Monday, April 29, 2024

The Mars methane emission. And the mysterious Martian "spiders"

"NASA’s Curiosity Rover has detected methane in Gale Crater on Mars, a surprising find as there are no signs of life on the planet. Scientists are exploring geological sources and seasonal patterns for these emissions, with methane levels showing unusual fluctuations and disappearing during the day. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Martian Methane Baffles Scientists: Curiosity Rover’s Surprising Discovery)

The Curiosity rover detected one very interesting thing about the methane gas flow on Mars. There is no sign of life. But that mysterious methene flow increases in night time, and then it decreases in the daytime. That means the methane acts opposite to the natural reaction. If there is some kind of natural thing like a mineral, that releases methene, this thing means that the reaction should accelerate when sunlight brings energy to the reaction. Maybe sunlight just destroys the methane molecule. 

"Curiosity set out to answer the question: Did Mars ever have the right environmental conditions to support small life forms called microbes? Early in its mission, Curiosity’s scientific tools found chemical and mineral evidence of past habitable environments on Mars. It continues to explore the rock record from a time when Mars could have been home to microbial life. Credit: NASA" (ScitechDaily, Martian Methane Baffles Scientists: Curiosity Rover’s Surprising Discovery)

When sunlight impacts the carbon, that sends radiation impulses to hydrogen atoms, and that impulse breaks the chemical bonds in that molecule. So the sunlight breaks methane immediately when the mineral releases it. But we must also think that the methane emission acts like the UV-shy bacteria would act. If the UV radiation hits those bacteria, that thing causes those hypothetical bacteria will turn into the sleep mood. The problem is that there should also be other metabolism products than methane. 

"This image shows features known as ‘spiders’ near Mars’s south pole, as seen by the CaSSIS (Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System) instrument aboard ESA’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter.
These features form when spring sunshine falls on layers of carbon dioxide deposited over the dark winter months. "(ScitechDaily, Mars Express Discovers Mysterious Martian “Spiders”)

"The sunlight causes carbon dioxide ice at the bottom of the layer to warm up and turn to gas, which then builds up and breaks through slabs of overlying ice. The emerging gas, laden with dark dust, shoots up through cracks in the ice in the form of tall fountains or geysers, before falling back down and settling on the surface, creating dark spots. This same process creates characteristic ‘spider-shaped’ patterns etched beneath the ice: the very same patterns shown here.
Credit: ESA/TGO/CaSSIS" (ScitechDaily, Mars Express Discovers Mysterious Martian “Spiders”)

"The dark spots in this image from ESA’s Mars Express are the telltale sign of ‘spiders’ scattered across the southern polar region of Mars. These small features form when carbon dioxide gas warms up in sunlight and breaks through slabs of overlying ice, etching branched grooves into the surface and dragging dark material up to the surface to form dark blotches.
Many such blotches can be seen within the dark region to the left of the frame, which sits at the outskirts of a part of Mars nicknamed Inca City. The reason for this name is clear, with the linear, almost geometric network of ridges being reminiscent of Inca ruins.
Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin". (ScitechDaily, Mars Express Discovers Mysterious Martian “Spiders”)

"This oblique perspective view looks across a part of Mars nicknamed Inca City (formally named Angustus Labyrinthus). The reason for this is no mystery, with the linear network of ridges being reminiscent of Inca ruins. Traces of features known as ‘spiders’ can be seen; these small, dark features form as carbon dioxide gas warms up in sunlight and breaks through slabs of overlying ice. Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin" (ScitechDaily, Mars Express Discovers Mysterious Martian “Spiders”)

The Mars Express probe detected strange "spiders" on the polar region of the Mars planet. 

The "martian spider" is one of the newest red planet's mysteries. Those forms may be forming when lightning from the sand devils hits the sand below them. The sand devil is the dust tornado that travels in the Martian atmosphere. The friction between the sand bites forms static electricity. And that means the sand devil acts like a thundercloud. Static electricity can also form lightning in the Martian icy clouds. 

And sand devils can conduct that electricity to the Martian landscape. If the lightning hits methane ice on Mars, that causes an explosion. And that lightning forms a crater formation, that can look like a "spider". It's also possible that the dust bites can store static electricity. And when those particles fall to the ground, they send the energy impulses around them.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The universe might never run out of hydrogen.

Hydrogen is the simplest atom in the universe. It's the lightest element. And the thing is that the hydrogen will not decay. That process requires proton's decay and this is not confirmed. The red dwarfs brought the situation in front of researchers' eyes that those M (and K)-spectral class dwarfs are the oldest stars in the universe. Those quite cold stars are recycling hydrogen. When nuclear fusion in their core turns hydrogen to helium, those helium (or alpha) ions travel to the red dwarf's poles. 

The magnetic field will transfer them to travel in the red dwarf radiation. That intensive infrared radiation destroys helium and releases protons from the nucleus. Then those protons trap electrons around them and this turns them into atomic hydrogen. This reaction is unique, and it happens only near M-spectral class stars. The radiation pressure or star wind from M-spectral class stars is so weak, that it cannot blow those helium atoms away. The tiny red dwarfs can have a strong magnetic field, several hundreds of times stronger than the Sun. 

So why does the star formation in the old universe end? 

Hydrogen is the lightest element in the universe. There are no neutrons, but electrons that orbit protons get energy from electrons. When the universe expands the quantum fields turn weaker. That thing rips heavier atoms into pieces. The electromagnetic interaction keeps the hydrogen atoms in one piece. An electron is an elementary particle that can turn into wave movement. 

When an electron orbits a proton in the hydrogen atom. The electron transports its kinetic energy into the proton. When an electron orbits a proton it sends a quantum pressure wave to a proton, when it travels across the quantum field around that atom. The quantum fields are like water. And when a particle travels through it, it forms pressure waves. When that pressure wave hits the proton, the proton will send its extra energy back to the electron. 

When the energy level is low enough the electron can turn into a string, which orbits the proton. That string makes the proton look like the planet Saturn.

In some models, wave movement will turn to a string, that will start to orbit the proton as the quantum ring. So in that moment, the proton looks like a planet Saturn. The string that orbits a proton is a far different type of material than we can imagine. 

Those strings will harvest energy to proton. That energy locks the proton in its form. And finally, in a very cold and old universe, the protons decay into three quarks. But before that, the distance between hydrogen atoms turns so long, that they will not form stars. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The infinite discussion about the topic: "Are we alone in the universe?" continues.

The infinite discussion about the topic: "Are we alone in the universe"?continues maybe forever. Maybe the human descendants who look at the white dwarf that once been the Sun continue this discussion. And when our descendants move to another solar system. 

They face the model that they turn aliens into each other. When the sun explodes a nova eruption is the final moment for our descendants that they must leave. Or they can let the sun destroy them. In that moment. The sun used all its fuel. 

Before that moment the sun turns into a red giant, and maybe that species will move to a longer distance from the sun. That species will not be like humans at all. Genetic engineering and controlled evolution cause that. This futuristic species will not be like we are.

We must wake up and think about the game theory. The idea of the Game theory is that all individuals and species want to maximize their benefits. The alien species should follow the game theory model. And they also want to maximize their benefit. 

Are we alone in the universe? This is an interesting discussion. We are alone until we get an answer, that might come tomorrow, or we might ever get an answer or make contact with another civilization. And that is a paradox, we search for extraterrestrial intelligence until it answers. The human lifetime is not infinite. And maybe the answer comes a day after our funerals. That means we would live our entire lives without the contact. 

Are we alone in the universe? We can say that the discussion is infinite. 

That discussion continues until we find another civilization, and that thing can never happen. The fact is that we haven't found another civilization. Things like radio signals from Proxima Centauri. And especially WoW! The signal is evidence. But is there evidence that supports or denies the existence of ETI (Extraterrestrial intelligence)? 

The fact is that those signals happened only once. That can support the hypothesis. That there was some kind of intelligent origin. And the same thing denies intelligent lifeforms. There are no unique chemical reactions in the universe. So those signals should repeat, but they never happened again. 

Alone in the universe can mean, that we have no alien contact. And if the nearest civilization is 2000 light years from us. That means that making a call to them is difficult. It's possible. That the transmitting power of our telescopes is not enough. 

The signal travels between Earth and other civilizations for 4000 years. The data transmission to that star takes 2000 years. And then the alien response takes 2000 years. And that requires lots of power to create a radio signal that travels between Earth and that distant world. 

This is the reason why those signals are interesting. But are we alone in the universe? The thing is that we should determine "alone" before we continue. Are we alone in a flat, where we live? That is an interesting question. There could be lots of people in the same house. Where we live, but we never discuss it with them. Some researchers calculated that there are about 38 intelligent civilizations in our galaxy. There are about 100-400 billion stars in the Milky Way. And 18% of them are like our Sun. 

So here is about 18-72 billion sun-type stars. And if there are only 38 intelligent civilizations. The possibility that we find those civilizations is very low. If we just listen to those G-2 spectral-class stars we must select the right stars. Then we must separate the alien signals from other natural signals. Here we think that they are precise like us. We believe. That the law book is similar. And they think and use the same methods as us. We are also aliens to those other civilizations. 

Stephen Hawking said: if an alien calls, don't answer. 

The biggest thing is that if we make contact the wrong way. We can risk our entire species. SETI uses passive systems, and the reason for that is that those hypothetical aliens can be hostile. There is always the possibility that those aliens are dangerous. But then we must say that we are aliens to those other, still hypothetical species. We are aliens to them, and in the same way, they must be sure, that we are not dangerous. 

In this hypothesis, the 38 intelligent species travel in our galaxy without saying anything to each other. In this model, only civilizations that form in the same solar system can discuss with each other and trust each other. Those civilizations know each other. But if the civilizations don't know each other before the message comes, they don't know anything about their opponent. There must be trust that the opponent is friendly and that those species will meet. 

And then there would be a long time before those species see each other. There is a long journey from the first contact to the first interstellar embassy. And that will take generations from the first contact to the first meet. Both civilizations need time to adjust themselves to the level. That they can exchange information. And discuss with each other. 

The contact with that other, still hypothetical species could also be the first contact with other civilizations for that alien species. We must think that maybe we are their first contact.

The fact is this. If those, still hypothetical humanoids, notice our signals they face a similar problem, that we face. And the biggest problem is, is the sender of signal friendly, or is that sender hostile? Maybe we are a friendly species in our movies. But humanoids have never seen us before. They must also analyze data before they decide to answer. 

And the big advice is this: we should not answer either. We don't know: are aliens hostile or friendly? This means that those aliens might not answer either. Because they are afraid of us as much as we are afraid of them. If we someday get a confirmed message from the aliens, we must understand that that message is probably not meant for us. It might meant for alien internal messages.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Some Unidentified submerged objects (USO) may be some kind of power plants.

All around the world, researchers work with things like waves- and other hydro-power solutions. In some cases, the wave power plant or the underwater hydropower plant can look like a saucer. Those saucers might involve turbogenerators that allow water to flow through them. The difference in pressure near the surface and deeper makes water flow through the plate. And that thing makes this system rotate the turbine wheel. These kinds of systems can deliver energy to any device that has access to that system's energy production. 

There are even underwater windmills that harvest energy from ocean currents. The underwater hydro plants can deliver energy to underwater drones or other robots. Those robots can used to repair underwater cables, or there could be computer centers in underwater positions. Water offers clean, green, and free energy to those bases. 

Those hydro plants can deliver energy to some underwater laboratories, or even highly classified military systems at the bottom of the oceans. In some visions, the missile bases can hidden on the ocean floor. There are underwater laboratories called "AUTEC" in Bahama. So there could be similar deeper sea facilities like the "Aquarius" base near Florida. 

Underwater power plants can used to operate automatized radars or other intelligence installations, anti-ballistic missiles (ABM), or research plants. 

The underwater plants can also create hydrogen, chlorine, and oxygen for propellants for the rockets that will launched from oceans. 

Those bases can be fully automatized drone bases. When those drones that are hidden secretly at the bottom of the sea get the order, they will rise to the surface or travel to the operational areas underwater. Then those quadcopters jump out from the water and begin their missions. That system can use remote-control technology to wake them up.


There were no gamma rays near the supernova.

"The 2023 observation of supernova SN 2023ixf in the Pinwheel galaxy provided a unique chance to study cosmic ray production, but the expected gamma rays were not detected by NASA’s Fermi Telescope, indicating much lower energy conversion rates than anticipated. Credit: NASA" (SvitechDaily, Defying Expectations: NASA’s Fermi Sees No Gamma Rays From Nearby Supernova)

Gamma rays are the most high-energy radiation in the universe. A supernova cannot form gamma rays itself. It forms them only. If there is a neutron star or black hole near it. The neutron star pulls material on it. And when high-energy plasma from a supernova hits the neutron star, that raises the energy level so high level that gamma rays can form. 

NASA's Fermi satellite data uncovered. That there were no gamma rays near a supernova. The supernova cannot produce gamma rays. That differs from the hypothesis, that all high-energy reactions form gamma rays. Gamma rays are forming near colliding neutron stars called kilonovas. And near the black holes. 

The reason for that is that the environment near kilonovas is different than near supernovas. During a supernova explosion energy and material travels in one direction. That pushes gas and dust in one direction. Near supernova explosions. Material forms a shockwave that density turns lower when it escapes from the epicenter. 

Near very massive and supermassive objects the interaction is different. The neutron star or black hole pulls gas and dust into it. The energy that travels out from those object's poles turns that plasma very hot. Lots of material that orbits the massive object is in its material disk. And ions and anions near the black hole's surface travel through that material disk. 

In the cases of neutron stars gas and dust will pack on the neutron star like plaque. Energy from the orbiting material impacts the plaque and forms a fusion reaction. That reaction sends high-energy particles to the gas that orbits neutron stars. That locks energy near the black hole. Because material and particles travel in and out from the neutron stars that causes effect, that energy does not have similar space to travel out from neutron stars or kilonovas and black holes. 

During the kilonova explosion the impact- or shockwave that those impacting neutron stars form hits with particles. That falls into those neutron stars. Impacting particles release very high energy levels. The material travels in two directions near neutron stars. That doesn't let energy travel away. The two-directional material flow causes a violent impact effect near neutron stars and kilonovas.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Black holes can be almost invisible.

"The location of the first three black holes discovered by ESA’s Gaia mission in the Milky Way. This map of our galaxy was also made by the Gaia mission. Gaia Black Hole 1 (BH1) is located just 1560 light-years away from us in the direction of the constellation Ophiuchus; Gaia BH2 is 3800 light-years away in the constellation Centaurus; Gaia BH3 is in the constellation Aquila, at a distance of 1926 light-years from Earth. In galactic terms, these black holes reside in our cosmic backyard. With a mass of about 33 times that of the Sun, BH3 is the heaviest black hole of stellar origin discovered in our galaxy. Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Surprised by Sleeping Giant – Most Massive Stellar Black Hole in Our Galaxy Found Lurking Nearby)

The most massive stellar black hole in our galaxy lurks nearby. 

The most massive stellar origin black hole is at a distance of about 1926 light years from the Earth. The black hole is about 33 times as massive as the Sun. And its code name is Gaia BH3. The distance to that black hole, 1926 light years is in the cosmic backyard. When we think about distances in the universe. 

The Gaia BH3 shows that if the black hole is in a place. There is not a lot of material. It's hard to detect. In that case, the X- and gamma-ray emissions are very weak. 

Another thing that makes measurements difficult is that. The virtual redshift near black holes is enormous. The intensive gravity stretches the light. And that means black holes might seem to be at longer distances than they are. The gravity waves can also help to detect the black holes. Theoretically, the system needs only the gravitational wave source researchers cannot connect with visual objects. 

The main question is, can information escape from black holes? 

The idea is that gravity waves interact like all other wave fields. Identical wave fields create standing waves between them. And then those standing waves push those waves away from each other. 

The black hole is the onion-shaped structure of the almost slight gravity fields. And the outcoming energy presses that structure together. If the outcoming energy turns weaker those repelling gravity fields push the outer layer of the black hole away. 

The idea is that gravitational waves reflect from some structure inside the black hole. Maybe that structure is the gravitational tornado that drives material to the black hole's poles. And that thing could explain a wormhole. But the black hole is never stable. It expands and shrinks. And when a black hole sends a gravity wave, it sends the outest part of its extremely dense gravity field away. 

The black hole is like all other particles. Energy travels in it. And energy travels out of it if its energy level is higher than the environment's energy level. Energy is stored in black holes in the gravity form. Gravity is an energy form like all other energy forms, strong and weak nuclear forces. And electromagnetism. Those four fundamental forces have particle and wave movement shapes. 

The thing that determines which of those forces is always the case is the wavelength. The model of a black hole is like an onion, with multiple internal gravity fields that lock around the thing, called a singularity. The outcoming energy locks those gravitational fields in the form called: a black hole. 

A black hole can expand or shrink when energy travels into the black hole black hole expands. In that thing. The black hole will close information inside its event horizon. And when a black hole shrinks. It sends gravitational waves. Those gravitational waves are information that the black hole stored. 

When that outcoming energy decreases its energy level the black hole sends the gravity waves. Those gravitational waves are information that escapes from the black hole. Rather saying, those gravity wave's origin could be in the event horizon. When a black hole sends gravity waves. It sends the part of the most out part of the gravity field away. 

In theories, gravitational waves form when a black hole. Pack information inside it. When a black hole packs information it forms pressure in the black hole. An interesting thing about the black hole's structure is that the onion-shaped structure is formed of identical-shaped gravity waves. Or almost slight gravity fields. 

Gravity fields interact the same way as other wave fields. If those fields have the same power they create a standing wave between them that pushes them away from each other. So gravity fields should repel each other. In black holes. The outcoming information pushes that structure keeping it in form.

Breakthrough in the brainwave research.


"UC Irvine researchers have discovered that crucial brain waves for deep sleep, previously believed to be generated only by a specific brain circuit, also originate from the hippocampus, offering new insights into memory processing during sleep." (ScitechDaily, Researchers Discover New Origin of Deep Brain Waves)

Researchers found the origin of the deep brain waves. That thing is in the special brain circuit in the hippocampus. Those deep brain waves are crucial for the brain. So they can fall into deep sleep. The brain needs also deep sleep because it helps to fill neurotransmitter storages. There can also be some kind of dreams in deep sleep period. But in that case, the memory is completely turned off. 

That's a sad thing because while a person sleeps, the brain is in the most productive mode and the problem is how to turn that productivity into the thing that benefits society and individuals. The brain-computer interface can make images that researchers can see on a computer screen.

But to turn that thing into reality. The BCI requires information that the AI can decode the brain signals. And turn them into a film that researchers can see on the screen. 

The deep sleep periods are full of mysteries. The REM period is only a small moment of the sleeping time. And maybe the AI can decode dreams to a computer screen somewhere in the future. 

"A new study in Nature Biotechnology reveals that 4.5 million gamers have significantly advanced medical research by playing a mini-game within Borderlands 3, which helped map the evolutionary history of microbes in the human gut. This effort, led by McGill University and supported by multiple organizations, has improved existing algorithms and laid the groundwork for future AI tools, showcasing a unique synergy between video gaming and scientific research. Credit: Gearbox"(ScitechDaily, Leveling Up Science: How Gamers Are Advancing Biomedical Research)

Things like computer games can used to teach the computer. How it should react to EEG. The brain-computer interface (BCI) transmits. The user can control things like items on the screen using the BCI. And that thing allows researchers to use that information to control things. Like drone swarms and next-generation jet fighters. 

Things like computer games can help to map brain activity in certain situations. The system can also map things like EEG signals when the player sees some images. The system can search for similar brain waves from EEG. Which the system recorded from the sleeping person's brain. Researchers can also use computer games to test things like cognitive functions and how they advance through their lifetime. 

Computer games can uncover Alzheimer's by researching how a person can remember something that happens simultaneously in the game areas. Computer games can keep statistics that tell when a person will not remember things anymore. The poor memory can seen from statistics. 

By the way...

"A study found that mothers with insecure attachments have heightened brain-to-brain synchrony with their children, suggesting a compensatory mechanism for relationship challenges. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Mind Mingle: Brain Synchrony in Family Dynamics)

When we think about things like telepathy, the family member's brains may synchronize with each other. The theory goes like this: telepathy is the reading of body language. People always see what another person does before some actions. 

Those persons can predict things while they observe each other. However, the long-term relationship may make brain wave synchronization between persons. That makes it possible. That electromagnetic telepathy. There the nervous systems can exchange information using electromagnetism in that process could be possible.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The discoveries suggest that dark energy turns weaker.

When the universe expands distance of particles and objects turns bigger. That makes the gravity effect weaker. Dark energy is the thing that affects the universe and increases its expansion speed. 

But now researchers found that dark energy turns weaker all the time. That opens the door to the thing called: the Big Crunch. In that case, all material returns to the point, where the Big Bang happened. 

Could the dark energy be some kind of Cherenkov radiation? 

The problem is that if the dark energy origin is in the material or dark matter particles or Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMP) distances also turn longer when the universe expands. That means the density of dark energy turns lower and lower. Dark energy is a thing whose origin is unknown. WIMP may be the tachyon the hypothetical faster-than-light particle. 

The speed of light is quite easy to cross. The speed of light in air is higher than the speed of light in water.  When a particle travels in the atmosphere with the speed of light impacts water, that particle sends a blue light shockwave because it must slow its speed from the speed of light in the atmosphere to the speed of light in water. 

If the particle hits the ice on an object like the dwarf planet Pluto there is no remarkable atmosphere that the particle's slowing is rougher than on Earth where the particle transmits its energy to the atmosphere before it hits water. That means it can send quite strong high-energy radiation impulses when its speed slows straight from the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in ice. 

Tachyon can be:

1) Elementary particles like electrons or photons that form in the cosmic void or interstellar space. When those particles travel in interstellar space. They can travel faster than light travels in plasma bubbles around stars. 

When those particles hit a plasma bubble or water they release their energy. The neutrinos may be remnants of tachyons. When a hypothetical particle hits the plasma bubble around the sun, it must slow its speed from the speed of light in interstellar space to the speed of light in the plasma bubble. 

When a particle slows its speed it sends a radiation shockwave. So if that particle exists, it slows its speed a second time, when it comes to atmosphere. In the third time that particle slows its speed in the neutrino detector. 

The energy level determines the shape. Or (the name) of the particle and that means that before neutrino hits the detector. It has been some other particle. And that particle could be the tachyon. 

2) If tachyon forms outside the universe, that means it slows its speed when it comes to the universe. The reason for that thing is the speed of light depends on the material. There are also ice bits in the universe. And when neutrinos or some other particles hit those ice bites. They send radiation. Just like neutrino sends when it hits water in neutrino detectors. 

If we think of the possibility that some particles can travel faster than light, we must remember that the medium's density affects the speed of light. If the particle forms in the cosmic void and starts to travel across it, it can travel faster than similar particles outside that cosmic void, like Böotes void. If that particle hits an interstellar nebula or some ice bite, that particle can travel faster than time in a short moment. Things like neutrino detectors have proven that thing. 

Same way if the antimatter and material particles impact interstellar space and those impacts send photons and other particles around them. The speed of light in interstellar or intergalactic space is faster than, the speed of light in plasma or cosmic nebulas. When those particles hit the denser material they must remove their kinetic energy in the form of radiation. Slowing particles form the thing called Cherenkov radiation. 

Maybe the dark energy is some kind of Cherenkov radiation. If the source of the mysterious energy is in particles that come out of the universe, that proves the multiverse. But the fact is that dark energy is one of the things that remains mysterious.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Dark matter and "the Kugelblitz black holes"

"New research shows galaxy age as the key factor in star motion, challenging older theories that highlighted environment or mass. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Astronomers Discover Unexpected Driver Behind Galactic Chaos)

The thing that causes star formation in a galaxy is the disturbance in material. The plasma must form a whirl with the precise right size. If that whirl is too large the plasma turns into a black hole. If that whirl is too small. Energy blows it away. If the galaxy is too hot material cannot form stars. The density and temperature of the material must be right, or the supermassive black hole's radiation. Along with other energy denies the star formation. 

The new observations tell about the form of dark matter. The dark matter interacts with the material through the gravity. And that gravitation forms the so-called Einstein ring around objects. Changes in the Einstein ring's shape tell about the material distribution in galaxies. And if that shape is different from the form of visible material. That tells that there is an invisible gravitational source. 

In some models the WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) are like hypothetical "Kugelblitz black holes" but lighter. In that model, radiation can also form lighter objects than those "Kugelblitz black holes". That form in radiation whirls. 

"JWST discovered the ancient galaxy JWST-ER1g, featuring a unique Einstein ring that aids in studying the galaxy’s high dark matter density and testing dark matter properties. Credit: Van Dokkum et al. 2023" (ScitechDaily, Decoding Dark Matter: Insights From JWST’s Discovery of an Einstein-Ringed Galaxy)

The form of dark matter or dark gravitational source is a mystery. But there is the possibility that the dark matter is some kind of virtual material or quasiparticle. The WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle) can also be some kind of "light kugelblitz-black hole". In physics, "Kugelblitz black holes" are hypothetical black holes that form straight from radiation. 

Black holes are the extreme objects. And if we think that gravity waves or other radiation that twist around each other can form black holes. Same way, we can conduct the model where energy like gravitational waves can from lighter objects. And maybe this kind of "kugelblitz" material can be a real thing in the universe. 

In some newest models, the universe is full of quantum fields. Quantum fields are the common name for all energy fields. And the wavelength of energy is the thing that determines its form. All energy forms are interactions. 

"This image shows the merger of a lower mass-gap black hole (dark grey surface) with a neutron star with colors ranging from dark orange (1 million tons per cubic centimeter) to white (600 million tons per cubic centimeter). The gravitational wave signal is represented with a set of strain amplitude values of plus-polarization using colors from dark blue to cyan. Credit: I. Markin (Potsdam University), T. Dietrich (Potsdam University and Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics), H. Pfeiffer, A. Buonanno (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics)." ScitechDaily, Astrophysics Breakthrough Reveals Hidden Interactions in Space)

There are four base energy forms or interactions in the universe. Those interactions are strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity. 

When those quantum fields with the same wavelength impact. There is forming a denser energy point. That means that material can form at those crossing points in energy fields. The universe is full of radiation beams that we can call strings. Those strings are energy channels with different wavelengths. And gravity acts like all other wavelengths. 

When some kind of radiation or beam travels in the universe and crosses another quantum field or particle it can cause an effect that another quantum field with a different wavelength starts to twist around that beam or string. 

The hypothetical wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge is the case where gravity waves twisted around those strings of some other energy forms like electromagnetic radiation. The outcoming gravity energy pushes those gravity waves into a form, that looks like a tornado. The gravity tornado, or tunnel forms the structure that locks its inside away from the outside. 

The energy that comes back pushes objects ahead. In that structure, the gravitational tornado pushes energy to particles from its sides. In that structure, the gravity tornado pushes the particle's quantum field into it, forming a situation in which the particle's quantum field doesn't separate from a particle at the point, where it reaches the speed of light. 

When a particle crosses the speed of light in quantum tunneling, it just travels faster than it should. When a particle hits into potential wall. It faces a structure that is full of quantum fields. The universe is one of the potential walls. If we look at it from the outside. In the same way, things like the border between the atmosphere and vacuum and all other borders like plasma fields are potential walls (or potential barriers). 

When a particle travels in that potential barrier. Quantum fields from that barrier start to interact with that particle. The particle can continue its journey until it loses all its energy. In some cases, energy starts to travel to the particle's quantum field causing a situation that those energy waves reflect from that field. 

Those reflecting quantum waves form the short-term electromagnetic (or quantum) vacuum or quantum low pressure around the particle. In that bubble, photons travel faster than outside the bubble. So that means the particle is in the WARP bubble. That allows it to swing ahead faster than it should in calculations. This thing is the thing, that makes particle travel "faster than light" during quantum tunneling.

Friday, April 12, 2024

AI is the ultimate tool for the military.

Israel uses AI to target combatants. 

AI is cold, ruthless, and without emotions. That makes it an ultimate war machine. The AI can estimate things without any feelings. And that means nobody can affect it using emotional messages. This thing makes that tool the ultimate actor on the battlefield. Israeli military uses AI to track combatants. And things like face recognition make it almost impossible to hide from the AI. 

The Israeli military says that the AI gives good results for the military. That means that AI has become a more common tool in the hands of authorities. The AI can find targets on the battlefield independently. It can aim weapons and launch them at those known targets without human control. 

The fact is that small countries with small armies get more benefits from robot weapons than big armies. Things like automatized anti-tank missile sites that recognize their targets and then shoot missiles against those targets are the extended land mines. Those systems can send data to HQ when they see the target. They can shoot it without the operator's permission if that permission is given to the system before the operation begins. 

The electronic updates can make old-fashioned jet fighter operators able to preload missions to aircraft. In some cases, the system can use image detectors or ESM (Electronic surveillance) -systems to detect targets. When the system sees a target, it launches weapons against it. The preplanned missions can load straight into a bomb and then the bomb loads them to the aircraft or any other systems like tank computers. Those missions can involve things like approaching profiles and attack angles. That increases attackers' survivability. 

The AI will be a tool that connects the battlefield in its entirety. AI can be an effective tool for independently operating entireties or individual machines. AI-controlled, full-scale jet fighters, drone swarms, automatized tanks, and other vehicles are part of terrifying but effective weapon systems that cooperate with other robots and human operators. Drones have shown their force at least in the Ukrainian war. Sometimes people forget that cruise missiles are also drones. And the term "kamikaze-drone" is a new way to say "cruise missile". 

The AI gives cruise missiles the ability to cruise in the operation area. And deliver data to the HQ. When those systems are out of fuel, they attack against targets. Also, modification can turn old-fashioned aerial targets like TU-143 into cruise missiles that can carry conventional or even nuclear warheads. And many people forget that the BGM-109 "Tomahawk" is a BQM-109 target drone. That is equipped with warheads. 

As the F-35-style modern jet fighters can fly with some "loyal wingmen" drones that protect them against AA-flak, the operator can replace those drones using things like Tomahawk missiles. Those escort drones also can have internal warheads. When those AI-controlled systems see potential targets, that thing can make those systems make the kamikaze mission against those targets.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Could the Lyman-alpha forest give a hint about the dark matter?

"A computer simulation of a possible Lyman-alpha forest configuration at z = 3" (Wikipedia, Lyman-alpha forest)

All energy is wave movement. Wavelength determines the name of the energy, and there are four fundamental energy forms in the universe. Those four forces are strong- and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity. All energy forms or forces are interactions. And that's why their name is fundamental interaction. All of those forces have pulling and repelling forms. 

In some models, dark matter is the source of dark energy. And the thing is that dark energy could interact with dark matter. In some models, the dark energy is a gravitational hole. The idea is that when waves travel their backside is at a higher level than their front side is. The wave pulls water upwards at that point water travels opposite to the wave. During that interaction, water transfers energy into that wave. 

That raises the height of the wave. And the higher water level behind the wave pushes the wave ahead. There is one special case. That there is no valley or lower area at the front of the wave. When some ice wall collapses or a high-energy explosion happens that thing can form a so-called sliding wave. In that case, water travels at the surface of the other water layer. And in that case, the sound wave pushes water ahead. 

Standing waves are forming when waves impact. Their height continues growing until gravity pulls them down. Or the energy level on another side destabilizes the system and pushes that wave moving. And the thing is that all energy forms. Gravity can form standing waves. 

We can replace the water using the word "energy" or wave moment. In nature, four energy forms or interactions dominate the universe. Those four forces are: electromagnetism, weak-, and strong nuclear forces, and gravity.  All energy forms are wave movements, and the wavelength determines what is the name of energy. The wavelength determines energy electromagnetism, weak or strong nuclear force, or gravity. 

We can call that lower energy level area at the front of the wave a valley. So term antigravity means that the opposite side of the gravity wave forms the deeper valley. We can say: that if we can create a gravity valley around the object, we can create antigravity. 

The gravity waves interact similar way as other waves. The thing that makes gravity wave pull particles is the valley at the front of it. So if something forms a deeper valley behind that gravity wave it turns gravity opposite. There may be traveling gravity valleys. Or they are traveling gravity waves that have no valley at the front of them. If there is no valley ahead the gravity wave means there is no pulling effect. 

The antigravity could be. 

1) Gravity valley at the wrong side of the gravity center. 

2) Gravity waves that travel without that gravity valley. Those things can form in a situation. That standing gravity wave collapses. 

It's possible. That in the universe is low gravitational waves. That they are only the valleys in the gravitational field. If those traveling gravitational valleys are real, they can form a thing, called antigravity.  Gravity waves are one form of wave movement. 

And if that traveling gravity valley travels in the universe it's possible. It packs gravity waves back of it. Sooner or later. That packed gravity wave will reach a high enough energy level. And it can send gravity waves in the opposite direction. 

In some other models, the standing gravity waves form situations that energy level in those standing gravity waves turns into a very high level. And then. sooner or later those standing waves collapse sending opposite gravity waves across the universe. There is a gravitational valley on both sides of the standing gravity wave. 

When the energy level. Or that the wave's altitude rises and turns the valley deeper. The reason for that is that the wave movement increases its energy level when it travels through that valley. And sooner or later that valley cannot transport any more energy into that standing gravity wave that collapses. 

Could dark matter be some kind of quark-version of quasiparticles? The Lambda CDM (Cold Dark Matter) model is the hypothetical tool that can be used to handle this problem. In some theories matter can turn dark if it touches the hypothetical quark hole. The hypothetical quark hole is like an electron hole, but the actor in this case is a quark. The hole pulls energy out from the quark. And then that can turn matter invisible. 

Lyman-alphaf orest is the sequence in distant galaxies spectrum. Researchers use that thing to research intergalactic material. And maybe that spectrum sequence gives a hint about the dark matter form. It's possible. That dark matter forms things called weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP). And if those WIMPs are real. The question is: why those particles do not interact? In some models, the WIMP is a virtual particle or a quasiparticle. 

It could be possible that the quarks can form similar holes as electrons. Nobody saw those quark holes, but it's possible. That an energy level in one quark can decrease as it decreases in electrons when they form excitons. That thing can turn other quarks in proton and neutron to orbit this quark hole. In that model, those fast-orbiting quarks deny that hole to fill, like orbiting electron, denies electron-hole filling in excitons. 

"DESI’s Hubble diagram plots a characteristic pattern – baryon acoustic oscillations, or BAO “bubbles” – at different ages of the universe. The amount of dark energy determines how fast the universe grows, and therefore the size of the bubbles. The solid line is how big Lambda CDM predicts the bubbles will be, while the dashed line shows the prediction from a different model where dark energy evolves with time. DESI will gather more data to determine which model is a better description of the universe. Credit: Arnaud de Mattia/DESI collaboration." (ScitechDaily, Dark Energy Revealed Through Largest 3D Map of the Universe Ever Made)

"As light from a distant quasar passes through gas in space, certain wavelengths of light are absorbed. Plotting the absorption lines reveals the “Lyman-alpha forest” (emphasized here in brown and green) and provides information about the distant clouds of gas between us and the quasar. Credit: David Kirkby/DESI collaboration" (ScitechDaily, Dark Energy Revealed Through Largest 3D Map of the Universe Ever Made)

Or maybe dark material just puffing up the way. That makes electromagnetic radiation slide over it. When we think about this model, we can use the particle accelerator events for this case. When a particle's speed rises it forms a beak into those particles. 

Maybe that kind of beak can make electromagnetic waves slide past the particle. And that thing makes them invisible. This beak makes particles, and its quantum field acts like a stealth aircraft's surface. In that case, reflecting energy between a particle and its quantum field can cause a situation where the particle is in its WARP bubble. That allows it to spin faster than light. The idea is that when the universe expands the standing wave expands. And that causes a situation where the speed of light is faster in that bubble than outside it. 

When electromagnetic radiation hits a particle, the particle takes that energy impact into its quantum field. The energy load continues until the energy level on that quantum field turns so high energy level, that it sends a photon. And maybe the form of that quantum field causes a situation in which the particle can turn invisible. 

It's possible that if the particle goes in the standing wave. Then those standing waves pump energy into those particles. They start to spin very fast. That thing can make beaks or wrinkles on the particle's surface. The expansion of the universe makes those particles send radiation or wave movement. 

When outside radiation hits that wave movement, it forms a standing wave around the particle. That standing wave locks energy in that standing wave. And that denies the interaction between a particle and the outside universe. There would be structures like hills or wrinkles in that standing wave that scatter radiation. 

Those things can make energy flow on the particle's quantum field. And they form energy pockets in those quantum-size "valleys". When energy falls into those valleys, they form standing waves. They can form a structure that acts like an antenna that sends energy pike away from particles. Those energy pikes could travel through all material. That energy pike pushes superstrings that form things like electrons away from its route. And it can tunnel itself through the structure. 

Or reflecting wave movement. Or maybe that quantum field can be full of things like flares. Those things can deny straight reflection from that material.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The mystery of Gamma-Ray Bursts.

"Artist's illustration showing the life of a massive star as nuclear fusion converts lighter elements into heavier ones. When fusion no longer generates enough pressure to counteract gravity, the star rapidly collapses to form a black hole. Theoretically, energy may be released during the collapse along the axis of rotation to form a GRB." (Wikipedia, Gamma-ray burst)

Can GRB form when regular material interacts with dark energy in extreme conditions near black holes? The black hole's intensive gravity its material disks, and the relativistic jet's energy can cause a situation near or inside a black hole dark energy interacts with visible material and other energy forms. 

Can GRB form when regular material interacts with dark energy in extreme conditions near black holes? The black hole's intensive gravity its material disks, and the relativistic jet's energy can cause a situation near or inside a black hole dark energy interacts with visible material and other energy forms. 

The problem with GRBs (Gamma-Ray Bursts) is that their origin is outside our galaxy. Another problem is their high energy level. The GRB seems coming from nowhere. And then it disappears without a trace. The GRB stands about less than a second. 

The GRB is one of the most powerful events in the universe. In some models, the origin of the GRB is in the cases when the blue supergiant star impacts with a black hole. That black hole turns that hot and bright star into the wire-looking structure that falls into the black hole. In some other models the GRB forms when a giant star that orbits a black hole detonates as a supernova. In that case, the shockwave sends energy impulses through the black hole's material disk. In those events, the most intensive energy faces another intensive energy. 

And is it possible that intensive energy causes interaction with dark energy? The reason why the black hole offers the possibility to see dark energy is that the black hole's gravity curves the universe. That curvature in spacetime turns space smaller. And gravity should interact with dark energy. When the energy level in that space turns high enough and waves go close enough, that thing makes it possible that dark energy can interact with other energy forms. In a black hole's event horizon, all material and wave movement turns into one entirety. The problem is does this interaction begins outside the event horizon. Or is that interaction possible only in the black hole's nucleus? 

There is one very interesting theory about GRB (Gamma-Ray Bursts). In that little-known hypothesis the GRB forms near black holes in the last moments before very high energy plasma that falls to the black hole will interact with dark energy. That thing raises its energy level to a very high. And that thing forms one of the most high-energy. And interesting phenomena in the universe. In some models the GRB forms when highly intense plasma travels through the black hole's material disk or its relativistic jet.

Deep UV-C radiation can clean air from microbes.

"Far-UVC light has proven highly effective in real-world settings at inactivating over 99% of airborne viruses in occupied spaces, as demonstrated by a Columbia University study, offering a practical and continuous disinfection solution that could surpass conventional ventilation systems in preventing airborne disease transmission. This technology, safe for human exposure, represents a significant advancement over traditional germicidal UVC methods, which require empty spaces to operate. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Columbia Study Proves Far-UVC Light Nearly Eradicates Airborne Viruses in Workspaces)

Deep ultraviolet radiation destroys viruses from the air. That thing can help to control pandemics. Authorities can use Deep UV-C light to destroy things, like viruses in houses and quarantine areas. The UV-C light gives a cheap and effective way to destroy micro-organisms from layers and air. That thing will help to keep organisms away from offices and other places. The UV-radiation is most effective against viruses that have no chance to protect their genomes outside the cell. 

The researchers can use deep UV-C radiation. Along with ultraviolet lasers to destroy microorganisms from all layers. And that thing can used to sterilize food. 

Because radiation kills bacteria and viruses that prevent things like food poisoning. The fact is that the UV-C dose must be high enough that it destroys bacteria and viruses. If the radiation dose is too low that thing makes the bacteria and virus population more resistant to the UV-C radiation. 

"L: The reactor No. 4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, covered with a sarcophagus. R: A wolf crosses a road in a forest in the 30 km (19 miles) exclusion zone around the Chernobyl nuclear reactor near the abandoned village of Dronki, Belarus. Getty Images Europe/Reuters"(BusinessInsider, Wolves in the Chernobyl radiation zone developing resistance to cancer, says study)

In the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site, the animals created protection against cancer and radioactive radiation simple way. Radiation destroyed all animals that couldn't resist cancer. The high radiation level removed all individuals that couldn't resist cancer. And that left only animals that could resist cancer alive. That thing caused the situation that the cancer-resistant genomes enriched in the population. This means that animals can create resistance against cancer and radioactive fallout. 

When we think of virus populations. Too low a UV-C dose can cause a situation in which only viruses that can resist the UV radiation are left. That means that only those UV-C-resistant viruses are left to cause infections. 

The resistance against antibiotics forms in a similar way. Antibiotics destroy individuals who cannot resist it. And only the individuals that can resist antibiotics are left. This is the reason why researchers investigate ways to replace antibiotics in large-scale sterilization operations. If the antibiotic dose is too small the bacteria can create resistance against it. The problem is that the UV radiation dose acts the same way as antibiotics. If the dose is too small, the creature can turn resistant against it.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Carrington- and Tunguska events are interesting because they are unique.

"The Carrington Event of 1859, a massive solar storm, was recently studied through radiocarbon concentrations in tree rings, revealing new insights into solar activity and its effects on Earth. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Solar Storm Secrets Unveiled: Tree Ring Evidence From the 1859 Carrington Event)

The Carrington event of 1859 was the strongest magnetic storm in history.  

Researchers at the University of Helsinki research the extraordinarily strong magnetic, or solar storm from the year 1859. The case called Carrington Event was the most powerful solar storm in history. And the main question is what caused that corona mass eruption (CME)? Researchers try to find remnants of those particles from the trees of Finnish Lappland. And maybe they found an answer: what caused that unique, extraordinarily strong magnetic storm?

Was it some kind of electromagnetic burst? Or was it some kind of antimatter particle? And why did that event happen only once? 

The Carrington Event was one of the most powerful solar storms in history. The reason for that phenomenon is a mystery. The reason for those extraordinarily bright northern lights in the year 1859 is suspected caused by the Corona mass eruption (CME) that impacted Earth's magnetic field. But the thing that caused this CME effect is a mystery. Sometimes. Some researchers think that GRB (Gamma-Ray Burst) or some other high-energy radiation impulse or things like antimatter impact the sun in that year. 

The thing that made the Carrington event interesting is that it happened only once. There is no evidence of such kind of eruption after that day. The astronomer named Carrington reported that before those northern lights, he saw the extraordinarily bright flare. And that thing is one of the things that support the theory of high-energy wave-impact on the Sun. The thing that made this event interesting is that it happened only once. 

Tunguska Event on 30 June 1908. 

The Tunguska event in 1908 was one of the most mysterious explosions in history. The reason for that explosion was probably some kind of meteorite that detonated in the atmosphere. The Tunguska event is still today visible in the forest. The ground zero is still clean from trees. And the question is why that meteorite detonated in the atmosphere. Nobody saw that explosion. 

Because it happened a long way from villages and cities. One explanation for why that meteorite left no trace is that it was ice, covered by cosmic dust. That dust could isolate that methane or some other non-water ice. When that meteorite traveled to the atmosphere the dust protected the ice from the heat. And when dust disappeared that ice, whose temperature was less than -100 degrees impacted with heat that was tens of thousands of degrees. 

That suddenly vaporized this ice, and then the expanding steam pushed air away forming a vacuum. Then pressure made that bubble fall. Impacting air molecules formed an intensive heat that released energy. That is calculated over 3-30 mt. TNT. The event caused about three human victims. And an event destroyed large forest areas. 

Some eyewitnesses said that the fireball changed its route. And the dusty ice meteorite can explain that thing. The dust can burn off asymmetrically which causes a change in the aerodynamic form of that meteorite. 

In some other versions, the meteorite was magnesite. There could trapped antimatter in that hypothetical meteorite. When that meteorite burned away the antimatter touched air. And then it detonated causing a huge explosion. The fact is that nobody knows what exploded over the Inhabitat tundra in Siberia on that day, 30 June 1908.

Monday, April 8, 2024

This quasar rewrites galactic rules.

"Researchers using the Chandra X-ray Observatory discovered that the supermassive black hole in quasar H1821+643 is less influential in controlling its surrounding gas and star formation than expected. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Defying Expectations: The Quasar That’s Rewriting Galactic Rules)

The quasar H1821+643 rewrites black holes and other material interactions in galaxies. The quasar H1821+643 interacts with its entirety, and that is a so-called dominating object. But dominance between that quasar end especially the supermassive black hole and its environment is lower. So the black hole doesn't dominate its environment as much as it predicted. 

This means that black holes' spin can cause an effect that black hole spins empty. The situation means that a black hole creates a small area around it that isolates it from the environment. In that model, there is sometimes a vacuum near a black hole that the black hole is not in contact with its material disk all the time. 

In some other models, the fast spin of a black hole affects the material energy level that material near the event horizon turns so hot, that it can affect the black hole's energy interaction. So high-energy plasma could cut or affect the black hole's gravitational interaction. 

All black holes have gravitational interaction. But the high-energy transition or material disk around the black hole also pushes material away from the black hole. Also, black holes relativistic energy ray transports energy out from black holes. A black hole's relativistic jet may involve a wormhole. 

And if that relativistic jet hits to object that is dense enough, that thing can even turn another object into a black hole by pressing it through its magnetic field. Understanding black holes and their shape allows us to understand things like the Big Bang. 

If dark matter is a so-called stable quasiparticle. That would revolutionize understanding of material and its form. So can those hypothetical stable quasiparticles exist near black holes? 

The black holes can also interact with dark matter. In modern models, black holes pull dark matter inside it. And that thing means that they should give us data about dark matter. Part of dark matter may be so-called quasi- or pseudoparticles. But there could be some, yet unknown particles. So the black holes can give tips on what kind of thing is dark matter. If so-called stable quasiparticles are possible, that could change our way of thinking about the material. 

What are black holes? 

What are black holes? They are shadows. When a gravitational field pulls something into the black hole it will not pull particles. It sends counter radiation to the electromagnetic field. The name of that radiation is the gravitational radiation. The gravitational radiation travels through the impacting electromagnetic fields. And that takes their energy out of them. That forms a lower energy area at the side of the gravity center. 

That means outcoming energy drives particles into the gravity center. The outcoming energy travels faster than the particle forming a quantum shadow at the side of the gravity center. That electromagnetic shadow pulls particles into the black hole. The thing that denies the gravitational effect is that somebody fills that shadow. If the system can fill that shadow it can break the gravity. 

This thing causes an idea, that a material's energy level has some kind of influence on gravity interaction. That can mean that the gravity effect is lower when an object's energy level is higher. The thing in this case is the high energy level will resist the gravitational interaction on the side of the gravity center. The idea is that the gravity waves have a very short wavelength. And they will travel through photons or other objects and electromagnetic radiation. And that thing takes those photon's energy levels to a lower level. So gravitation affects into gravitational center's environment. Not to particle. 

The idea is that opposite-traveling gravity waves take energy from incoming radiation. And that forms the gravity pool that pulls objects into the gravitational center. So the high-energy particle creates radiation or wave movement that makes it kick against the lower-energy particles in the gravitational pool. 

The idea is the same as in a river. Gravitation is like a river that transports particles with it. Energy travels to the gravitational center. And that makes the gravity center colder than its environment. The particle's energy level must be high enough that it can push against those particles that travel to the black hole. 

The thing that makes gravitation function is the shadow that forms at the gravity center's side. The outside energy will push the particle into the black hole. The thing that the particle must do is create so a high energy level that it can fill that shadow.

Christmas is here.

Christmas is here. Now it is Christmas night. The night should be the celebration of mercy. But sometimes that thing causes trauma. Christma...