Sunday, November 17, 2024

Spin and gravity.

In this text, I write about neutron stars. But you can replace the word neutron stars using black holes. The idea of gravity could be that gravity or gravitation forms when a spinning object stores kinetic energy in its material structure. And then it conducts that energy into the center of that structure. 

Then that energy travels out from the spin axle. That means that gravity or gravitation is the force with field effect. That field effect means that gravity is a field that travels in the gravity center. That field is like a river that takes particles into it. The fact is that. All gravitational objects spin or move. They all have poles. 

The other thing is that. What if the planet is locked? The nucleus of the locked planet spins. And the shadow side puls energy out from that planet. 

Could spin be the thing that causes gravitation or gravity? When we think about very fast-spinning extremely heavy objects like neutron stars those things can explain the special features of gravity. The idea is that the fast-spinning object stores lots of energy into its material structure. Or it bends the energy that travels into it into its particles. 

Massive gravity forms when the speed of the spin axle slows. And the outer shell spins faster than particles in that axle. The question is this. Where lighter gravitational centers like Earth will conduct that energy? When we think about quantum gravity and large-scale gravity.

It's possible that the same things cannot form quantum and planet-size gravity. But if a large mass particle that spins very fast starts to vaporize it can form channels at its spin axle and then those channels pull that particle into them. That causes a situation where a particle causes an electromagnetic vacuum and other quantum fields fall to fill that emptiness. 

In this text, energy- or quantum fields mean the same thing. So gravity centers pull energy- or quantum fields into itself.  Those energy fields raise that object's mass. When we think the gravity as the situation where energy travels to the gravity centers we can ask one question. Why weak gravity centers like Earth don't turn always heavier and fall into black holes? The answer is that it conducts energy that it gets to somewhere. Same way why black holes and other neutron stars don't expand and fill the entire universe. The answer is that they conduct energy somewhere. 


The idea of this gravitational model is this. A spinning object stores energy or quantum fields in its material. Then that energy starts to travel to the middle of that object. Then energy travels out from that object. So things like neutron stars and other things do not form energy they just concentrate it.  


That causes situations where outcoming energy will be stored in the material of the neutron star. Then energy that travels to the neutron star's spin axle pulls that structure into its form. It's possible that in the neutron stars is the neutron liquid in its spin axle. That allows that there from the whirl there is a vacuum. 

That vacuum can pull other electromagnetic fields into that structure there they can travel out from the neutron star's poles. If there is a whirl that thing causes a situation that outcoming energy that is from the neutrons and has a homogenous wavelength the impacting wave movement in the middle of that whirl forms the maser effect that increases the power of escaping energy. 

When a neutron star pulls energy fields from its environment it travels more energy or quantum fields to fill that energy vacuum. Those energy fields transport particles like rivers. That means neutron stars are not forming energy from anywhere. It just collects and transforms energy into another form. In this text energy is the common name for all four fundamental interactions, strong, and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity. 

The idea of a falling field means that gravity is not force like electromagnetism. It's a feature in spacetime. Or if we think that spacetime is Higgs field or some other field, it's the movement in fields that form the 3D spacetime. 

That thing means that there is a lower energy point in the neutron star. That means the energy that comes from the neutron shell falls to that spin axle. There the spin axle will transmit that energy away from its structure. And that forms the vacuum. 

In fast-spinning objects, the centripetal force pushes that neutron star's shell out of its structure. That interaction between the inside vacuum or lower energy level in a neutron star and the neutron star shell and outcoming energy can explain why gravity is so different from other forms. 

When the energy level in particles rises.  Normally, they send energy impulses that destroy the structure. In that model, energy travels to the middle of the neutron star. That thing denies the outgoing effect. They form electromagnetic shadows in front of the particles. But those shadows form the inner side of those particles. 

That causes an effect. The electromagnetic radiation travels into the middle of the neutron star. Their energy starts to travel to the neutron star's poles. And that forms those powerful plasma beams from its poles. The thing is that also black holes have similar structures if we look at them outside. 

The world inside the event horizon is mysterious. But we can think that maybe all gravitational centers act the same way. The spin movement stores kinetic energy into their structure. And then that energy travels in the middle of them.

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