Thursday, April 7, 2022

How many universes exist?

Image 1. Cosmic microwave background

The fact is that we know only one universe. That only confirmed universe is the universe where our species lives. And there is the possibility that there are other universes. That means those other universes might look similar to our universe. But there is the possibility that the another is forming of antimatter. 

In the antimaterial universe, time moves as it moves in our universe. But the material of that universe is antimatter. And if we would go to that universe that causes the destruction. The fact is that another universe might remain in theory. 

If we want to make observations of those things. We should travel outside our universe for confirming that some radiation will come from another universe. When we are writing and talking about the other universes we are testing the limits of science. And where science ends the hypothesis starts. 

A brief history from the Messier List, to multiverse theory.

About 100 years ago we knew only one galaxy, and that galaxy is the Milky Way. Of course, things like Andromeda Galaxy were well-known as a nebula. 

But people believed that all other galaxies were orbiting the Milky Way and the center of that galaxy was the center of the universe. In the 18th century, The French astronomer Charles Messier (1730-1817) made a list of nebula objects, and that Messier list was published in 1774. In that list. The Andromeda Galaxy is number M31 and M is for Messier. 

But in 1926 Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) showed that the Milky Way is just one galaxy in a group of other galaxies. And that point was the separation of cosmology and astronomy. After Hubble died better equipment is uncovered new and fascinating structures in the universe. Researchers found black holes in the 1990s, and the confirmation of dark energy is opening new visions for cosmology. 

The largest known structure in the universe is the cosmic radiation background. The cosmic radiation background comes from the particles that are sending that radiation. The size of the particles determines the wavelength of that radiation. So the source of the cosmic microwave background is in the micrometer-size particles. The reason for the radiation is the expansion of the universe. 

Light pollution makes it impossible to see other universes. 

This cosmic background might just cover the radiation of the other universes below it. Just like if we would travel on the foggy road where is bright streetlights. Those streetlights are covering the stars. When we are looking at image 2, we see how difficult is to see stars on foggy evenings in bright streetlights. 

The cosmos is a foggy and bright place. And that thing makes it impossible to see other universes. The stars, as well as the galaxies, are covered by plasma clouds. That covers the distant details under them. The size of that plasma could be billions of light-years and they cover those other universes under them. 

The expansion causes the energy level in the universe to decrease all the time. And the pressure of the quantum field that surrounds all particles in the universe will decrease. That causes expansion of the quantum field. 

Image 2

And because the material is at a higher energy level than the universe around it energy travels to the area that is at the lower energy level. That transfer of energy continues until the energy level in particles is the same as the space around it. 

This energy flow causes the material is getting old. And it pushes the edge of the universe away from the point where the Big Bang happened. So the expansion of the universe continues as long as there is material in the universe. Or the energy flow turns so weak that the gravitation wins. 

The possibility that time moves backward in some other universe requires that energy travels to the center of that universe. In that hypothetical universe, the negative energy or energy that travels in the middle of the universe causes that material cannot old. The material will get always new energy. And that will deny that the material turns to wave movement.

Quantum mechanics can boost cosmology.

Also, the ability to connect things like quantum mechanics and quantum gravitation in large-scale structures is opening new visions for the research and knowledge of the universe. But how many universes exist? The fact is that if there are other universes. The starlight of our universe will cover the light that comes from the other universes. 

The thing that covers the existence of the other universes is the cold areas in the cosmic background. Those holes are forming only when high-energy radiation pushes particles away from each other. The thing is that other universes are the next logical step in the findings of the new structures in the universe.

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