"In quantum mechanics, Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment concerning quantum superposition. In the thought experiment, a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead, while it is unobserved in a closed box, as a result of its fate being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur. This experiment viewed this way is described as a paradox. This thought experiment was devised by physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935 in a discussion with Albert Einstein to illustrate what Schrödinger saw as the problems of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics." (Wikipedia, Schrödinger's cat)
Scrödinger's can or cat which is time living and dead same time. Is the model that dominates quantum theories. That model means that the particle can exist and not exist. When we know about the existence of the cat, the cat lives. The existence in the quantum world is not an absolute thing. The knowledge of the existence turns particle existent. But we can be sure about that existence only when we see that thing. Or we can be sure about the cat's existence when we touch it.
The simplest version to return the cat back to life is to make a clone of the cat. Then if the cat has the neuro-implanted microchip that stores the memories from the cat. This allows it to take the EEG and then transfer its memories to the clone. That requires the knowledge of the position of the memory cells. The thing is that we know that also other tissues than neurons participate in the memory process. And then that makes this process difficult.
Or. If we want to return the dead cat to life we must reactivate the cell membrane and ion pumps. Replace the leaked liquids and then transfer the mitochondria and give them power. That could return that cat to life. And that makes "it possible" to create the Frankenstein cat.
The thing is that information that made the cat exist after it's gone. Nothing can destroy information. The information can turn so small bites and it can spread those bites to so large areas that we cannot put them back in their original form. And one of the reasons is that those information bites are spread to other information bites. So it's hard, but not impossible to find those information bites. And collect them back into one piece.
"Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source connected to a Geiger counter are placed in a sealed box. As illustrated, the quantum description uses a superposition of an alive cat and one that has died."(Wikipedia, Schrödinger's cat)
It's possible that this model can be used to return destroyed particles back to existence. The hypothetical "Frankenion" particle can be created by storing its oscillations in a certain energy state and environment. Then if that "Frankenion" is an elementary particle. That thing means that the system copies the environment and energy states where that particle is measured. And then it transfers the recorded oscillations into those particles. That allows us to make a copy of that particle.
All particles whose size and depth are limited have a limited number of information. That means information that creates limited particles and space is limited.
When we think about the material that lost all its energy. That means the material turns into a 2D material or wave movement. Theoretically is possible to push energy back to the particles and return their shape into a 3D model.
Theoretically is possible to return divided neutrons to their form. And if we think about things like quantum entanglements that will be broken, the information that the superpositioned and entangled particle exists after the superposition is broken. Theoretically is possible to fix the string of those superpositioned and entangled particles. The requirement is the thing that researchers find the right particles and the right superstrings. Theoretically, they could use a quantum-size black hole to make that thing.
If the cat is dead that thing is meaningless. We know that once there were cats. But now there is a statue that lost its life. The statue is only a shell of the substance. The cat's existence can also be virtual. If we just imagine that cat. We can say that its existence is virtual. The virtual object can cause changes to our behavior. That thing means that even if we imagine. That there is a cat in the room, we might be careful. We might be afraid that we let the cat away.
That cat's statue or filled cat pulls people to it. The people want to know why that cat is dead.
If we think that the cat is locked in the box, like in the image of the Schrödinger's cat we face the model of the locked position in that image. The cat is in the box. It cannot get out because it has no immune system, There is food but sooner or later the radioactive element sends a radiation burst, that activates the system and opens poison or a bomb in the chamber. That is the model of the locked position. If we touch that particle it loses its energy. That means we cannot touch the locked particle if we don't want to make a change to its position.
The thing that we can call the cosmic Scrödinger's cat is the black hole. The massive gravitational field locks the black hole into its position. That thing exists. But same time it does not exist. Existence requires interaction. And black hole interaction is one-way. The Scrödinger's cat is also the model of the third type of material that can exist in both, main states of the material. That third material would not annihilate when it touches the antimatter and matter.
We can say that the superstrings are the third form of matter. Those things can form both antimatter and regular material. And if that third material is possible to create that allows to store of antimatter safely. That is one thing that can be Scrödinger's cat in the material world. Or the cat itself is material. But how to transform a living creature into the quantum and elementary particle's world?
Maybe we can say that when a particle transports important information. That particle exists. When that particle loses its information. Its existence ends. That means the particle turns meaningless. And that means the particle exists and does not exist. Same way as some sand bites that exist on the road. The sand bites exist, we know them. But we don't notice them.
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