Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Could neutrino someday prove the existence of other dimensions?

The neutrinos, mysterious travelers might be a key to next-generation quantum computers. But they might give a tip about the existence of mythic tachyons. Tachyon is the hypothetical faster-than-light object. The existence is that a particle is hard or even impossible to prove. The reason for that is simple. The first reason why that hypothetical particle remains, in theory, is that the tachyon could be the 4D particle. The tachyon cannot interact with regular material, because it's so fast and its energy level is so high, that interaction with 3D particles is impossible. 

But if we follow the model, where the tachyon is the 4D particle that makes the situation very interesting. The tachyon can, of course, interact with other 4D objects. So could tachyons be the reason why black holes are sending gravitational waves? There is the possibility that some kind of reflection creates those gravitational waves. 

"The neutrino view (blue sky map) in front of an artist’s impression of the Milky Way. Credit: IceCube Collaboration/Science Communication Lab for CRC 1491 Astronomical Messengers Reveal New View of Milky Way)

The only place in the universe where a hypothetical tachyon particle could interact could be a black hole. If the tachyon is real and it tries to travel out from the black hole, the massive gravity slows its speed. So could neutrino the remnant of the tachyon that lost its energy. 

Or in some other models, the event horizon is a standing gravitational wave. And then those tachyons impact with that standing gravitational wave. The interaction between the tachyon, and the gravitational field happens in the 4D space inside black holes. There is the possibility that Tachyon could escape from the event horizon. The gravitation of black holes breaks tachyons. When tachyons speed decreases. That thing turns the tachyon into a 3D particle. 

And that thing makes the game interesting. Are the mysterious "grey photons" called neutrinos the result of that reaction? The black hole pulls everything inside it. But there is something that causes the vaporization of the black hole. The thing, that we call vaporization is the energy flow that comes opposite direction from the black hole than any other wave movement type. 

That means something brings energy into the black hole that makes the black hole turn into wave movement. So could the source of that radiation be the tachyon, the hypothetical particle that could travel faster than the speed of light? The thing is this. Black Hole is the most extreme phenomenon in the universe. Its gravitation is so powerful that it can pull even light inside it. So why it cannot be the source of neutrinos?

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