Thursday, July 13, 2023

Gravitational waves can unveil the mystery of dark matter. But they also can tell why gravitation is so special.

The dark matter mystery is the thing that gravitational waves could solve. There is the model that the WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) can form dark matter or a mysterious gravitational effect. 85% of the existing material is dark and maybe gravitational waves are interaction between WIMPs. 

In some visions, there are two wavelengths of that gravitational waves. The other could be the gravitation in the form as we know it. And another could be the Higgs field. The idea is that a gravitational wave is a reflection from the center of the gravitational field. The reason why black holes send gravitational waves is that there is some kind of effect that sends a gravitational wave out from the black hole. 

Or maybe those gravitational waves are the result. Some kind of radiation comes out from the black hole's core and drums the event horizon which could be a standing gravitational wave. 

So gravitational waves form when two energy fields (Maybe the Higgs Fields) impact the gravitational center. The impact of those two energy fields or radiation fields forming the standing wave. When the energy level of that standing wave rises high enough, it would transport energy outside the gravitational center. 

There are interesting ideas that the WIMP is non-fermionic material like free bosons. But before WIMP is captured nobody knows the truth. And the problem is that the only known interaction between dark matter and visible matter is gravitation.  

Gravitation or gravity is the wave movement. There are models that gravitational waves are forming when the gravitational field impacts the Higgs field. The idea of this model is that when electromagnetic waves cannot reach the gravitational center the Higgs field could fill that electromagnetic low-pressure area. 

In other situations, the EM interactions could push that Higgs field back. But objects cause the EM shadow that allows the Higgs field to turn interacting straight with the gravitational field. So if gravitational waves are reflections from the Higgs field. That means the Higgs field could transform the impacting radiation to another wavelength. 

Another version of this model is that the gravitational waves are forming when two Higgs Fields are impacting. So when Higgs fields are impacting. They form a standing wave that can send gravitational waves away from the object. 

The gravitation is a mystery. In all systems in the universe is the gravitational centers. So if we think that gravitation is a pushing force, a wave movement that travels to the gravitational center. In some models, gravitation is the result of electromagnetic shadow in the gravitational center. The idea is objects like planets are forming some kind of EM shadow inside them. 

That electromagnetic shadow causes an effect where gravitational waves start to transport particles into the gravitational center. Then the gravitational waves are a reflection that comes from the center of the gravitational center. The reason why gravitation seems to pull objects into the gravitational center stronger than pushing them away is simple. The gravitational waves are a reflection that comes from the gravitational center. 

The Higgs fields could interact the same way as those gravitational waves. The model is that the Higgs field is the thing that travels in the gravitational center. Then the Higgs field reflects from another Higgs field. That more high-energy Higgs field transforms the lower-energy Higgs field's wavelength to the wavelength of the gravitational wave. 

And the thing that makes the breaks in those waves is the energy level in that reflection must rise higher than the wave that comes out from the particle. So that thing causes the impulse called gravitational waves. For getting out of the gravitational field the gravitational energy must load more energy onto the impact wave than outside energy brings to the object. When the energy level of that standing wave rises higher than outcoming energy it sends a counterwave. 

The counterwave is the thing that we call gravitational waves. The thing is that maybe there is some other wavelength of gravitational waves that are traveling to the gravitational center. The reason why this thing could be right is that the density of material has a great effect on gravitation. 

The extreme density of material called singularity means the situation where gravitation might reflect immediately out from the shell of that particle. The event horizon is the impact point where  in- and outcoming gravitational radiation makes the standing gravitational wave.

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