Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The rogue waves are one of the most interesting phenomena in the oceans.

 The rogue waves are one of the most interesting phenomena in the oceans. 

Rogue waves are unpredicted very high waves. Those waves look like Tsunamis that are forming in undersea earthquakes. Tsunami rises when waves reach the shoal and the water must rise over it. That means tsunamis are dangerous only on shores and shoals. 

The rogue wave doesn't seem to have a connection with volcanoes or underwater earthquakes. And most of those waves are seen outside the shoals. That means the rogue waves can be very surprising. 

In some models, rogue waves form when the water pulse that travels near the bottom of the sea suddenly impacts some kind of underwater hill or mountain. If the high-speed water layer impacts underwater hills, that rises water to the surface. And that thing can form a giant wave, that seems coming from nowhere. When a high-speed water pulse travels underwater water pressure will not let those water molecules release their energy to up. 

"Scientists have employed artificial intelligence to analyze over a billion waves spanning 700 years, leading to a groundbreaking formula for predicting rogue waves. This study, which transforms vast ocean data into an equation for rogue wave probability, challenges previous theories and offers significant implications for maritime safety. The research’s accessibility and AI’s role in enhancing human understanding mark a significant advancement in the field. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitchDaily.com/Navigating Maritime Monsters: AI Formula Cracks the Code of Rogue Waves)

The thing that forms the horizontally moving water pulse can be some kind of underwater volcano eruption, that happens a long way from the point, where monster waves are visible. In some other versions, the deep sea whirl collapses. This thing forms the standing wave, and then that effect forms the giant waves. There is the possibility that giant waves form when a large mass of methane is released from the bottom of the sea. 

That giant bubble will push lots of water away. And then water falls back to the bottom causing a giant wave. In Wikipedia are many more possibilities that can form those monster waves, which are unpredicted and destructive phenomena. In some stories, there is an ultra-high water statue at the point, where giant waves are seen first time. But that story is not confirmed. 

In some theories, the cryovolcanoes on distant moons and rogue waves have similar origins. 

There are many theories about the form of the rogue waves. In one version the whirl in Earth's magma forms a magnetic whirl. Then that whirl makes water molecules rotate and that thing forms a whirl, that collapses sooner or later. That collapsing whirl causes reflection where water molecules jump back. And that can be one version of rogue waves. 

And then. That channel causes a similar effect as some cryovolcanos. Water jumps out of that point. Then the filling pothole forms a quake that forms a giant wave. Maybe, there is no only one reason, why those surprising monstrous waves can form. There can be multiple reasons why clear water above deep-sea suddenly comes with giant waves that can destroy even modern ships.                    

In the wildest models, the wormholes or some kind of magnetic pikes push the water molecules up. There is a theory that things like antimaterial annihilation can be behind those waves. In that model, some kind of underwater static electric impulse or underwater lightning can form antimatter when an electron hits things like a proton. That can form a couple of anti-electrons. And then that thing can cause detonation. 




Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Only 1% less sleep increases senior brain risk of dementia.

    Only 1% less sleep increases senior brain risk of dementia. 

The thing that makes this study interesting is that it can uncover Alzheimer's mechanisms. There is a possibility that dementia is a metabolic disease. When a person gets less sleep neurons cannot recover themselves.

Traffic noise and waking up too long act like some kind of nerve gas. Neurons can't remove their adjustment during the night. And that thing makes it possible for neurons to get tired. That means neurons have no time to load new fresh neurotransmitters during sleep. And that thing causes overactivity in neurons. 

The neuron doesn't have time to remove its metabolic productions. This can be one reason for the deadly plague that is visible in Alzheimer patient's brains. That plaque isolates neurons from each other. There could be many things that can cause Alzheimer's. And one of them is that metabolic waste starts to fill the cell.

There is a possibility that those metabolic produces deny the neuron's axons' actions. This is one thing that explains why the cleaner cells don't remove plaque between neurons. And sooner or later the plaque isolates the neuron. Then the neuron cannot get nutrients and it dies. That starts death in other neurons. 

This can be one version of dementia's last period. The plaque plays a vital role in Alzheimer's disease. Plaque itself may cover neurons or their support cells closing the ion pumps and causing death. 

The plaque itself causes changes in the needed quantity of neurotransmitters. The neuron must send more neurotransmitters through plaque. And that causes the mental overreaction that we see as anger. This is one version of the Alzheimer's. 


Sunday, December 10, 2023

The problem with exomoons. They are hard to detect.

 The problem with exomoons. They are hard to detect. 

Knowing that exomoons exist and confirming that are two different things. Exomoons are moons and dwarf planets orbiting exoplanets in distant solar systems. And when we make models about those distant solar systems, we use our solar system as the model. Most of the planets in our solar system have moons. So that means moons should be a very common thing in other solar systems. 

The exception is gas giants that are very close to their star. Their moons will fall into the star or vaporize because of intensive heat. But in some visions, the gas giant can have a moon similar to Earth. And that kind of moon could be an excellent place for intelligent lifeforms. 

The problem with exoplanets is that they are hard to find. And their moons are far more difficult to find. The exoplanet itself must change its trajectory. Or there must be some kind of changes in reflection. The exomoon must be so massive, that it can cause changes in the exoplanet's trajectory. Or the reflection from the exoplanet must be stable enough, that those things can help to find exomoons. Confirming its existence requires complete knowledge about the brightness of the planet. And how a star's brightness changes during an overpass. 

"Astronomers have detected a second exomoon candidate (depicted in blue) orbiting a giant exoplanet (right) more than 5,000 light-years from Earth. (Helena Valenzuela Widerström/ https://edition.cnn.com/2022/01/13/world/exomoon-second-candidate-scn/index.html)

That means those measurements can used by benefiting the star itself or the exoplanet's reflection. When that hypothetical moon and exoplanet are in a position where both cover the planet and its star, that causes changes in the star's brightness. That means the star goes dimmer than usual. But that requires that space telescopes make intensive measurements. 

And if we want to search Earth-type planets that can host lifeforms the work is very hard. Even if the planet makes an overpass in a G-2-type yellow star, that overpass is hard to detect. Detecting Earth-size planets is very hard when the star is bright. The brightness of the star covers its planetary system. And the distance to the star is long if that planet has liquid water. That means that if the planet's trajectory is oblique, that denies the overpass. And the planet is not possible to detect. 

Sunspots or starspots can cause differences in other star's brightness. And that thing means that the false alarm of exoplanets can caused by those sunspots or starspots. Also, other stars have sunspots, and those sunspots can believed as exoplanets.  

Seeing those moons is difficult. If we use again our solar system as a model, most moons are small irregular-shaped objects. And that means we still find new moons in our solar system. When we talk about exomoons, we should divide those moons into two categories. 

1) Large and regular-shaped moons that affect their planets by gravity and tidal forces. Those moons are like Earth's moon or Titan's moon of Saturn. The problem is that, if the moon orbits a gas giant it is hard to detect especially if the gas giant is hotter than its moon. In that case, the infrared radiation from the hot gas giant or brown dwarf can cover the planet under it. 

2) Small and irregular-shaped moons that do not affect their planet, except if those small, possibly potato-looking objects fall to the planet. Those small objects cannot form tidal waves. And that means they are meaningless. 

The most well-known "potato moons" are Mars' moons Phobos and Deimos. Those moons have no big tidal wave effect on Mars. 

But irregular moons also act as shepherds in Saturn and other gas giants' ring systems. That means other planets with surrounding ring structures should have shepherd-moons in the distant solar systems. 

So the problem is this. If the planet is a gas giant even a massive moon will not give a strong enough gravitational effect, that researchers can recognize it. The exoplanet that has moons should be quite distant from its star. That makes it difficult to see its moons. 

Because the star itself is very weak if the planet does not travel just between Earth and the star, it doesn't cause differences in the star's brightness. Most exoplanets are found near red dwarfs. Red dwarfs are dim stars and exoplanet that makes overpass or travels between Earth and that star causes changes in its brightness. 

And that means the exoplanet with moons is a very cold and dark place. A brighter star's brightness covers those exoplanets below their shine. And that means it's hard to measure changes in a star's brightness when the planet overpasses it. Without that overpassing exoplanets are hard to detect, because they don't cause changes in the star's brightness. 





Saturday, December 9, 2023

Gravitation without quantum part II

   Gravitation without quantum part II

I write about black holes in this text because the gravitational effect of the black hole is so extreme. Similar effects but in weaker form surround all gravitational centers. 

We can think of a gravitational effect as a thing that depends on the spinning speed of the object. We can use black holes as an example. When black holes spin, they form a similar-looking structure as a top. Spinning object interaction with quantum fields looks like the situation where we spin a stick in the dough. 

That spinning object makes the whirl-looking structure around it. Then the poles of that spinning object pull particles to its poles. There leaves the energy stick called a relativistic jet. So if antigravity exists it exists only at the point of the relativistic jet.  And that means antigravity could exist but its area is very small if we want to compare it with pulling gravitational effect. 

In the case. That the black hole has no singularity. That means it's a so-called vacuum hole. There is a standing wave in the middle of the vacuum. And that radiation acts like a laser. Quantum fields that come outside the black hole's event horizon increase that standing wave's energy level. And that thing forms relativistic jets that transport energy out from the vacuum. 

Anyway does the black hole have singularity or not the interaction between that beam that travels in the event horizon similar? In the case that singularity exists the beam comes out from its poles. The thing that feeds that thing and keeps the singularity rotating or maintains the standing wave is energy that comes outside the black hole. The relativistic jet transports energy out from the black hole. There is a very low energy or cold area inside a black hole. And that cold area pulls other quantum fields inside it. 

The reason why we cannot see black holes is that. This diagonal of an event horizon's space transports all information to the black hole's poles which are its rotational axle. 

So the gravitational effect is like water. When the quantum field falls into the black hole, the central structure transports it in one direction. Or two directions. If black holes as poles. That structure pierces the black hole's gravitational field inside the event horizon. When wave movement hits that diagonal structure it increases its power. This phenomenon looks like a laser. 

A relativistic jet is a key element in a black hole's extreme gravitation. That monstrous energy beam acts like a heat pump. That jet transports energy out from the area inside the event horizon. This jet makes the black hole a "cold point". We cannot see a black hole, because the relativistic jet transports energy. wave movement, and information. To the point, where the relativistic jet goes out from the black hole. That means there is no straight reflection back to the observer. 

Friday, December 8, 2023

Cosmic fission tells about information about heavy elements.

 Cosmic fission tells about information about heavy elements. 

Cosmic fission or natural fission in the cosmos tells about heavy elements near other stars. When heavy elements like uranium and radium split, they send radioactive radiation, like alpha, beta, and gamma particles. Alpha particles are positive helium ions. 

Beta particles are fast electrons. And gamma-particle is electromagnetic radiation. Gamma rays are high-energy radiation that source in electron-positron annihilation and other high-energy reactions. 

Temperature and impacting electromagnetic radiation affect fission and critical mass. When temperature rises a critical mass decreases. Critical mass means the point of the radioactive material mass where the fission reaction turns self-sustaining. When radioactive material's mass rises higher than critical mass, that turns fission self sustain. 

"New research suggests cosmic fission may play a role in the formation of heavy elements. Analysis of old stars revealed a correlation between light metals and rare earth nuclei, indicating the production of superheavy nuclei beyond the known periodic table. This finding confirms theories of cosmic fission and suggests the existence of elements with an atomic mass of 260, expanding our understanding of the cosmos." (ScitechDaily.com/Astrophysical Breakthrough: “Incredibly Profound” Evidence of Nuclear Fission Across the Cosmos)

Are brown dwarfs so-called hyper-Jupiters? 

In this model, brown dwarfs have a solid nucleus. And that begins fusion too early. 

The large mass of radioactive material that collects gas shells can explain why brown dwarfs are failed stars. When the gas shell falls to that radioactive nucleus, it accelerates the fission inside the core. That radiation pushes fusion material outwards. And that denies the formation of stars. The fusion starts too early in brown dwarfs and blows the gas away. 

Fission stars are one of the most fascinating things in the universe. Those "stars" would be very large uranium bites. The object called Teide 1 is close to being that kind of star. Teide 1 is a so-called brown dwarf and it might have a solid radioactive nucleus with a fusion shell. When the fusion reaction pushes that strange object's gas shell outward. That expansion stops or slows fusion. 

And then the pressure and temperature raises, and then the fusion in that brown dwarf's shell starts to accelerate. But there may be uranium asteroids or even planets where there is so much uranium that natural nuclear fission that covers the entire planet is possible. Even on Earth is one natural nuclear reactor at Gabon. And that causes an idea that maybe there are planets where the same phenomenon exists but on a larger scale. 

And then...

The alien hunters seek nuclear fission for researching alien spacecraft and other technosignals. The fusion and antimatter rockets, as well as, ion rockets require lots of energy. The antimatter and fusion rockets require some other power source to start the engine. 

The powerful lasers that ignite fusion and particle accelerators that create antimatter require some powerful energy source. The fact is that the spacecraft's nuclear fusion is not necessarily self-sustaining. The fission reactor can maintain fusion even if it cannot turn self-sustaining. 

And in those crafts fission reactors can play a good role. Same way ion engines require an effective energy source. And fission reactor is one solution, that can give trusted energy. The fission reactor is not necessary for ion and antimatter engines. The particle accelerators that those systems require can use solar power. But solar power is far more limited than fission reactors. And this is why nuclear fission in space is an interesting thing. 




Saturday, December 2, 2023

The sonic boom is a weapon.

    The sonic boom is a weapon. 

The Soviet Union created many interesting aircraft designs. One of the interesting designs was the M-25 "Hell Reaper". The aircraft used a sonic boom as a weapon. The "Hell Reaper" didn't have any other weapons. Then the sonic boom. The idea was that low-flying supersonic aircraft could make sonic booms, that could destroy large areas. The reason why the "Hell Reaper" project closed was that there were no engines that could make that thing possible. 

In some visions, the MiG-21, MiG-25, and MiG-31 were planned to be used in the same role as Hell Reaper. Today MiG-31 is used to shoot hypersonic Kh-47M2 Kinzhal missiles. To reach hypersonic speed the missile requires the MiG 31 carrier-launcher. The MiG-31 accelerates to its top speed and then launches the hypersonic missile. 

Otherwise, Kinzhal cannot reach that hypersonic speed. The system is technically interesting, but it's more conventional and limited than expected. Radar is removed from those weapon carriers. And they must fly without any other armament than hypersonic missiles. The A-50 command platform controls the launch and the pilot must aim that missile very accurately, which makes it difficult to use. In the future, the A-100 AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning and Control) aircraft will replace the A-50 aircraft. The A-100 is planned to enter service in 2026. 

The thing that the Soviets overemphasis the speed of those aircraft at the expense of other features tells that speed has a big role in those systems. Also, their limited armament tells that they might use sonic pressure as their prime weapon. The idea could be that the interceptor accelerates to top speed, and then dives against the enemy. When speed remains in high supersonic at low altitudes, the aircraft and its missiles can make sonic pressure waves that have deadly effects. 

The remarkable thing is that the M-25 has a similar outlook as the Nazi-shuttle "Sibervogel" which was created under the control of the SS. The "Sibervogel" ever flew. But that system could be even more deadly than some jet fighters and Ho-229 "flying wing". The Sibervogel could used as "super V-1". But luckily for the world that project halted in 1945 when war ended. 

So was "Sibervogel" planned to act as "Hell Reaper"? Hypersonic technology brought the idea of using sonic booms as a weapon back on the table. The space shuttle that dives back into the atmosphere with hypersonic speed could cause a sonic pressure wall that pushes other aircraft back to the ground. The idea is that the hypersonic plane would fly against incoming aircraft and then the sonic boom hits those planes. Also, hypersonic missiles and other ammunition can make that sonic boom that can change the game. 










The story of the oldest pyramid in Indonesia got a new turnaround and controversy.

    The story of the oldest pyramid in Indonesia got a new turnaround and controversy. 

A long time before Egyptian sculptors made sphinx and pyramids nature made those places. For some reason those naturally formed, extraordinary-looking places turn holy. And then Sumerians and Egyptians started to make their pyramids. Those natural pyramids were holy places for people. 

I know there will be a lot of "maybes" in this text. Indonesian archeologists said, that the Gunung Padang Pyramid is the oldest in the world. And that thing caused controversy. "We all know that Djoser's pyramid or Pyramid of Djoser in Egypt is the oldest". Or rather saying Djoser's pyramid is the oldest existing pyramid. There were some pyramids in Mesopotamia, maybe before Egypt. 

South and Central American Indians built pyramids. But did Egyptians teach that skill to them?  And that thing can tell something about trade routes from the past. There are also suspected pyramids in Antarctica and Bosnia. 

Geologists believe that Bosnian pyramids least partially natural. And if the Antarctean pyramids are man-made, the Bosnian pyramids follow the same building method. However, the Antarctic pyramids are not confirmed to be man-made. The building method in those Bosnian cases was that builders found some suitable hills and then modified them to a pyramid form.

Were Bosnian pyramids some kind of fake Egypt for Roman noblemen? That thing would make it possible to create fake glory for those people, and then if they rise against the Emperor, that thing gives a good excuse for the arrest and execution of those competitors. 

Image above. Giza pyramids and Sphinx. Who made the first pyramids? Nobody knows. 

In some other theories, Romans made those pyramids. The idea is that the place was "mini Egypt" for emperors and wealthy Romans so that they could tell stories about the journeys. Bosnia was close enough to Rome that those people were under control. Military service was the duty of Romans, and that's why somebody wanted to pay, that they would not die in battles. 

So maybe, those pyramids were made to make stories about distant Egypt which was a very exotic place in ancient Rome. At that time there was no GPS and flight routes.

So maybe, the emperor used those fake stories to control his closest men. The fake story would be a good reason to arrest the emperor's competitors. And execute them.  Then we must think: did those people who used that hypothetical Mini Egypt know themselves that they would have some fake merits?

There is the possibility that Bosnian pyramids are naturally formed structures. But there is also the possibility that some people have modified those hills. If those hills are giant sculptures, made by humans that thing makes it impossible to determine their age. In some theories, ancient Bosnians visited Egypt. There they saw pyramids, and then they decided to make them bigger. Just by modifying a couple of hills, to look like pyramids. 

As well as, modern archeologists think that the Great Sphinx in Giza was created by natural erosion, and then sculptures made the head and paws for that thing.  Why did they choose that stone? Nobody knows. 

But if the Gunung Padang pyramids are man-made and as old as Indonesians claim that would be a sensation. And then there is great controversy. As we know many things cause discussions. And Indonesian 27000-14000 years old pyramid is the thing, marked as pseudoscience. Or at least, that article is marked by so-called nationalism archeology. That article caused criticism, and somebody said that it was not peer-reviewed, as it should be. 

If somebody says that Gunung Padang is 27000-14000 years old, that time scale is very long. So is Gunung Padang the oldest pyramid on Earth? That's a good question. The discussions about the oldest pyramid continue forever. Even if the Gunung Padang was built in 45 BC. That thing causes interesting thoughts about that pyramid's origin.  Even if, it's made in 45 BC. That thing makes it interesting. 

But as we know, all new things, said or written against public understanding cause discussions. And that discussion is a very important thing. When we learn something at school, the thing. What we learn is based on knowledge. That writers have at that moment. And then comes new information. Discussions of the pyramids continue. 








Friday, December 1, 2023

New research links smoking to mental disorders.

  New research links smoking to mental disorders. 

Researchers have linked cigarettes with mental illness. But the question is does smoking itself cause mental problems? Or is smoking a cause of mental problems? 

Nicotine itself stimulates neurons. And if that stimulation continues for a long time. That can cause changes in neural functions. When nicotine stresses neurons in the pleasure center in the brain they send neurotransmitters. That thing causes nicotine addiction. 

Smoking and often nicotine dose causes those neurons to send neurotransmitters all the time. This thing causes non-normal stress in the brain. And if some brain area starts to operate abnormally way, that is not a good thing for brains. 

"A new study indicates a link between smoking and an increased risk of mental illness. Utilizing data from the UK Biobank, the research suggests smoking may contribute to depression and bipolar disorder, with genetic factors playing a significant role. The findings imply a potential impact of nicotine on mental health and raise considerations for policy changes in cigarette sales." (ScitechDaily.com/New Research Links Smoking to Greatly Increased Risk of Mental Illness)

Hectic jobs with high salaries, where there is minimum training, high stress levels, and things like amphetamine and cocaine can have a connection. If the person who works as a salesman doesn't make a profit that means failure. 

Failures are not accepted in those jobs. In some companies, there is a competition motivator for salesman work. How good a salesman person measured by the money or profit that salesman brings to the company. If a salesman doesn't bring money, that means failure. 

The worst salesman will divorced after a certain period.  And there are lots of people who want to get high-paying jobs with comprehensive school education. That causes the person to be afraid of failure and make too long working days. That causes stress. 

Stress causes mental problems. And sometimes, that drives a person into alcohol and drug addiction. 

When a person can earn millions of dollars in minutes, and they don't require any education sometimes causes a need to test things like amphetamine. 

Maybe nicotine itself is not a very bad thing, but if a person uses lots of alcohol and some other drugs like amphetamine or cocaine at the same time, that can boost nicotine's effect on brain functions. 

But if we think that smoking is the result of mental problems we must understand one thing. Mental problems cause drinking and other intoxicant problems. And in those societies where people drink alcohol and use drugs cigarette smoking is a very usual behavior. 

Anyway, we must understand that if a person starts smoking at an adult age, that tells something about problems in private life. That thing can be high-stress levels and things like misuse of some medicals or other drugs. Stress is also connected with the use of alcohol and drugs.  If a person uses amphetamine to cope at work, that thing brings smoking into their life. 


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

How is lack of financial planning linked with a higher risk of death?

    How is lack of financial planning linked with a higher risk of death?

When we are looking at risk persons who have bad risk management and who take non-necessary risks too often, we need some kind of indicators that we can use to select those risk persons. The people who take unnecessary risks like driving too fast also have an attitude, that they can avoid everything boring. 

And financial planning is a boring thing. So lack of financial planning may raise the risk of death. And if that is true, that thing is connected with a bad lifestyle, too much sugar, and other things, like drinking too much alcohol. 

"A new study shows that older individuals who engage in long-term financial planning have a lower risk of death, suggesting a link between proactive financial habits and improved health outcomes, particularly for those with lower socioeconomic status." (ScitechDaily.com/New Study: Lack of Financial Planning Linked to Higher Risk of Death)

Also, bad company can raise the possibility of dying prematurely. If authorities want to track risk persons, they need some indicators. And could lack of financial planning be one of those wanted indicators? 

Lack of financial planning is an interesting thing. Financial planning is one of the most boring things in the world. And if a person cannot concentrate on boring things that can tell that the person has some problems with concentration. The concentration problems can connected with ADHD and sometimes to alcohol and narcotics problems. Also, lack of concentration means lower education, which sometimes brings non-wanted actors into the person's life. 

The thing is that the lack of planning skills means that a person's lifestyle lacks a long-term approach. If a person lives "here and now" or the person's motto is "Carpe Diem" or living in the moment without worrying about tomorrow, that thing can cause very bad health problems. That lifestyle where a person lives like the last days, that thing can cause liver problems. Those people can also involve things like drugs and other kinds of non-wanted things.  


Saturday, November 25, 2023

How can an immortal jellyfish, "Turritopsis Dohrnii" help to extend human life?

   How can an immortal jellyfish, "Turritopsis Dohrnii" help to extend human life?

Bacteria are immortal. The reason for that is bacteria transfer their DNA to their descendants. And that means bacteria are full copies of their parent cells. Immortality in higher animals than single-cell bacteria is not a very usual thing. But there is one biologically immortal jellyfish. 

"Turritopsis Dohrnii" is a small, biologically immortal jellyfish. This small jellyfish has a great role in the research of aging. That jellyfish can take back its polyps form. And some insects have the same ability. During that process  "Turritopsis Dohrnii" removes things like zombie cells from its body. Removing zombie cells from the body helps slow aging and denies cancer. 

" If the T. Dohrnii jellyfish is exposed to environmental stress, physical assault, or is sick or old, it can revert to the polyp stage, forming a new polyp colony It does this through the cell development process of transdifferentiation, which alters the differentiated state of the cells and transforms them into new types of cells." (Wikipedia/Turritopsis dohrnii)

"Theoretically, this process can go on indefinitely, effectively rendering the jellyfish biologically immortal, although in practice individuals can still die. In nature, most Turritopsis Dohrnii are likely to succumb to predation or disease in the medusa stage without reverting to the polyp form. (Wikipedia/Turritopsis dohrnii). 

Turritopsis dohrnii (Pinterest)

Lifecycle of "Turritopsis Dohrnii" (https://www.scienceabc.com/Why Is Turritopsis Dohrnii Called The Immortal Jellyfish?)

Turritopsis dohrnii (Wikipedia/Turritopsis dohrnii)

The question is, what denies the DNA damage in that jellyfish? Immortality requires that the DNA will not damaged. And taking the polyp form back doesn't fix the DNA in that jellyfish. 

There is a process that makes Turritopsis Dohrnii able to keep its DNA in the condition that the jellyfish doesn't age as other animals. Things that normally cause DNA destruction are chemical and radiological stress that makes DNA oscillate, and that means the descendant cells will not get the same DNA as their parent cells. And only just-born human has complete DNA. 

The thing is that seawater protects sea animals from radioactive radiation like the sun's UV radiation. The problem is that Turritopsis Dohrnii is not the only animal that lives in seas. Other animals are aging. But the thing that makes this jellyfish interesting is that it's translucent. 

That means the structure of that animal doesn't absorb UV radiation more or less than other jellyfish that are mortal. The mechanism that keeps the DNA young is the thing that makes this jellyfish interesting. That mechanism can someday make it possible. That the human DNA will not turn older or be damaged. 

The process means that this jellyfish can create new cells. There is always the same DNA. The problem in human aging is that the human DNA is damaging. And if there is something that denies the damages in DNA that thing can open a new chapter in human history. There is a possibility that Turritopsis Dohrnii jellyfish has the DNA that is inside some kind of capsule that denies damage in that molecule. The thing is how this jellyfish denies DNA damage is interesting. And if we want to make humans immortal we must secure the DNA. And deny its damages in all situations. 




Friday, November 24, 2023

The benefits of bilinguals are big.

  The benefits of bilinguals are big. 

A bilingual person can do many things otherwise than other people. They have great cognitive focus, and they probably can "excel at shifting their attention between tasks more effectively than monolingual individuals, according to a study recently published in the journal Bilingualism: Language and Cognition".  (ScitechDaily.com/Bilingual Minds, Sharper Focus: The Cognitive Benefits of Speaking Two Languages)

A bilingual person can speak and understand two languages fluently. And we all know that this ability makes things like studies easier. But now researchers have noticed that bilingual persons have higher cognitive abilities than monolingual, average people. 

"A recent study indicates that bilinguals may excel at controlling attention and disregarding irrelevant information compared to monolinguals, potentially due to their regular language switching. This finding contributes to the understanding of cognitive flexibility and underscores the diverse benefits of learning a second language". (ScitechDaily.com/Bilingual Minds, Sharper Focus: The Cognitive Benefits of Speaking Two Languages)

Bilingualism is one of the greatest things that a person can have. It helps to understand other cultures and make relationships over language barriers. If that other language is English. That makes it possible to get information from a larger area than a monolingual person can. If a bilingual person speaks some other language like some native language that person can be an interesting actor in cultural research. 

Surprisingly, bilingualism has never been researched before. The surprising thing in this University of Florida's research is that bilingualism doesn't make learning slower. The thing that a bilingual person can change attention more effectively and faster than a monolingual person is surprise. Bilingualism may have some kind of connection with brain areas that control focus. 

The fact is that bilingualism is an ability that requires research. That thing might have a deeper effect on human cognitive abilities than nobody imagined before. And that thing, the ability to change languages fluently is a  very big benefit for the person with that ability. The language is a door to another culture. And we should benefit from that kind of thing. 


Wednesday, November 15, 2023

For the first time, researchers saw that a virus can infect another virus.

 For the first time, researchers saw that a virus can infect another virus. 

SciTechDaily describes the virus that infects another virus like this: 

"It’s known that some viruses, called satellites, depend not only on their host organism to complete their life cycle, but also on another virus, known as a “helper,” explains Ivan Erill, professor of biological sciences. The satellite virus needs the helper either to build its capsid, a protective shell that encloses the virus’s genetic material or to help it replicate its DNA." (ScitechDaily.com/Scientists Shocked by First-Ever Observation of a Virus Latching Onto Another – “I Can’t Believe This”)

That means the satellite virus or virus phage requires another virus to make descendants. And that thing can be the first time when researchers see, that virus infects another virus. The satellite virus does not go into a "helper". But it rides with it into the cell. In this text, the satellite virus is called a sub-virus. An interesting thing is: how those satellite or sub-viruses selcts their "helpers" or "carriers". 

"Researchers discovered a unique viral interaction where a satellite bacteriophage physically attaches to a helper bacteriophage. This groundbreaking finding, originating from what was initially thought to be a sequencing contamination, reveals a new type of viral relationship and suggests a long-term co-evolution between the two viruses".(ScitechDaily.com/Scientists Shocked by First-Ever Observation of a Virus Latching Onto Another – “I Can’t Believe This”) The question is: if the satellite virus separated from the "helper". How can it find that helper again? 

"This colorized transmission electron microscope image shows a newly discovered satellite virus latched onto its helper virus. This research represents the first time scientists have observed one virus attached to another. Out of 50 observed helpers, 40 had a satellite bound. Bioinformatic analysis of the satellite and helper viruses’ genomes provides clues as to why the satellite may have evolved to attach to the helper, and suggests this pair may have been co-evolving for about 100 million years. Credit: Tagide deCarvalho" (ScitechDaily.com/Scientists Shocked by First-Ever Observation of a Virus Latching Onto Another – “I Can’t Believe This")

Theories about sub-viruses or viruses that can infect another virus are interesting to read. Those virus-infecting viruses can make it possible to create new medicals against viruses.

The idea is that the mechanism that makes those sub-viruses or virus phages aim nanomachines or nanotechnical medicals at the viruses and destroy their DNA. The nanomachine that can called intelligent antivirus medicine can be the capsule that homes the targeted viruses. Then that nanomachine releases an enzyme that destroys the DNA that the targeted virus carries. 

The prime question is simple. How specific is that homing system that makes that virus phage search and infect another virus? And another interesting question is: can that ability extend to other antigens and viruses? If researchers can adjust that homing process, they can make the most powerful tool in nanotechnology than ever before. 

The sub-viruses or virus phages have been only theoretical level until now. The virus that infects another virus can be a revolutionary observation. The system that makes the sub-virus homing to host-virus would be an interesting thing. And then the system that makes this mechanism interesting is that the viruses have no metabolism that sub-virus can use as a homing system. The sub-virus that infects another virus is the thing that can make a revolution in nanotechnology. 

If researchers can extend that homing mechanism to nanomachine creation they can create the system that carries the nanomachine parts. And maybe those small carriers can be viruses that can search the objects that will not send chemical marks as cells. If researchers can adjust the molecules that make those viruses home to the wanted cells and expand that ability to all other proteins. That will make a revolution in medical- and nanomachine operations. 


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The mystery in the depth.

 The mystery in the depth. 

Oceans are full of mysteries. Why do sharks, tunas, and some other big sea predators dive very deep? Sometimes researchers introduced theories that they would dive to those depths because of easy food. The idea would be that those deep or those leap-layer fishes don't recognize those predators. That would give them a surprising momentum against their prey. 

The idea is that high pressure will press some dirt or metabolites from the blood vessels. And that helps those fishes keep their blood vessels young. And in some other models, the shark or some other creature shows that it will not have any genetic disorders. Because those deep-diving individuals have bones that can resist the water pressure. 

"New research using electronic tags and sonar data shows that large marine predators like sharks and tunas often dive into the deep mesopelagic zone, interacting with its dense layer of organisms for feeding and possibly other purposes. This zone is crucial for both ecological balance and commercial fishing, requiring careful study and conservation to prevent irreversible damage". (ScitechDaily.com/Unveiling the Mysteries: New Insights on Why Marine Predators Dive Into the Dark, Deep Sea)

That thing makes them good subjects for mating. In that model, the high water pressure would launch some kind of hormones that can tell the predicted mate that the individual is capable of making descendants with it. The deep diving behavior is a very interesting thing. And if researchers can calculate how many individuals make those deep dives? Does that tradition belong to the entire group? Or do only a few individuals participate in that thing? 

The next thing is interesting theory but confirmation is a very difficult thing. 

There are interesting tales about creatures that can change their form. and the fact is that we don't know how pressure affects fish. In some theories, some fishes can have a life cycle in that they will spend their entire life in surface or deep sea layers. When surface living fish makes its eggs. 

Those cubs will dive into the deep sea. And then the cubs of those creatures will rise to the surface. That thing should deny the genetic materials cumulation. The fact is that we don't know such species. But that thing denies fertilization with straight ancestors. And that separates two populations from each other. 


Saturday, November 11, 2023

For the first time in history, researchers trapped electrons in 3D crystals.

     For the first time in history, researchers trapped electrons in 3D crystals. 

Sometimes crystal skulls and Stonehenge were introduced and they were primitive quantum computers. In the crystal skull case. The operator puts crystal skulls into a ring around one skull or some crystal pike. Then that formation turns to operate as qubits. 

The fact is that trapping electrons requires a special 3D structure. And that means crystal skulls cannot operate as quantum computers. The writing of Stonehenge is below this text. 

The crystal brain. 

The ability to store and trap electrons in the 3D crystals opens new paths to superconduction and quantum computing. Flowing electrons can form excellent superconduction. But the problem is how to trap those electron chains into their position. The ability to trap electrons in the crystals is one answer to that problem. 

"The rare electronic state is thanks to a special cubic arrangement of atoms (pictured) that resembles the Japanese art of “kagome.” Credit: Courtesy of the researchers." (ScitechDaily.com/Unlocking Superconductivity: MIT Physicists Trap Electrons in a 3D Crystal for the First Time)

But another way to use electrons that are trapped in crystals is to use them as quantum computers. The electrons can be put in the quantum entanglement in that 3D structure. And that thing can form compact and powerful quantum computers that are used to control compact-size robots and other things. 

The quantum brain can be a more effective system than any quantum system before. The model of those systems is the crystal or quartz crystal there are trapped electrons or photon-electron combinations. The idea of the crystal brain is "stolen" from the famous crystal skulls. The electrons can trapped in the quartz crystal. 

The piezo-electric attribute in quartz crystal makes it possible to drive information to those electrons.  The system can transmit information to those crystal brains with mechanical stress that transforms into electricity in those quartz crystals. Those things cause ideas that who created the quantum computers? And fact is this. We can use things without knowing it's purpose.


In some theories, Stonehenge is the world's first computer. 

If the iron stick is in the N/S direction between magnetic poles. That position magnetizes it. Maybe Stonehenge was the system whose purpose was to magnetize iron. That thing could be an impressive thing in the prehistoric era. And maybe the magnetic north pole's position change caused Stonehenge to lose its magic power. That made the users of that system to reject it. 

The thing is that Stonehenge might have many purposes. There is the possibility that the same system acted as a calendar and ceremonial place. When we think about the positions of the stones we must remember that the magnetic poles. Those poles are required for magnetizing metals and maybe crystals. Magnetic poles changed their position from the times when Stonehenge was operational. 

And maybe the loss of magic caused Stonehenge rejected. If Stonehenge creators used that thing to magnetize iron they needed knowledge of where is the magnetic north pole. If those metal sticks are not in line between N/S poles that means the system cannot magnetize iron. 

In this wild theory, the druids or persons who operated the Stonehenge, whose purpose remains unknown used that megalithic stone ring as the tool that allowed them to connect their brains. 

Somebody introduced this thing as the model of a high-power computer that uses natural electricity. So I use this system as the name Stonehenge. And its users are called druids.  

Sometimes somebody sees some kind of qubit in Stonehenge's structure. The idea is that information is brought to that system through heel stones and port stones. Then the system harvests natural electricity for operation. But those things are only visions. The fact is that there are a lot of ancient wisdom that were ahead of their time. And that thing causes theories about Stonehenge's purpose. 

The fact is that the megalithic structure had some kind of purpose. It is not made for fun. And because stones for that stone ring are from a long distance. That thing causes ideas that are the purpose of those stones to act as a resonance tool. Because those stones were far away from their origin and their chemical construction is different than local stones. That allows to send resonance impulses through those stones that can be separated from the environment. 

The system that those operators used could be acoustic. Or based on headaches that transmit data to their brain in electric form. That explains the different colors in those stones. Each group of operators is marked with their colors. Then the system shares data with those operators in pieces, which makes the system very effective qubit. 

Then each group returned their answer to their part of the problem to the chorus. Then each singer sings the answer. That the color has given in their turn. And that allows the druids to collect that solution. 

The question is: was Stonehenge analog or did it use some acoustic or even electric method to transmit data into that ancient qubit? 

1) The operators can use paper bites. There were those papers cut in pieces and every circle of those druids thought the solution for the problem. Then the answers are connected to the middle of that system. 

2) In the acoustic version the system sends the oscillation into the operator's headlaces. Then that acoustic resonance system transmits data to those operators' ears. 

3) The piezo-electric crystals could transmit data to the operator's brain. And then the system can work highly secured. In those two last possibilities, the resonance guarantees that outsiders cannot hear those secrets. 

In some visions, Stonehenge is the world's first computer. This theorem seems very abstract and even ridiculous. But then we can start to look at the Stonehenge diagrams. The Altar Stone is in the North-South direction. And if we think that Stonehenge used natural electricity the position of the electric collector should be in the direction between the magnetic north and south poles. Not geological north and south poles. Then the information must drive to something that can store the wave movement. 

Then the crystals on the stones will receive that wave movement and then the druids or whoever operated that system could increase its power by giving mechanic, soundwave stimulation to those piezo-electric crystals. 

The idea is that the system is acting like a qubit. In some wilder thoughts, the druids connected their headaches with the crystal where the "program" stored in the form of the waves transmitting crystals in their brain. The idea is that the headaches transmit that data to those druid's or operators' brains. 

That explains the colors of the stones. Those colors allow the sorting and sharing of the data with each receiver group. This also guarantees that the operators cannot tell that operand to other people. Then the data travels between those druids. Finally, the system collects information in one package. That thing can happen by using a chorus where each circle will send the answer to the singer who represents a certain ring or color in that system. Then each singer tells the answer or their part of the answer in a series. 

Friday, November 10, 2023

Why was the 27,000-year-old Gunung Padang pyramid created? And who created that thing?

 Why was the 27,000-year-old Gunung Padang pyramid created? And who created that thing? 

Stonehenge (Illustration)

The term Cro-Magnon means Homo Sapiens that had no writing skill. Today this term is no longer in use as anthropological meanings. The Cro-Magnon is the common name for the oldest modern humans in Europe. But I use that term in this writing for meaning the early Homo Sapiens. 

The question in Gunung Padang-pyramid is, can this kind of project succeed without writing and mathematical skills? And the induction question is: what is the beginning of the civilization? When and who made the first cities? 

The oldest pyramid in Indonesia, called Gunung Padang makes Stonehenge and Great Pyramid look like new things. The age of the famous Stonehenge is about 3000 years. It was built about 2600-2400 B.C. The Great Pyramid was built in 2500 BC. So the Great Pyramid is about the same age as Stonehenge. 

"Simple reconstruction of Gunung Padang with all four units and their various burial levels. (Natawidjaja et al., Archaeological Prospection, 2023)" (ScienceAlert.com/Giant Pyramid Buried in Indonesia Could Be The Oldest in The World, Researchers Say)

Gunung Padang. (RaiyaniM/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 4.0)

"The megalithic stones seen on the surface of Gunung Padang. (Natawidjaja et al., Archaeological Prospection, 2023) (ScienceAlert.com/Giant Pyramid Buried in Indonesia Could Be The Oldest in The World, Researchers Say)

"Ancient skeletal remains from a 5,000-year-old mass burial site in Spain point to early warfare in Europe, occurring over 1,000 years before previously known large-scale conflicts. The study reveals high injury rates, with a disproportionately high percentage of males affected, suggesting an extended period of conflict, possibly several months. The reasons for the conflict remain uncertain, but potential causes include tensions between cultural groups during the Late Neolithic". (ScitechDaily.com/Revising History: Spanish Skeletons Point to a Forgotten European War 1,000 Years Earlier Than Thought)

Great Pyramid of Giza (Illustration)

But the Gunung Padang pyramid in Java island is older than those two famous landmarks. Maybe the Gunung Padang pyramid's creators exported that skill to Egyptians. But the question is always, why was the Gunung Padang pyramid created? Where its creators found the idea for that complex building. 

The age of that pyramid is about 20000 to 27000 years. The builders of that pyramid built it on the volcano. And we can say that maybe Cro-Magnon humans or early Homo Sapiens built that pyramid. The Cro-Magnons were at top of the human evolution just after the Neandertals. Cro-Magnon power time was 40000 years to 10000 years ago. And the construction of the pyramid happened when the first Homo Sapiens existed. 

The Indonesian pyramid is causing discussions about the birth of the culture. Who made the first cities? The first cities were not very impressive. They were stable villages near water. The Indonesian pyramid requires writing skills because complicated plans are impossible to accomplish if buyers cannot read. Writing skills mean the birth of a culture. And the culture is the thing that connects people. The culture is the thing that makes nations. 

But when the first stable buildings or pre-villages were created. Did Neanderthals have stable locations where they lived? The surprising thing is that Neanderthals were as intelligent as modern humans are. So they could have some kind of culture. But before the group can benefit from culture, they must have tools like writing skills. That they could transfer their traditions forward. 

The pyramid of Gunung Padang pyramid caused discussions where the people who made that pyramid sold that technology to Egyptians. If we think that pyramids mummify the body, there is the possibility that Gunung Padang could create that thing. In that model, anaerobic conditions with volcanic gasses could turn the body into a mummy. The fact is we know that Egyptians didn't create the idea of the pyramids. Somebody sold that thing to them. 

Another interesting question is who and why humans turn so violent. 5000-year-old mass burials in Spain tell about the ancient conflict. What drove people to that conflict, and is this thing the first war in human history? What caused that conflict? Why does that conflict turn and escalate through society? The first conflicts required society, that stand with the leaders. That old conflict from the pre-historic era tells us that wars are not new things. The question is what was the thing that defenders defended? Was that some kind of water source? 









Thursday, November 9, 2023

Project 8 measured the neutrino's mass.

    Project 8 measured the neutrino's mass. 

There are a couple of places, where neutrinos can used. However, the use of those particles requires full control of neutrinos. 

The ability to control neutrinos is also closer. The neutrino is the ultimate tool for the long-range quantum communication. However, making successful information transportation by using neutrinos requires that the system can catch neutrinos and then remove the information. 

Another way to use neutrinos is so-called neutrino photon rocket engines. Those systems accelerate neutrinos with photons. And those particles would give more thrust to the rocket. 

"Project 8 has innovatively used Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy to observe electron behavior in tritium decay, setting an upper limit for neutrino mass. This marks progress in a long-standing challenge in particle physics, with the potential to improve our understanding of the universe’s evolution." (ScitechDaily.com/Ghost Particle Unmasked: Project 8’s Neutrino Mass Breakthrough)

Project 8 measured the neutrino's mass. 

Now it's done. Neutrino's mass is measured. And that thing can bring the mystery of dark matter closer to unveil than ever before. The neutrino is a ghost particle that forms in nuclear reactions. The sun, nuclear reactors, particle accelerators, and some other things like supernovas form neutrinos. There are three types of neutrinos. Electron neutrino, Tau neutrino and muon neutrinos. 

The reason, why those light and weakly reacting particles are under intensive research is that they could give new information about the Universe. In some visions, the neutrinos are particles that are between visible material and dark matter. 

In the most exciting models, the neutrino is a particle that transformed from hypothetical WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). So if that thing is true, neutrinos are the key to the world of dark matter. 

In some visions, the neutrino is the particle whose origin is in hypothetical WIMP. In that model the hypothetical WIMP turns to neutrino and after that to some other elementary particle. 

In that model, the route from the WIMP to the subatomic particle could be WIMP that transforms to tau neutrino, then to muon neutrino, and then to electron neutrino, and then gluon, quark, or electron. During that process that small and maybe quite high-energy particle delivers energy to its environment. Finally, when a neutrino's mass or energy level is low enough, that thing makes that neutrino a stable part of the atom. But that is only one version of the neutrino theorem. 

Because neutrinos have mass they have a quantum gravitational field. The neutrino's mass is also opening the door to the dark matter. When researchers test the form of dark matter. They are searching for objects that they know very well. Then they calculate the visible material's mass and conclude what the object should weigh. And then the rest of the weight is the dark matter weight. 

That calculation is impossible if researchers don't know every particle's mass. And neutrino's mass makes the material's model more complete. The neutrino is a particle that can easily travel through planets. But sometimes it hits water molecules. And that forms the blue light shockwave. That interaction tells that neutrino has mass. For making a complete analysis of the targeted system the analyzer requires complete information about the system and all its participants' behavior. 







Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Can the universe be conscious?

 Can the universe be conscious? 

Intelligent universe is a philosophical model about the purpose of the universe.

The universe's consciousness or Intelligent universe theory is one of the most interesting philosophical ideas in history. The idea of that theory or hypothesis or model, how we can say those very big things depends on the writer or talker. The intelligent universe could be a network of black holes that form and oscillate at the same frequency. That network acts like a quantum computer. 

But could that kind of system form spontaneously? That is an interesting question. Or could there be some kind of civilization that could create a network of black holes? In that model the Einstein-Rose bridges between those black holes transport information between those black holes. And that thing forms the universe-size quantum computer. 

The intelligent universe is a philosophical model that is created to answer the question, what is the universe's purpose? And that thing causes one induction thought. That thought is this: could this kind of network of black holes serve some kind of civilization like "creator civilization"? 

Could it form spontaneously, or could some civilization have the technology to create that kind of data processing and information exchange tool? The intelligent universe as well as simulated reality. Or simulated Universe are interesting things. 

But the weakness in the last one is the motivation. Who would create the ultimate simulation called the universe? And if we live in a simulation, why and by whom that simulation created? But we must keep our minds open. 

Can the universe be conscious? Can it be a giant quantum computer? 

That is a good question. In some theories, the black holes form qubits through the wormholes. And that thing can turn the entire universe into a giant quantum computer. Black holes are excellent qubits. And if two black holes with different masses oscillate with the same frequency. That allows them to form the quantum entanglement. In that system gravitational waves or Einstein-Rose bridge called "wormhole" transports information between those two black holes. 

The idea is that there could be a universe-size network of black holes. And then we must ask another question: can that giant network affect humans or even individual planets? The model of that black hole network consists of thousands of billions of different size black holes from the hyper massive galactic-size black holes to the tiniest quantum-size black holes. 

The requirement for that network's existence is that those black holes oscillate at the same frequency. The intelligent universe theory is fascinating. But the problem is that this kind of intelligent organism is enormous. And if the intelligent universe is real, we probably need an enormous power to create a message that reaches this creature's consciousness. 

And we still cannot reach that energy level. The idea of an intelligent universe is interesting, but the universe is so big that maybe, it can affect only galactic-size entireties. So Earth or single planetary systems are too small for that creature. But those theories are interesting thinking games. The purpose of life is an interesting question. And the purpose of the universe is an even more interesting question. 

Is the universe's purpose just being? Being for nothing without purpose is something very interesting. That is one of the biggest things in philosophy. Can something exist without purpose? And if the purpose of existence is just to serve something very big, we must remember that very big must have some work for us. 

And that thing requires the ability to communicate with us. And if the universe is intelligent, we are facing another interesting thing. We are smaller things than atoms in that hypothetical creature's body. That creature will not see us. And then again, can we believe that the universe exists only for us? If it is really intelligent who made it? 



ESAs Euclid telescope unveils dark matter mystery.

  ESAs Euclid telescope unveils dark matter mystery. 

Dark matter means the gravitational effect that dominates the universe. Dark matter is the source of the largest gravitational background in the universe. The reason why researchers think that behind that gravitational effect is material is that the gravitational effect is stable. And the observations tell us that dark matter behaves like visible material. There are places in the universe where there is no dark matter. 

There are also places where dark matter dominates. There is a possibility that dark matter is standing gravitational waves. And that thing makes it possible to explain why only gravitational interaction between dark matter and other material is possible. If there is somewhere static gravitational wave that forms the gravitational effect, called dark matter that thing is interesting. 

"The ESA’s Euclid mission has shared its first high-resolution, full-color images of the Universe, showcasing the ability to map the cosmos in unprecedented detail. These images highlight the telescope’s readiness to embark on creating a comprehensive 3D map of the Universe, focusing on understanding the role of dark matter and dark energy." (ScitechDaily.com/Unveiling the Universe: Euclid’s First Images Illuminate Dark Matter Mysteries)

But how long those standing gravitational waves can remain? The fact is that: gravitational effects are not forming from emptiness. There is always some source for gravitational waves. It's possible. That gravitational waves can form black holes.  

Dark matter is a mystery. The material that only interacts with visible material through gravitation is a remarkable thing. 84,5% of material is so-called dark, which will not reflect, scatter or any other ways cause measurable interaction with visible material is 15,6 percent of the universe's material. 

68,3% of the universe is dark energy. And the rest of it is dark and visible material. Because dark matter has gravitational interaction with visible material.l It's possible that dark matter can form at least black holes.

It's possible that:

1) Hot Dark matter is material whose energy level is too high. That means it can't react with visible material. The idea is that the hot dark matter has a different form than visible material. And maybe some kind of energy needle can make energy travel past that material. 

X)Visible material. In that model, the dark energy is energy that comes from the dark matter. 

2) Cold dark matter that could be 2D material. The spin of the flat material that could look like very small skyrmions could be so high that it throws all radiation past it. 

Or could dark matter be quantum-size primordial black holes? 

The main problem with this model is this: why that matter cannot cause scattering? Why the only interaction with dark matter is through gravitation? And in some models, the dark matter consists of quantum-size black holes that pull energy and material inside them. That means quantum-size primordial black holes can still form the universe. 

Could dark matter be virtual material? 

*And in some other visions dark matter could be "flat" particles. The particles can be like small, but quite stable skyrmions. Those quantum skyrmions can be ring-shaped gravitational waves. And if there is some kind of quantum low-pressure in that ring-shaped superstring. That thing makes it possible that the only possible interaction between dark and visible material is gravitation. In this model, dark matter would be a virtual material that can form gravitational interaction. But in that model, there are no dark matter worlds. 

But it's possible that lighter objects. Like "dark matter" planets and stellar mass dark matter clouds or gobs can exist. That thing causes interesting ideas that maybe there is an entire dark universe with planets, stars, galaxies, and even lifeforms. There is the possibility that visible material is the material's energy level that is between energy levels of cold and hot dark matter. 

In this model, the hot dark matter energy level is so high that it cannot interact with visible material. Cold dark matter has so a low energy level that it cannot cause a reaction in visible material. And the thing that forms dark matter are WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). The interesting thing about WIMPs is this. Why those particles cannot interact? Or why their only interaction with visible material is gravitational? Maybe Euclid tells that thing to us. 




Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Where energy that formed the Big Bang come from?

    Where energy that formed the Big Bang come from? 

Are parallel universes real? 

"Mind you, there are other possible meanings to the phrase “parallel worlds,” and this logic doesn’t apply in those cases. So, it is not possible, merely based on scientific data, to make a global statement on the matter. But ruling out one conjecture is a start. Stepping over the bodies of discarded theories is how science progresses". (BigThink.com/Are parallel universes real?)

Where energy that formed the Big Bang come from? 

We all know chaos theory. Or the model where a butterfly that flaps its wings forms a whirl that turns into a hurricane. The idea is that is this. The disorder cannot form from emptiness. There must be something that causes the disorder by affecting the system. 

When the system is highly organized. The whirl harvests energy from it. And then it's power increases. On distant planets and Earth, the energy for those whirls like Neptune's dark spot comes from the sun. The difference in energy levels causes the situation where those massive hurricanes can remain almost forever. 

But in the time before the universe formed the whir. That formed the Big Bang got its energy from impacting superstrings that were extremely thin wave movement. The quantum friction between those superstrings formed energy that turned the system to the condition called the Big Bang. 

The disorder formed the Big Bang from a very highly organized system. Then some energy effect, the so-called "cosmic butterfly" created a whirl, that formed the Big Bang. But we know that without energy is not disorder. Only energy that comes outside the system can affect it. 

Above) In this model the primordial black holes formed first. And they caused disorder that formed first stars just after the first primordial black holes formed from cosmic whirls. (Image: Pinterest) 

The question about the Big Bang is where that material and energy came from. In some theories before the Big Bang were superstrings or some kind of wave movement. And then there was some kind of gravitational lensing that pulled those superstrings or wave movement in on point. That thing caused the vacuum or "zero point" in that wave movement. Then that zero-point collapsed, causing the explosion called the Big Bang. When that information or primordial energy fell in the middle of that bubble its energy level rose. 

And then that thing caused energy hill that started to fall. That thing caused the wave that formed material and the universe. The simplest explanation for that gravitational lensing is energy that came from another universe. The information was in order before the Big Bang. And the disorder in the system formed a very high energy level. When the system is highly organized  

Chaos theory says that even minimum disorder causes an effect that turns extremely strong. The idea is that when a butterfly flaps its wings at a certain point it forms a whirl. The whirl will turn stronger until disorder breaks it. So, before the Big Bang. The system that formed the universe was a very highly organized wave movement. And then something caused the whirl that formed the Big Bang. We know that the energy that causes this disorder cannot come from emptiness. So what caused that disorder? Where were the cosmic butterflies that formed the universe? 

Neptune with its dark spot.

How big can the black hole grow? The fact is that in stable conditions and highly organized systems, there are no limits to that growth. 

The fact is that we don't know if that thing is real. Parallel universes could explain things like ghosts and dark energy. But there are many other explanations for those phenomena. The evidence about the parallel universe can also be explained using some other examples. So at this point, we must say that we cannot say are those other universes true, and then we must realize that even if those other universes were real they might be different than our universe.

Parallel universes mean those hypothetical parallel universes are at another energy level or a higher (or other) dimension than our universe. That means radiation that those other universes send radiation that has so different wavelength than material as we know it that we cannot see that radiation or wave movement. The requirement is that the other universe is born different time than our universe. In this hypothesis, the other universes have the same particles as in our universe. 

But we can think that there are other explanations for ghosts and dark energy. Ghosts could be flashbacks from the past. So they could be a psychological phenomenon. When we see somebody often in a certain place, our brain thinks that the person is still in that usual place.

Space telescopes have seen multiple black holes in the young universe. There is the possibility that dark matter formed those strange supermassive black holes. And maybe those primordial black holes can explain the dark energy. When those black holes formed materials were different. And now those black holes vaporize and send information that is different from than material and information in our universe. 

Then we can offer another theorem for the dark energy. In that theorem, dark energy is energy and information stored in the supermassive black holes in the young universe. In that theorem, the first things that formed in the young universe were black holes that formed in gravitational interaction in quark-gluon plasma or before the quark-gluon plasma formed. Those primordial black holes pulled information inside them. And now they release it in the form we call dark energy. 




Christmas is here.

Christmas is here. Now it is Christmas night. The night should be the celebration of mercy. But sometimes that thing causes trauma. Christma...