Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Gravitational waves and beyond


 Gravitational waves and beyond 

The impacts of black holes are extremely powerful things. They are the extreme cases in the reactions of the universe.

The gravitational waves are the thing that is opening the mystery of gravitation to researchers. A gravitational wave is the mysterious energy wave that travels in the universe. Things like black holes are sending gravitational waves. Especially in the cases when they collide. And, the same way neutron stars are sending those mysterious energy waves, the same way every object should send gravitational waves. 

While they are impacting each other. But those gravitational waves are so weak that they cannot detect. So the gravitational waves are caused by the energy that travels away from the gravitational center. But what happens when the extremely powerful energy impacts the material. That is surrounding black holes or other gravitational centers. 

The energy impact pushes material. But that thing also causes that the material turns over-energetic. Which causes energy flow to lower energetic areas. And it releases the energy quanta to the other particles. 

The energy impacts the particle. Then the over-energetic particle releases it forward. But why gravitational waves are visible only when the black holes are oscillating or impacting. 

There is the possibility that suddenly born black holes or colliding black holes are causing situations when the high power energy will impact the material and push it. And the same time there would be a low energetic area behind those particles that are involving the gravitational wave. And that thing pulls material backward. 

So that double-effect can cause the situation. Where those hypothetic gravitons are released from those particles. The thing is that if the gravitons are the source of the gravitation waves. That thing opens a new road to physics. 

There is an idea that the quantum-size black holes or gravitons are the thing that is making quarks form the material. And maybe there are no free gravitons in the universe. 

Maybe there is a graviton in or quantum-size black hole in the middle of protons and neutrons. And maybe we have a small black hole also in the middle of every planet. If this is the form of graviton we must realize that the existence of gravitons is extremely hard to prove. 

Could black holes send the radiation that has the same bandwidth with the diameter of singularity? 

The black holes can act like they are single particles. When black holes send some radiation. That radiation's source is in the wave movement. That surrounds the black hole or its event horizon. So it's possible that when the black holes are impacting. They are sending wave movement. That wavelength is the same as the diameter of the event horizon is. So those black holes are the "dark matter". 

There are no other particles that can receive that kind of radiation. Of course, the black holes are sending also other types of radiation. But there is the possibility that the black holes are also sending other radiation types than X- and gamma rays. And if it sends the radiation which wavelength is the same as the diameter of its singularity. That thing makes it possible to create an antenna that could receive that radiation. The thing is that this thing requires an antenna which diameter is the same as the singularity of some black hole.

So is gravitation pushing or pulling force?

When gravitation pulls particles to the center of the gravitation that thing causes that the other particles and wave movement are traveling to the gravitational center. But the thing is that energy travels always to lower energetic areas. So the low energetic area that causes that wave movement is starting to fill it. 

And that wave movement will pull the larger objects to the lower energetic pit. So which is the way how gravitation interacts?

The thing is that. For making the same phenomenon as gravitation. Can theoretically create by using the energy flow that is traveling the same way. So theoretically, the creation of virtual gravitation is an "easy thing". The requirement is that engineers create lower energy areas in the space. The lower energetic area is called the "energy pit". The energy pit above the object causes that energy starts to flow to it.

Gravitation as pushing force

[Energy]>>(Object)>>[Energy pit]<<(Object)<<[Energy]. 

Gravitation as pulling force

[Object]>>[Gravitation]>>[Gravitational center]<<[Gravitation]<<[Object]

[Energy quanta]<<[Electron core]<<[Nucleus of Atom]<<(Source of the gravitational waves)<<[energy pit]


<<<=Energy flow

The gravitation wave

When the energy hits the material it releases the extra energy in the form of energy quanta. Energy quant is like the bite of wave movement. The collision of black holes causes that from the center of gravitation also sends other types of radiation like gamma- or x-rays. 

The thing is that when the energy impacts the material it moves more than otherwise. And there might be forming the energy pit behind the particles. The thing is that if the material is turning over-energetic and at the same time it drops to the energy pit it sends more radiation than usually. 

In the case that something pulls electron layers backward. They are affecting like they are chancing trajectories. When an electron is dropping to the inner trajectory it sends the photon or energy quanta. So actually, the material is transmitting energy from the nucleus of the atom. 

Gravitational waves are proven that the gravitation is wave movement. But what kind of wave movement? That is the question. 

There is a theory that gravitation is the force that is transmitted hypothetical graviton particle. The graviton is pulling the string between gravitational objects. 

And all single object in the universe has a gravitational field. So the reason why the gravitation center pulls objects is that the time-space is turning shorter around the gravitational center. 

The thing is that describing curvature space-time is so difficult is that the curvature of space-time always happens in 3D space. This is the reason why rubber layers and steel balls are not things. That describes the curvature of spacetime perfectly. So in the points of the gravitation waves, the universe or space-time is turning shorter. 

So the reason for gravitational interaction is that the space is shorter around the gravitational center. In the first form, gravitational "bridge" or space turns shorter than everywhere else. And gravitons are starting to travel between the particles. 

Or in some other theories, gravitons are quantum-size black holes that are sending some kind of radiation. There could be an energy vacuum near that radiation string when that wave movement pushes quantum fields away from it. That means those energy pillars are starting to pull particles to each other. 

Does the gravitation wave travel front or behind the photons released from the collision of black holes?

An interesting thing is: does the extremely powerful reaction cause that the gravitation wave comes just after photons? Or does it travel ahead of photons? In both cases, the gravitation wave can travel with the speed of light. 

In this case, the photons push wave movement ahead of them to the waves. There is also the possibility that some particles that are coming from the center of the gravitation waves are traveling in energy bubbles or warp bubbles. In that case, the extremely high energy load is creating the warp bubble around them. 

When the energy load from the nucleus of the gravitation wave travels through to space. The thing that forms this wave is when the extremely powerful energy load impacts the material. It sends the light quanta. Extreme energy load can cause that there is a so-called energy pit behind those particles that makes those particles lower energetic than all other particles. Then the energy starts to fill those pits causing similar waves with the stones that drop in the water.

The use of AI requires data security.


 The use of AI requires data security.

In the beginning, I must say that modern malicious software is searching data. It opens back gates to the system. And then that sends data to the third party. Another thing is that in most security scenarios the destructive viruses are used to open roads to the data breakers. Those people can try to slip non-secured components into the system. 

This component can send the entire data to the attacker's system. It is not the same does the computer virus infects the server or the workstation. If the computer shuts down sometimes. That clears the virus from the RAM. Servers are vulnerable because if RAM-virus infects them it would not be removed from RAM-memory until the next boot. Servers are also involving most of the data. 

That is stored in the system. So that means if the spy tool is infecting the server. That requires that the operators must change passwords and other access keys to the system. Computer viruses are always advancing and hackers are always finding new weak points of the system. They might take things like routers of the system to target. And double the entire data flow of the system. Then they can route the other data flow to their servers. 

If we are thinking of the form of the AI. That is "only" a database where is stored the solutions for a certain type of problem. Or actually, those databases involve information that the system uses to respond to a certain type of data. The data that travels in the system activates a certain database. And then the AI can solve problems. 

Machine learning means that the computer can automatically grow the data mass. And make connections between databases. The automatically learning machines can also call "open systems". The "closed" or "fixed systems" require that the operators are involving the solution. And the fixed system doesn't grow the data mass or connections between databases without operators. 

Anyway, without those databases the AI is helpless. If the computer viruses hit those databases. The system would turn useless. This means that also the AI requires virus scanners against data viruses. The data viruses are normally detected when they attempt to write themselves to hard disks. 

But there are also RAM viruses that are remaining in RAM. Those viruses are hard to detect. The virus doesn't write its code to hard disks. So the virus scanners are not able to see that thing. 

This is why they are called Stealth-viruses. But also the regular computer viruses require to download their code to the RAM-memory of the computer. Regular computer viruses are normally acting always the same way. They are involving virus code. 

The virus writers normally pack that malicious code in the form of EXE or COM-file that is only renamed for looking like an innocent file. 

The next type of virus is easy to deny. The write protection of Autoexec was enough. And the new operating systems didn't include that file. so making this kind of virus was suitable only in Windows 9X.

Then the program that is some kind of macro as an example the BAT file just replaces the last line in the "Autoexec.Bat"  by the command line that renames the virus file ("virus" to Virus.exe). Replacement of autoexec.bat happened by simply deleting Autoexec and replacing it with the macro that is renamed to Autoexec.Bat. And then it will activate the virus at the next boot session. Or sometimes there was only a command what deletes the system files. 

Modern virus scanners are scanning also the code what the files involved. And if there is some kind of virus code. The firewall and anti-virus program sends the information of that virus to the network control. And that might close even the internet connection of the systems. Also denying the echoing commands and auto-driving programs can protect computers against viruses. 

But computer viruses still exist. Modern malicious code is meant to steal information. They are more complicated than some viruses of the '90s. Those new viruses are also destroying only things like databases. And they can cause more damages than some virus that destroys the entire data system. If only the databases are destroyed. And the system is not used very often. That thing can cause a "nasty surprise" for people who should use the system.


Where is "Planet 9"?

 Where is "Planet 9"?

Planet Neptune

The mystery of Planet X or Planet 9 is an interesting thing. There is something that causes errors in the trajectory of planet Neptune. And that thing is predicted to be an unknown planet. The thing that makes this planet so mysterious is that it hasn't been detected yet. 

There is the possibility that the temperature of the surface of that planet is about 3 Kelvin which means it hides in the cosmic background. But as you see that mysterious planet is theory. 

There is also another explanation about the error of the trajectory of planet Neptune. That theory goes like this: a gravitational effect of Alpha Centauri, Proxima Centauri, and Luhman-16 systems is causing that error. But that gravitational effect should affect also Oort clouds. Sometimes the group of small asteroids at the Kuiper Belt has explained the source of the mysterious errors in the trajectory of Neptune. 

So what causes those famous. And also unknown errors to the trajectory of Neptune? Is it some kind of energy burst? And does that thing have some kind of connection with Neptune's "Dark spots"? 

The thing is that that the source of the mysterious gravitational effect is unknown. Researchers are offered The grapefruit-size black hole and dark matter clouds for the thing that is causing the error in the trajectory of Neptune. The problem with those explanations is. That this kind of gravitational effect should cause the atmosphere of that planet. 

Sometimes there is suspicion that the wormhole is causing the energy effect that causes the mysterious error in trajectory. When the object is near zero kelvin degrees the methane can close the helium in it like minerals are closing water in them. 

When the wormhole travels through the object it will expand helium and destroy the crystals that are closing the helium in them. The energy of the wormhole would start to boil helium. And that starts the mysterious geyser burst at extremely low pressure and gravitation. But nobody has proven the existence of wormholes yet.

The thing is that planet 9 is sometimes searched very intensively. And the last time was when astronomers found the planet Proxima B near Proxima Centauri. There is made billions of profiles about that mysterious effect. "Planet 9" is predicted to be a very old rocky planet where is no volcanic activity. That means it could be the rogue planet formed somewhere else in the universe. Maybe the nova or supernova explosion has pushed that object away from its star. But the only thing that is confirmed is the mysterious gravitational effect in the trajectory of Neptune.


Thursday, December 23, 2021

There is the possibility that the strange particle is a key to other dimensions.


 There is the possibility that the strange particle is a key to other dimensions.

The hypothetical dark matter could be the source of dark energy and transforms visible material into dark matter. 


The forms of theoretical dark matter

1) Hot dark matter could be the source of hot dark energy. Theoretically, this dark matter could be the matter that was released during the Big Bang.

2) Cold dark matter could be the source of cold dark energy. This could be the dark matter that is forming after the Big Bang. 

But the fact is that those things are purely theoretical. There are no observations of dark matter. So even if that thing is true. The order of releasing the dark matter can be different. Because there is no visible observation of the dark matter this entire text is theoretical.

The thing that a 40 kg electron can turn into a quantum-size black hole. Is causing another theory. The theory is that inside the proton and neutron is an extremely small particle or quantum size black hole. That thing causes that there is a small gate to the dimensions at that point. 

So the dark matter could be another state of the material. The idea of this kind of material is that visible and dark matter are the same things. The dark matter would be like an imaginary form of the dark matter. 

That means that the imaginary form of dark matter is similar to an imaginary number in mathematics. The different energy loads of the dark and visible material in the thing that makes them different sizes. And that difference makes them unable to interact with each other. 


The theory of dark matter goes like this. Dark matter is in the form of material that sends radiation or wave movement. Which wavelength is different than the visible material sends. 

The theory of dark energy goes like this. It's the interaction or wave movement between dark particles of dark matter. The thing is that the key to the dark matter might be in the gravitational waves.

Or maybe the gravitational waves are close to the dark energy, which is one type of wave movement. The dark energy could also interact through the gravitational waves. 

The effect that turns the material to dark matter is the thing that is caused by energy asymmetry. That means that if the dark matter is more or less energetic than visible material. 

That causes the energy flow. To the lower energetic part of the material. And that thing causes that the size of those particles is changing. That thing causes that the wave movement. That those particles send is invisible to us. 

So the idea could be that the hot dark matter is dark matter that formed during the Big Bang. And cold dark matter could be dark matter that may be forming even today. The theory is that dark matter is forming also in the supernova explosions and near black holes. 

The energy load from those objects impacts straight to quarks. The power of quantum annealing of quarks is pushing those quarks away from the structure. So the dark energy would be energy that is transmitted straight from quarks. 


Dark matter is the most dominating and fascinating thing in the universe. Over 75% of the material is not visible to us. And scientists are believing that this material cannot be seen either by human eyes or some instruments is something extraordinary. There is the possibility that the dark matter is even the gate to the fifth dimension. The idea of that theory is that dark matter is fermions. 

Those fermions would push to warped fifth dimension by some high energy load. The thing is that there is calculated that an electron is turning into a black hole. If its mass increases to 40 kg. The energy load that pushes fermions to the fifth element might be repeated all the time. And there is the theory that dark matter is forming near black holes and supernovas. 

When the extremely high energy load hits hadrons like protons. That energy load causes the quarks in that particle to start to anneal. That anneal is the electromagnetic radiation that can push those quarks away from each other. That thing destroys material and turns the quarks very high energetic. 

So the size of those particles is changing and the electromagnetic radiation those particles are sending gets a different frequency than other quarks. That means we just cannot see that material and it's turning dark. There is the theory that dark matter turns regular material into dark matter. 

The idea is that because there is no interaction between dark matter and visible material. In the place where dark matter particles are seemed to be a bubble. That bubble is called the "bubble of nothingness" because there is no quantum field. That can interact with other quantum fields. 

So the energy from the quantum fields of the particles quarks is starting to flow to those holes. And that thing can cause that the quarks are losing their mass. And their size turning smaller. 

But there is another way to think about this thing. If the dark matter is higher energetic material than visible matter. The gravitational interaction between dark and visible material causes that energy travels to the visible material. Because the source of that radiation is in the quarks or other fermions that are subatomic particles. That radiation is impossible to see by using the antennas that are formed of atoms or nuclei of atoms. 

If we want to see this type of radiation. That thing requires that we should form quark chains. In that case, the radiation can affect straight to quarks. And the system must "only" detect the position of the quarks or the radiation that they are sending. The problem is that the wavelength of the radiation which is coming from the quarks is so short that the interaction between the quark and things like protons and neutrons is impossible to detect.

The mystery of rogue planets.

 The mystery of rogue planets.

There are at least 70 rogue planets uncovered in Milky Way. But the real number of those planets must be higher. We must remember that we see only a small part of the Milky Way. And more accurate systems are bringing new details for observation.

Rogue planets are lone planets that are planets that don't orbit any star. Those planets are lone nomads that are traveling across the universe. The thing is that the surface temperature of those planets is always near zero kelvin. And they are even colder than Pluto. 

The temperature of those planets is anyway higher than three kelvin because the impacts of particles can raise the temperature a couple of degrees. The three-kelvin degrees is the minimum temperature in nature. The reason for that is that the cosmic background is three-kelvin degrees. 

Because the temperature of the rogue planets is so low their surface is solid. The entire rogue planet is covered by frozen gas. But there are always metallic or silicon-based structures. There could be some kind of atmosphere around those planets and that atmosphere could be mainly hydrogen and helium. 


The form of rogue planets 

1) The nova or supernova can push a planet away from its trajectory. In that case, the distant planet can survive the explosion of a dying star. 

2) The gravitational field of some star or another massive object can pull the planet away from its star. If the planet is far away from the star the other rogue planet can pull it out of the trajectory. 

3) The cosmic plasma- or energy beam can push planets away from their trajectories. When the cosmic energy beam hits the surface of the planet. That energy vaporizes part of it. Also, the plasma particles are pushing the planet. 

And if its mass is low it can start to fly across the universe. In this case. That planet has dep ocean the impacting energy ray can turn boiling material into the rocket jet that can move the entire planet. 


The model for that is taken from Uranus and Neptune. The surface temperature of those two gas giants is about 53 degrees kelvin. And that means there are only a few gases that can remain as gas is so low temperature. But the temperature at the nomad planets is even lower. 

So the friction of hydrogen atoms and possible volcanic temperature is keeping the atmosphere in gas form. But that requires that there is something that maintains the volcanic temperature. Maybe that thing is the moon whose gravitational forces are causing the movement in the atmosphere. And that friction is keeping hydrogen as gas forms. There is the possibility that some rogue planets have the stone core. 

But when we are thinking about the form of the nomad planets their origin can be as the normal planet around some normal star. The distance of those planets to its star could be enormous. And then that star explodes as supernova or nova. The shockwave can push that kind of distant planet out of its trajectory. And that thing can be one of the explanations for rogue planets. 

If that thing is true the rogue planet is a very old object. And there is the possibility that there is no radioactive material in it. That means there could not be the volcanic temperature inside those planets. But the moons of that kind of planet can keep some gases liquid or even in gas forms because of the tidal forces. 

Another explanation could be that the gravitational force of massive objects like another star is pulling some planets away from their trajectories. In that case, even the young planet can turn to the rogue planet that travels around the universe. In some other explanation, the rogue planet would push away from its trajectory by some cosmic plasma beam. 

Those rogue planets can cause a threat if they arrive in the solar system.  Their gravitational effect pulls asteroids and even moons away from their trajectories. In that case, the mass of the rogue planet is small. The larger objects like two times Earth- or Jupiter's mass rogue planets can cause destructive disorders to the entire solar system. 

When that planet enters the solar system it pulls the large group of objects from the Kuiper belt. And when that rogue planet flyby other planets it can pull moons or entire planets away from their trajectory. The mass of those planets determines their effect.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The mystery of ghosts

The mystery of ghosts

Ghosts as a psychological effect.

In this text, the point of view to ghosts is in psychology. There are of course technically made ghosts like holograms. And one thing that can cause the phenomenon that the things are jumping from floors and start to flow is the powerful magnetic field. That thing requires that there is iron in that stuff that is going to flow. Also, things like swinging lamps can be caused by magnetic phenomena. And leaking electric cables can cause the feeling of sudden cold. 

Many things can cause the belief in ghosts. And at this point, I must say that if your grandmother who is telling ghosts stories to children is otherwise very kind and sympathetic. That thing can cause that the children. And even adults want to be polite. And say that "of course, I believe ghosts". We don't want to hurt a sympathetic person and that's why we are saying that we believe those things. 

Sometimes people are seeing, or they are even spoken with dead people. The reason for that thing is that some relative like brother or cousin of the dead person is misidentified as dead. Or sometimes the death was a misunderstanding. There might be two "John Smiths" in the same city. We could know the other and another is unknown to us. Maybe we just read the obituary from the media, and then we thought that we knew the dead person. And in that case, we can get messages from the dead. 

The reason for flashbacks is that neurons in human brains are finding the lost connection to some memory block. Sometimes extremely powerful magnetic fields can cause the electric fields in axons to start to superposition.  That means the powerful electromagnetic fields can cause flashbacks. 

When neurons suddenly use some forgotten connection that can cause flashbacks. That term means that the forgotten memory spontaneously returns to consciousness. 

Somewhere else I've been writing about persons who tried to trap ghosts. The thing is that nobody has ever proven that ghosts were real and there is no scientific evidence about this mysterious phenomenon. One of the explanations for some ghosts is that some of them are flashbacks. In that theory, human brains are predicted something. And that precision could cause the image that nobody else sees. That thing could explain the feeling that a dead friend or family member is standing at the door after death. 

But before we are going to make any predictions about that mystic thing. We must remember that without research everything that is told are pure theory. And the world is full of phenomenon that is unknown to people. The thing is that the ghosts are a mystery. And there is some kind of explanation for that thing. 

When we are thinking about ghosts in films there is the possibility. That the film is tried to turn black again by using X-ray machines. In those cases, there could remain the ghostly figure. And in some other cases, the figure in the film has formed because of double exposure. Sometimes people are played games by using that effect. 

But sometimes the ghosts are causing feelings. They mentioned being some kind of cold airflow or something like that. This kind of effect can form by the leaking electric cable. In this kind of case, the electricians should check the electric systems of the house. But there is always the possibility that somebody opens windows or doors. And that thing causes the airflow. 

And here we are going to haunted houses. When people are told that the house is haunted their mind adjusts to thinking that they see ghosts. They hear strange sounds more often than people who are not told that thing. So that thing is one of the psychological illusions. Ghosts are making  Every single noise in the house. And if the person who told the story is very sympathetic people might be polite and say that they hear or even saw the ghosts. In this case, people might try to be polite to the person who told that story of ghosts. 

On this point, I must say that there are many phenomena called "ghosts"  Some ghost stories are told in purpose to make people leave the area. But the thing is that ghosts are interesting phenomena. The psychological ghosts are the thing that we should take seriously. People who are seeing ghosts are not childish. There is made research. That the people who are believing ghosts are "better people". Maybe that thing denies them to do bad things to other people.


Electrostatic levitation can use on hovering moon and asteroid probes.


 Electrostatic levitation can use on hovering moon and asteroid probes. 

Image 1:

"MIT aerospace engineers are testing a concept for a hovering rover that levitates by harnessing the moon’s natural charge. This illustration shows a concept image of the rover. Credit: Courtesy of the researchers." (ScitechDaily/Electrostatic Levitation: MIT Engineers Test an Idea for a New Hovering Moon Rover)

MIT engineers are testing magnetic hovering probes that can operate at a minimum gravitational field and hover above the surface. There is the possibility that a similar system can use also on Earth. But that system requires far more power for levitating. 

And in this time magnetic levitation is possible only above the objects with the minimum gravitational field. But theoretically, this kind of system could operate also above the Earth's surface. The magnetic levitation could be useful as an example at an asteroid belt because that system saves fuel. 

The new levitating moon rover can operate in a low-gravitational environment where is a low gravitation field. The system is possible to create by benefiting the natural electric field of the asteroid and moon. 

Another way is simply to transmit electricity to the object and then that synthetic electromagnetic field can rise hovering rover above that area. The low gravitation field of the dwarf planets or asteroids can allow research in those areas by using hovering probes that cannot fall in the pits of the dwarf planets.


Image 2:

The hovering probes can also operate above the icy moons of Jupiter. In that kind of case, the satellite of a nuclear-powered space probe can send the magnetic ray below the hovering rover. If the magnetic fields have the same polarity that makes objects hover above them. In that case, the rover has the same polarity of the magnetic field that the probe is transmitted below it. 

In some scenarios, the magnetic hover of the probe can use the quantum state of the water for the levitation. The idea is that the water molecules can turn in the same direction in the powerful magnetic field. When the radio wave is sent to that water those water molecules can aim the radio waves to the saucer-shaped craft. 

Or the magnet can pull those water molecules below the craft to the pillar that makes the craft hover at a certain position. There is the possibility that satellites are creating an ion or magnetic field below the craft. Those ions can use also for pushing craft above. The ion engines might get more power. 

If those systems send the ions to the ion field that is pushing them back. Those ions are creating the magnetic cushion below the craft. That system can push craft to levitate. Those ions can also increase the power of the magnetic levitation ("maglev") system. That means the maglev systems can use multiple systems for creating the effect which makes those crafts hover above ground or water silently. 


Images 1 and 2:

The idea of brains in a dish is turning true.


 The idea of brains in a dish is turning true. 

"By growing small brains in the lab, researchers can test out new treatments for brain diseases. Here is an artist's interpretation of growing brain cancer in a dish. In reality, today's cultured mini-brains are far smaller, just a few millimeters, and they look different. (Illustration: BeataScienceArt/IMBA)" ( cultivate mini-versions of human brains in the lab. Could they become conscious?)

And technology is always advancing faster than we think. Those cell cultures can connect with microchips. The half-organic-half silicon structure makes those microchips extremely powerful. In those microchips living neurons are communicating with computers. 

When technology is advancing. The size of brains can turn bigger. And they can learn more things. Also, that cell or neuron cultures can connect by using computers. That thing is making them possible to create new and powerful systems. 

In some visions, there are brains in the nutrient in the dish. That dish is in the laboratory. And the brains are interacting with the computers. In some other visions where living neurons are connected with the robotic body. That kind of cyborg is possible to make. The only limit is that the neurons need nutrients. And in some futuristic models, the living bone marrow is installed in the robot body. 

The system needs only nutrients and the bone marrow is creating blood. That blood is transferring nutrients and oxygen to those artificial brains. The main reason why those systems must use bone marrow is that the immune cells must keep those brains clear from bacteria and viruses. The bone marrow can use liquid nutrients that are used to feed it. 

The neurons that live in the dish and solve problems are turning true. Researchers have created the neurons that live in nutrients at Petri dishes and play video games. That cell group is playing the video game called "Pong". 

Because those neurons are playing computer or video games means that the neurons can communicate with computers. And that thing makes it possible to use them also for controlling robots. This means that the hybrid robots which are using living neurons in their control unit and those neurons are controlling the metal body are the thing that makes those robots very independent. 

The ability to connect the neurons with the robot body is making it possible to create robots with the same intelligence level as humans. And that means we should re-estimate things like national rights and other things. The problem with too-intelligent robots is that they have consciousness. And if those robots feel being under threat. They might act against their creators. 

And the capacity of this kind of artificial brain is theoretically unlimited. In medical science, the cloned neurons can use to replace the destroyed brain areas. And the only problem is that those cloned neurons have no memories stored in destroyed neurons. The ability to clone neurons is making it possible to use synthetic neurons. 

And that kind of thing can use in the biological microchip. The same effect that makes some viruses turn the immune cell into a cancer cell is making it possible to turn the immune cells into neurons. The thing is that the biological microprocessors are the thing that gives things like drones extremely independence in operations. 

The idea of the living brain tissue, that can operate robots is taken from the UFO hypothesis. The idea is that in the distant future. Spacecraft or robots will be connected to cyborgs the machine-brain hybrids. 

The cyborg spacecraft can travel between stars. The flight time between stars is millions of years. But if the craft can replace destroyed neurons it can make that journey. 

There could be cloning systems for those neurons. And that thing could solve the biggest problem of interstellar traveling. The use of living neurons in space projects. Would make those half-organic and half synthetic space systems independent.

And those intelligent probes can travel billions of years if they can repair themselves in the cases of damages. The system can use things like algae as nutrients and those algae cells can use also it for cloning the neurons. 

The thing is that this kind of technology can open very bright and fascinating ideas. But also we should understand that this kind of technology is a very dangerous thing in the wrong hands.


The new double-stars can answer why ELM (Extremely Low-Mass White Dwarfs) seems to be older than the universe?


The new double-stars can answer why ELM (Extremely Low-Mass White Dwarfs) seems to be older than the universe?

How do some stars seem more distant than they are? The answer could be. That things like the gravitational effects of black holes and other objects are causing the situation. That light or photons would not travel all the time at the same speed. In this case, where backward coming gravitational effect repeats billions of times. During hundreds of billions of light-years that can cause measurement errors. 

The ELM (Extremely Low-Mass White Dwarfs) dwarfs cause a headache for physicists and astronomers. Because forming of those stars should require that universe should be elder. The ELM-dwarfs are causing the formation of the so-called "infinity theory" that all matter in the universe didn't take part in the Big Bang. 

In that theory, material existed before the Big Bang. But was it dark matter or visible material is not the answer. The thing is that ELM-stars. And some other stars that seem to be older than the universe are causing many theories. One of the reasons why some stars might look being older than they are. Is that the distance to those stars is estimated wrong. 

When physicists calculate the distance to the objects that are far away they maybe forget the effect of the gravitation. Gravitation affects the trajectory of photons. And also if the gravitation comes from backward that thing slows the photons. 

Maybe that thing has no meaning in the regular measurements.  But if the distance to the object is hundreds of billions of light-years. Even the weakest effects like planetary gravitational fields can cause errors in measurements if those errors repeat hundreds of millions of times and the distance to object is billions of light-years that thing affects measurements because light travels to Earth slower than it should.

The new type of double star also gives answers to the question. Why do ELM stars seem to be older than the universe?

When the material is traveling from the normal part of the binary star to the more massive object. It would also start to heat. During that process that material is sending radiation and there is also happens nuclear fusion. So the transfer of energy between stars is not one-way. Nuclear fusions happen also when material drops to the surface of white dwarfs. 

So the black holes are not only objects that send the high-energetic radiation. When the material is dropping to the surface of the white dwarf it turns thicker. Sooner or later the pressure and heat cause the explosion or nuclear reaction that sends the infrared radiation to the bigger object. 

That process turns the normal part of a binary star hotter than it should. And it can act differently than lone stars while it goes out from the main series. The smaller but heavier object is pulling material away from the star. And that decreases its mass. This kind of thing can cause. That massive star will lose so much mass that it turns to ELM.


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Critical attitude saves lives. But that doesn't always mean a negative attitude.


 Critical attitude saves lives. But that doesn't always mean a negative attitude.

Image 1: Indian missile ranges

A critical attitude to information is always important. And there should always be suspicion that shared data is not correct. Or selector is used to selecting one-sided sources. But one of the most dangerous misunderstandings is that criticism is always the same as "deny" or "no". That is not true. 

Criticism means that the person who comments on the writings or news reads sources makes conclusions of the information. The thing is that information is not black and white. The texts might include both true and proven but also non-proven things. 

And one thing that we must realize is that if the writer is tired the human error can cause that writer to forget to separate trusted and confirmed data from theories. And that thing sometimes causes misunderstandings.

But things like knowledge of political culture helps to separate the true and false information. The political culture is different in every country. In the political culture of western nations is one principle. Governments share only trusted, researched, and confirmed information. This principle is not always the criteria for how governments are sharing information. 

Image 2 North-Korean missile ranges

Sometimes actors like the North-Korean government shares information by using criteria that only the information that benefits itself is shared. And those governments are also making nice-looking propaganda campaigns where is introduced the bright side of the nations. Sometimes things like international contacts that those governments ratified.  Are only meant to turn the interest of the other governments away. 

One of the greatest misunderstandings is to believe that all governments are following their international treaties. One of the most well-known cases in that governments have not followed the international treaty is the INF treaty. That international treaty is gone. 

Image 3: Pakistani missile ranges

And Russia and the USA are now outside that treaty. China and other new nuclear powers ever ratified that treaty. And as an example, most of the Pakistani and North-Korean weapons are IRBM missiles (Intermediate-Renge Ballistic missiles). 

Those weapons are prohibited in that treaty. But those nations remained outside that treaty so they didn't break it. Also, new weapon research like more advanced artificial intelligence controlled ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) with stealth warheads makes it possible that those weapons can strike at all distances between the launching point and maximum range. 

Then those countries that are promised to avoid the development of things like nuclear weapons are made their nuclear tests and introduced hydrogen bombs and other kinds of stuff for the entire world. 

Then we might think that is the treaties of biological and chemical weapons followed the same way as the treaties of nuclear weapons? Or maybe those governments have followed those contracts that denied the creation of chemical and biological weapons. 

All chemical agents are not nerve gases. 

And maybe, we want to believe that those governments developed only nuclear weapons. Those are looking cool in media. That is the thing that means that maybe we want to believe that boring-looking chemical weapons like VX-nerve gases or some other nerve agents (G-agents) like sarin, tabun of soman destroyed by their owners. There is one misunderstanding in the nerve agents. 

Most of the G-agents (Nerve gases) in the world are less poisonous than the VX.  The VX is the most dangerous chemical in the world. And its deadly dose is about 20 micrograms. The less-poisonous chemical agents like tabun, sarin, cyclosarin, and soman are easier to control than VX. But they are same time deadly as VX. The thing is that even the VX was not in use the nerve agents can still be used. 

Things like botulinum can easily produce and if it's delivered with acids or vaporized that can easily get the same effect with some synthetic nerve gases. The acid or mustard gas will cause skin injuries that open botulinum access to the human body. And then another thing is that all chemical agents are not even nerve gases. Things like phosgene and chlorine along with mustard gas are still in use. 

Image 4: Israeli missile ranges

Journalists are prime targets for information operations. 

Can we trust media?

That is one thing there is no certain and one answer. Humans are people who are making news. And the news highlights the interest of the people who are making media. If we think purely about technical and scientific news. The people who are making that kind of news and articles should be trained researchers. 

If technical or scientific articles. Are written by some university researchers. Also reading those articles requires some kind of analytic and technical skills. Another thing is that those articles require accurate reading. An analyzer must also read sources. 

Those sources might be very boring. And text is very complicated. In a very complicated scientific text. Every single line can have some mean. So the thing is that reporters might not have the training or interest to read about things that they write. These analyzes are facile. 

Another thing is that the things like DNA genomes and virology are not very often somebody's hobby. Those things are not interesting. And things like RNA retroviruses are not any racecars. Things like vaccine tests are very boring routine missions. So the articles that are written about those things are not very dramatic. 

The thing that controls media is the interest of users of media. And reporters' interest. The thing is that hoaxes and misinformation can form accidentally. If the journalists are not reading or estimating their sources well, that causes problems in the data handling process. 

The thing is that the disinformation or purposely delivered misinformation is forming in somebody's hand or head. The thing that makes that kind of operation problematic is that the primary targets for disinformation operations are reporters and other journalists. 

And when disinformation, what is also called propaganda or PSY-OPS (Psychological Operations) is slipped into trusted news or media service that boosts its effect. The thing is that willing to believe boosts the will to believe. And if a journalist believes something. That thing causes that this person acts as the prime mover in that kind of operation. 

The knowledge of local culture is the thing that makes people use wealth criticism to information. The culture in the western world is always been open. And governments are trusted. But some governments are sharing one-sided information or only information on the government's policy.

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The singularity of consciousness.


 The singularity of consciousness. 

Quantum teleportation makes it possible to transmit data between neurons and computers.

The image above the text could demonstrate the idea of the straight-operating BCI(Brain-Computer Interface) The BCI can also mean (Brain-Controlled Interface), but they are almost the same thing. Normally the BCI needs a microchip. But there is the possibility that the brain could control the microprocessors straight by using the superpositioned and entangled magnetic fields. 

So that kind of system might not require any kind of microchips for interacting with computers. And the only thing that the computer needs are a radio receiver-transmitter that can resonate with neuro-electricity. And the system must have high enough accuracy that it can decode and code the EEG signals straight from the human body. 

Artificial intelligence and superconducting technology can make this kind of system possible to make in real life. The AI can separate the wanted signals from the white noise. And that thing makes it possible to connect the BCI straight with the nervous system. 

The same systems used with the neuroprosthetics can use to move virtual objects like virtual hands on the screens. And those virtual hands can operate with virtual control tables connected with robots or the central computer of the jet fighter. 


The quantum entanglement can make TRV (Technical Remote View) possible. 

Tardigrade is quantum entangled. In the quantum world, the quantum entanglement might consist of the entirety. Or only small parts of the organisms or other entireties can be entangled. The thing is that also if only a couple of ions or electrons are entangled. That can affect the entire organism or quantum entirety. 

The entangled electrons and ions can cause quantum annealing to the quantum system. And in the case of living creatures, that kind of effect can cause electromagnetic resonance to the nervous systems of the organisms. That kind of case might have a big effect on the entirety. 

The thing is that part of those organisms might be quantum entangled. But the entirety of tardigrades is not entangled. When somebody is talking about entangled organisms they mean to create conditions. Those organisms could share data. 

A simple way to teleport is to connect VR (Virtual Reality)-set to the quadcopters that are equipped with microphones and CCD cameras. 

So we might think teleportation is the case where our senses are connected with the remote systems. The simplest way to make that thing is to connect the VR (Virtual Reality)system with a drone with a microphone and cameras. Those sensors can transmit data to the controller like the controller be physically at the place. 

Their sensors collect with other organisms or machines connected in the same network segment. Or simply saying people who have the same frequency  In normal cases, those people talk bout connecting the brain waves of the organisms as one entirety. 

In that case, the EEG curves of the organisms would synchronize to the same frequency. And that thing can create by using the superpositioned and entangled electromagnetic fields. In that case, the data travels between superpositioned and entangled magnetic fields. And that allows users of the system can share their senses and other things with everybody. That is connected with this network. 

Tardigrade is the first multi-cell organism that is quantum entangled and lives after that. The tardigrades were frozen. And then the quantum entanglement created between them. After that those small animals wake up. The thing is that the entanglement of the tardigrades might not seem very impressive. But it's one of the greatest advantages in the history of quantum systems.

When we are talking about quantum teleportation we mean the situation where the oscillation of atomic or subatomic particles would synchronize. And that thing makes those things act like they would be the same particle. 

Sometimes we are forgetting that also electromagnetic fields can superpositioned and entangled. And that thing opens new visions for controlling quantum computers. If the electromagnetic fields of the nervous system and quantum computer are connected and synchronized. That allows that computers can share data between living neurons. And humans can control computers straight with EEG waves. 

The TRV (Technical Remote View) is one version of the (BCI (Brain-Computer Interface)). The technical description of the TRV is that the camera system is connected with Virtual Reality. That system can locate in the bag of the bug and the operator can see the things that happen in some room like really being inside that space. 

Sometimes are told about the things like eavesdropping tools that are installed in teeth implants. And today those miniaturized systems can send GPS data and biometric information even to satellites. Also, the new spy cameras that are the size of a salt grain can be hidden in contact lenses. And along with nanotechnical microchips, that system can transmit data to the Internet by using the mobile telephone as the relay station. 

The origin of the BCI is in neuroprosthetics as I wrote before

The origin of the BCI is in neuroprosthetics. The EEG-based control systems. That can control the prosthesis. Those microchips can install surgically to the head of the person. Or they can locate in the helmet, and that system can revolutionize robotics and computing. 

Same way as the EEG waves can control the prosthesis they can control human-looking robots, aircraft, and space systems. And those systems are under development by governmental and private companies. 

The system can use a virtual workspace where the brainwaves are moving virtual hands which are using virtual consoles. And that system means that the computer of aircraft can connect straight with the computer of the aircraft or man-looking robot. 

The BCI is the system created for controlling the intelligent prosthesis. The same microchips can connect humans to the Internet or control robots by using their EEG. TRV is the remote radio-or quantum-based system that can communicate with human or animal brains from long distances. 

The technical remote view can create by using the superpositioned and entangled magnetic fields. The idea is that the radio wave will send the data straight to neurons benefiting magnesite crystals. 

Another magnetic field would form by using the radio transmitter which sends radio waves by using a frequency that is making the targeted neurons oscillate. This kind of system can turn any organism into a robot or read neuro electricity and the distance that this system can make those things depends on how sensitive the receiver is. 

And another thing that this system requires is the coder-decoder that can turn the EEG into the code that can introduce on the computer screen. And of course opposite way. 

The ability to transmit data between neurons and computers gives a possibility to create half-organic and half-quantum computers. Those are more powerful than any existing computer system including quantum computers.  And they would be even more powerful than human brains. 

Those systems are only one solution that this kind of TRV system can use. Another thing is that by using the TRV-system is the intelligence work. The senses of humans or animals can connect with computers. And those systems can also use to transmit data between human brains.


The Juno probe captured eerie sounds from the Jupiter Moon Ganymede.


 The Juno probe captured eerie sounds from the Jupiter Moon Ganymede.

Above: Ganymede moon imaged by Juno probe in 2021 (Wikipedia/Ganymede (moon))

The radars and new laser altimeters are multipurpose tools. Those systems can use to measure distances between the objects. They can measure the depth of the oceans. And they can turn to laser-and radar microphones that can capture sounds from other planets and moons of our solar system. 

The moving ice above the oceans of the icy moons and the tidal waves inside those moons are causing eerie and interesting sounds. That kind of sound can hear by using remote microphones. 

The thing is that the "water magma" below icy moons is causing the situation that the location of the possible Jupiter base must re-estimate. The icy cores of those moons can break. And tidal forces of the giant planet are causing the situation that the water flow below the ice core is very high. 

The sensors of the Juno spacecraft are very versatile, and also things like impacting ions to the ice moon are causing sound effects. The magnetic field of Ganymede can be the source for some of those eerie sounds. The Ganymede is the only known moon in our solar system. That has stable magnetic fields.

Juno made this record  during Ganymede flyby

The ocean itself offers good protection against the radiation of Jupiter. It also offers water for drink and plantages. Also, water is a good tool for propellant for conventional and electrostatic engines. In electrostatic engines, electromagnetic radiation replaces normal combustion. In "conventional" electrostatic engines. An electric arc vaporizes the propellant, which expands. And that expansion is forming a thrust. 

The water itself can use as a propellant in microwave or laser engines. In microwave rockets, the microwaves vaporize some other materials like liquid hydrogen or water or even some metals like quicksilver. And that vapor is the thing that pushes the craft forward. Same way laser can turn water to vapor, and that expansion replaces the burning in the rocket combustion chamber. 

But the eerie sounds and possible primitive lifeforms are causing a dangerous situation. The human mind would start acting quite differently if those astronauts are at the place, where returning takes many years. And the noise that the water flow and moving ice core are causing is very stressful.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Is gravitation pulling or pushing force?


 Is gravitation pulling or pushing force?

What could be the form of the wormholes? (If they are real)

Wormholes or energy channels between space and time could be hollow. The thing is that nobody has ever seen a wormhole yet. Or in this case, we are talking about gravitational wormholes. Not electromagnetic wormholes that are the high-energetic radiation beams through the universe. 

Theoretically is possible that electromagnetic wormholes can form real wormholes. The idea is that electromagnetic radiation forms the ion tunnel. And if those ions start to rotate that thing can form the electromagnetic Tipler cylinder by using those particles. The thing is that the virtual Tipler cylinder would make time dilation. When the electromagnetic radiation hits that structure. 

It starts to send radiation inside the cylinder. Then that system would load energy to those particles. When those particles are coming away from that tube. They would start to release their extra energy. That energy would put those particles in their WARP bubbles. And the energy that comes backward will drive the particle ahead. 

Another thing that can form the virtual Tipler cylinder is that could be a fast-rotating magnetic field. In those cases could be possible that the fast-rotating whirl is forming the area where is no quantum fields and the energy would start to flow in that area. 

If there are no quantum fields in those hypothetical tunnels the objects can travel faster than light because the speed of light is higher in the wormholes than in their environment. The wormholes could form when black holes are superpositioning. 

The idea of the gravitation theory is that wormholes are the channels that are traveling across spacetime. The cosmic web is the thing that is giving a tip that wormholes would exist. But what would be the exact structure of the Einstein-Rose bridge? Why particles could travel faster than the speed of light in those hypothetical tunnels. 

The idea is that the wormhole itself is hollow. There is an absolute vacuum where are no quantum fields in the Einstein-Rose bridges. But the walls of the energy tunnel have extremely high energy levels. That means the wormhole itself releases energy to its environment. So wormhole pushes the objects away from it. 

Inside black holes, behind their event horizons, is the world where all particles and wave movement travels with the same speed. 

And that thing makes it possible that the radiation or object can dive in that energy channel only from the ends of the wormhole. The idea is that the lower energetic area in the wormhole pulls wave movement and particles in it. Energy t always travels from the higher energetic areas to lower energetic areas. 

That means the outcoming energy will push the object to the wormhole. The thing is that if a wormhole is an area where are no quantum fields. Or those fields are all traveling in the same direction. The object rides with an energy wave in that channel. 

Theoretically, wormholes could form only between black holes. And inside the event horizon. All particles and wave movement would travel at the same speed. The thing is that there is the possibility that the gravitation of the black hole would crush the information. But the crushing would happen in the radiation area around the black hole. 

When the object travels at the wormhole it touches the wall of that energy bridge. And when the object is coming from a black hole to that channel it would pull energy behind it. Or it rides with an energy wave. Ahead of the object would be the lower energetic area. And the energy would drive the object forward. So simply saying, the thing that the object is riding with energy waves is the thing that denies the aging of the object. 

What if gravitation is pulling force?

Gravitation is an interesting force of nature. The thing that makes this thing interesting is that it acts to the objects the same way without depending on their polarity. So what is gravitation? 

Is it the superposition of particles? Are there mysterious gravitons in the particles and are those hypothetical particles forming those hypothetical strings. In that idea, gravitation is the superposition between subatomic particles. 

The idea is that those yet unknown particles are forming strings or energy channels between objects. Or otherways could the thing that the gravitation is the superposition between quantum fields of atoms or electrons explain why gravitation is so weak? 

And could that superposition form between electrons, quarks, or gluons? In that case, gravitons might not exist. Or they are already known particles like gluons that have a role that researchers have not noticed yet. 

And then those strings are starting to crepe. And that thing means that those creping strings are starting to pull objects together. But could gravitation be the pushing force?

Or, what if..? 

The pushing gravitation effect. 

The pushing gravitational effect is the theory that the outside energy of the system is pushing objects together. The gravitation would be forming in the case that between objects is forming the area where is lower energy level than behind those objects. 

Then the energy that is behind those objects will start to push those objects together. The thing is that those objects would be driven together by the outcoming effect.

And the question is, what causes the time dilation? 

The answer would be that the objects that are closing each other are riding with gravitational or another energy wave. The thing is that energy travels to the lower energetic area and that energy load will pump more energy to those objects. That energy that is pushing those objects together would also cause time dilation. 

If gravitation is pulling force that means the hypothetical strings that are forming between objects. Start to act as antennas. In theories, gravitation is like radiation or wave movement. The electromagnetic radiation would start to interact with those strings. And that thing increases their energy that is giving more power to gravitation.

About WARP bubbles and Alcubierre drive:

 About WARP bubbles and Alcubierre drive: 

"A properly constructed Alcubierre warp bubble. As space constricts in front of the vessel and expands behind, the ship is theoretically pushed forward at speeds faster than light."

"Image: LSI, White, et al."(Paging Zefram Cochrane: (Humans have figured out how to make a warp bubble)

"Don't pack your bags and move to Bozeman yet. This micro-scale warp bubble won't be capable of propulsion, but it could have myriad other applications, says its discoverer Dr. Sonny White"(Paging Zefram Cochrane: Humans have figured out how to make a warp bubble)

At this moment, WARP is theoretical but the most promising tool to travel very close to the speed of light. Or it can also even cross the speed of light. But that technology is in the study and theory. There is no evidence about existing of Alcubierre drive. But studies around that thing are continuing. 

The idea of one version of the WARP bubble drives is that the craft is surrounded by using bubble where the quantum fields are removed. Then there is the extremely low-energetic point behind the craft. That point will pull the radiation or energy through that point. And then that energy will impact with craft and push it forward. That thing can be the basics of one version of the WARP drive. 

There are two ways to make WARP-drive. Another is that the craft itself will surround by using WARP-bubble. And another is that the exhaust gas-like electrons are surrounded by using a WARP bubble. In that other version, the exhaust gases could travel faster than the speed of light. And the biggest bottleneck of the faster-than-light theories is to make exhaust gas that travels faster than light. 

The first thing that is clear when people are talking about an accidentally made WARP bubble is the phenomenon that affects subatomic particles. If some electron is surrounded by a WARP bubble that proves that some scale of WARP drive is possible. There is a long way that the spacecraft can benefit from that thing. So they didn't create a WARP bubble that could make some USS Enterprise possible. But the quantum-size WARP-bubbles can make it possible to make quantum computers more effective than they have ever been before. 

The idea of the WARP-bubbles is that they could be areas where is fewer quantum fields. In the case of electrons, the WARP effect can be created by pumping energy to that particle while they are traveling at an extremely high speed. Then the radiation that comes from electrons would push the quantum fields away from it. When an electron is coming from the accelerator the energy pushes it backward. Maybe in the distant future, this kind of system is possible.


Beyond the standard model and curving spacetime


 Beyond the standard model and curving spacetime 

Image 1:

The splitting photon along with the Muon G-2 anomaly caused a situation. Re-estimation of the entire standard model of particle physics is needed. The question is that what if the photon is not an elementary particle? The photon or every other elementary particle can be superpositioned. But they cannot split in two. What if the photon is some kind of meson? And that thing causes another thought. What if there are some other particles like quarks that involve other particles. 

The thing is that we should look for the particles that are connecting the photons. Like gluons are connecting quarks. So is the particle that makes photon stay in one piece some very small and very energetic particle that looks like gluon. The splitting photons are giving a tip that the Majorana-particle exists. 

But could that mysterious "Majorana Particle" or "Majorana fermion" actually be a hadronic boson? Could it be possible that some Fermions are bosons? 

And could that "Majorana Boson" be the graviton. Graviton is the hypothetical transportation particle that transports gravitation. So if the graviton is the thing that keeps the photon together. It should be a very small, and at the same time high energetic particle. 

The thing that photons are splitting means they cannot be elementary particles. The elementary particles are not splitting. The term elementary particle means that there are no other particles in it. But if even a photon is not an elementary particle. That means that there might be some other particles that are just believed to be elementary particles. But they involve something smaller particles. 

So could there be other yet unknown particles inside quarks and even gluons? Or is it possible that we don't know any real elementary particles? There is predicted an exotic six-quark particle by using supercomputers. But is it possible that there are super protons or super neutrons where are seven or more quarks? But are there sub-structures also in the quarks? understanding the interactions of particles and gravitation are required for making TOE(Theory of Everything). 

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Is gravitation some kind of superposition?

The main question about gravitation is could the graviton exist? And the second thing is is it pulling or pushing force? And one of the questions is: could the gravitation be some kind of superposition effect. The idea is that the hypothetical gravitons are forming the strings between each other. And those strings are pulling or pushing the gravitons to each other. That graviton-connected string starts travel from the higher energetic object to the lower energetic object. 

Then those strings which are are wave-movement or energy start to pull those gravitons together. So the gravitation would be the wave movement that travels from the higher energetic area to the lower energetic area. Like all other forms of energy. The question is: does the gravitation travel the opposite way against the flow of those hypothetical gravitational strings. 


Image 3: 

Curvature of spacetime

Measurements of the curving spacetime are the thing that is used to confirm Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. There have not been found errors. And that is the evidence of the extraordinary well-documented theory. The Theory of Special Relativity is the thing that can use in a straight universe. But the Theory of General Relativity is suitable for curving spacetime. 

When we are thinking about the curvature of spacetime in the 3D environment we must realize the thing that the curving spacetime is curving all around the object. So the rubber levels and iron balls are not helping us in modeling that phenomenon. 

When we are thinking that curving space around the massive object has the ball form. We should think that space is getting shorter in that area. The thing is that modeling the curvature in a 3D environment is very difficult. So when the object is curving spacetime we should think that there is a ball-looking pit in the spacetime. So the curvature of spacetime around the 3D object is more like a tunnel than the pit.

The Brane theory is one of the things that can model the curving spacetime in a 3D environment. The branes or layers are surrounding the gravitational center at a 360 degrees angle. And those layers are also surrounding the central object of gravitation from all directions. That theory is created for modeling the gravitation effect. But the problem is that researchers can just model the gravitational interaction between one layer and the gravitational center. 

The problem is that there might be one common gravitational center in the area. But there are also sub-centers. As an example, Sagittarius A is the gravitational center of the Milky Way but the local gravitational center in our solar system is the Sun. And if we increase accuracy the Earth is the gravitational center for the moon etc. 

The problem is that the gravitational center is not only a black hole or some other most massive object in the area. Every single object is turning gravitational center if we are using high-enough resolution. If we are using high enough accuracy.

Even a single electron is turning to a gravitational center if the zoom is high enough. And the gravitation is interaction. That means there is no straight universe at all. If we use high-enough resolution. And at that point, I must say that every gravitational center is acting the same way. But the pit that the gravitation is making is always depending on how powerful gravitation is. The black holes are extreme objects, but also other objects are curving spacetime. 

The gravitational interaction curves spacetime also around other objects than just the gravitational center. 

Above is the image of the curvature spacetime. There are three objects the Sun, the moon, and Earth. The gravitation of the Sun pulls Earth to the Sun. But the centripetal force keeps it at the trajectory. And then the moon is also pushing energy to the Earth. 

When the moon is orbiting the Earth. The direction of its gravitation effect changes. When the Moon is at the side of the Sun it pulls Earth stronger than when it's at another side. Also, the side-movement is chancing the energy transportation. 

And then that thing is pumping energy to the Earth. But the thing that makes energy transportation and modeling difficult is that gravitation and energy transportation is interaction. This means that energy travels also from Earth to the Moon. 

Also, things like gravitational waves are the thing that transmits energy. Maybe gravitational waves have no big effect in large systems. But they can affect microgravitational systems. And if the gravitational waves affect billions of years. They might cause some even large-scale effects.


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Christmas is here.

Christmas is here. Now it is Christmas night. The night should be the celebration of mercy. But sometimes that thing causes trauma. Christma...