Saturday, November 30, 2024

New supercomputers made wider simulations of the universe than ever before.

"DESI’s recent analysis confirms gravity’s standard model and hints at dynamic dark energy, reshaping our cosmic understanding. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Dark Energy May Be Evolving, Transforming Our View of the Universe)

The new supercomputers can connect data from multiple sources. And they made a more comprehensive simulation of the universe than before. Those simulations offer a theoretical model that researchers can compare to observations that they made using their finest systems. The fact is that there are also missing things about the universe. 

Things like dark energy and dark matter are important for those models because they are dominant effects in the universe. And without a dominating effect, all models of the systems are not well. 

The thing is that sometimes researchers say that even small missing bites of the system make it impossible to make models of it. But what if we miss 95,1% of the system? Can we make any trusted models about the system using that data? The thing is that the supercomputers process information that exists.  And those systems can make models. About the interactions of the forces in the system. 

"The largest astrophysical simulation of the universe was achieved using the Frontier supercomputer, involving enhanced computational power to simulate both atomic and dark matter comprehensively. Credit:" (Scitechdaily, Frontier Supercomputer Unveils the Largest Universe Simulation Ever)

Einstein was right. There was no different type of gravity in the young universe. The thing that makes errors in calculations and observations is normally the energy level in the young universe was higher than in the modern universe. That thing causes a stronger repel effect than energy causes in the modern universe. The relationships between dark and visible energy were different. 

The energy effect of visible energy was higher in the young universe. The effect of dark energy was lower if we compare it to visible energy. There was a time in the young universe when visible and dark energy interactions had the same strength. When the expansion of the universe continued. The distance between the objects increased. And that made the visible energy interactions weaker. 

Dark energy may evolve. But nobody knows why. Does the dark energy change its form when the effect of visible energy turns weaker? 

When we think about energy like electromagnetism we often forget that electromagnetic radiation makes standing waves between objects. Those standing waves cause asymmetry in energy flow because the dominant or brighter object pushes that energy back. 

"An animated look at how spacetime responds as a mass moves through it helps showcase exactly how, qualitatively, it isn’t merely a sheet of fabric. Instead all of 3D space itself gets curved by the presence and properties of the matter and energy within the Universe. Multiple masses in orbit around one another will cause the emission of gravitational waves." (Big Think, What happens when a gravitational wave meets a black hole?)

"When a gravitational wave passes through a location in space, it causes an expansion and a compression at alternate times in alternate directions, causing laser arm-lengths to change in mutually perpendicular orientations. Exploiting this physical change is how we developed successful gravitational wave detectors such as LIGO and Virgo. However, unlike this illustration, the gravitational waves do not simply propagate in a "tube," but rather spread out through all of three-dimensional space." (Big Think, What happens when a gravitational wave meets a black hole?)

The other thing is gravity is also an interaction. There are also other objects in the universe than black holes. And also other objects than black holes pull fields and objects to it. The fact is that if two particles fall to a black hole those particles can impact each other before they fall through the event horizon. That means that. Even if black holes have dominating gravitational effects. Also, other particles around them have their own gravity fields. 

So if we want to use potholes to model those things we can draw black holes as big and deep potholes that other potholes orbit. But. There are also many other gravity points. That interacts with black holes. Another interesting thing is the situation where a black hole pulls gravity waves into it. That causes oscillation in the black holes. 

Another thing is that when the gravity center moves in the gravity field that thing causes a situation in the Higgs field or quantum field around it turned denser. That means the Higgs field goes somewhere. The particles spin. And that spin means. The particles transform some part of the field into kinetic energy. In the same way, a black hole's spin transforms energy that falls into the back hole into the kinetic form. 

But then we must ask, where black hole pull that energy? When a black hole or any other object spins it turns energy around it to the kinetic form. When an object rotates friction turns that energy into thermal energy. But what if there is no friction? 

Or what if an object can tie all energy that it gets into it? That means that the object's spin turns faster and faster until it releases its energy. So can the ball spin forever? The ball can spin forever if it gets more energy than it releases. The thing is that the spinning ball creates thermal energy. 

And only a small part of that energy travels in the ball. The thing. That makes the situation more complicated and denies the perpetual motion that the heat also travels out from the ball. The energy asymmetry in energy flow causes energy to travel out from the ball. 

The IR radiation that we call thermal energy or thermal radiation makes the standing wave that hovers a little bit above the ball. That standing wave makes a small vacuum around that ball. The standing wave causes the energy not to impact the ball. The same heat energy that can accelerate will slow the speed of the ball. 

The thing that spinning ball could conduct thermal energy into it and turn the energy asymmetry that way that it gets more energy than delivers and can turn it into the fundamental thing. But if it cannot release that energy, the ball turns into a black hole. The energy rises the mass of the object. That means. If the object gets enough energy, it becomes a black hole.

Monday, November 25, 2024

The Curiosity rover found strange structures on Mars.

"NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover captured this last look at a field of bright white sulfur stones on October 11, before leaving Gediz Vallis channel. The field was where the rover made the first discovery of pure sulfur on Mars. Scientists are still unsure exactly why these rocks formed here. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS" (ScitechDaily, NASA’s Curiosity Rover Uncovers Mars’ Mysterious Spiderweb Rocks and Hidden Crystals)

There was warm water on Mars about 4,41 million years ago. But then. Some cosmic catastrophe destroyed that sea on Mars. We can see remnants of that sea today. But cosmic rays turned that planet into a dry and cold place. Cosmic events can push large planes off their trajectories. The case of Formalhaut B is an event where a cosmic catastrophe turned a planet that orbited the star,  Formalhault into a molecular cloud. 

The strange spiderweb rocks are things. That can make a breakthrough for the researchers researching living organisms on that planet. The spiderweb can also form in some kind of electron or electricity eruption. But that is only a guess. The spiderweb stones are interesting because they can form because of electric eruptions. Lightning can play a crucial role in the birth of life. 

"This weblike crystalline structure called boxwork is found in the ceiling of the Elk’s Room, part of Wind Cave National Park in South Dakota. NASA’s Curiosity rover is preparing for a journey to a boxwork formation that stretches for miles on Mars’ surface. Credit: NPS Photo/Kim Acker" (ScitechDaily, NASA’s Curiosity Rover Uncovers Mars’ Mysterious Spiderweb Rocks and Hidden Crystals)

The structure is similar looking to sand there the lightning hits on sand on earth and creates a structure sometimes called "thunder roots". The lightning just melts sand bites and probably those spiderweb structures formed when lightning hit the sand on the red planet. Those electric eruptions can form when some of the Martian volcanoes erupt. 

"Scientists think that ancient groundwater formed this weblike pattern of ridges, called boxwork, that were captured by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on December 10, 2006. The agency’s Curiosity rover will study ridges similar to these up close in 2025. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona" (ScitechDaily, NASA’s Curiosity Rover Uncovers Mars’ Mysterious Spiderweb Rocks and Hidden Crystals)

It's possible. Those stones formed when positive and negative iron bites hit each other on Mars' atmosphere. But things like DNA samples can help to find out those mysteries. It could be possible that life started to form on a red planet same time as on Earth. But then suddenly some cosmic impact stopped that advance. The life on Earth began in the non-organic reactions. 

"A study reveals ancient hot water activity on Mars, indicated by a 4.45 billion-year-old zircon grain from a Martian meteorite. Designated Northwest Africa (NWA) 7034, and nicknamed “Black Beauty,” the Martian meteorite weighs approximately 11 ounces (320 grams). Credit: NASA" (ScitechDaily, 4.45 Billion-Year-Old Meteorite Points to Hot, Habitable Waters on Early Mars)

And maybe the same process was going on on Mars. But then some asteroid hit the red planet. That wiped out its seas and other things. The interesting thing would be how long that process was on Mars.  And then. We can think about things like what would happen if that meteorite or other catastrophe had not destroyed Mars. That could cause a situation. That there would be two intelligent species in our Solar system.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Researchers created the image of individual photons.

"A new theory, that explains how light and matter interact at the quantum level has enabled researchers to define for the first time the precise shape of a single photon. Credit: Dr. Benjamin Yuen" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Leap: Scientists Reveal the Shape of a Single Photon for the First Time)

The new quantum leap is interesting. Researchers observed the single photon for the first time. The photons structure can tell researchers,  why that strange particle can act like particles with mass. But there is no measured mass in the photon. That means photons should not have the ability to carry energy or information or make quantum entanglements with other photons. 

The image of a single photon makes it possible to control that strange particle, which is the only particle that can reach the speed of light. The image of the photon introduces a structure that looks like a little bit of benzene or a peanut. The shape of a photon can tell why a photon can reach energy stability. That means while a photon travels, it gets as much energy as it releases. 

We can put a presumption that the image of a photon can unveil the mysterious and still hypothetical graviton, the transmitter particle of gravitation. The ring-shaped structure is similar to the ring around stars and other gravitational centers. So could the photon be an electromagnetic field or superstring that orbits the graviton? 

That means. It's possible. That graviton exists. If that wheel-shaped superstring harvests energy from around it, that thing could send wave movement into the middle of that wheel. The idea is that those superstrings are not the same size. And when that photon travels in quantum fields it sends energy as well as around it. And to the middle of it. That can form a stylus-looking structure. 

In some models, photons travel around superstrings. That means the photon would be a quantum skyrmion that is formed around those superstrings. The theoretical superstring is the gravitational or quantum tornado that forms a channel through the universe. That formation makes strings through the Higgs field. 

That means there is a vacuum in that structure that allows particles can travel faster than in a normal Higgs field. The energy comes to the particle backward and. from sides. In some models, a graviton is a quasiparticle that forms at the entrance of the superstring. 

And maybe that thing slows the photon's speed. Or maybe the electromagnetic low pressure will pull the photon´s structure backward. That vacuum or void would deny the photon's acceleration to a speed that is faster than the speed of light. 

So if we try to use that model with another still hypothetical, faster-than-light particle called tachyon, we can think that maybe that tachyon is the particle that looks like omega. When the tachyon crosses the speed of light, the back side of it travels forward, because there is an electromagnetic vacuum in that structure. That thing sends the wave movement or energy strike through that quantum low-pressure. And when that thing hits the tachyon. That pushes it faster-than-light speed. 

The knowledge of the shape of the photons is the thing that allows to creation of new communication tools. Those quantum communication tools are the systems that allow to create the single-photon-based communication systems. In those systems. The shape of the photon determines the state of that particle. 

And if the system can control the shape of the photon, that allows to creation of new and powerful technologies and ultra-secured data transmissions that are in the shape of the photon. The shape of the photon can be like an image. In macro-scale systems, the image like a cross or wave can mean some letter, or they can mean zero and one.

The Schrödinger's cat: how to turn living creature into the quantum world?

"In quantum mechanics, Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment concerning quantum superposition. In the thought experiment, a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead, while it is unobserved in a closed box, as a result of its fate being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur. This experiment viewed this way is described as a paradox. This thought experiment was devised by physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935  in a discussion with Albert Einstein to illustrate what Schrödinger saw as the problems of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics." (Wikipedia, Schrödinger's cat)

Scrödinger's can or cat which is time living and dead same time. Is the model that dominates quantum theories. That model means that the particle can exist and not exist. When we know about the existence of the cat, the cat lives. The existence in the quantum world is not an absolute thing. The knowledge of the existence turns particle existent. But we can be sure about that existence only when we see that thing. Or we can be sure about the cat's existence when we touch it. 

The simplest version to return the cat back to life is to make a clone of the cat. Then if the cat has the neuro-implanted microchip that stores the memories from the cat. This allows it to take the EEG and then transfer its memories to the clone. That requires the knowledge of the position of the memory cells. The thing is that we know that also other tissues than neurons participate in the memory process. And then that makes this process difficult. 

Or. If we want to return the dead cat to life we must reactivate the cell membrane and ion pumps. Replace the leaked liquids and then transfer the mitochondria and give them power. That could return that cat to life. And that makes "it possible" to create the Frankenstein cat. 

The thing is that information that made the cat exist after it's gone. Nothing can destroy information. The information can turn so small bites and it can spread those bites to so large areas that we cannot put them back in their original form. And one of the reasons is that those information bites are spread to other information bites. So it's hard, but not impossible to find those information bites. And collect them back into one piece. 

"Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source connected to a Geiger counter are placed in a sealed box. As illustrated, the quantum description uses a superposition of an alive cat and one that has died."(Wikipedia, Schrödinger's cat)

It's possible that this model can be used to return destroyed particles back to existence. The hypothetical "Frankenion" particle can be created by storing its oscillations in a certain energy state and environment. Then if that "Frankenion" is an elementary particle. That thing means that the system copies the environment and energy states where that particle is measured. And then it transfers the recorded oscillations into those particles. That allows us to make a copy of that particle. 

All particles whose size and depth are limited have a limited number of information. That means information that creates limited particles and space is limited. 

When we think about the material that lost all its energy. That means the material turns into a 2D material or wave movement. Theoretically is possible to push energy back to the particles and return their shape into a 3D model. 

Theoretically is possible to return divided neutrons to their form. And if we think about things like quantum entanglements that will be broken, the information that the superpositioned and entangled particle exists after the superposition is broken. Theoretically is possible to fix the string of those superpositioned and entangled particles. The requirement is the thing that researchers find the right particles and the right superstrings. Theoretically, they could use a quantum-size black hole to make that thing. 

If the cat is dead that thing is meaningless. We know that once there were cats. But now there is a statue that lost its life. The statue is only a shell of the substance. The cat's existence can also be virtual. If we just imagine that cat. We can say that its existence is virtual.  The virtual object can cause changes to our behavior. That thing means that even if we imagine. That there is a cat in the room, we might be careful. We might be afraid that we let the cat away. 

That cat's statue or filled cat pulls people to it. The people want to know why that cat is dead. 

If we think that the cat is locked in the box, like in the image of the Schrödinger's cat we face the model of the locked position in that image. The cat is in the box. It cannot get out because it has no immune system, There is food but sooner or later the radioactive element sends a radiation burst, that activates the system and opens poison or a bomb in the chamber. That is the model of the locked position. If we touch that particle it loses its energy. That means we cannot touch the locked particle if we don't want to make a change to its position. 

The thing that we can call the cosmic Scrödinger's cat is the black hole. The massive gravitational field locks the black hole into its position. That thing exists. But same time it does not exist. Existence requires interaction. And black hole interaction is one-way. The Scrödinger's cat is also the model of the third type of material that can exist in both, main states of the material. That third material would not annihilate when it touches the antimatter and matter. 

We can say that the superstrings are the third form of matter. Those things can form both antimatter and regular material. And if that third material is possible to create that allows to store of antimatter safely. That is one thing that can be Scrödinger's cat in the material world. Or the cat itself is material. But how to transform a living creature into the quantum and elementary particle's world? 

Maybe we can say that when a particle transports important information. That particle exists. When that particle loses its information. Its existence ends. That means the particle turns meaningless. And that means the particle exists and does not exist. Same way as some sand bites that exist on the road. The sand bites exist, we know them. But we don't notice them.ödinger%27s_cat

There is quite simple math behind the two-stage encryption.

When we log in to some internet services. We see the famous screen, and there are two lines. The upper line is the normal login. Where we write things like Email or username. That username is called a public key.  The fact is that the username is also non-public. That means that is hidden from other users.  

Below that line is the space for the password.  That is called a "hidden" or non-public key. In that kind of encryption. The user first logs in to the system using the public key. That tells the system that the user has the right to use the system. 

Then the passphrase is the key to the step in the system. This is the key procedure in modern cryptology or encryption process. When the system wants to encrypt information. The system first sends the information who is the sender. Then that system encrypts data and sends it to the receiver. And if the receiver has the right key, that thing allows the receiver to open the message. 

Encryption allows the receiving system to select the information that it uses. That thing makes it possible to transmit information by using the same frequency to multiple receivers. And without that public key. The system cannot find the right receiver from the network. In the network, routers and switches use the public ID to route the message to the right address.

In the RSA encryption process. The system uses long binary- and quantum binary decimal numbers to secure information. The thing that secures information is the selected binary numbers. The formulas that the system uses are always the same. There can be different formulas or calculation series in the encryption process. But the process itself is similar all the time. 

The weakness of that encryption is this. The receiving system must know the formula and binary numbers that the transmitting system sends. The public key requires that the receiver knows what algorithm or formula it must use in the decryption process. And then another thing is that the receiving system must know the binary numbers. That transmitter is used in encryption.

And why do those systems require binary numbers?  It's possible to divide The binary number by using only that number itself. That denies the ability to use other numbers. Then the binary number itself opens the message. The problem is that the user must set the right and the same binary numbers to the transmitting and binary systems. 

The encryption process is based on the ASCII codes. The encryption system multiplicates and divisions those codes by using binary numbers. The system can make multiple divisions and multiplications. The receiving system must make those calculations backward so that it can open the message. The math behind the encryption is very simple. 

It contains divisions, multiplications, and maybe plus-minus calculations. That makes it very simple and effective. The problem is that this type of encryption is old-fashioned. That encryption was made in the late 70's and the short algorithms are a piece of cake for the fast, high-speed supercomputers. Quantum computers can make the code braking in seconds, even if the binary computers generate those numbers for years. 

Thursday, November 21, 2024

The periodic table of elements and the island of stability.

"Moscovium and nihonium have been identified as more reactive than flerovium, demonstrating the significance of relativistic effects in superheavy elements." (ScitechDaily, The Periodic Table Just Got Wilder: Scientists Unveil the Secrets of the Heaviest Element Ever – Moscovium)

The main question is when the periodic table of elements ends. Researchers made superheavy elements that existence is measured in microseconds. The synthetic element moscovium or element number 115, has last confirmed existence time. The heaviest known element 118, the oganesson. That element is so unstable that researchers cannot measure its abilities. And maybe the heaviest known element is a noble gas. The superheavy elements are extremely unstable elements. Whose existence remains only less than a second. In the world only a couple of atoms. 

The reason why researchers work with new synthetic elements is that those elements can theoretically give solutions for nuclear reactor problems. It's possible that those, still unconfirmed elements are nuclear elements that divide into non-radioactive elements. And if those things are the fission products of some still unknown element, that thing can solve nuclear energy's worst problem which is the radioactive waste. The superheavy elements allow to creation of the ping pong-ball size nuclear reactor. That kind of reactor can give energy to the aircraft and ships.

"The height of the bars of the highlighted elements represents the strength of the bonding on a quartz surface. Credit: A. Yakushev/Ch.E. Düllmann" (ScitechDaily, The Periodic Table Just Got Wilder: Scientists Unveil the Secrets of the Heaviest Element Ever – Moscovium)

But the problem is in the short lifetime of the superheavy elements. Sometimes is introduced that the system uses time dilation so it accelerates those elements into the particle accelerators that rise their speed into the speed that is as close to the speed of light as possible. The miniature nuclear reactor can use things like antimatter. The system can turn the particles that form in the nuclear fission into antimatter particles. Another way is to drop those reactors into liquid gas. And then it could boil the liquid hydrogen. 

Source: Wikipedia, Island of stability. 

The thing that can solve the problem is the element that is in the hypothetical "Islan of stability".  

The term means the "island" of the stable superheavy isotopes. The thing that makes researchers believe that thing is that elements 106, seaborgium, 107, hassium, 110, darmstadtium, and 111, roentgenium don't seem to follow the logical line. You can see from the table that the heavier elements will suddenly have a longer divide time than the lighter ones. That lifetime curve causes an idea that there are stable superheavy elements behind, including element 126, that have not been detected yet. Researchers calculated the magical numbers of nuclei that can tell where the long-living superheavy isotopes are lurking.

"The fermium isotopes studied by laser spectroscopy are highlighted. Credit: S. Raeder" (Where Does the Periodic Table End? Exploring the Mysteries of Superheavy Elements)

"The composition of a nuclide (atomic nucleus) is defined by the number of protons Z and the number of neutrons N, which sum to mass number" (Wikipedia, Island of Stability). 

The magic numbers mean that a certain number of protons and neutrons make the superheavy isotope or element very long-living. 

"As early as 1914, the possible existence of superheavy elements with atomic numbers well beyond that of uranium—then the heaviest known element—was suggested, when German physicist Richard Swinne proposed that superheavy elements around Z = 108 were a source of radiation in cosmic rays. Although he did not make any definitive observations, he hypothesized in 1931 that transuranium elements around Z = 100 or Z = 108 may be relatively long-lived and possibly exist in nature. In 1955, American physicist John Archibald Wheeler also proposed the existence of these elements; he is credited with the first usage of the term "superheavy element" in a 1958 paper published with Frederick Werner. " (Wikipedia, Island of Stability) 

"Three-dimensional rendering of the island of stability around N = 178 and Z = 112" (Wikipedia, Island of stability)

"This idea did not attract wide interest until a decade later, after improvements in the nuclear shell model. In this model, the atomic nucleus is built up in "shells", analogous to electron shells in atoms. Independently of each other, neutrons and protons have energy levels that are normally close together, but after a given shell is filled, it takes substantially more energy to start filling the next. Thus, the binding energy per nucleon reaches a local maximum and nuclei with filled shells are more stable than those without. This theory of a nuclear shell model originates in the 1930s, but it was not until 1949 that German physicists Maria Goeppert Mayer and Johannes Hans Daniel Jensen et al. independently devised the correct formulation." (Wikipedia, Island of Stability) 

"The numbers of nucleons for which shells are filled are called magic numbers. Magic numbers, 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, and 126 have been observed for neutrons, and the next number is predicted to be 184.  Protons share the first six of these magic numbers, and 126 has been predicted as a magic proton number since the 1940s. Nuclides with a magic number of each—such as 16O (Z = 8, N = 8), 132Sn (Z = 50, N = 82), and 208Pb (Z = 82, N = 126)—are referred to as "doubly magic" and are more stable than nearby nuclides as a result of greater binding energies." (Wikipedia, Island of Stability) 

So, the most long-living isotopes would be flerovium-298, unbinilium-304 (eka-activium, element 121), and unbihexium-310 (eka-plutonium, element 126). The two last ones have not been produced yet. The island of stability is the thing that can change everything in nuclear technology. If those synthetic elements 121 and 126 are possible to produce they open the road to the skies. Those things allow them to make small nuclear reactors or pocket-size atom bombs.

Element list:

The universe's dark second origin is unveiled.

"Dark matter may have sprung from its own “Dark Big Bang,” separate from the traditional Big Bang, with potential proof coming from future experiments detecting gravitational waves. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/CI Lab, edited" (ScitechDaily, The Dark Big Bang: Unveiling the Universe’s Hidden Second Origin)

It's possible. That dark matter is the shadows in the Higgs field. But we cannot be sure about that. 

The evidence that the universe did not begin from one event is stronger. That means that the Big Bang was a series of events that included many forms and energy levels before the material and energy formed. The dark Big Bang is the model that there were material before the universe. The dark Big Bang means that the dark matter is released in its own event. And that is one of the most interesting theories in the world. If the dark matter formed in a different, unique event that means it would be hard to see that material even if it's similar to visible material. 

The reason for that is that the dark matter particles or their elementary particle size will be different from than visible material. That means the wavelength that the dark matter particles send would be different than the wavelengths that we see. The different origin of the dark matter is one of the ways how to close that mysterious interaction. The young universe was different than the modern universe. The temperature of that universe was higher. And differences between energy levels were lower than in the modern universe. 

That means the energy flow from higher energy levels was slower and that means in the very young universe other fermions than just up and down quarks and electrons could form "stable" particles. The thing is that the muons and top and bottom quarks should have the ability to form "similar" particles as up and down quarks and electrons. The fast energy flow destroys those structures in the modern universe. But in a very high-energy environment that kind of hypothetical material could be possible. But that cannot happen in the modern universe because of the short existence of those particles. That material requires higher energy and more stable conditions. 

The sombrero model tells how gravity destroys the material. A standing gravity wave surrounds all particles. That gravity wave is the low energy area around particles or other gravity centers. If the differences between the particle's energy level and the bottom of the energy ditch around the particle are high enough, energy travels out from from particle so fast that it destroys it. 

When we think of models that gravity destroys the universe or all matter from inside it, we can think that the gravity ditch or gravity wave surrounds all particles. The gravity wave or lower energy area that forms the ditch around particles is the thing, that causes energy flow in it. The energy travels from outside and another energy wave comes from the particle inside that "sombrero". 

If the standing gravity wave or pothole is too deep particle vanishes into it. If we make a model where energy travels to that particle from above, that thing can cause reflection that covers the gravitation or energy pothole. Just like water that creates a roof-like form when we aim water dush to peg straight from above. The problem is that if the gravitational pothole is deep enough that causes a situation where energy travels out from the particle very fast. 

That thing rips their structure immediately. So can gravitation be the negative energy?  The idea is that. Negative energy is the energy that travels away from a particle. And the energy that travels into particles is positive energy. The determinator is in the energy flow direction. If the gravity wave is a lower energy point in the base energy field in the universe that means gravity itself or the energy flow that gravity causes is the negative energy.

Can dark matter be so-called virtual or quasiparticle?


"Using the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, DESI, researchers mapped the clustering of nearly 6 million galaxies spanning 11 billion years, confirming predictions made by Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, DESI Tests Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Across 11 Billion Years of Cosmic History)

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, DESI tests Einstein's theories in 11 billion light years in the Universe. 

The dark matter hunters. 

Maybe the standing gravity wave surrounds all gravity centers. That means dark matter can be the standing gravity wave. And if a standing gravity wave forms a structure whose wavelength is too short for electromagnetic waves. That they can fill that energy ditch. The energy falls into those low-energy areas from their sides, and then they will impact in the middle of that wave. 

That causes an energy pike that sends wave movement around the universe. Sooner or later, that energy ditch or lower energy area fills. And that makes gravity waves weaker. The side-coming energy can deny gravitational interaction between particles. 

And maybe that is the dark energy. The thing that makes gravity wave or lower energy area in the base energy field in the universe would be the particle. When the wave hits the particle, the particle stores a little part of that energy. And then, behind that practice, the energy shadow, low energy area, or energy ditch starts to travel through the universe. 

Dark matter is the mysterious part of the universe. Some researchers think that dark matter is a dark energy source. But that is only speculation. The dark matter hunting is interesting because there are galaxies there is no dark matter. But in some galaxies, there is dark matter. That tells that maybe the WIMPs, hypothetical dark matter particles can form similar forms as visible material. 

The interesting question is this: can dark matter follow the rule of centripetal force? Can fast-rotating material disks throw those WIMPs or the base energy field away from the structure? 

The problem is how the WIMP can be unseen. The material that only confirmed reaction with its environment is gravitation is mysterious. There is also so much dark matter that the most of material in the universe is invisible to us. The Dark matter can be quasiparticles with an energy level lower than a three-kelvin cosmic background. In a quasiparticle model, the electron or some other particles can be destroyed. That means electrons will leave a hole in the universe's base energy field. 

That makes it hard to see those particles. The dark matter and dark energy are a mystery. In some models, WIMPs can be the whirls or low-energy potholes in the Higgs field. In some models, the WIMP is a standing gravity wave. The idea is that all galaxies send gravitational waves that can be like traveling ditches in the base energy field in the universe. That means that those gravitational waves will impact near the galaxies with the other gravity waves. 

And that means that the gravity waves can be locked as standing gravity waves around galaxies and other gravity centers. And maybe that thing can explain dark energy. Or, at least lots of it. When we think that gravity waves look like traveling ditches the low energy points in the universe's base energy field. If that model where gravity waves are like traveling ditches that can cause a situation where energy starts to travel in that thing. 

The idea is that electromagnetic waves cannot fill that energy ditch, called gravity waves because the gravity wave's wavelength is so short. The gravity, or gravitational wave pulls energy into it. And if two energy waves impact each other in the middle of the energy ditch, a gravity wave can explain some part of dark energy. 

That thing can cause situations where that side-coming energy fields will fill traveling gravity waves. That means the incoming energy that faces the gravity wave from the point, where that wave begins can travel into that gravity wave and fill it. If that energy starts to fill gravity waves from both ends that causes an energy wave or standing wave in the middle of the gravity wave. The idea is that a gravity wave is so short that. Other wave movement types like gamma, X-ray, or other electromagnetic waveforms cannot fill it from above.

Three red galaxies at the edge of the universe.

"These three "red monster" galaxies, found just 1 billion years after the hot Big Bang, are dusty, massive objects with more than 100 billion solar masses worth of stars inside. Unlike more modern massive galaxies, where no more than 20% of their gas has been converted into stars, these galaxies are two-to-three times more efficient, raising questions about how they formed and grew up to exhibit these apparent properties." (BigThink, What do JWST’s “red monster” galaxies mean for cosmology?)

The JWST telescope found three red galaxies. Those galaxies existed in the universe that was only one billion years old. And that can mean that those three galaxies cause the need to adjust the cosmological models. It's possible that Einstein's theories are not suitable for the young universe. The red color means that the galaxies travel straight away from us. And those galaxies might be on the opposite side of us. 

The big question is this. How those three galaxies could be so big? In some ideas, there could be some cosmic void around the supermassive black holes. That cosmic void could boost the black hole's pulling effect. The cosmic void around black holes can make material fall near black holes faster than just gravity allows.  

The cosmic void has a larger surface area than a black hole, and material should also fall into cosmic voids. And maybe that is the thing that made those galaxies grow faster than expected. In some models, the cosmic voids form the supermassive black holes. The cosmic void makes material fall into it. And in the middle of that thing forms the material center. 

Those galaxies have active black holes. And maybe there are stars. The heavy element formation needs only the impact waves or shockwaves that cause fusion. Things like supermassive black hole's relativistic jets can form heavier elements. As well as stars from them in fusion reaction. When elements impact each other and form new heavier elements we can always call that event fusion. 

In some models the Milky Way, our galaxy is in the middle of cosmic void. The size of that void would be about 2 billion light years. The thing that this void tells is this. There was some force like a very strong eruption in our supermassive black hole, Sgr A* that blew gas and dust away from around our Galaxy. 

That can tell that the Milky Way collides with some other galaxy. The impact between two supermassive black holes could turn the Milky Way and that other galaxy into giant elliptic galaxies. And then that form turned back to a spiral galaxy. 

That means light travels faster or without standard disturbance. If that model is true, the energy travels faster away from the Milky Way's edge than in normal galaxies. That means that this thing makes it necessary to adjust the cosmological models. The thing is that the Milky Way is not as typical a galaxy as we wanted to think. 

But the problem is that the young universe was different from the universe. Where we live. The density in the young universe was higher. The difference between energy levels were smaller. And that means energy moved slower in that hotter universe. Maybe those three red galaxies were the first galaxies that formed. Those galaxies named S1, S2, and S3 are interesting because they are so big. Those galaxies are larger and heavier than researchers think. 

The major question in the element formation is this. Did elements form before stars? That means: were there some other heavier elements that existed before the first stars were born? The model is that things like collimations. of neutron stars form heavy elements. So if we think that black holes existed before stars those black holes could collide and send shockwaves that can turn hydrogen also into heavy elements. 

The question about the galaxies and planetary formation is when the first planets start to form. Or rather, when the first solid elements formed. For a long time, people believed that the stars were the only things that could form heavier elements than hydrogen. But then researchers noticed. High-energy reactions can form heavy elements like gold and iron. 

The neutron star collimations make the pressure wave that forms fusion and those heavier isotopes. That means it's possible that a black hole's relativistic jets can also push light atoms like hydrogen against each other and form fusion and heavier elements. That means heavy element formation doesn't need stars. They need only an energy punch that creates the fusion. 

When we think about supernova explosions there the intensive pressure- or shockwave travels through the universe. That impact front creates the fusion reaction that can send energy into those bubbles. And that energy is the thing that pushes material and weaker quantum fields into the form that we call singularity. A black hole's plasma halo is an interesting thing. But the same way. We can think that the event horizon is the gravitational halo around the black hole.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Village of the world.

German philosopher Oswald Spengler introduced the idea of civilization or nation as a vegetable. The nation rises, flourishes, and then dies. Those three stages would inevitably go to the front of all nations. Spengler reasoned his idea about that advance in the fate of old high cultures. 

The thing that destroyed many empires was the thing that we can call a dominating lion's problem. When there were no outside enemies the society turned against each other. The internal conflicts made those civilizations weaker, and then outside enemies could win them. But Spengler introduced one of the most interesting models of the nation's advance.  

That thing was the world cities. Spengler made his work from 1900-1936 when he died. His breakthrough was "The Decline of the West" in 1918. Spengler was impressed by the great cities like London, Paris, and Berlin, which were very international cities in time before the Nazis. Those world cities formed an idea that before collapse the cities become more important than the state where they are. People will turn apathetic and then little "Caesars" rise to pursue absolute power. 

That thing formed an idea about the metropolis, a city that is stronger than the state is from those ideas. The question about the Spengler's city that rises above the nation is "How big the city can be"? The metropolis is the model of a city that is larger than any nation. The city is highly advanced and highly controlled by AI. Everything in that city is well-ordered. The city is majestic and powerful, but it waits for the faith that faces Athens, Carthage, Rome, Angor Watt, and many other wonderful cities. People will turn lousy. They don't care about the common good, and only money means something. And that thing makes that city face its fate. 

The internet can collect all cities in the world together. That thing can create the village of the world. That is the place where everybody knows each other like people in the little villages. Every person's privacy is broken and people can see what other people make. 

But when we think about the future and possible megapolises the cities that are bigger than any nation, we must realize that it's possible that someday in the future we can make the world state. That thing is not possible yet, but maybe someday we create a world and civilization that travels to stars. There we just face the same problem that the hypothetical metropolis and its predictors faced. The scale of the problem is larger. When people have nothing to do, they will turn greedy. And then the civilization faces the civil disorders and civil wars. 

If we want to survive we must learn how to challenge ourselves. The thing is that if we just sit and let machines think for us and make all works we forget that we should be careful. Even if we would someday make the real peace and destroy our weapons we will face many other threats. Cosmic threats like asteroid impacts can destroy our civilization. That happens if nobody is greedy. 

We always think of things like attackers that destroy cities and entire states. We forget that natural catastrophes like tsunamis and volcanic eruptions can be destructive. Overpopulation, epidemics, and things like asteroid impacts can be dangerous. The Minoan culture was destroyed because of the tsunami. We are often afraid of things like massive asteroids. But cosmic sandstorms the sand bites that fall into the atmosphere can be even more destructive than large meteorites. If that sand bites rain to Earth years that thing can raise the atmosphere's temperature. 

The asteroid must not be so big, that it causes large-scale destruction. The asteroid sand or cosmic sand clouds can also be dangerous. The cosmic sandstorm can raise the temperature of the atmosphere. And that thing can be even more devastating than the asteroid that killed dinosaurs. The cosmic sand cloud can raise the temperature on the Earth so high that the lithosphere melts. That will not happen in hours or even days. But if cosmic sandstorm continues for years that can be very dangerous. 

The new, fundamental aircraft can explain some UFO's

Above: X-29A

The UFO and alien spacecraft are not the same thing. Some fundamental aircraft solutions look a little bit different. And maybe some of the experiments are behind those observations. After WWII the USA tested many aircraft that developed the Nazi-scientists. Some of those fundamental solutions were extraordinary. And that can explain why UFOs were seen only in the USA. Those researchers worked with "Operation Paperclip". Those researchers made their work in the USA and Canada, because of political reasons. 

The new fundamental materials and aircraft designs can explain some Unidentified Flying Objects, UFOs, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon UAPs. Systems like highly advanced hologram systems can be used to make fake UFOs around the airbases. The system's purpose is to make people look away from actions in those airbases. During WWII the USAF and RAF operated with a thing called "Project Bando". 

The purpose of that system was to test the trustworthiness of night fighter pilots. That system made the image of German aircraft into fog. The idea was to test: did pilots reported observations about things like aircraft with suspicious markings. The other purpose was to force pilots to shoot their ammunition away before they landed after the night mission. The device itself was the slide projector that created an image to fog. 

One of its purposes was to offer a fake target that the enemy would shoot. Today the system called: the field hologram system, FHS is a tool that can be used to create fake targets that force the enemy to shoot them and uncover their positions. Today AI-controlled advanced systems make holograms that look like real targets also in infrared. And they can also give radar echoes like real tanks and aircraft. Those systems can operate with drones. And when a missile battery shoots the drone or aircraft can attack against those targets. 

Things like stealth helicopters are sometimes behind some UFO reports. The RAH-66 Comanche (Above) was a prototype used for the development of stealth Balck Hawks ("Ghost Hawks") (Below) that were used in the Bin Laden kill operation. But the saucer-shaped form of the body would be ideal for stealth helicopters. 

Acoustic waves can interact with light. 

The difference between acoustic and electromagnetic oscillation is the size of particles that oscillate. In acoustic oscillation atoms and molecules oscillate. In electromagnetic oscillation, the photons or electrons oscillate. The ability to make acoustic systems exchange information with light or photons makes it possible to transmit and receive information between binary systems and qubits. 

The new method to entangle photons with phonons is another breakthrough in quantum technology. That ability means that researchers can control light by using phonons or acoustic devices. And then another way we must realize that all of those things are interactions. The new method to entangle light and acoustic waves acts backward. The acoustic device can exchange information between photons and transmitters. 

Above: Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar

But when we think about the acoustic waves that stand between two laser beams, we must realize that kind of system's abilities in nanotechnology. The acoustic system that can create waving layers can used in ultra-sharp loudspeakers. Those loudspeakers can be used to levitate the nanomachines or extremely long carbon chains over or between layers. Those high-accurate acoustic systems can also make it possible to create an ultrasound that can map things like tissues with very high accuracy. 

However, if the researchers can control the wavelength of the waving layers they can create new types of stealth systems. Those systems can adjust their shape and that makes it hard to create radars that can observe the stealth planes. The ability to change the shape of the material is a new thing in the ultimate stealth technology. That technology should make aircraft immune to the multiband radars. The thing is that the test systems are not suitable for operational use. But they can used to collect data from aerial test vehicles like stealth aircraft and helicopters. 

"Illustration of an on-chip molecular vibration sensor based on a graphene IR detector, where phonon polaritons (bright rays) enhance the molecular fingerprint signal encoded in the photocurrent. Credit: Dr. David Alcaraz, ICFO"(ScitechDaily, How Exotic Light and 2D Materials Are Redefining Molecular Science)

The acoustic bubbles purpose is to protect the aircraft is the thing, that can protect aircraft. Those acoustic bubbles can explain some UFO sightings. Sometimes is suspected. Those small-size systems are so-called eyeballs whose mission is to create brighter radar echoes than stealth fighters. That thing can cover the stealth fighter near them. 

Or maybe, those systems create the holograms between stealth fighters and observers. And maybe again their mission is just to turn people's look away from highly classified military systems like stealth helicopters whose mission is to transport special operations teams. 

The stretching layer can also used to create an acoustic bubble around the object. The high-power acoustic bubble can turn air as strong as steel. Those acoustic waves can used in fusion experiments to push plasma walls against each other. When two plasma walls are against each other the laser system can shoot their energy to those plasma layers. And that thing can make the fusion. Researchers can use these systems to test certain element's ability to act as fusion materials. 

That kind of system can act as a protective field against missiles and other ammunition. It's possible to create acoustic waves that can crush steel and concrete. Those acoustic systems can make extremely thick pressure waves through the air. And those systems can push even ballistic missiles and bullets out from their trajectory. 

"Artist’s view of entangled laser light with a traveling sound wave in an integrated photonic waveguide. Credit: Alexandra Genes" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Leap: Innovative Breakthrough in Entangling Light and Sound)

The acoustic ultra- and infrasound systems can also protect military bases and other targets against intruders. The painful acoustic waves can make the area a no-go zone. 

The acoustic bubble can also make an electric vapor that offers false targets to radar-homing missiles. Or maybe those things are some kind of plasmoid systems whose mission is to destroy the electric components of incoming missiles. 

It's possible. Some UFO observations near stealth fighters are the systems whose mission is to observe the radar echoes from the aircraft. The idea is that the outside observation tool that uses semi-active technology searches the radar echoes from the stealth plane. That system's mission is to transmit information to the stealth plane's computers so that they can adjust the stretches on the layer of the stealth material. 

The materials and technologies require testing. The new 2D materials are tools that can control things like layers and their environment interactions. The 2D materials are strong and slippery. That thing opens new routes to hypersonic flight and extreme aviation. 

The 2D materials are tools that can someday turn objects invisible. Or they can revolutionize the things like armor. The same technology that people like Elon Musk use in spacecraft as micrometeorite protectors is suitable for lightweight armors that can protect humans and vehicles more effectively than regular systems.–Sikorsky_RAH-66_Comanche

Monday, November 18, 2024

Can black holes be gravitational versions of photonic time crystals? 


"This still from the simulation shows a supermassive black hole, or quasar, surrounded by a swirling disk of material called an accretion disk. Credit: Caltech/Phil Hopkins group" (ScitechDaily, Caltech Astrophysicists Flip Black Hole Theories With Stunning New Simulations)

We can say that black holes' oscillation makes them raise the gravitational fields or gravitational waves' energy exponentially. Just like photonic time crystals raise electromagnetic radiation's energy level. 

Why are black holes black? One reason for that is the gravity field that doesn't let even light away from the black hole. The other thing is the photon whirls around the event horizon. Those high-energy photons send energy mostly into the black hole. 

There. They could accelerate at such a high speed that they could escape from that monster. That theorem base is on the idea. The laser light can push light away from its route and form a shadow. That means photons around a black hole act like laser rays that close the route of light. 

And those things deny the light from getting out even in the positions of the event horizon. Gravitation is wave movement. Just like electromagnetic waves. That means the crossing gravitational field, or gravitational waves can close the route of gravitational waves that cross their way. And that cuts the gravitational waves route. Just like crossing laser ray cuts the visible light's route. 

That means there could be a so-called gravitational tornado and the extremely thin channel that gravitational waves or fields cannot fill. The gravitational waves should make a similar shadow between the observer and the gravitational center as the laser makes between a light object and the observer. 


Black holes are like the gravitational version of photonic time crystals. 

The black hole interacts in a similar way as photonic time crystals. The oscillations of photonic time crystals can raise the power of visible light waves exponentially. In the same way, black hole oscillation increases gravitational waves and the gravitational field's power. 

The difference is that photonic time crystals raise the visible light waves and other electromagnetic radiation power. The black hole raises the gravitational wave power. The wavelength is the thing. That differs the electromagnetic waves from gravitational waves. 


"Researchers showed that a laser beam can sometimes act like a solid object and cast a shadow that is visible to the naked eye. In the picture, the shadow appears as the horizontal line traversing the blue background. Credit: R. A. Abrahao, H. P. N. Morin, J. T. R. Pagé, A. Safari, R. W. Boyd, J. S. Lundeen" (ScitechDaily, Lasers That Cast Shadows? Physics Takes a Surprising Turn)

The question is where the black hole sends that energy. Theoretically, the black hole should get so much energy that it simply blows away. But there is something where that energy goes. 

All information that we have about the internal structures of the event horizon, the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light is hypothetical.

The weakness in the model of singularity is this. The singularity is where all particles and quantum fields form the structure, where those things are one entirety. That means the singularity should be smooth. If the object is totally smooth, that thing means that the interaction between the quantum fields is not visible. 

The roughness in the surface of the particle is the thing. That causes the wave that we see. If there is not a single roughness. That means there is a point that can push the wave to the quantum field. That means there must be some kind of structure in the particle. That we can see it. In models, singularity looks like a yarn ball where the superstrings are intertwined around each other. 

In some models, the center of those supermassive objects sends wave movement through their structures. That means that if there is some kind of structure like a particle or superstring radiation creates the shadow in those points. The high-power energy rays travel out from the structure. The shadow at the point of the superstring pulls radiation to the object. 

Then if all radiation flees from the point of the spin axle that thing pulls fields into it. That means that the spin stores energy into the singularity. Then if that energy flees from one point. The outcoming energy tries to fill that area and takes particles with it. Another possibility is that the energy level in the black hole rises so high that it loses the ability to interact with the 3D universe. And that means it jumps to the fourth dimension. 

"“This work could lead to the first experimental realization of photonic time crystals, propelling them into practical applications and potentially transforming industries,” says Professor Viktar Asadchy from Aalto University, Finland. Credit: Xuchen Wang / Aalto University" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Create Photonic Time Crystals That Amplify Light Exponentially).  In the same way as photonic time crystals raise the power of the light. The black holes can increase the power of gravity. 

We can think that black holes are like photonic time crystals. Photonic time crystals raise the light's energy exponentially. The same effect makes black holes raise the gravitational field's power exponentially. 

When we think about the black hole's event horizon we can see that this thing oscillates. That means the black hole acts a little bit like time crystals. The energy, or wave movement, that is trapped in the event horizon gets energy from that oscillation. 

So. The black hole pumps energy into wave movement inside its event horizon just like the time crystal pumps energy into wave movement that is in the photonic time crystal. Same way as photonic time crystals can increase the power of light or light waves exponentially the black hole can raise the power of gravity waves exponentially. 

The new stunning simulations and observations about the light and its behavior tell about the black holes. If we think that gravity is the kinetic energy that the gravitational center collects from its environment and then aims at the middle of the object, we can think. This kind of thing can be the reason for gravitation's unique ability. 

Maybe we can use this model with the neutron stars. But can we use it with black holes? Black holes are so dense that all quantum fields and subatomic particles are in one entirety called singularity. In some models, the fast-spinning singularity aims energy to its spin axle. 

But then we must realize that there are much more stronger forces than neutron stars. The transition disk that orbits around the black hole and its event horizon is much larger than people normally think. We can say that the spiral galaxy is the supermassive black hole's transition disk. 

When material and energy fall in the black hole it should follow the spiral trajectory. That means there forms electromagnetic shadows behind those particles and they pull the quantum fields inside a black hole. 

However, that shadow and extremely dense material cause the energy and material to travel to the spin axle. There forms a small vacuum at the spin poles of that thing. And those vacuums pull fields and material to the "poles" of that thing. That is one thing that can help to make about the internal structure of the black hole.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Spin and gravity.

In this text, I write about neutron stars. But you can replace the word neutron stars using black holes. The idea of gravity could be that gravity or gravitation forms when a spinning object stores kinetic energy in its material structure. And then it conducts that energy into the center of that structure. 

Then that energy travels out from the spin axle. That means that gravity or gravitation is the force with field effect. That field effect means that gravity is a field that travels in the gravity center. That field is like a river that takes particles into it. The fact is that. All gravitational objects spin or move. They all have poles. 

The other thing is that. What if the planet is locked? The nucleus of the locked planet spins. And the shadow side puls energy out from that planet. 

Could spin be the thing that causes gravitation or gravity? When we think about very fast-spinning extremely heavy objects like neutron stars those things can explain the special features of gravity. The idea is that the fast-spinning object stores lots of energy into its material structure. Or it bends the energy that travels into it into its particles. 

Massive gravity forms when the speed of the spin axle slows. And the outer shell spins faster than particles in that axle. The question is this. Where lighter gravitational centers like Earth will conduct that energy? When we think about quantum gravity and large-scale gravity.

It's possible that the same things cannot form quantum and planet-size gravity. But if a large mass particle that spins very fast starts to vaporize it can form channels at its spin axle and then those channels pull that particle into them. That causes a situation where a particle causes an electromagnetic vacuum and other quantum fields fall to fill that emptiness. 

In this text, energy- or quantum fields mean the same thing. So gravity centers pull energy- or quantum fields into itself.  Those energy fields raise that object's mass. When we think the gravity as the situation where energy travels to the gravity centers we can ask one question. Why weak gravity centers like Earth don't turn always heavier and fall into black holes? The answer is that it conducts energy that it gets to somewhere. Same way why black holes and other neutron stars don't expand and fill the entire universe. The answer is that they conduct energy somewhere. 


The idea of this gravitational model is this. A spinning object stores energy or quantum fields in its material. Then that energy starts to travel to the middle of that object. Then energy travels out from that object. So things like neutron stars and other things do not form energy they just concentrate it.  


That causes situations where outcoming energy will be stored in the material of the neutron star. Then energy that travels to the neutron star's spin axle pulls that structure into its form. It's possible that in the neutron stars is the neutron liquid in its spin axle. That allows that there from the whirl there is a vacuum. 

That vacuum can pull other electromagnetic fields into that structure there they can travel out from the neutron star's poles. If there is a whirl that thing causes a situation that outcoming energy that is from the neutrons and has a homogenous wavelength the impacting wave movement in the middle of that whirl forms the maser effect that increases the power of escaping energy. 

When a neutron star pulls energy fields from its environment it travels more energy or quantum fields to fill that energy vacuum. Those energy fields transport particles like rivers. That means neutron stars are not forming energy from anywhere. It just collects and transforms energy into another form. In this text energy is the common name for all four fundamental interactions, strong, and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity. 

The idea of a falling field means that gravity is not force like electromagnetism. It's a feature in spacetime. Or if we think that spacetime is Higgs field or some other field, it's the movement in fields that form the 3D spacetime. 

That thing means that there is a lower energy point in the neutron star. That means the energy that comes from the neutron shell falls to that spin axle. There the spin axle will transmit that energy away from its structure. And that forms the vacuum. 

In fast-spinning objects, the centripetal force pushes that neutron star's shell out of its structure. That interaction between the inside vacuum or lower energy level in a neutron star and the neutron star shell and outcoming energy can explain why gravity is so different from other forms. 

When the energy level in particles rises.  Normally, they send energy impulses that destroy the structure. In that model, energy travels to the middle of the neutron star. That thing denies the outgoing effect. They form electromagnetic shadows in front of the particles. But those shadows form the inner side of those particles. 

That causes an effect. The electromagnetic radiation travels into the middle of the neutron star. Their energy starts to travel to the neutron star's poles. And that forms those powerful plasma beams from its poles. The thing is that also black holes have similar structures if we look at them outside. 

The world inside the event horizon is mysterious. But we can think that maybe all gravitational centers act the same way. The spin movement stores kinetic energy into their structure. And then that energy travels in the middle of them.

Christmas is here.

Christmas is here. Now it is Christmas night. The night should be the celebration of mercy. But sometimes that thing causes trauma. Christma...