Using muon spin rotation at the Swiss Muon Source SmS, researchers discovered that a quantum phenomenon associated with magnetic response varies with depth in the Kagome superconductor RbV₃Sb₅. This depth-dependence allows tunability: a fact that aids potential applications in quantum technology. Credit: Paul Scherrer Institute PSI / Mahir Dzambegovic" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: Time Reversal Symmetry Broken at Record High Temperatures)
T-symmetry or time-reversal symmetry, TRS is the theoretical symmetry of physical laws under the transformation of time reversal. (Wikipedia, T-symmetry)
"Time-reversal symmetry (TRS) is the idea that the laws of physics are the same whether time runs forward or backward. In certain materials, such as this Kagome superconductor, this symmetry can be violated, meaning the system behaves differently if time were reversed." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: Time Reversal Symmetry Broken at Record High Temperatures)
"In the Kagome material studied in this work, under certain conditions, the collective behavior of the electrons (known as charge order) creates magnetic fields that break this symmetry. This type of charge order is associated with unusual magnetic and transport properties, so it’s of great interest." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: Time Reversal Symmetry Broken at Record High Temperatures)
"Kagome is the name of a traditional Japanese basket-weaving design, formed from a pattern of corner-sharing triangles. But condensed matter physicists discovered a while ago that if atoms are arranged in this structure, the collective behavior of electrons gives rise to exotic and sought-after quantum phenomena." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: Time Reversal Symmetry Broken at Record High Temperatures)
The kagome metals are sometimes interesting developers because of the symmetry or structure of those atoms. In some models, the small magnetis are put through that structure. If they rotate in a magnetic kagome structure they can form a quantum generator.
In some models, information can be sent from the top to the bottom of the 3D structure as very thin beams. If some kind of quantum whirl surrounds that thin beam it could deny the change of the information. The beam must be tight because that minimizes entropy. It can revolutionize the quantum technology.
"Since the second law of thermodynamics states that entropy increases as time flows toward the future, in general, the macroscopic universe does not show symmetry under time reversal. In other words, time is said to be non-symmetric, or asymmetric, except for special equilibrium states when the second law of thermodynamics predicts the time symmetry to hold. However, quantum noninvasive measurements are predicted to violate time symmetry even in equilibrium, contrary to their classical counterparts, although this has not yet been experimentally confirmed." (Wikipedia, T-symmetry)
"Scientists have observed superfluid vortices in supersolids, marking a milestone in quantum research. By rotating a supersolid, researchers revealed unique vortex behaviors, with potential applications across quantum physics and astrophysics. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Breaking Physics: Scientists Reveal “Impossible” State of Matter That’s Both Solid and Superfluid)
Time reversal symmetry broke in high temperatures. The temperature where that happened was -98 degrees Celsius. That is quite a high temperature. The term time-reversal symmetry, TRS (or, T-symmetry) means that every reaction happens similarly regardless of whether that time goes forward or backward in the system. That thing was seen when information traveled through kagome metal without changing its form.
That means that even if time goes backward all physical reactions would happen similar way. The thing that makes it impossible to remake reactions is the growing entropy in the system. The expansion of the universe is the thing that grows entropy in the system. Because of universe expansion there forms more free space in the system. And that free space makes it possible for the quants to change their position in the system.
And then people sometimes ask what that means. Is that some kind of time machine? The fact is that the time is energy. And it's possible to slow time in systems by pumping energy into them. Slowing time is not so easy in real life. If researchers just pump energy into the system they will break it. They must make a symmetrical structure around the system. And then. They can use that structure as a quantum press.
As long as the energy level in that quantum press is higher than in the system it can keep the system in its form. But then if they remove that structure energy flows out from the system very fast.
Those systems where time dilation has happened were the atom-size systems where time dilation is made by using the particle accelerators. In those tests, the system uses ultra-heavy artificial elements whose decay time is less than a microsecond. When the system accelerates those atoms it makes them exist longer than it should.
When we think about quantum superfluids and other systems, it's possible that maybe someday developers can create systems that dilate time by using quantum generators. The quantum generator can be the atom stick that surrounds the quantum whirl. The idea is that the superfluid in the structure is full of those quantum whirls or quantum generators. And those things can make the system possible to slow time. But that thing might be only theory.
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