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The shape of the universe. And the dark energy interaction.

The universe might be the giant loop. But when we are thinking about the shape of the universe. We should remember a couple of things. The universe is a giant entirety, and we see only a couple of percent about that thing. There is a possibility that the universe is like a plate. Or it can be like a ball. Or it can be like a saddle. 

But is the universe shape and structure even homogenous? That means in the giant entirety could be many types of forms. There is the possibility that there are cosmic bubbles of the yet-seen material. And in some other ideas, the universe is warped. 

That means the shape of the main material is some of those three examples that are introduced in image II. But there is the possibility that the main shape hides sub-shapes. The layer of the universe might be waved. Or there might be bubble- or ball-shaped structures in the main structures. 

The empty bubbles in the universe are interesting things. Because there is a lower density of material than other places in the universe. Dark matter is similar material with visible material but we just cannot see that thing. We always forget that interaction is two-way. 

The same effect would interact also with the other side. And that means the material that is visible to us has similar interaction to the dark matter as the dark matter has to visible material. 

If there is a creature in the universe that is formed of dark matter. The universe that is formed of visible material to us would seem empty bubble to that creature.

But if we are thinking otherwise we might think that some creature lives in the universe that is formed of dark matter. That creature would not see us either. The thing that makes material dar is that the particles that form the dark matter would have different sizes. And that means we cannot see that material because it sends the radiation with a different wavelength than visible material.


"The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1.

From top to bottom: a spherical or ball-shaped universe with Ω > 1, a hyperbolic "saddle-shaped" universe with Ω < 1, and a flat universe with Ω = 1. These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space". 

If Ω = 1, the universe is flat.

If Ω > 1, there is positive curvature.

If Ω < 1 there is negative curvature.

(Wikipedia, Shape of the universe)

The reason why the shape of the universe is important is that if the  Ω > 1. That means the universe would end its day in the big crash. The entire material would drop in the black hole. And in space where is no wave movement or material, the black hole will detonate. 

And that thing makes that the universe would be like the Phoenix bird. That thing makes the new Big Bang possible. But the wave-particle duality means that the crossing wave movement can create new elementary particles. The researchers of the SETI program introduced the theory that God is a remnant from the past universe. The interesting thing is that Sir Roger Penrose and his team recognized. That some black holes are sending radiation that source might be in the past universe. 


The thing is that the bubble of the visible material is the ball. But there is a lot of material in the universe that is invisible to us. And there is lots of material and energy that are hard to observe. The things like free quarks, neutrinos, just discovered odderon particles. And cosmic radio frequential hum which cannot observe from the earth because it cannot penetrate in the plasma field of the sun is giving a tip, what the dark energy might be. 

Dark energy might be the radiation that source is in the extremely small particles.  Or it is just the radio waves that cannot reach us. If the source of the electromagnetic radiation is in the odderon particles or anyons which are 2-dimensional particles that will explain why we cannot see that energy.

Image II:


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