The shocking thing in evolution is this. The first human ancestors the small primates lived with dinosaurs. Then our ancestors survived an asteroid strike. This is new information about the point where primates started to separate from other mammals. And when that line starts to advance to humans. That is one thing that makes evolution research and genre-typical phobias interesting.
The first pre-primates were like chipmunks. But the asteroid impact and extinction of dinosaurs made them space to advance.
In some theories, the images of the dinosaurs are stored in the DNA molecules, and then the nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) transfers those details to neurons that we know that we should be afraid of snakes and spiders.
Confirming that theory is needed more research. But that thing opens a new vision for genetic and evolution research.
That makes it possible to map threats like ancient viruses that can threaten humans. And there is a small possibility that also plant viruses could infect human cells.
Evolution research is one of the things that tell us what kind of threats things like viruses are making. The ancient viruses can turn active in human cells. And we know that there are new pandemics waiting for release.
"An in-depth analysis of the fossil record by researchers from the University of Bristol and the University of Fribourg has suggested that placental mammals, a group that includes species like humans, dogs, and bats, evolved during the Cretaceous period, co-existing briefly with dinosaurs before their extinction. (Unlike this artist’s depiction, the earliest placental mammals are thought to have resembled tiny chipmunks.)" ( Study: Humans’ Ancestors Lived Among Dinosaurs and Survived Asteroid Strike)
The vaccines protect people against existing viruses. But the new versions might travel through the defense line. The vaccines are also protecting people against biological weapons. And that's why somebody claims. That the reason for Russian anti-vaccine campaigns is that vaccines make biological weapons ineffective.
New studies research how animal viruses transfer their genomes to human cells. The fact is that nature is full of viruses that are waiting for their release. All organisms' genomes contain DNA or RNA bites that were some kind of ancient viruses. There is a small possibility that if the enzyme cuts the DNA bite at precisely the right point. And that allows also plant viruses can transfer their genomes to the human body. There is a small possibility that some plant viruses can transfer their genomes also in human cells.
The chimpanzee and human body language is similar before humans can learn to speak. That helps to map the point when humans separated from other primates.
Similarities between chimpanzee and human infant communication are interesting. The thing, this similarity tells us is that humans use similar body language with chimpanzees before we learn to speak. There are many genetic similarities between chimpanzees and humans, but then something happens. And humans created spoken and written languages along with abstract thinking those things gave us superiority to other creatures.
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