Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The search for extraterrestrial life from the oceans of icy moons continues.

Image: Cross-section of the Europa moon. 

The depth of the Europa moon's oceans might hide (I hope) primitive life. The fact is that the salty ocean under the ice core is the place where scientists hope to find alien life. The alien life that lives in that deep and dark ocean could use the volcanic temperature as their energy source. 

Or the energy for those hypothetical lifeforms can be the friction of the massive tidal waves that the Jupiter gravitation causes. The thing is that even if some moon or planet has an icy core and ocean under it that ocean could be very cold. If the water is in movement every time and salinity is high enough even water whose temperature is far below zero celsius can be liquid. 

The fact is that even the frozen planets can have some kind of lifeforms. The metabolism of those lifeforms can be extremely slow. And that thing makes them hard to detect. If we think of the algae that live in liquid water at a very low temperature. 

There is the possibility that this kind of algae would not release oxygen into the air. That means the algae can keep oxygen in its cell membrane. Maybe those hypothetical organisms divide very slowly. And they are storing all energy they can get. 

There are made theoretical models of the lifeforms that are living on the planets where radiation is weak, and the temperature is very low. There was one common thing in those alien creatures. They would be extremely slow. 

Everything happens by saving energy. Or otherwise, those creatures could take their energy from volcanic temperature like some worms on Earth are making. The models for those extreme lifeforms are taken from the worms and bacteria that are living in the ice core of the mountains, caves, or near black smokers. Black smokers are volcanic eruption holes at the bottom of the oceans. 

In some futuristic models, the astronauts are making an underwater base under the icy core of the Europa moon. In that case, the water protects the crew against cosmic radiation. And the system can use the temperature of the Europa moon as the power source. 

Or in some other models, the base would use the simple tube there another end is in-depth, and the other is near the surface. The rising water will conduct through the turbine wheel. And that turbine rotates the generator. That thing will make the energy to the station.


Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Do you know that bacteria that plays tic-tac-toe knows its mission as much as some soldiers before they go on a mission?

What is intelligence? What determines if the creature is intelligent or not? Can we call bacteria that make complicated structures intelligent? Or is intelligence the ability to make complicated movement series the same way time after time? If that thing is true the birds that are introducing ritual dance before making couples would be very intelligent. 

But the intelligence is one thing that causes discussions. Is it the ability to follow orders or the ability to break rules? And make something new. How would we determine the intelligence? Is it the ability to create something new? Or is it the ability to win Garry Gasparov in chess? But what if the person would not do anything than play chess? 

Then we can think the cases like Kaspar Hauser. If that famous boy would stand in a closed room and all things that person makes play chess, we could create a chess genius. All the neurons what that person has would be used for playing chess. That person would be the ultimate chess player, but there might not be any other skills. 

When we are thinking that the person who knows why something must be done is intelligent, we must remember one thing. If we are thinking that the person who trains another uses Pavelov's methodology where successful action will bring price and unsuccessful action causes punishment we must realize one thing. The actor who works under the supervisor and tries to please that person knows that unsuccessful action causes punishment. 

In so same way bacteria that is trained in petri dish knows that the wrong meal causes antibiotic shock. The actor is working under the supervision of the brainwasher. Which is another name for the person who uses Price/punishment methodology in training would know the mission as much as bacteria in a petri dish. 

The learning process of bacteria happens that when the bacteria are trying to harm the wrong cells, they get an antibiotic shock. The negative effect will be stored in the plasmid of bacteria. And there is the possibility that this plasmid ring can use to transfer memories and skills between people. 

Maybe when we need new skills in the future we just take the pill. That involves the DNA which transfers memories to the cells. 

Learning is a process that bases on memory. The person remembers the skills that he or she has. So manipulating those memories is making it possible to make new skills for people extremely fast. 

The idea is that the things that wanted to transfer would program into the DNA. And then the actor just eats the pill where is the programmed DNA. That transfers those memories to certain neurons. That allows program those cells very effectively.

Bacteria played tic-tac-toe.


Researchers taught bacteria to play tic-tac-toe. That thing might not seem very impressive. But the method that those researchers used makes that research almost fundamental method where the right solution will bring prices like nutrient or sugar fluid. And the wrong solution will bring antibiotics. 

These kinds of experiments are our knowledge of how bacteria create resistance against antibiotics. Maybe bacteria learn to avoid antibiotics. The same process that makes bacteria antibiotic-resistant can help to understand autoimmune diseases like allergy and rheumatism. The thing in autoimmune diseases is that the immune system learns to strike against its useful tissues. 

Researchers used the classic Pavlovian teaching methodology for teaching bacteria. The method is based simple idea of punishing/price methodology. Created by Ivan Pavlov. That man invented a methodology called brainwashing. His method is simple. When the subject follows orders that creature get's price. When the subject makes something against the superior. That will cause punishment. That process continues until the action turns automatic. The tic-tac-toe playing bacteria are proving that methodology that Ivan Pavlov created. Works also for bacteria. 

Also in that bacteria experiment, the wanted actions brought price. And non-wanted actions brought punishments. But of course, the bacteria needed some applied method how to use that thing. 

Bacteria reacted to that price-punishment model and learned new skills. This experiment proved that bacteria can make more complicated things that nobody even thought of. Teaching bacteria can bring a new type of medication. The same method that is used for making bacteria play tic-tac-toe can use to make bacteria find harmful cells from the human body. In that case, the bacteria are swimming in the petri dish.

That experiment might involve three layers. Trained bacteria can be the next-generation biorobots. When researchers train bacteria. They use antibiotics. When bacteria do something that is not allowed the non-wanted action causes antibiotic shock. 

1) Bacteria will be put in a dish with harmful cells. That makes bacteria eat them. The idea of the two first stages is to teach bacteria where they can get nutrients. 

2) After that bacteria will transfer to a dish. There are useful cells. When bacteria try to eat those cells that are equipped with the genome. That makes them create antibiotics. 

That means the useful cells give a signal that they cannot use those cells for nutrients. Or otherwise, the attempt to eat useful cells causes antibiotic injection. 

3)  In the third dish could be bacteria with useful cells, and harmful cells. The useful cells are combined with antibiotics. So bacteria must select its nutrient between useful cells and harmful cells. 

When bacteria try to eat useful cells. The antibiotics affect it. And that thing makes bacteria possible to learn what kind of cells they must eat. That thing can use in many things. They can use to improve immune resistance. 

Trained bacteria can remove cancer cells from the human body. They can also use to clean blood vessels. But in things like nanotechnology, trained bacteria can use to move parts of the nanomachines in certain positions. The thing is that researchers don't know how complicated things those bacteria can learn.


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

What makes white dwarfs interesting?

Image above): Artist's impression of the planet around the white dwarf. That planet orbits in the remnant of the nova eruption. And it would be a very cold and hostile place. But intelligent species could live in tunnels under that planet's icy core. 

When we are searching for lifeforms. We should search that from white dwarfs. There is the possibility that the planetary remnants around white dwarfs are consisting material that can confirm the existence of at least dead alien life. But there is a possibility that intelligent and technically advanced aliens could survive the nova eruption. We know that white dwarfs can have planets. Some of those planets might survive from nova eruption. But also new planets can form from nova remnants. 

Sometimes terms white and brown dwarfs are misunderstood. The white dwarf is the remnant of an old star. And our sun will turn to a white dwarf after a couple of billion years ago. A brown dwarf is a substellar object that is between a star and a planet. It cannot maintain nuclear reactions that continue all the time. But also in brown dwarfs, random nuclear reactions are possible. The brown dwarfs are that type of star their entire life. The white dwarf has been the regular star before it expanded to a red giant and erupted as a nova. 

The alien life would exist near white dwarfs. But there is one requirement. That lifeform must be intelligent that it can harvest energy from the white dwarf. So in that case the nova eruption wipes out all other than intelligent species. Or the species that intelligent species want to save. But nothing else than intelligent species that has the technology to benefit from the energy from white dwarf or maybe those species can use helium rivers as the power sources.

In the future, our sun will turn into a white dwarf. So if we want to find similar but more advanced species than we are we should search for them from the space around white dwarfs. The hypothetical civilizations can take energy by driving material to the surface of the white dwarf. 

The planets of the white dwarf can be cold and hostile. But if there is some kind of intelligent species those hypothetical aliens can have technology that makes them collect energy from white dwarfs. And they could live in the icy tunnels on those planets. The planets of white dwarfs are more mature than Earth. 

And if there were some kind of intelligent species before the star erupted those aliens could stay alive in tunnels or giant space stations in the shadows of their planet. If they will not want to make a large fleet of spacecraft and fly to other stars. That journey takes millenniums. 

And of course, the alien species would be very advanced before the star erupts. So they might limit birth before they must leave. There is also the possibility that large numbers of passengers would take their journey in the form of an embryo. That guarantees that there is no degeneration in the population of travelers. 

But civilization can also stay in the home. 

If we want to find similar species we are from other stars. White dwarfs are the most promising objects. White dwarfs are remnants of the nova eruptions and the thing that makes them interesting is that our Sun will end its life as a white dwarf. So if we want to find similar species like us but more advanced areas around white dwarfs are very interesting. 

If there were the same way intelligent species on the planet that orbits the yellow star that exploded as nova there is the possibility that the civilization would stay alive after the eruption. They might move to more distant planets and when a nova eruption happens they might wait that radiation will decrease in underground cities. Or at the giant O'Neill cylinders behind those planets. 

In that hypothesis, the theoretical civilization will not make interstellar journeys. They would stay at home and make giant Dyson spheres for securing their energy production. When the sun of the solar system where aliens live ends its life the civilization must make the decision would to stay at home or go on an interstellar journey. 

The moment when the star detonates will be the best moment to go. At that moment star releases very much of energy. And that energy can use at the beginning of the travel that can take millenniums. 

But if we think about the possibility to find intelligent life forms we must realize one thing. There must happen something that makes evolution favor intelligence. That is the only thing that causes the advance of the brain. If the planet is too stable there is no need for intelligence. Only a large number of descendants is enough. 

When we are searching for intelligent species we can try to make contact with them. But that thing is not been successful. So another way is to try to find pollution from the exoplanet's atmosphere. But being successful that alien civilization must use combustion. Things like nuclear power and renewing energy sources like solar- or geothermal energy are not causing pollution. 

But there are other models of the energy sources that are not causing any kind of pollution. In one model the red dwarf that can be in the same solar system as an alien home planet can deliver energy to alien cities on another planet. The idea is that the locked planet would offer a great position for the mega-large solar power station. That station would just transmit energy to alien cities in the form of micro- or radiowaves. 

Or the civilization can make quite a small Dyson's sphere around the red dwarf and turn its energy into laser rays. Technically advanced civilizations can live in tunnels and underground facilities on very hostile planets. Or they can make large underwater structures in giant oceans of water planets.

But if we want to find super civilizations at Kardachev scale II+ that thing means that the original home planet of that kind of civilization is very mature. There is the possibility that very old planets in the universe are no radioactive materials like Uranium. And that causes the situation that the alien race must make interstellar journeys or they must start to find some other energy source than just regular fission power. Small stars can close in Dyson's sphere and those power stations can deliver energy to the entire race.


The standard model of physics may be broken.

   The standard model of physics may be broken.

Image 1) The table of confirmed  particles 

Hypothetical gravitons and axions can solve many mysteries if somebody can find them. 

The thing is that the hypothetical graviton is probably tensor. The particle that connects the space and material, but then we can think that there are two possible forms of the graviton. The problem is that it can be positioned at every point of the atom. And researchers are not known where they should search for that particle. 

The thing that we know about gravitons is that their size is unique. That thing forms the long-distance effect of gravitation. And that means there is a possibility that graviton is very much like W boson. The short-term particle. That can be between gluons and quarks. But it can be also between electrons or it can form outside the atom. 

1) There is the possibility that graviton is the virtual particle. That means it can form when the electron changes its trajectory. When an electron changes its trajectory, there is the possibility that this movement forms an electromagnetic vacuum that pulls wave motion into it. 

2) Graviton is an extremely small particle. That exists in the middle of baryons and another particle. 

3) But graviton can also be an extremely large particle. That means it could be very similar to the W boson. There is the possibility that graviton is the particle that looks like a half-moon. It could be the energy channel that is formed when an electron travels in its trajectory. 

4) There is the possibility that the graviton is the string. That means it would act like guitar strings. When that wave motion will move back and forth that thing causes the wave motion. This possibility explains why gravitation is so weak. If graviton is string the dimension of the movement area is very small. 

Or maybe it has the size of an atom. That means graviton would be the extremely short-living particle. When graviton explodes. That forms the quantum vacuum that pulls particles and wave motion in it. So at the first gravitation will push objects, but then the quantum vacuum pulls objects back. And the pulling effect covers the pushing interaction. 

Image 2) The table of elementary particles, including hypothetical graviton. 

The axions are also hypothetical particles. Theories tell that those hypothetical axions transport dark energy. 

There is the possibility that the axion is the group of strings or wave movement bites that are rotating at a very high speed. So the axion is like the whirl or structure that looks a little bit like a DNA double-helix structure. But axions would be far, far smaller. There is the possibility that axions are rotating extremely fast. That fast rotation motion makes them hard to observe. 

Fast rotating speed makes those axion particles virtually smooth. The effect is similar to a propeller that rotates too fast. When rotation speed is too fast. The propeller creates a vacuum around it. The reason for that is water has no time to fill the space between blades. In the same way, the fast-rotating particle can push the quantum fields from around it and form the quantum bubble. 

That bubble makes particles virtually smooth because outside effects cannot travel through the quantum field that takes energy from the fast-rotating particle. The outcoming wave motion can go just over that smooth quantum field without causing any oscillation. And that makes this type of particle hard to detect. 

The standard model of physics may be broken.

And the new accuracy explains that thing. The observations are becoming more and more accurate. Today we can see many things that are been invisible before. Modern network-based artificial intelligence solutions are making it possible to interconnect observations from many systems. 

And things like black holes are also giving data on how the smallest particles in the universe are interacting. Today we realize that things like weak nuclear interaction are an interaction between baryons and W-boson. 

So the protons and neutrons are not making straight interactions. That interaction that forms the nucleus of the atom requires a W boson. In the same way, the interaction between quarks inside baryons requires gluons.

The strong interaction is the interaction between quarks and gluons. That means the straight interaction between quarks can not form protons and neutrons. Stable bonds between quarks require gluons that form the bridge between those elementary particles. 

But there is the possibility that somewhere is another Higgs boson. When we are looking at the table where the known elementary particles we know that the Higgs boson is the scalable boson. The Higgs boson is the only known scalar boson in the world. And if we are looking at that table, there is always the same number of other bosons. So maybe we are missing many bosons.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

The international scientist's team captured the first image of Sagittarius A



The image of Sagittarius A tells that it is more active than the supermassive black hole in the center of Galaxy M87. There are three higher energy areas at the triangle-shaped formation around that supermassive black hole. That image confirms that there is at least one supermassive black hole in the Milky Way galaxy.

 So confirming the existence of that supermassive black hole is making it possible to make more and more accurate observations. And those observations are making it possible to adjust many theories about space and matter. The existence of Sagittarius A is not a surprise. That kind of structure is predicted for a long time. And then that thing just confirms strong suspicion. But there are, of course, many other black holes in our galaxy. 

Sagittarius A

Making that image was not an easy thing. But now the confirmation of the massive motor of the galaxy. Helps researchers to make theories also about the future of the universe. And maybe someday researchers are finding the quantum- and hyper massive black holes. Those still hypothetical hyper massive black holes could be larger than an entire galaxy. 

And then the quantum black hole is smaller than an electron. The quantum-size black holes are the thing that will make it possible to create the ultimate long-term quantum entanglement. The problem with the quantum entanglement is the spooky effect of distance exists for only a short time. 

The spooky effect of distance stays longer the higher the energy level of those particles. When the energy level of those particles turns too low. That breaks the quantum entanglement. The energy level of the quantum-size black holes is higher than their environment. And that helps the quantum entanglement stay longer.



By the way. Do you notice the similarity between the high-energy areas around Sagittarius A and the "engines" of the Black triangle UFO? Maybe that is a coincidence...

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Did ancient Greek philosophers believe in aliens?

The fact is that those ancient philosophers believed in gods, and some more- or less scientifical writers transformed those gods of mount Olympus into aliens that landed on Earth a long time ago. In the same way, some people believe that Plato's Atlantis was some kind of alien base. But the fact is that the "alien base" can mean the base, that used some kind of extraordinary methods or weapons. 

The thing that supports the "alien base" theory is that those people in ancient Greece didn't know genetics and aviation so they cannot imagine things like the UFOs. There is a question did some see some of those gods fly. The story of Icarus is telling about the hero, who flew too close to the sun, and that can feed theories of ancient UFOs. But there could be also other versions of that kind of theory. 

But we know that there is no visible evidence of some alien astronauts on the Greek Mount Olympus. But the explanation for that thing is simple. Somebody believes that the "real" Mount Olympus was somewhere else like in the Himalayas, some Arctic island, or maybe that "real" Olympus was the mountain of the mythic Atlantis island that could be an island that have been detonated. 

So was the Atlantis the ancient Greek version of Port Royal, the capital of Pirates? If that thing is true, that explains why the mythic Atlantis is not very often mentioned. 

So could the volcano of Thera (Santorini) or possibly the fallen volcano of Island Tenerife the original Mount Olympus. We can think that the alien stories are only stories, but the question is do we believe them. There is the possibility that the Atlantis was some area on some island. And that the Atlantis was a secret place and that name was not commonly used in the Mediterranean area. 

Let's start to think about the possibility that a place called "Atlantis" was the capital of pirates. There is the possibility that the mythic "Sirens" were ancient pirates who used swimming suits that were made of catfish skin. And who used acoustic weapons made from the skull of whales?

But then we must realize a couple of things. The god means a creature that is superior to others. So there is the possibility that the gods of Olympos were people who had some extraordinary skills. Maybe things like parabolic mirrors are making a very big impression on people, who are not seen even fire yet. 

When we are thinking of the stories of the people with lizard skin we are forgetting that the skin of the catfish is suitable also for protective clothes like swimming and diving suits. And the things like the "sing of sirens" might be formed by using the skull of some whales. 

There are air channels in the whale's skulls that are called the melon. The purpose of that organ is to strengthen and aim the sound of the whales' sonar. And the melon can turn sound so strong that it will cripple the prey. So maybe mythical sirens used the sound that was made by using the whale skulls.

Upper Image:

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

We are the only humans in the universe. (Even if there is another intelligent species.)

There is a possibility that researchers captured alien messages, but they cannot recognize them. Without the right decryption key. Nobody can open messages or isolate the necessary information from natural radio waves 

Especially, if those hypothetical alien messages are encoded by using quantum computers. They are hard to open even if the capturer knows to decryption code. There is the possibility that the algorithms use trillions of numbers long decimal numbers. 

And that thing makes almost all computers a little bit slow. Or input of those numbers to quantum computers takes an extremely long time. The bottleneck of those operations is that inputting the long decimal numbers to a binary system that resends the information to the quantum layer would be slow. 

There has been a couple of promising radio signals whose origin could be another intelligent species. But the fact is that the problem with those signals is always that they are unique. That means there is no way how to research and compare those signals. 

Those unique radio signals, like Wow! and Proxima Centauri signal captured by radio telescopes. Nobody even knows how long those signals have lasted before the radiotelescope has noticed them.  If the system cannot capture the beginning of the radio signal. 

That makes it very hard to detect the possible data that send in purpose from that signal. In normal data transmission, the beginning of those transmissions is the code. That is the code that the computer uses to decrypt the message. The primary role of that code is to tell that there is an encrypted message. And what kind of 

Also, there is a code that routes information to the right position. The code at the beginning of the message tells what binary numbers those computers must use in the decryption process. The decryption process has two keys public and private. The public decryption key is sent with the message. A private, or secret key involves the binary- or other numbers that the system uses to division or multiply binary codes in the message. 

Without that code, the computer doesn't know how to open messages. An alien message is a little bit more difficult to open because there is nothing that can compile with the information in that message. When cryptologists try to open some military messages they use something common with humans for breaking the code. Things like calibers of ammunition are the tools that help to open messages. But in the case of alien messages, we don't know what numeric systems they use. 

In human messages, things like words like fuel or the types of vehicles are things that the codebreaker can use as a tool to find similarities in messages. But in hypothetical alien messages, there is no key to find. We can think that mathematics is a universal language, but we don't know what words aliens use about some numbers. 

And how do they call things like Pi? If we cannot open those messages. We cannot even be sure are they existed. So today, the alien messages are officially hypothetical. There is the possibility that some telescope captured alien messages.  But we cannot be sure about them. 

The cultural differences make it hard to detect alien civilizations. There is the possibility that if there is a locked planet in alien solar systems they use only solar power. That means those aliens would have giant solar parks and they can transmit that energy to their cities by using coherent electromagnetic radiation. So in that case there is the possibility that those aliens would not send carbon emissions. Carbon is the primary element in organisms like we are. 

But the thing is, hypothetical aliens can use any name about themselves. Its name, what intelligent species call themselves, depends on their culture. 

The fact is that the name that our species uses ourselves depends on the culture. We are only humans even if there are a lot of other intelligent lifeforms. We are sure that we are intelligent species and yet we are sure that there are one confirmed intelligent species in the universe. And that is the human species. There could be many other intelligent species but they are not humans. 

So the fact is that we wait and believe that someday we will find another civilization. But in the same way, we were afraid that day. There is a possibility that the aliens come and conquer our planets. But the same way we can think that the aliens come in peace. The fact is that if we want to prepare for the outcoming threat which can be another civilization or it can be some asteroid we must search for another intelligent species. 

And if we find another intelligent species we must try to observe it. We must try to hack its communication and then try to find out what kind of species that is. Even if the species would remove internal aggression from its society that species can be aggressive against other species. And the thing is that the most dangerous species could be species that just created interstellar travel. In that case, the interstellar travelers can believe that they can make anything they want. 

Even hypothetical interstellar projects give lots of ideas for energy and other solutions. 

Futurologists and other kinds of people like sociologists and physicists are made models of what the civilization in the future might look like and how they act. One thing is clear about the interstellar civilizations. They must somehow solve their internal problems and that releases resources for those enormous projects that interstellar travel requires. Interstellar travel requires massive political, financial, and technical investments. 

So we must ask what that project can give to society? We can answer that question by asking what the Apollo program and Mars helicopters along with many other systems are giving to the community? They are of course giving information about other planets in our solar system. But they are also giving data on how to create stratospheric helicopters that can hover in the atmosphere extremely long time. 

The Mars rovers are also delivering information on how to make effective and compact computer code that allows those systems to operate independently by using limited computing power. The system that those Mars rovers use is the combination of the Mars orbiting probes and surface operating rovers. Those orbital probes are searching the suitable area where those surface-operating vehicles can find things like ancient bacteria. 

But what things like interstellar systems or even their theoretical research can give to society? The fact is that the technology that those theoretical systems are using can turn into many other forms. Of course, we could build some interplanetary cruisers. But we could create powerful fusion systems that are orbiting the sun. 

Those fusion power satellites can deliver their energy in the form of laser or maser radiation.  The fusion platform that orbits the sun is denying the problems like overheating on Earth. If the high-energy plasma is released from Tokamak that thing destroys a large area. The temperature in the Tokamak is higher than in the nucleus of the sun. And that causes problems if there is a hole in the reactor's core.


Can the butterfly-effect close wormhole?


Do you know, what is the similarity between tropic cyclones and galaxies? They are both whirls.

The butterfly effect means that when the whirl is forming in an extremely stable system. That thing will expand forever. The idea is that when a butterfly flaps its wings in some jungle that can cause a hurricane on the other side of Earth. The thing that increases the power of that whirl is the outcoming energy. If the solar light will bring more energy to the whirl than the friction takes out. That thing means that the energy of the whirl increases.

The whirl itself will not turn stronger. The reason why the power of the whirl rises is that things like sunlight and the rotation of Earth give that whirl more energy than it transfers to the sea. Extremely low friction causes things like Neptune's "dark spot" can stay "forever". The energy level of the whirl rises when outcoming energy feeds it. And the rise of the energy level continues as long as outcoming energy is stronger than friction that takes energy out from the whirl. 

But can the butterfly effect close the wormhole? We can think that the wormhole is like the whirling around the black hole. The case that somebody wants to travel through that electromagnetic channel is similar to the case where somebody wants to land on the surface of Earth through a hurricane. 

Image 2) Tropic cyclone and the eye of the storm can be seen in the middle of the cloud. The galaxy is a whirl. As well as the tropic cyclone is. But the dimensions of the galaxy are far bigger. 

The black hole is in the middle of that whirl. If we are thinking of it similarly to the hurricane or tornado in the atmosphere we can understand that if we would close that whirl horizontally we must go through the wind and rain. So we cannot go through the wormhole if we close it horizontally. If we would rise above the storm we would land through the eye of the storm quite easily. 

But by using the eye of the whirl that thing is quite easy. It's possible to land on Earth from an orbital trajectory through a hurricane. There is a calm point in the hurricane and that thing is called the "eye of the storm". When the spacecraft would be dropped from the orbiter it must just travel through the eye of the storm. And in the case of the wormhole, the wormhole itself is the eye of the extremely powerful whirl. So the butterfly effect doesn't break the wormhole. 

There is one thing that we must realize. The material comes out from a wormhole in the point called a white hole. The white color of that point is the shockwaves that particles send when they release their energy extremely fast. The thing that destroys the particles that are traveling in the wormhole is the white hole. The white hole is like an extremely powerful ion and laser cannon. The outcoming particles of the white hole are destroying material that comes through them.


Image 1:

Image 2:

The dark energy camera detected the cosmic dance of galaxies.

Dark energy is even more dominant than dark matter. The thing is that dark energy is ripping the universe into pieces. And nobody knows the origin of that mysterious wave motion called dark energy?  Sometimes the source for that mysterious energy is introduced as the tachyon flow from the point of the Big Bang. When Big Bang happened, there formed a vacuum in the center of the universe. That vacuum would cause the energy flow from the tachyons to our third dimension.

If that vacuum stayed long enough the hypothetical tachyons that are at the lowest energy level of the fourth dimension would fall to the third dimension. That thing means that they simply lose energy and that energy could keep the channel open. The fourth dimension is the energy level where we cannot see particles anymore. So that causes the wave motion travels away from the center of the universe.  

Every single frequency of wave motions depends on the size of the particles that send them. So the knowledge of the size of the particles which send that wave motion called dark energy is important. 

But there seems that there are some very exotic particles that are not seen before behind that thing. Or when we are looking at the relations between visible material, dark matter, and dark energy we must say that visible material is the most exotic part of the universe. We can see only 15% of the material. But if we will conduct dark energy in our model we must realize that only 4,9% of the universe is visible material. 

Image 2) Estimated distribution of matter and energy in the universe (Wikipedia, Dark energy)

There is one thing that might be behind that wave motion and that is the black holes. When black holes are rotating that rotation could pull energy out from the nucleus of the singularity. And when that wave motion impacts with wave motion that drops to the center of the black hole that causes energy waves. 

We must realize that there is one interesting thing in the center of the black holes. When we are going into that point there is a small area where is no gravitation. In the same way, the center of Earth is the point where is no gravitation. 

But that area in black holes is much much smaller. When a black hole rotates it pulls energy out from that nucleus. And that radiation will cause the event horizon oscillates. But there is a possibility that the nucleus of the black holes is the place, where hypothetical tachyons are interacting with wave movement. 

There is one theory that can explain dark energy. That theory is that in the center of the universe at the point of the Big Bang is the giant black hole. The origin of that theory is in the scenario that just after the Big Bang large part of material fell back to the point where the Big Bang happened. That thing forms the giant black hole. 

The reason for that fall could be that the Big Bang formed the electromagnetic vacuum. That vacuum pulled wave motion back to the point where the Big Bang happened. But even if there is no giant black hole we must remember one thing. The black holes are acting like elementary particles. When their event horizon oscillates it sends wave motion with a frequency that is the same as the size of the black hole or the diameter of its singularity. 

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Monday, May 9, 2022

Does the Russian military use obsolete equipment in Ukraine?


Ka-52 "Alligator"

I remember that similar claims were within the Afghanistan war. In the early 1980s, many people believed that the Soviet military used obsolete equipment in the Afghan war. And that obsolete equipment explains why Soviet troops had problems in the Afghanistan mountains. But then some films came into the public. And the Helicopters that were in that film were MI-24 "Hind E and F" models. Those helicopters were the newest tools in the Soviet military. 

In the same way, Russian troops used at least Ka-52 "Alligator" helicopters in Ukraine. And that thing tells that at least the part of Russian equipment is the brand new stuff. The thing is that. If there are heavy casualties in the Russian military they should start to use new equipment. If the Russian military uses some obsolete weapons, there must be some reason for that.  

When we are looking at images of the destroyed "Armata" tank we must remember that one destroyed tank doesn't make them all grab. But the only one tank doesn't change the war. When we want to make the analysis of the Ukraine war and the situation there we must remember something that belongs in history. 

Many things can go wrong in modern warfare. But there is one thing that we should remember while we are talking about all so-called "wonder weapons". And that thing is that the number of those things is always very small. When we remember the Nazi-Germany's wonder weapons the biggest mistake in those weapons like missiles and guided bombs as well as in King Tiger tanks was the low production number. 

When somebody talks about things like Russian smart weapons we must remember that those weapons are extremely highly advanced. They require things like computer programs and microchips. And the main question with that kind of stuff is do Russians produce those things? Do they have microchips that can control smart weapons? And did they make the computer programs by using standards that eliminate errors in code lines? 

In the same way, we must realize that some of the newest Russian weapons have low production numbers. There are about 100 "Armata" tanks. And that means those weapons might not exist so many that they can deliver to all troops. The "Armata" tank can be the best in the world. But if it would not participate in battles that thing means nothing. 


Is graviton the quantum vacuum that forms when a hypothetical particle called tachyon drops from the fourth dimension?

Above this text is an image of the nuclear test. The thing that causes major damage in the nuclear explosions is the vacuum. When the fireball rises it pulls air after it. And that airflow is the thing that destroys things.

When we are moving this phenomenon to the quantum world, we can ask the question. Could gravitation be a similar effect? We would think that the graviton is the quantum vacuum that forms when a hypothetical tachyon particle falls from the fourth dimension.

In that process, the tachyon sends the ring-shaped wave motion. So the graviton is the tensor. That means graviton is the particle or channel that connects the third and fourth dimensions. 

So is the graviton the electromagnetic vacuum bubble where wave motion falls? The thing is that there question in gravitation is this which side of the particle the electromagnetic vacuum forms? When we are thinking that the graviton is a similar effect to the nuclear explosion we can think that there is repelling effect. 

If we are thinking that the gravitation is the wave motion that forms when the tachyon falls from the fourth dimension that means at the first form the electromagnetic shadow at the front of the particle. That effect moves particles forward. And then electromagnetic vacuum starts to pull it backward. 

Or let's take it again with higher accuracy. When gravitational waves form electromagnetic or quantum vacuum at the opposite side of the particle it pulls the wave moves away from it. If that vacuum is too short or short-term that wave motion of the particle denies its movement. And then the vacuum covers that effect. So the gravitation has the repelling or contaminant effect. But that effect is too weak for the measure. 

When the ring-shaped wave motion leaves from the graviton point or points where the tachyon falls from the fourth dimension it forms the ring-shaped wave movement. That wave movement forms the electromagnetic or quantum vacuum at the front of particles. And that means the gravitation has a repealing form. But that repel or contemning effect is so short-term and weak that the vacuum effect of graviton covers it. 

When that wave motion starts to travel in the third dimension. It forms the short-term electromagnetic vacuum. And that vacuum could be a graviton. So that thing causes the effect that is called gravitation. The thing that makes the gravitation interesting is that it's the only interaction that affects long distances. 

Gravitational waves are shown that gravitation is the wave motion like all other interactions. There are three special things about that is that force. Gravitation affects long distances and gravitation is neutral. And the third special thing in gravitation is that it has no repelling effect. Electromagnetism doesn't affect gravitation. And that means there is some unique particle that sends gravitational waves. But there is the possibility that graviton itself has poles.

And that means the thing that sends the gravitational waves is the particle that has a unique size. When gravitational-wave travel in the universe nothing disturbs it. Or actually, nothing else than other gravitational waves can disturb that wave motion. 

That thing means. That there is some very small, or unique size high-energy point that releases gravitational waves. And there is the possibility that the gravitation is the effect that forms when the wave motion falls into the electromagnetic or quantum bubble. 

The idea is that the fourth dimension is the energy level that denies interaction between material in the third dimension and the fourth dimension. When the difference between two particles' energy levels is high enough. 

That denies the interaction between them. So when we are talking about that tachyon drops from the fourth dimension that means that this particle just loses its energy. In this model, the dimension is the attribute connected with the material and the energy level of the material. So the third and fourth dimensions are certain energy levels. 

The graviton could be a so-called ghost particle that forms when another hypothetical particle called tachyon falls from the fourth dimension to the third dimension. In that process, the tachyon delivers its energy and forms the shockwave that travels through the universe. At that point where the tachyon comes down from its energy level forms the electromagnetic vacuum that pulls wave motion to it. 

The nuclear explosions have inspired the model of the graviton as the electromagnetic or quantum vacuum. When a nuclear weapon detonates it causes the outgoing radiation and pressure wall. But during the detonation, the fireball starts to rise. And that rising fireball causes that under it is the vacuum that pulls air to it. 

When that hypothetical tachyon hits some particle in the third dimension it raises the energy level of that particle. In that case, the energy level of that other particle rises, because the tachyon transfers energy to it. In that case, that particle can jump to the fourth dimension. 

But if that interaction would not happen tachyon transforms into some other particle. In that process, the tachyon forms the ring-shaped quantum field. And there is a short-term quantum vacuum in that ring-shaped power field. 

The thing is that when some particle will "want" to jump to the fourth dimension it requires a certain energy level. We can think that energy is like a pillar under a particle. 

The particle cannot reach the energy level that is high enough to jump above our third dimension from the third dimension. Rising energy level to high enough requires that the particle will go near tachyon and then tachyon must touch. 

The idea of the fourth dimension is that is the certain energy level that moves particles invisible to us. So what is the fourth dimension? It's the energy level that denies the interaction between a particle that is in regular or third-dimensional energy level and a particle that is at the energy level of the fourth dimension. 

The reason that causes that effect is that the energy flow from a particle that is at a higher energy level to a lower energy level is too high. And that energy flow pushes the lower-energy particle away. When particles are forming the bonds they require that the transportation particle of a certain nuclear force or fundamental interaction will connect itself to the particle. 

If the energy level or the spin of the particle is too high the outcoming radiation or wave motion will push that transportation particle away. Or if the particle turns "smooth". That denies the interaction between particles like quarks and baryons and transporter particles like gluons and "W" bosons. 

That denies that the regular quarks and atomic particles cannot form the bonds between those "cousins" that are too high energy levels. So for making interaction the energy level of the particles must be at a certain energy marginal. If the difference between energy levels of two particles is too high that denies their interaction or at least their ability to create stable bonds.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Is legendary "Mothman" the person who has a quadcopter in his backpack?

Images: Pinterest

Is legendary "Mothman" the person who has a quadcopter in his backpack? There is the possibility that this mythic character is a human, who flies using an extraordinary machine. And who uses infrared glasses? In 1967 quadcopters were not very well-known things. And maybe some inventor tested that kind of extraordinary system. 

Special forces operators can use this kind of equipment in their missions. The miniature helicopter is a thing that can be useful in the missions where the crew must go to roofs. That kind of lightweight flying system can also use for evacuation and many other missions. 

The thing is that this kind of lightweight helicopter can take operators to the roofs very easily. And then those systems can fly away. The fact is that Jetpacks can also equip with the rotors that are giving them the ability to fly slowly to the right point. When the mission is over the helicopter or VTOL aircraft can send those flying machines to the ground team and they can fly to hovering aerial vehicles. 

The control of those systems can happen by using the wireless game control tools. Or remote crew can control those lightweight cargo systems. 

The mystery of "Mothman" could have a more interesting solution than we ever thought. We all heard "Mothman" the man-shaped creature that has butterfly wings and red eyes. Some people are thought that maybe that creature is coming from the fourth dimension. But there is one other more interesting and down-to-earth explanation. 

That thing is that maybe the "Mothman" is the man who uses a quadcopter backpack and that thing can have the infrared glasses. If the Mothman is some kind of special forces operator that thing can explain, why there is some kind of secrecy around that character. The idea of that person who flies by using a quadcopter in the back. Came to my mind when thought of the butterfly wings' shape. Those wings can be the rotors of quadcopters that can be multipurpose tools.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Can aliens make an invasion of Earth and destroy the human race?

The fact is that there is always the possibility that aliens attack. Stephen Hawking warned about that thing. And the alien invasion can be destructive. The fact is that the alien race can destroy us accidentally. In one scenario those aliens might make the crash landing on Earth by using a spacecraft that uses a black hole for the power source. In that scenario the chamber where that black hole is. Could be broken. And that black hole destroys the entire life and pulls Earth in it. 

In some other scenarios, the aliens misunderstand our messages. And then they would answer by using the extremely powerful transmission that will break the entire Earth immediately. The fact is that many people would not believe that an interstellar civilization would want to conquer Earth. But they can destroy Earth on purpose or they can make some humans their slaves.  

The idea is that the aliens would send the nanomachines to Earth. And then they can take people into their control. But for those aliens, the Earth would be too complicated to conquer, because of the viruses and bacteria. The thing that the alien space travelers who might spend even thousands of years in space could want is genetic material. They would want to take genomes and connect those genomes to their DNA. That thing denies the degeneration. The fact is that this type of space traveler could be dangerous. 

The civilization that just created an interstellar traveling is the civilization that would destroy or attack us with the highest probability. If those colonists or space travel think that humans are some kind of threat to them. They can open fire. Or that kind of civilization could be so in a sense of strength that it can think that weapons are the right way to communicate. 

There are theories and hypotheses that some air forces are captured alien probes. Or something like that. The fact is that nobody confirmed those tales. But the unmanned alien probe would not be very big. The fact is that the alien probes or alien spacecraft would give new ideas for aviation and other engineers. So there is a possibility, that if some alien craft is captured that information will be kept in secrecy. 

The SETI (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program is created to find out, what kind of civilizations there is in the Milky Way. The only known civilization is officially human civilization. But the SETI program is much more than just a search for extraterrestrial intelligence. It's the forum where researchers can make models for long-term space missions. Maybe SETI will find the alien civilization someday in the future. 

But the SETI program is also allowed to make models of what kind of future humans might have. The alien attack can look like pure theory, but there is always the possibility that some civilization makes the decision, that they want to attack humans. So we must prepare also for this kind of threat. 

Images and other sources:

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Only imagination limits innovation.


Image: Toyota

Above this text is the futuristic car on the moon. Or actually, that thing can be the combination of the lunar cruiser, laboratory, and shuttle. There is the possibility that we would travel to the moon using trains or cars. Or technology that bases those well-known vehicles. The fact is that electric cars can operate on the moon. 

And the futuristic spacecraft that operate at the weak gravitation would have wheels under them. Those flying cars that are equipped with vertical rockets can travel to Earth. So that futuristic "lunar cruiser would also equip with horizontal or vertical rockets. And they can be shuttles with wheels. 

There is the possibility that in the future the magnetic rail gun or magnetic track that accelerates connecting spacecraft would base the railway. That magnetic accelerating track would build around the moon, and the craft is accelerated by using magnets to the journey to Earth. These types of systems might base on trains or cars. But they are more advanced than some old fashion artistic things. 

When we are talking about innovation, we are talking about the idea that can turn into a product. Innovation is the thing that turns ideas and thoughts into a physical product. But what is the road to innovative ideas and the innovation process? The first thing that inventors must get is the idea that this person will start to breed the product. 

The thing that the investor must realize is that invention does not come from emptiness. The inventor must introduce the product based on something. The base of machinery is in natural sciences and phenomena. That means there is some kind of phenomenon that will turn to the thing that will turn to merchandise that is interesting to the investors. 

The investors are the thing that is paying for the office space and help with marketing the product when it's time to take it to market. The perpetual motion machines are not valid products because friction denies the movement that continues forever. But outside the atmosphere, there is no gravitation and atmosphere. So there the perpetual motion machine could be possible. 

But let's come back to Earth. Many things are turning real in the modern world that was science fiction in the past. Today we are talking seriously about the liquid machines that can change their shape. The thing that can make that kind of system possible is the nanorobots inside silicone bubbles. Cloned living neurons can control those machines.

And that kind of robot can be more intelligent than even humans. When we are making new inventions, we must realize one thing. The internet is giving more information to inventors than ever before. And that thing means they have more possibilities than ever before. 


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

How to get to Jupiter orbiter in 1 year?

From Pinterest

The Pioneer 10 flew to Jupiter in about a year. The Galileo probe used almost 2000 days for that journey. And the reason for that was simple. The Galileo probe was the orbital mission. And it should slow down its speed for reaching the orbiter. 

The total flight time of the Galileo probe was more than six years. The reason for that is simple. Galileo's flight time to Jupiter was announced from the last gravitational assists. 

While it made its mission, the Galileo probe made two gravitational assist flybys with Earth and one with Venus. As I wrote before. But is it possible to send the orbital probe to Jupiter or other planets in less than two years? There are two theoretical ways to make that thing. 

1) Main craft makes the flyby and sends the parasite probes to orbital trajectory. 

Sometimes is introduced an idea of an interplanetary or even interstellar mission is a combination of the flyby and orbital missions. The system includes two types of probes. The main probe would fly through the solar system at a very high speed. And its parasite- or sub-probes will send to orbital trajectories. 

The idea is introduced in the "Daedalus" plan. The plan was to create a massive, unmanned probe that makes flyby of the planets or other stars. And during that flyby, it sends its smaller sub-probes that use ion or nuclear engines to slow down. In that version, the smaller probe uses nuclear thermal propulsion or some other power system, to decrease its speed to a level where it can reach the orbital trajectory.

"Daedalus" (Wikipedia, Project Daedalus)

2) The other craft will dock to the main mission unit during the gravitational assist maneuver. 

This idea is a little bit more conventional than "Daedalus". The idea is to use a similar mission profile to the "Galileo probe". The larger craft will put to make gravitational assist flybys to Earth and Venus. Then the smaller probe will drive at the front of the craft. And then the larger device that is loaded with gravitational energy will drive to catch up with the smaller probe. 

The larger probe can fly between the Earth and Venus for many years. And then the other probe will dock to it. The reason, why the Galileo probe didn't use the sun as a gravitational sling. Is that the connection between the probe and mission control is cut. When it's on another side of the sun. But the modern artificial intelligence makes it possible that the probe can find Earth independently and re-establish a connection. 

If we would use that gravitational sling with manned space missions. There is a problem that the crew must wait on Earth for a very long time before their docking capsule will launch. 

When we are talking about the long-term space missions the crews are extremely well selected. Their social relations are the key element for mission success. And if one of those members will injure by accident that would be a catastrophe.

The problem with hibernation is that is not remove aging.

Many scientists think that hibernation is useless in long-term space travel.  The fact is that normal hibernation or normal anesthesia cannot help people in long-term space travel at all. Hibernation can be a good way to control a person who is psychotic or injured. 

But the hibernation itself does not affect things like a lifetime. The major problem with long-term spaceflight is the aging of the people. And hibernation does not affect that thing. But hibernation is the gate to cryogenic space travel. Cryogenic space travel means that the crew will freeze to the temperature of zero kelvin. 

Why cryogenics is a promising way to make extreme long-term spaceflight? The reason, why cryogenics is better than so-called normal hibernation or narcosis is the oscillation of the DNA and other molecules' ends. This means the space traveler will not age. The idea is that when the spacecraft comes near its destiny. The system will start to warm those astronauts. 

And when they are put in the cryonic chambers, their body can equip with the resuscitation equipment that can involve a system, that can turn the heat on. A ventilator or internal blood oxygenize can help to restore vital signs. That blood oxygenize can recycle blood through the unit that will oxygenize hemoglobin. After that, this oxygenized blood will transfer back to the veins. 

The problem with cryonics is how to wake up those astronauts after frozen. If the rise of the temperature is too fast. The expansion of the ice rips those cells into bites. So the rise of temperature must be slow enough and the resuscitation equipment will start the vital signs at the right moment. If that moment is too late there is an oxygen lack in the body. The thing is that aging is the dominating problem in interstellar or extreme long space missions. 

By the way...


In some visions, the astronauts will travel in interstellar flights fully awake. Those astronauts will age normally. After that, their memories will transfer to their next body. Then that system clones the astronauts' bodies. That means "Phoenix immortality". In legends, Phoenix is the bird that creates one egg before it dies. Then that mythic Phoenix will burn in fire. And the next Phoenix will come from the egg. 

In some other visions, the astronauts will travel in the form of cell cultures. When the system requires the astronaut it will make that person by using a bioprinter. That thing can be called as Frankenstein model. The idea is that bioprinters and highly advanced life support systems can make it possible to create even humans by using bioprinters.

 The thing is that many visions can make it possible to travel between stars. But the problem is that the interstellar spacecraft cannot send data back to Earth. If we can make a spacecraft that travels at the speed of light. It travels to Sirius in 8,7 years. And the message will travel back another 8,7 years. 

Time is the biggest problem in long-range spaceflights. 

The fact is that our first interplanetary flight to Mars or Venus is at the planning level. Theoretical research is on the way. But the fact is that there are many technical, social, and other problems to win before we can travel even to the closest planets. 

The journey to Jupiter will take a very long time. Pioneer 10 spacecraft reached Jupiter in one year. But that was flyby. That spacecraft must not brake when it reached the planet. 

The orbiter craft requires more flight time. The reason for that is they need to slow their speed to reach the orbital trajectory. 

The Galileo spacecraft reach Jupiter in 3 or almost 2000 days. The entire flight time to Jupiter was far longer. Galileo launched on October 18, 1989, and it arrived at Jupiter on December 8, 1995. Galileo made two gravitational assist flybys to Earth. And one to Venus to get enough energy to travel to Jupiter. 

The flight time to Jupiter is calculated from the last flyby when that craft traveled to Jupiter. And still, the travel time to Jupiter is three times longer than Pioneer 10. The reason for that was that Galileo needed the slowdown. And the manned spacecraft would need more time because their mass would be higher. 

The problems with that kind of flight are time and social relations. The flight time to Jupiter and back would be about 6-8 years. And the craft should spend little time in the orbiter. So the crew will age very much during that trip. And if we would someday make an interstellar flight or travel outside the solar system that takes even more time.,Jupiter%20and%20save%20many%20years%20of%20travel%20time.

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Enzymes are extremely complicated molecules.


The enzyme glucosidase converts the sugar maltose into two glucose sugars. Active site residues in red, maltose substrate in black, and NAD cofactor in yellow. (PDB: 1OBB​)

The enzymatic reactions control many things in our body and other living organisms. The complicated structures of enzyme molecules are one of the reasons why new and more powerful supercomputers are created. Enzymes are biological catalysts. They are accelerating chemical reactions. 

Making simulations of the reactions between enzymes and enzyme-protein reactions require extremely powerful computers. I know that many enzymes are proteins. But here I use the term protein for macromolecules that are forming cell cores. 

 Many actors affect the enzymatic reactions. The PH-value, pressure, and temperature are the thing that affects the structure of the enzyme. When the temperature rises that affects the reactive structures of enzymes. And also when the size of an enzyme is changing. 

So when the form of enzyme changes takes a different number of active molecules. The active molecules are the things that are making the chemical reactor. An enzyme is the background actor or activator for those reactions. 

The size of the layer of the enzyme is also chancing. That changes the catalytic process of the enzymes. 

The idea to use sound to control the enzymatic reactions is interesting. The coherent extremely thin soundwaves can use to turn the enzymes in the right position. In those pressure-based systems series of the air, molecules will shoot to the enzymes. 

And that should turn them to the other side. The thing is that the laser systems can affect the temperature of the enzymes. And the change in temperature level can change their chemical abilities. 

Enzymes are ultimate tools for many purposes from medical to nanotechnology. Human and other animals' glandular cells produce many enzymes and researchers can clone those cells. But when the systems are making new enzymes and control their interactions. In those reactions, the systems must control the physical and chemical environment extremely carefully. If there is some error in those environments those enzymes are acting the wrong way. 

In our body enzymes are cutting long protein fibers. And that makes them very important for us. The immune cells use enzymes to destroy harmful organisms. The reason why the immune defense uses enzymes is that they are easier to control. If some enzymes are used to destroy bacteria. Not neutralized immediately after they did their work. They can make a very lot of damage.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Who is the best stealth fighter in the world?


F-22 vs. F-35, vs. J-22 vs. SU-57, which of those aircraft is the best? The answer to that question is nobody knows. The thing is that the aircraft on paper can be different than aircraft in a real situation. When we are looking at theoretical models of the aircraft. There as drawings and officially published they might seem like miracles. 

They might look almost too perfect. But the fact is different. Even if the aircraft is perfect, there is always something that pilots must learn. That thing is seen when they tested touch switches of F-35. Learning to use the new type of user interface takes time. The thing is that when the new concept of aircraft is entering service all personnel from pilots to ground support staff require training. 

And when the new concepts like interaction with drones and AI-controlled self-protection are in use there are always errors in programs. The thing is that the brand new aircraft with brand new systems might not be ready for action. During tests, controllers might find even thousands of errors in materials, computers, and especially computer programs. And the purpose of exercising and testing the properties of the aircraft in full-scale combat simulations is to find out those errors that might be critical in real situations. 

Image 2: 

So if there are lots of errors in systems the new aircraft can lose air combats even to old aircraft. But the thing that is important to know is that if the pilot's skills are not excellent. The newest and best aircraft would lose battles. The thing is that in Ukraine the Ukrainian aircraft are older than Russian, Russians are in trouble with those old-time MiG 29 fighters. The fact is that modern tactical systems are integrated into a large-size entirety. 

Those systems are sharing information. And that means that the single aircraft doesn't mean so much as we might think. The next-generation fighters are cooperating with multipurpose, recon, and kamikaze drones and drone swarms. That interaction is in key role in the 6. the generation jet fighters. 

Those drones can pick up incoming missiles to their body. That's why some of those drones are called "loyal wingmen". Or they can also equip with missiles or internal warheads. And they can use to attack the anti-aircraft missiles. Or those drones can protect manned aircraft by flying to the route of the incoming missile. Those drones can also use independently in search and destroy missions like normal cruise missiles or remote-controlled attack aircraft.

Image: Pinterest

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Christmas is here.

Christmas is here. Now it is Christmas night. The night should be the celebration of mercy. But sometimes that thing causes trauma. Christma...