What kind of creature would the vampire be?
The cancer cells can suck mitochondria out of the immune cells. And that ability makes them real-life vampires. If those cells can connect mitochondria to themselves they are sucking the life force out of patients like vampires does in fictionary stories.
Biotechnology can use to create vampire macrophages or super macrophages. Those super immune cells would have a genetic transplant that allows them to transfer the mitochondria from bacteria to themselves.
That thing could happen by using the same genomes that make the cancer cells steal mitochondria from the immune cells. And then, if the immune cells can connect those mitochondria to themselves they would turn stronger when they are sucking the "power of life" from the bacteria.
And those cells are making me think that "luckily vampires are only functionally characters". But then we can think that could genetic engineering and biotechnology make vampires possible?
The cancer cells that are "stealing mitochondria" from the immune cells are giving a tip on what kind of creature the fictionary vampires could be. The fast renewing tissues make them very resistant to gunshots. And the thing is that the vampires would be afraid the daylight means that maybe they are created by using extremely fast splitting cancer cells that are hybridized with neurons.
Hybridization with neurons allows those fictional characters to change their forms from bats to wolves and humans. That means the vampires would just make hairs or nanotubes for stealing the mitochondria from the real humans. And that thing makes them invisible because without mitochondria the humans cannot resist them.
So where the vampire needs blood? And why the vampire needs only the blood of a virgin? The reason would be that nobody misses unmarried women very soon. And the other thing is that the women are weaker.
The idea for that short text about the form of vampires is given in the article from the SciTech daily. There the cancer cells are stealing mitochondria from the immune cells.
If our cells would all hybridize with neurons we would have the abilities that no other creatures have. The thing is that the vampires are one version of the xenomorphs creatures that can change their form when they want.
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