Friday, April 1, 2022

The new digital drugs are here.

Some things that are connected to the term binaural beat are a hoax. A binaural beat is an auditory illusion. It is perceived when two different pure-tone sine waves are presented to a listener, one tone to each ear. (Wikipedia, Binaural beat). 

There are audio files that stimulate the brain areas that are controlling good feel.  Those things are called digital drugs and they can be harmful to people. The idea of those audio waves is that they are causing a binaural beat that is causing a similar effect to psychedelic drugs. 

The binaural beat is one of the most interesting things in the world of information warfare. Because it means that the sound or acoustic rhythm can use as a drug. In some scenarios, the binaural beat can use with propaganda. Or the propaganda pictures can equip with acoustic systems that are creating a good feel near those images. That thing boosts the propaganda because it affects people for a long time. 

The idea of that kind of system is that when the person looks at the propaganda film that might have normal propaganda or subliminal propaganda that "feel-good" sound will make the person look at those images longer time. The system that is causing the binaural beat can connect with LRAD-type acoustic weapons. Those systems can use to control riots or disturb the opponent's operations and ability to concentrate. 

The binaural beat can be the acoustic LSD. The electromagnetic LSD is the theoretical thing where the same brain areas are activated when the person takes the LSD. Are activated by using electric stimulation.

The thing is that electromagnetic drugs might replace chemical drugs sooner or later. The digital drug means that the brain areas that are making the person feel good would be stimulated by electromagnetic impulses or electromagnetic radiation. Also, some acoustic systems can create conditions that the "feel-good" areas in the brain that will turn active. And that thing can use to make people follow certain internet pages.


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