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Is teleportation possible? The fact is this: theoretically teleportation system is possible. Nothing denies putting objects in pieces and then reconnecting those pieces. But the fact is that the practical solutions are extremely hard to make. Teleportation is like some kind of nuclear fusion or quantum computer.
Theoretically, those things are very easy to make. But there are lots of practical problems. The idea of the teleportation machine is that breaks object into qubits. Then it will number those bites. Sends them through the air by using a wormhole. And then reconnect those bites back to one entirety.
The laser ray can remove outcoming radiation from the transportation channel. And laser rays can operate as the electromagnetic wormhole.
But what is the real wormhole?
The real wormhole is the electromagnetic channel where are no quantum fields for decreasing the speed of the objects. The wormhole is like stretched WARP bubble. And in some visions, that energy channel can form by using the hollow photon (laser) or electron ray.
In that system, those electrons or photons would be superpositioned and entangled. That thing removes the crossing quantum fields from inside it. But that thing requires an extremely high energy load. And that means it can be possible in the future.
Can we make stargate someday in the future?
Have you seen movies where is a teleportation system called "Stargate"? The system looks like a gate or omega-shaped structure there is forming a black hole in the middle of it. The electricity will conduct to the circle-shaped frame that conducts it to the middle of the wheel of stargate.
There are no crossing quantum fields in that energy channel called a wormhole. And in that channel photons and other objects and particles travel at the same speed. The wormhole is like the stretched WARP bubble. There are also two other places in the universe where all particles are traveling at the same speed. The thing that causes the cosmic speed limit at the speed of light is crossing quantum fields. That is packed forward of an object. That thing is called the doppler field.
The shorting wavelength causes any object cannot cross that light wall. So the doppler-effect is similar to what happens when the aircraft closes the speed of sound.
Those two places in the universe where all objects are traveling with the speed of light or photons speed are black holes and space outside the universe. The requirement for that phenomenon is that there is no doppler effect or crossing quantum fields that are breaking the particles.
Why can only photons reach the speed of light? The reason for that is photon is the smallest known elementary particle.
The reason why a photon can reach the speed of light is that. It's the smallest known elementary particle. And that makes that photon can slip through the quantum fields of the universe. But gravitation affects the photon as well as it affects all other particles and wave movement.
In black holes, behind the event horizon or the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light intensive gravitation pulls objects to their center with the same speed. And then another place is outside the universe. Outside the universe wave movement should travel away from the universe. But if there are other universes.
The crossing quantum fields would decrease the object's speed. But outside the universe, material's density is thinner than inside the bubble called the universe. So the power of crossing quantum fields outside the universe is lower. That means the speed of light is higher outside the universe than inside the universe.
The system would use electromagnetic radiation for making the black hole that is put to oscillate with the other black hole. And then that thing makes the wormhole between those black holes. That is the theory of that hypothetical machine. But is it possible in real life?
The fact is that the wormholes or energy channels between space are possible. The wormholes would be extreme examples of superpositioned and entangled objects.
The fact is that theoretically everything is possible. There are two ways how the stargate can work:
1) It can benefit natural wormholes
Theoretically, nature is full of wormholes. They are smaller than atoms or even quarks. Those energy channels are crossing around the universe. And the reason why we cannot see them is that they are too small to observe.
There is a theory that part of the dark energy or invisible wave movement dominates the universe coming from wormholes. When wormholes are moving they are acting like string instrument language. They are sending wave movement around the universe.
So how the stargate benefits the wormhole? It just pulls the quantum fields away from the wormhole. And that thing causes the expansion of that energy channel. At the first, the stargate system must find the frequency of the right wormhole. Then it must just create a connection to that wanted wormhole and start to pull quantum fields from around it. This thing causes the expansion of that energy channel.
The idea of the wormhole theory is that the wormhole itself is the electromagnetic vacuum. That thing is like the lightning that is formed by strands wrapped around each other or fragments of wave motion.
Those things would form the electromagnetic channel through the universe. So would the radiation of the wormhole destroy information? The fact is that nothing can destroy information itself. The conditions in the wormhole are different than in the normal universe. Everything from wave movement and photons to larger particles and even particle groups like spacecraft will travel at the same speed.
So the particle travel between the wave movement. And the thing that denies aging is that photons cannot come off from an object that can be an electron, quark or proton, or even spacecraft.
2) The system can, of course, create a wormhole between two stargates. But using an artificial wormhole requires time. There must be another stargate on the opposite side. Or the black hole of stargate must resonate with the natural black hole. And forming that channel requires time.
There is a vision that some futuristic and very advanced rocket systems use wormholes for reaching the speed of light. The rocket engine drives propellant to the wormhole.
In the wormhole, there are no crossing quantum fields that can limit the speed of objects. So the wormhole is like the stretched WARP bubble. As I wrote before.
And that theoretical system can make the wormhole between the black hole inside the futuristic spacecraft and the black hole inside the laboratory. So the system can simply drive propellant like hydrogen to that energy tube. And it can drive the spacecraft forward. And then the traveler can be teleported to the other solar system when our spacecraft will reach that place.
3) The information can be put into pieces and sent through the wormhole. So, the object travels in the wormhole in the form of quanta like photons, or electrons.
The idea is the real teleportation system is that the object is put into pieces. The system would destroy the object and turn it into the form of the qubits. Those qubits are like pieces of the puzzle. They are equipped with serial numbers, and our hypothetical system will just put those puzzles back to their entirety. The problem is that there is needed a lot of qubits. And the system that collects those pieces back together.