has created models about the lifetime of the civilization. The key element for civilizations to turn to super civilizations. Is that the civilization can move to another star system. Or other planets when their star would turn unstable. 

That thing requires the conditions that moving to another solar system is possible before the sun of those hypothetical aliens would burn their home planet to ash. If aliens can change their home star they will make them immortal. But anyway the time to advance to the Kardashev scale 3 civilization requires more than the lifetime of the sun. 

But from hypothetical civilizations to the real world. Why we are searching for stars looking for alien life and calculating asteroids? The reason for that is that the stars are there. They are an exciting thing. And even if we cannot ever see alien cities. That search gives the data that can be used to find exoplanets and other interesting things. 

One thing that we should remember when we are searching for aliens. Is that there is a long list of cases where "certainly they do not exist". The list of those things is very long. 




Monday, November 8, 2021

The 2D particles and Bloch wave function make it possible to create the 2D quantum processors.


The anyons could be the heart of the next-generation quantum computers. "Physicists are excited about anyons not only because their discovery confirms decades of theoretical work, but also for practical reasons. For example, anyons are at the heart of an effort by Microsoft to build a working quantum computer(1)".

Why anyons the two-dimension particles are interesting things? The thing is that anyons are 2D particles like pancakes. The anyon-particle can be used as the base for the new type of superconducting materials. If they connected with the Bloch wave function. The idea of superconducting is that electrons are forming pairs. 

The problem with the electron pairs is that. They are always on the opposite side of the nucleus of the atoms. So the most powerful superconducting material would be Helium. But that requires removing the nucleus of the atom from inside the electron cores. And also the position of the electrons in 3D structures is not stable. 

The electrons can be upside or downside of the nucleus. And that thing will cause the limits of the superconductivity. But what if electrons would put to orbit in one layer? That thing requires that the nucleus of the atom is replaced by using 2D particles. And the anyon could be suitable for that kind of purpose. 

The most effective superconducting wire is the electron chain. Those electrons must be stabilizing in the right position by pressing them with the magnetic field. That thing makes it possible to create the electron structure that can fundamental the computing. In that case, the positive magnetic field along with laser rays will push electrons to the chain. 


"In the lower right, a near-IR laser separates the two electrons (empty circles) from the two kinds of holes (solid circles). The charges are accelerated away from each other by the fluctuating electric field from the terahertz laser (gray wave)".

"The changing field then drags the charges toward each other, at which point they combine and emit two flashes of light. The trajectories are depicted in one dimension of space. With time flowing from the bottom right to the top left". Credit: Brian Long(2) 

The diagram above introduces the Bloch wave function. That thing could also be the model of the 2D quantum processor. If the quantum processor has a 2D structure that allows stabilizing the vertical position of the qubit by using a magnetic field. The

The Bloch wave function makes it possible to create new and compact quantum computers. The anyons can be used to anchor the electrons in the core. That thing makes it possible to create a 2D quantum processor that is more powerful than any quantum system before. If the quantum system uses a 2D structure aiming the qubit to one port would be easier than in a 2D structure. 

The anyon can work as the center of the thing called Bloch wave function. The Bloch wave function requires that the electrons would be in the two-dimensional layer. And then the laser ray can separate the electron pair from the structure. The 2D particles can be used as an anchor that anchors the electrons in one layer. That thing makes it possible to make new and more powerful and more compact quantum computers. 


Lucy-mission to Trojan asteroids.

Lucy-mission to Jupiter Trojan asteroids wound uncover many secrets of the origin of our solar system and even the entire universe. In the next 12 years, that probe would visit 8 asteroids including 7 Trojan asteroids. 

The thing is that the study of the effect of sunlight on asteroids is one of the most interesting things. When the temperature of the asteroids is decreasing the speed of radioactive splitting would also decrease. And that means the frozen asteroids can hide the radioactive material from the past. And maybe by researching those Trojan asteroids and asteroids at Kuiper Belt we can find chemical combinations from the early solar system. 

And who knows are those asteroids also hiding the evidence of the ancient humanoid visits? Maybe asteroid missions would answer that question in the form of plutonium and neptunium remnants. If there are remains of the synthetic radioactive isotopes that thing would support the theory of ancient visitors. Before any investigations are made we should not give judgments. 

But the thing is Lucy would be the pathfinder for the missions which are going to Kuiper Belt. The system that would travel to Kuiper Belt would be equipped with highly advanced artificial intelligence. And there are lots of things that those probes should do in that distant place. 

Before the Kuiper mission, the other interesting thing is the Trojan asteroids. Those asteroids are at Lagrange points of Jupiter and other planets. So there is lots of research on those asteroids. And in some plans, the solar system will conquer by using the network of the space stations that are anchored in the Lagrange points. 

In that distant and very cold area at the edge of our solar system is particles. Those are coming from the other solar systems. The particles that are coming from other stars are impacting the plasma that is coming from our sun. And those particles are forming the impact wave around the solar system. 

And that area is like a giant freezer where is the first bites of the dust of our solar system waiting for the finder. The fact is that the first samples of another solar system might be taken from the Kuiper Belt when the probe captures the sand bites from the cosmic impact wave where plasma that comes from the sun impacts with the plasma that comes from other solar systems.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Black holes and the Theory of General Relativity are an interesting combination.

(The Image I)The model of the wormhole. "If space were two-dimensional, folding it would enable three-dimensional shortcuts connecting widely separated places. Could our Universe contain similar wormholes?"


ESO/L. Calçada (

The thing is that at the point of the event horizon the gravitation effect of the black hole causes that the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light. And all particles are dropping to a black hole with the speed of escaping velocity. That means the speed of the light is crossed at that point. 

The gravitational lenses proved that the gravitation effect to light. And if the gravitational field is strong enough. That means the gravitation pulls the photons inside the black hole. The point where escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light. Called the "event horizon". The event horizon means that the light cannot escape beyond that point. 

Do the black holes form new universes? The fact is that maybe someday in the distant future. Erupting black holes would release material to the universe. And that thing causes the forming of the new universe. But are the black holes forming the new universes right now? 

That is an interesting question because it requires the existence of wormholes. And the thing is that the wormholes are part of Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. Nobody has ever seen those things yet, but things like "cosmic neural structure" are offering a tip, that there might be some wire-looking gravitational effect. 

Image II: Cosmic web: Is this the first evidence of the existence of wormholes?

The thing is that the black holes are offering data that allows researchers to find evidence about the similarities between the theoretical world of Theory of General Relativity and the real world. 

The thing is that the Theory of Special Relativity from 1905 has confirmed a long time ago. And the Black Holes are also confirmed that Einstein's Theory of General Relativity from the year 1915 is at least mostly correct. When those theories are put in the ultimate tests they are passed. Theory of General Relativity makes wormholes possible. 

And all the time when that theory is put to the critical test. That theory is proven right. The last case when the Theory of General Relativity has proven is recently when the jet of the large black hole is proven that thing possible. So why wormholes can't be true? The fact is that those "channels throughout space and time" would seem very incredible. But the Theory of General Relativity makes them possible. 

The existence of a wormhole means that information like electrons or quarks can travel throughout it. Sending spacecraft through that energy channel is a little bit bigger thing than sending a couple of electrons or quarks through that channel. The size of the elementary particles is a little bit smaller than some spacecraft. 

And then at the last, we must say that even if we can send spacecraft through the wormhole that doesn't mean that the living organism can pass that thing. The radiation in the wormhole would be extremely strong, but the craft travels in that tube with the speed of the wave movement.

Image I:

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Does time cause gravitation?

We can say that the expansion of the universe is causing the thing called time. While the size of the universe is growing. Its temperature is turning lower. That thing means that quantum fields are limiting the expansion of the quantum fields. Of the particles are getting weaker. And that thing causes that the energy or wave movement starts flowing to the vacuum from the particles. 

If we would take particles in the absolute emptiness they would turn to wave movement immediately. Another thing that people should remember is that the visible material is interacting only with other particles of visible material. And only interaction between dark matter and visible material is the gravitational interaction. 

The idea is that when material oscillates it sends radiation. The energy level behind those gravitational waves is lower than in other places of the universe. And that means energy is moving in that lower energetic area. 

So is gravitation the effect where the particles that are in the gravitational wave are sending wave movement to the lower energetic area like some kind of outboard engine? And could that wave movement explain the form of the gravitation?

When we are thinking time and its form always when the material is sending photons. It loses its mass. So when the mass of the atom turns lower. Its quantum field would go larger. And its size is turning larger. All material is sending gravitational waves but normally those waves are impossible to detect. 

And only things like colliding black holes or neutron stars are capable send strong enough gravitational waves. That gravitational wave detectors can observe them. 

When that thing happens. The quantum field around particles pushes other quantum fields and sends the wave through the universe. That means the area around the quantum field of the particles is turning lower energetic and that means the other quantum fields are filling that lower energetic area. 

So that means gravity is the pushing effect of the quantum fields. The thing is that the other quantum fields are pushing particles to the gravitation center. 

The thing that we are calling time is the expansion of the universe. When the energy is traveling outside the universe. Because energy travels to the lower energetic area that means the universe is losing its material. When we are thinking that the universe is in absolute emptiness there is nothing that can limit the expansion. 

All material and energy are released in the universe during the Big Bang. That means when the ball of the universe is getting bigger. The level of energy is decreasing. And that thing means that the universe is freezing. 

When the size of the universe is turning bigger the force of the quantum fields that are pushing the other quantum fields to the atoms and particles is turning weaker. Material is one form of energy. And wave-particle duality means that all material is turning to wave movement. 

The other way to explain the particle is that is only the denser wave movement. And because particles are more energetic areas in the universe than pure wave movement. That means energy travels from the particles and quantum fields that are surrounding them to the universe. So when the universe expands the particles are steaming the photons. And sooner or later, the particles are sending gravitational waves.  

The reason why researchers are talking about quantum fields when we are talking about the power fields that are surrounding particles is simple. The main effect is, of course, electromagnetic. But the quantum gravitation and other fundamental forces affect those fields. And that means that thing causes that the power fields around the subatomic particles and atom-sized objects are called quantum fields.

The problem with the wormhole is what its looks like?

When we are thinking about the form of the Einstein-Rose bridge, we can ask is it a single form. In some models, the mythical Einstein-Rose bridge is only the stretched black hole. 

Or is it a series of quantum-size black holes? The first version of this theorem is that the radio ray that travels in the magnetic field will turn to a black hole. The form of this mythical structure is the extremely powerful electromagnetic field. That powerful electromagnetic field forms in the electromagnetic wormhole. 

And the electromagnetic channel is pressing the electromagnetic fields inside it. That extremely thin and thick electromagnetic field forms the tunnel through space and time. If we are thinking about the energy channels like magnetic tunnels through space. 

There is the possibility that magnetic stress along with the high speed is stopping time in the particles. In that case, the time is stopped only in particles that are traveling in the electromagnetic tunnel. So maybe the wormhole is a virtual phenomenon.

In that case, the hypothesis is that. Radiation of the black hole causes that some of the particles are starting to superposition. When the first particles are starting to form the black hole. 

That black hole starts to superposition itself to other particles. And the needed energy for that process is coming from the black hole that is the end of that channel.  So they are starting to make quantum entanglements through the magnetic channel. 

Is wormhole the Tipler cylinder? The ion whirl where ions are whirling around magnetic channel with the speed of light?

The magnetic whirl can create the Tipler cylinder. If the particle would travel in the Tipler cylinder where the core is rotating with the speed of light with extremely high speed that thing allows the virtual crossing of the speed of light. The fast-rotating ions would stop or dilate time in that form. 

In some other versions, the whirling ions are turning the magnetic channel to the Tipler cylinder. In that magnetic channel which is surrounding the whirling ions the time would stop. And there is the possibility that the particle would travel through that channel and return to the moment where it began its journey if the speed of the particle is high enough. 

Is the wormhole the chains of the quantum-size black holes? 

In another version, the wormhole is a series of quantum-size black holes. In that version extremely small black holes are forming in the radiation of the black holes.  And they are making chains through the universe. 

When the extremely small black holes are forming they are superpositioning to the particles near them. And the reason for that is that the radiation from those black holes turns the other particles into black holes. 

The thing is that the black holes that are in the electromagnetic channel are turning to each other. Those quantum black holes are forming a series of superpositioned and entangled objects. And those superpositioned and entangled black holes are creating the energy bridge between two black holes. 

Or maybe the oscillation of two black holes is making it possible that there is forming the quantum channel between those black holes that are oscillating with the same frequency. The thing is that at the first there is forming an energy channel between two black holes. Then that energy channel starts to press the particles inside it.

Theory of black holes, white holes, and wormholes

We cannot ever travel in the white hole. That is the place where the material comes out from a theoretical wormhole. The theory of this vortex is that the material is traveling from the black hole to the white hole. 

And the wormhole is two channels. At the ends of those channels is the black hole that pulls material in a wormhole. And the white hole where the material comes out from the wormhole. 

Theoretically, wormholes are forming between the superpositioned and entangled black holes. Many people misunderstand the theory of wormholes. The wormhole or the Einstein-Rose bridge is the energy channel through the universe. 

In theories, it's two energy channels. That energy channel pair is forming between superpositioned and entangled black holes. 

The information travels in the energy channel in one direction. And the direction is from the black hole to the white hole. The idea of the one-way traffic in a wormhole is taken from the quantum entanglement where superposition and entangled particles are rotating in opposite directions. And that thing means that the wormhole would be the extreme example of the superpositioned and entangled particles. 

So if we are thinking about the hypothetical white hole, it's the point where the material comes out from the wormhole. And that means we ever can send information through the white hole. If we want to send the information through the wormhole, we must just choose the side of the black hole. 

If we are sending information to the white hole the outcoming radiation would crush it immediately. And the only way to benefit the wormhole is to choose the side of the black hole which pulls material inside the wormhole. 

The idea of the wormhole theory is that black holes and white holes are always pairs. So inside or near the singularity or event horizon is the point where the material comes away. 

And next to it. That is the point. There the material is traveling inside the black hole. Somebody believes that Hawking radiation and the X- and gamma-ray burst are the radiation that comes out from the white holes. 

Or otherwise saying something brings extra energy to the black hole. That energy is traveling outside the nucleus of the black hole and sending oscillation through the universe. In that case, the radiation comes straight into the nucleus of the black hole. Or it somehow reflects from the nucleus of that thing. 

The electromagnetic wormholes like X- and gamma-ray radiation and electromagnetic tunnels are quite usual in the universe. There is a magnetic channel surrounding our solar system. Maybe similar channels are forming between supermassive black holes in the center of the galaxies. 

Artificially created electromagnetic wormholes like laser rays are used in quantum computers. The electrons are shot inside the photon ray that protects information on that particle. 

So there is the possibility that the force of the electromagnetic channel through the universe would turn so powerful. That inside this magnetic channel is forming the wormhole. And when we are thinking that the wormhole is two energy channels that are forming between two superpositioned and entangled black holes another description for that vortex could be that wormhole is the ultimately stretched black hole.

Friday, November 5, 2021

The shape of the universe. And the dark energy interaction.

The universe might be the giant loop. But when we are thinking about the shape of the universe. We should remember a couple of things. The universe is a giant entirety, and we see only a couple of percent about that thing. There is a possibility that the universe is like a plate. Or it can be like a ball. Or it can be like a saddle. 

But is the universe shape and structure even homogenous? That means in the giant entirety could be many types of forms. There is the possibility that there are cosmic bubbles of the yet-seen material. And in some other ideas, the universe is warped. 

That means the shape of the main material is some of those three examples that are introduced in image II. But there is the possibility that the main shape hides sub-shapes. The layer of the universe might be waved. Or there might be bubble- or ball-shaped structures in the main structures. 

The empty bubbles in the universe are interesting things. Because there is a lower density of material than other places in the universe. Dark matter is similar material with visible material but we just cannot see that thing. We always forget that interaction is two-way. 

The same effect would interact also with the other side. And that means the material that is visible to us has similar interaction to the dark matter as the dark matter has to visible material. 

If there is a creature in the universe that is formed of dark matter. The universe that is formed of visible material to us would seem empty bubble to that creature.

But if we are thinking otherwise we might think that some creature lives in the universe that is formed of dark matter. That creature would not see us either. The thing that makes material dar is that the particles that form the dark matter would have different sizes. And that means we cannot see that material because it sends the radiation with a different wavelength than visible material.


"The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1.

From top to bottom: a spherical or ball-shaped universe with Ω > 1, a hyperbolic "saddle-shaped" universe with Ω < 1, and a flat universe with Ω = 1. These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space". 

If Ω = 1, the universe is flat.

If Ω > 1, there is positive curvature.

If Ω < 1 there is negative curvature.

(Wikipedia, Shape of the universe)

The reason why the shape of the universe is important is that if the  Ω > 1. That means the universe would end its day in the big crash. The entire material would drop in the black hole. And in space where is no wave movement or material, the black hole will detonate. 

And that thing makes that the universe would be like the Phoenix bird. That thing makes the new Big Bang possible. But the wave-particle duality means that the crossing wave movement can create new elementary particles. The researchers of the SETI program introduced the theory that God is a remnant from the past universe. The interesting thing is that Sir Roger Penrose and his team recognized. That some black holes are sending radiation that source might be in the past universe. 


The thing is that the bubble of the visible material is the ball. But there is a lot of material in the universe that is invisible to us. And there is lots of material and energy that are hard to observe. The things like free quarks, neutrinos, just discovered odderon particles. And cosmic radio frequential hum which cannot observe from the earth because it cannot penetrate in the plasma field of the sun is giving a tip, what the dark energy might be. 

Dark energy might be the radiation that source is in the extremely small particles.  Or it is just the radio waves that cannot reach us. If the source of the electromagnetic radiation is in the odderon particles or anyons which are 2-dimensional particles that will explain why we cannot see that energy.

Image II:

Thursday, November 4, 2021

What is the origin of dark energy?

Is dark energy wave movement traveling from the universe to the area around it? If that thing is true the dark energy has not existed in the way as people normally think it exists. It's the energy that exists only at the edge of the universe. That energy travels outside the universe and makes it lighter. 

The thing is that energy cannot form from emptiness. There must be some kind of particles that are forming the wave movement. So is the form of the dark energy negative. Negative energy means energy that travels away from the higher energetic particles. 

The main question of dark energy is: is it positive or negative energy? If the dark energy is negative. That means there is the possibility that it is the energy that travels outside the universe. Energy travels from the high energetic area to the lower energetic area. 

And that means the dark energy could be an energy that travels outside the universe. The idea is that the universe is a higher energetic area than the space around it. So energy travels away from the universe. And that thing means that the universe is turning lighter. 

One of the ideas to explain the origin of dark energy is that its origin is in gravitation quantum origins. The idea of this theory is that inside atoms and even protons and neutrons are empty places. The protons and neutrons are hadrons. Three quarks are forming those particles along with some other small elementary particles.

And there are small holes in those particles. So there is the possibility that the radiation has an extremely short wavelength and especially the short height of those waves can travel through protons and neutrons. In this theorem, the origin of the dark energy is in the oscillation of the subatomic particles. The thing is that the size of those particles is smaller than quarks. And that means a large part of the radiation that those particles are sending could travel across atoms benefiting the empty points between quarks. 

The idea of the quantum origin of gravitation is simple. The idea is that gravitation is wave movement like light. The question is does gravitation push or does it pull particles. If we think that gravitational waves are the energy that is traveling between quantum fields around atoms. There is the possibility that gravitation is an energy that affects only the quantum fields around the atom. 

What if there are large groups of free particles like quarks outside the edge of the universe? That means those particles will pull the universe behind them. 

So in this version of the theory. The gravitation would rise the force of the quantum fields in an atom. But what is the quantum field where the gravitation affects? Is it the quantum field around an atom? Or the quantum field around electrons, protons, and neutrons? The idea is that the origin of the gravitation is in the gluons that are traveling between quarks. When the gluon hits to quark it sends the wave that moves through the atom. Because that wave movement does not affect particles or that effect is extremely weak. 

That means that wave movement is invisible. And one explanation for the effect of dark energy. Is that it affects the quantum fields that are surrounding the universe. The universe is like the giant shock wave and that means there could be clouds of free quarks around the visible universe. And when dark energy hits those particles they are pulling the universe outside. 

The main question about gravitation is, is gravitation pull, or does it push objects? 

The idea is that the gravitational wave is the higher energetic area in the universe. And the thing that while the energy wave is traveling in the universe. Those particles would deliver their extra energy to the particles behind that energy wave. That wave movement could be gravitation. 

The idea of the pushing effect of the gravitation is coming from the gravitational waves. The gravitational waves travel in the universe. And the idea of the pushing model of gravitation is that when gravitational waves are moving through the particles they are turning lower energetic than particles that are inside the gravitational waves. In that version, the energy would travel backward from gravitational waves. 

So when the gravitational wave will raise the energy level of the particles. That wave is followed lower energetic area than another universe is. And that means. The wave movement that comes from those particles in the gravitational waves is hitting the particles that are behind it that wave movement would push particles in the opposite direction of the gravitational wave.

The expansion of the universe directly impacts the growth of black holes.

Black holes grow along with the expansion of the universe. And there could be some reason for that thing. The first in the introduction for that phenomenon is that some radiation like Hawking radiation has something to do with that thing. 


If Black holes grow along with the expansion of the universe there must be some connection with the growth of black holes. And the expansion of the universe.

The key question is: Is the thing that causes the growth of the black holes pulling or pushing? We know that there is a connection between the expansion of the universe and the growth of black holes.

1) Does the radiation that comes from black holes push the edge of the visible universe away?

2) Or does the freezing or the decreasing the energy level of the quantum fields of the universe cause that quantum fields cannot limit the size of the black holes. 


Is the radiation of black holes pushing the edge of the universe away? And cause expansion of the universe?

So black holes are pushing the edge of the universe away. And the second one of that there is something that pulls black holes larger when the size of the visible universe grows. If the first choice is right, that thing means that when the black holes are growing their edge is closing the edge of the universe. And then some kind of radiation that comes from the black hole is interacting with the edge of the visible universe. 

And that radiation that can be the Hawking radiation will interact with the edge of the visible universe pushing it away. So does that radiation affect straight to visible material or does that thing affect the dark matter or some unknown particles ahead of the edge of the visible universe? 

The thing is that the black holes are also pulling dark matter inside them. And then the dark matter sends invisible radiation. To the particles that are at the edge of the visible universe. 

Or maybe the gravitational waves are pushing particles away from the center of the universe. There is the theory that gravitation is the wave movement that can push particles away. If the curve of the wave movement turned straight. That means the speed of the wave movement can be enormous. But the thing is that nobody has ever seen straight wave movement. 

But what if the expansion of the universe pulls black holes larger? 

In that situation the answer for the connection between the expansion of the universe. And the growth of black holes. Is that the expansion of the universe pulls black holes bigger. The explanation for this thing. Is that while the universe expands the quantum fields inside the universe are turning weaker. 

While the size of the universe is growing the energy level inside that ball what we call the universe is turning lower. That thing means. That is the force of the quantum fields. That is limiting the growth of the black holes is turning weaker. When the force of those quantum fields is lowing the size of black holes is growing. 

And that thing causes an interesting idea of the ultimate fate of the universe. Maybe when the power of the quantum fields is low enough that thing causes the explosion of the billions of black holes. And that explosion releases energy and wave movement that causes that the wave movement turns into particles.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Could there be invisible galaxies in the universe?

The thing is that if there is a chemically similar galaxy with Milky Way far away from us. There is the possibility that the radiation of the Milky Way pushes the radiation away from the Milky Way. That thing means that if the Milky Way pushes the radiation away. That thing makes it impossible to see some objects. 

Could the dark matter be some kind of condition of the material that the electromagnetic radiation would travel across it without causing the reflection? If we are thinking of the situation that is in the image above this text. There is the possibility that some galaxies have a certain form of a halo that pushes the electromagnetic radiation traveling around that galaxy away from it. 

So that kind of case where the electromagnetic radiation would travel around the object would be similar to what makes things like stealth bombers invisible for radars. The scale of the galaxy is much bigger than some stealth bombers. But there is the possibility that some kind of quantum phenomenon can make the entire galaxies impossible to see at least from great distances. 

Some another version of this question about invisible galaxies. Is that somewhere between Earth and that galaxy is the scattering field. That denies the wave movement to travel through that area. 

The ghost material and quantum stealth

Theoretically is possible to make the material that turns to the quantum cloud and returns to its form. That means theoretically at least the non-organic creature like a screw or car can turn to a quantum cloud. And when the time is coming that quantum cloud can return to its original form. So if research makes this thing into practice. That allows turning the aircraft to the ghost that could travel through the walls. 

There is the possibility that some types of material have the ability that electromagnetic radiation would travel through it and pass the atoms. If that thing is possible to make that allows to make the invisible materials. But there is one thing that we might forget. Theoretically is possible to make the ghost by using quantum technology. 

The idea is that the distance of the particles that are forming the nucleus of the atoms is pushed to a long distance of each other. If quarks that are forming the structure would be connected with the superstrings. That thing makes it possible to turn the physical object into a quantum cloud. And if those strings are true. Decreasing the energy pumping will make those particles return to form.

Image I:

Monday, November 1, 2021

Is the hypothetical fifth force between electromagnetism and gravitation?

When we are talking about the fifth fundamental force. We are facing one thing that makes the researchers believe that the standard model in physics is not perfect. That thing is the gravitation. 

Why gravitation is not fit in the standard model? So even if the standard model would be ready to this point. There might be something that is needed to include or increase to that model that fits perfectly without gravitation. So there are four fundamental interactions or forces. 

1) Strong nuclear force that connects quarks to neutrons

2) Weak nuclear force that connects protons and neutrons to the nucleus of the atom.

3) Electromagnetism that connects electrons to their orbiter around the nucleus of the atom. 

4) Gravitation that pulls atoms and atom groups together. 

The reason why scientists cannot connect gravitation with other natural interactions. Is that its transportation particle "graviton"  not founded yet. And that means the gravitation is a mystery. All other fundamental interactions have transportation particles. 

That means the gravitation should have transportation particles. The other thing is that the gravitation has no repelling effect. Gravitation just pulls the objects together. Those things cause that gravitation cannot straight conduct from electromagnetism. And that causes the idea of the fifth fundamental force. 

But the question about the fifth force is: what is its place in the standard model? Does the hypothetical fifth force stand between electromagnetism and gravitation? 

We always search for those kinds of interactions from the far ends of the systems. But we can ask is it possible that something is missing between the rows and lines of the tables. So could the place of the fifth force between electrons and the quantum core of the atom. That thing could easily explain why researchers cannot find the fifth force.

We always believed that the place of the hypothetical fifth force is outside of gravitation. So the order of the forces where the fifth force is included is always introduced like this:

1) Strong nuclear force

2) Weak nuclear force

3) Electromagnetism

4) Gravitation 

5) Fifth force?

But that model requires that the atom has some invisible core. All other fundamental interactions are affecting the cores as electromagnetism affects electron cores. And the weak nuclear force affects the core of the nucleus. 

The strong nuclar force affects the core of the proton and neutron. Those cores can be called quantum fields. So why do we cannot see the fifth quantum field or quantum core of the atom? The reason for that is. We are looking for that outside from the most out the visible core of the atom. 

But what if the place of the fifth force is between electromagnetism and gravitation? And the order would be like this:

1) Strong nuclear force

2) Weak nuclear force

3) Electromagnetism

4) Fifth force?

5) Gravitation

Could that explain why there is no visible graviton? What if the hypothetical fifth force is the force that interacts between quantum cores of the atoms? In that case, the fifth force is like a tornado or string that is jumping between quantum fields. So is there some yet seen layer in atom and its structures? 

The reason why the most reasonable position for the hypothetical fifth force. Is between the electron core and the most out quantum core that surrounds the entire atom. Is that there is something that is missing between electromagnetism and gravitation. That missing part could be the thing why we cannot just connect gravitation with electromagnetism.

The thing about cryonics and stopping the aging process

The pressure will stabilize the DNA in individual cells. 

Could the count Dracula be the creature which DNA is stabilized by closing the nuclei of the cells in pressure bottles? In that case, the high-pressure bottles will remove the oscillation of the DNA. But this thing seems very unbelievable because if that thing is used for humans there are billions of bottles needed. So maybe tomorrow the bacteria would store in pressure bottles. 

Stopping the aging process is theoretically quite easy to make. The oscillation of the DNA molecule must just stop. Theoretically, that process is quite easy to make. The DNA of the nucleus of the cells must close in the small bottles that will pressurize. The high pressure will stabilize the DNA. But if those bottles will get any extra energy like from sunshine that would cause overheating. 

And in the high-pressure system, the extra energy would cause that the bottle will detonate. So if the DNA of some creature will stabilize by using pressure bottles that are closing the nucleus of cells inside it. That organism would not stand sunlight because it raises the temperature in the pressure bottles that are stabilizing the DNA. 

And then to the cryonics.

Can cryonically frozen people ever wake up? These kinds of questions involve one little thing. How to determine the word "ever"? Is "ever" in this case some 100, 150, or 200 years? The thing is that history is full of "ever be possible" solutions like an atom bomb, moon flights, and quantum computers.

The single cells can press by using high pressure while the cell is melting after cryonics. But could that methodology be effective in the cases of the human-size object? 

Many times people say that waking up the person. Who is frozen at a temperature that is near zero kelvin is impossible. And the reason for that is not in the freezing process. The problem is that the melting process causes the expansion in the liquids of the cells. And that thing will destroy the cells. There is the possibility that the temperature of the body of the person would rise very slowly like one degree per day. Or even slower. 

That allows making the wake-up process possible. When the person is melted enough heart-lung machine will start the heart and body functions. So in tomorrow, cryonics allows us to travel to the future. We might just put to sleep and then the system will freeze us. 

This thing means that cryonics is a very slow time machine. And maybe there are very ill people in the world who are putting themselves in the cryogenic ice for waiting that medical science creates treatment for their illness.

We know how to freeze cells in the cryogenic ice. The idea is that the liquids from the cell will remove. If the mass of liquid in the cells is decreasing. That leaves liquids room for expansion in cells. So the reason why we cannot freeze people whenever we want. Is that we should remove liquids from so many cells that this operation is not possible. 

The reason why cryogenics is more suitable for long-term space flight than normal anesthesia is that. Near zero kelvin temperatures will just stop the aging process. The reason for the aging process is the DNA will oscillate and sooner or later. The oscillation will destroy the structure of the genome or DNA.

Little green men (Are we alone in the universe part II)

Space race

There have been many models of what hypothetical aliens could look like and how they can behave. And one of the most interesting visions is that the aliens would be a space race. Those creatures would never land on planets. 

Could aliens be the space race? The space race means aliens that live in giant spacecraft in their entire life. Those creatures would be extremely weak, but they can use the remote-controlled robots while they are operating on the surface of planets. 

The problem with searching for alien lifeforms is that some reason causes the attitude that the alien civilization must look like us, aliens must behave as we behave. And their home planet must be an exact copy of our home planet. There is a thing called adaptation. If some alien has formed on some other planet they would be fully adapted to that environment. 

And even if the hypothetical aliens would be similar to us that means their biochemical processes would be similar they might look different. And their culture might be different from ours. So if aliens would be a very advanced civilization they might live in singularity with technology. That means the alien society could live in a giant spacecraft in a zero-gravity environment. 

And their brains could be connected to one entirety with computers and each other by using implanted microchips. Connecting brains to one entirety would remove the violence from society.


That thing would be suitable for the space race that lives in the giant O'Neill cylinders. The theoretical O'Neill cylinder is the rotating, cylinder shape artificial world. Which takes its gravity from the rotating movement. The fact is that the gravitation of those stations would be quite weak. 

And the purpose of it would be to anchor merchandise to tables. The crew would be physically weak and they would not ever land on planets. On the surface of planets, those creatures would operate by using remote-control robots. That thing denies the infections that the organisms of those planets can cause. 

When some member of the group would hit another one. That thing causes that the violent member will also feel the pain itself. Those aliens would not ever land on planets because their bodies will be crushed by gravitation. There is the possibility that the giant cylinder-shaped space station or spacecraft will hover the fast rotating cylinders. 

The cylinders called Tipler cylinders rotation speed is almost the speed of light that allows multiplying aliens. The time dilation causes that the creatures that are grow in those fast rotating cylinders. Seem to grow in eyes. Those cylinders would hover in the middle of cylinder-shaped spacecraft. The cylinders would not create strong gravity. The purpose of gravity would be just to make things like plantations possible. But if the crew is physically weak that makes it easier to control them.

What "Little Green Men" could be?

There are created microchips that are creating their electricity from the human body. The leaf-gold layer would give electricity by benefiting the natrum from the sweat. And that biological battery can deliver energy to the microchips. 

Cosmobiology and evolution specialists are making models of what the alien might look like. In some visions, the nervous system of the aliens would be like the jacket. The idea for that is that the skin cells of the organisms would involve the extremely small nerve cells. And the structures that are making us think would be in the alien skin. 

The LGM (Little Green Men) could be the creature. Which skin is hybrid where is connected the genomes of vegetables and animal cells. If the skin of the creature would be photosynthetic that allows them to create sugars in their body. And that would make them possible to live without vegetables. 

But there is one other aspect that we always forget. There is the possibility that the hypothetical aliens would have a different form of nervous tissue than we have. In some visions, the aliens would have thinking skin. In that vision, the skin of the aliens would make a similar structure with the brains. 

That means the alien that is its nervous system could be like the jacket that can control the body inside it. Theoretically, the green skin would give nutrients to the nervous tissue of that thinking skin. The idea for that thing is taken from the Xipe Totec the skinned god of Aztec.

Christmas is here.

Christmas is here. Now it is Christmas night. The night should be the celebration of mercy. But sometimes that thing causes trauma. Christma...