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The mystery of ghosts

The mystery of ghosts

Ghosts as a psychological effect.

In this text, the point of view to ghosts is in psychology. There are of course technically made ghosts like holograms. And one thing that can cause the phenomenon that the things are jumping from floors and start to flow is the powerful magnetic field. That thing requires that there is iron in that stuff that is going to flow. Also, things like swinging lamps can be caused by magnetic phenomena. And leaking electric cables can cause the feeling of sudden cold. 

Many things can cause the belief in ghosts. And at this point, I must say that if your grandmother who is telling ghosts stories to children is otherwise very kind and sympathetic. That thing can cause that the children. And even adults want to be polite. And say that "of course, I believe ghosts". We don't want to hurt a sympathetic person and that's why we are saying that we believe those things. 

Sometimes people are seeing, or they are even spoken with dead people. The reason for that thing is that some relative like brother or cousin of the dead person is misidentified as dead. Or sometimes the death was a misunderstanding. There might be two "John Smiths" in the same city. We could know the other and another is unknown to us. Maybe we just read the obituary from the media, and then we thought that we knew the dead person. And in that case, we can get messages from the dead. 

The reason for flashbacks is that neurons in human brains are finding the lost connection to some memory block. Sometimes extremely powerful magnetic fields can cause the electric fields in axons to start to superposition.  That means the powerful electromagnetic fields can cause flashbacks. 

When neurons suddenly use some forgotten connection that can cause flashbacks. That term means that the forgotten memory spontaneously returns to consciousness. 

Somewhere else I've been writing about persons who tried to trap ghosts. The thing is that nobody has ever proven that ghosts were real and there is no scientific evidence about this mysterious phenomenon. One of the explanations for some ghosts is that some of them are flashbacks. In that theory, human brains are predicted something. And that precision could cause the image that nobody else sees. That thing could explain the feeling that a dead friend or family member is standing at the door after death. 

But before we are going to make any predictions about that mystic thing. We must remember that without research everything that is told are pure theory. And the world is full of phenomenon that is unknown to people. The thing is that the ghosts are a mystery. And there is some kind of explanation for that thing. 

When we are thinking about ghosts in films there is the possibility. That the film is tried to turn black again by using X-ray machines. In those cases, there could remain the ghostly figure. And in some other cases, the figure in the film has formed because of double exposure. Sometimes people are played games by using that effect. 

But sometimes the ghosts are causing feelings. They mentioned being some kind of cold airflow or something like that. This kind of effect can form by the leaking electric cable. In this kind of case, the electricians should check the electric systems of the house. But there is always the possibility that somebody opens windows or doors. And that thing causes the airflow. 

And here we are going to haunted houses. When people are told that the house is haunted their mind adjusts to thinking that they see ghosts. They hear strange sounds more often than people who are not told that thing. So that thing is one of the psychological illusions. Ghosts are making  Every single noise in the house. And if the person who told the story is very sympathetic people might be polite and say that they hear or even saw the ghosts. In this case, people might try to be polite to the person who told that story of ghosts. 

On this point, I must say that there are many phenomena called "ghosts"  Some ghost stories are told in purpose to make people leave the area. But the thing is that ghosts are interesting phenomena. The psychological ghosts are the thing that we should take seriously. People who are seeing ghosts are not childish. There is made research. That the people who are believing ghosts are "better people". Maybe that thing denies them to do bad things to other people.



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