The fact is that those ancient philosophers believed in gods, and some more- or less scientifical writers transformed those gods of mount Olympus into aliens that landed on Earth a long time ago. In the same way, some people believe that Plato's Atlantis was some kind of alien base. But the fact is that the "alien base" can mean the base, that used some kind of extraordinary methods or weapons.
The thing that supports the "alien base" theory is that those people in ancient Greece didn't know genetics and aviation so they cannot imagine things like the UFOs. There is a question did some see some of those gods fly. The story of Icarus is telling about the hero, who flew too close to the sun, and that can feed theories of ancient UFOs. But there could be also other versions of that kind of theory.
But we know that there is no visible evidence of some alien astronauts on the Greek Mount Olympus. But the explanation for that thing is simple. Somebody believes that the "real" Mount Olympus was somewhere else like in the Himalayas, some Arctic island, or maybe that "real" Olympus was the mountain of the mythic Atlantis island that could be an island that have been detonated.
So was the Atlantis the ancient Greek version of Port Royal, the capital of Pirates? If that thing is true, that explains why the mythic Atlantis is not very often mentioned.
So could the volcano of Thera (Santorini) or possibly the fallen volcano of Island Tenerife the original Mount Olympus. We can think that the alien stories are only stories, but the question is do we believe them. There is the possibility that the Atlantis was some area on some island. And that the Atlantis was a secret place and that name was not commonly used in the Mediterranean area.
Let's start to think about the possibility that a place called "Atlantis" was the capital of pirates. There is the possibility that the mythic "Sirens" were ancient pirates who used swimming suits that were made of catfish skin. And who used acoustic weapons made from the skull of whales?
But then we must realize a couple of things. The god means a creature that is superior to others. So there is the possibility that the gods of Olympos were people who had some extraordinary skills. Maybe things like parabolic mirrors are making a very big impression on people, who are not seen even fire yet.
When we are thinking of the stories of the people with lizard skin we are forgetting that the skin of the catfish is suitable also for protective clothes like swimming and diving suits. And the things like the "sing of sirens" might be formed by using the skull of some whales.
There are air channels in the whale's skulls that are called the melon. The purpose of that organ is to strengthen and aim the sound of the whales' sonar. And the melon can turn sound so strong that it will cripple the prey. So maybe mythical sirens used the sound that was made by using the whale skulls.
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