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The new double-stars can answer why ELM (Extremely Low-Mass White Dwarfs) seems to be older than the universe?


The new double-stars can answer why ELM (Extremely Low-Mass White Dwarfs) seems to be older than the universe?

How do some stars seem more distant than they are? The answer could be. That things like the gravitational effects of black holes and other objects are causing the situation. That light or photons would not travel all the time at the same speed. In this case, where backward coming gravitational effect repeats billions of times. During hundreds of billions of light-years that can cause measurement errors. 

The ELM (Extremely Low-Mass White Dwarfs) dwarfs cause a headache for physicists and astronomers. Because forming of those stars should require that universe should be elder. The ELM-dwarfs are causing the formation of the so-called "infinity theory" that all matter in the universe didn't take part in the Big Bang. 

In that theory, material existed before the Big Bang. But was it dark matter or visible material is not the answer. The thing is that ELM-stars. And some other stars that seem to be older than the universe are causing many theories. One of the reasons why some stars might look being older than they are. Is that the distance to those stars is estimated wrong. 

When physicists calculate the distance to the objects that are far away they maybe forget the effect of the gravitation. Gravitation affects the trajectory of photons. And also if the gravitation comes from backward that thing slows the photons. 

Maybe that thing has no meaning in the regular measurements.  But if the distance to the object is hundreds of billions of light-years. Even the weakest effects like planetary gravitational fields can cause errors in measurements if those errors repeat hundreds of millions of times and the distance to object is billions of light-years that thing affects measurements because light travels to Earth slower than it should.

The new type of double star also gives answers to the question. Why do ELM stars seem to be older than the universe?

When the material is traveling from the normal part of the binary star to the more massive object. It would also start to heat. During that process that material is sending radiation and there is also happens nuclear fusion. So the transfer of energy between stars is not one-way. Nuclear fusions happen also when material drops to the surface of white dwarfs. 

So the black holes are not only objects that send the high-energetic radiation. When the material is dropping to the surface of the white dwarf it turns thicker. Sooner or later the pressure and heat cause the explosion or nuclear reaction that sends the infrared radiation to the bigger object. 

That process turns the normal part of a binary star hotter than it should. And it can act differently than lone stars while it goes out from the main series. The smaller but heavier object is pulling material away from the star. And that decreases its mass. This kind of thing can cause. That massive star will lose so much mass that it turns to ELM.



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