Monday, May 27, 2024

New visions for Standard Model.

The LHC observation proves that the Standard model stands. And that means the Fermilab's hole in the Standard model is closed. Then we must say, that even the new particles will not mean, that physicists must rewrite the Standard model. The model itself is open, and physicists can involve new particles in that model as much as they want. And then the new particles might not be found anymore. 

Big Think article says: There are three things that researchers should check. 

the mass of the top quark,

the mass of the Higgs boson,

and the mass of the W-boson,

as all three of these are interrelated.  (BigThink, New LHC results refute Fermilab’s “hole” in the Standard Model)

The interrelation between those particle's mass can mean, that those particles can transmit energy to each other. 

The similarities with masses of the W boson and Top Quark can mean that the W boson is the predicted (or at least hypothetical) Chameleon particle. And that can mean that the W boson and top quark can be the same particle. 

If the W and Z boson's weight is not the same, that means energy flows to lighter or lower energy particles. If Z boson orbits W boson that explains the weak nuclear force abilities. When energy travels to other particles like neutron's poles, that thing makes the weak nuclear force pull neutrons separately. And when the sides of those particles to neutrons that causes a situation where energy from neutrons travels to that boson pair. So the W and Z bosons are together in the transmitting particles of the weak nuclear force. 

And that causes the thought: could some other transmitting particles, transmit the four fundamental forces be the particle pairs? That can explain why we cannot find gravitons. If a graviton is a pair of some known particles, that can tell many things about gravity. The bubbling effect in the Higgs boson tells us that this particle could have some companion particle. But they can also be measurement errors. 

"Because the masses of the Standard Model particles are all related, the expected mass of the W-boson depends on the masses of the other particles. With arguably the most important constraints. Coming from the mass of the top quark, itself only discovered in 1995 at Fermilab. Initially, early evidence indicated the top quark’s mass (in terms of its energy equivalent) could be anywhere from about 165 GeV up to 180 GeV, which would constrain the W-boson to be no lower than 80.33 GeV (for a low-mass top quark) and no greater than 80.40 GeV (for a high-mass top quark)." (BigThink, New LHC results refute Fermilab’s “hole” in the Standard Model)

The results can mean three things. 

the CDF (Fermilab) measurement was wrong,

several other collaborations made errors or missed a key piece of evidence,

or this CDF result was an indication that something was wrong with the Standard Model. 

(BigThink, New LHC results refute Fermilab’s “hole” in the Standard Model)

The W boson is heavier than researchers believed before. And that thing tells us that it's possible that at least part of dark matter hovers in some other particles.  The charm quark in protons supports that theory. The Charm quark is heavier than an entire proton. But it still exists in that hadron. So maybe some other particles involve that kind of surprise. 

The LHC is the most powerful tool in the science, and the problem is this. It used all its power to find Higgs boson. The new particles require new particle accelerators that are so large, that they don't fit to Earth. 

Sometimes researchers discuss the theory that maybe the Higgs boson and the particle, that Peter Higgs predicted are not the same. The Higgs boson is the newest particle. But sometimes somebody says that the energy level of the Higgs boson is too low that this particle can be "The real Higgs boson". 

This new still hypothetical elementary particle requires so powerful particle accelerators that their length is about the same as an asteroid belt. That is the reason why researchers cannot find new elementary particles after the Higgs boson. The fact is. The new particles don't mean that the entire model must rewritten. 

But the new measurements tell that in, or near some particles can be some new and high energy particles. There is some anomaly in Higgs boson decay. And that gives a hint that there could be a small high-energy particle near or in the Higgs boson. 

The existence of things like Higgs bosons is very short. And that makes it hard to measure. Higgs boson itself is a very small, and high-energy particle. When Higgs boson decays its flash will cover that yet unknown particle. Whose existence is shorter than even Higgs boson's existence.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

What would the dark matter be?

Could the WIMP be quasiparticles like exciton, where an electron orbits its hole and turns into wave movement? There is the possibility that some other particles than electrons can form similar structures with excitons.  So could dark matter be some other quasiparticle like quark "exciton" or "gluon exciton"? 

We know today quite many quasiparticles. And if things like gluons can form this kind of structure. And then gluon turns into wave movement. That thing can explain dark matter. 

Theoretically, those "subatomic excitons" quasiparticles can form inside other particles. There is the possibility that the exciton-type structure can form when one quark or gluon turns to lower energy than it should. 

So that means dark matter can be in other particles. Or maybe dark matter is a virtual particle, the gravitational electric arc, or some other things like quantum-size black holes. 

In some visions, dark matter particles weakly interacting with massive particles (WIMP)  is the quasiparticle. A little bit like excitons. In excitons, electrons start to orbit their holes. 

So it's possible. That hypothetical exciton-type quasiparticle can form between the quark and its hole. Or maybe the gluon can make similar holes with electrons. In some visions, the electron or another particle that forms the hole can turn to wave movement. And that means the hole loses its electron. 

The dark matter is a mystery. The reason why we cannot see that material is the thing that makes this mysterious gravitational effect interesting. In some visions. Dark matter particles or weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP) are things. 

That can form mysterious dark matter. In some visions, dark matter is material whose temperature is lower than zero kelvin. If some particle's temperature is lower than zero kelvin or absolute zero point. The matter is dark. Energy will travel to those particles. 

But the particle cannot travel through energy minimum in the particle form. The reason for that is that the particle will reach the same energy level as its environment. And that turns particles into wave movement. 

The energy minimum of the third dimension is the floor of the three-dimensional material. And that border is the roof of the second dimension. 

The dimension is the area between two energy levels. When the difference in energy levels between two particles is high enough the particles cannot exchange information. When two particles are between energy minimum and energy maximum, they can exchange information. But when particles reach the energy maximum or energy minimum. They lose their existence as material. When the material energy level turns high enough, it turns very small. And then it jumps through the energy maximum. That thing presses it like spaghetti. 

In those models, the material cannot come from a higher dimension to a lower dimension in the form of material. The reason for that is that when the material reaches the energy floor or energy minimum, it turns into wave movement. 

The energy always attempts to travel in the lower energy areas. But the thing is that when the universe expands its energy level turns lower. When energy impacts the border between dimensions it presses that border like a piston. There is the possibility that the 2D low-energy material can receive this energy and then it pushes its energy maximum, that is the zero kelvin temperature and the energy minimum in the 3D universe. 

The zero kelvin degrees are the border of the second and the third dimensions. The 0 k temperature is the energy minimum in the three-dimensional universe. The particle cannot travel through that 0k energy level in particle form because it must have a different energy level than its environment. 

When a particle reaches energy minimum, its existence as a particle ends. Because its energy level is the same as its environment. And that means the particle turns into a wave movement. The information can travel through that level only when it first turns into the wave movement.

Modern AI can uncover ancient evolution mysteries.

"Researchers have demonstrated that the capacity for rapid adaptation within a few generations, known as evolvability, can also explain species divergence over millions of years. By analyzing extensive datasets from current species and fossils, they found that traits with high evolvability show more divergence over time, influenced by environmental fluctuations, which plays a crucial role in shaping evolutionary outcomes." (ScitechDaily, Darwin Revisited: Modern Data Sheds Light on Ancient Evolutionary Theories)

The AI is a tool that can sort large data mass. That ability makes it an excellent tool for uncovering evolution. Modern evolution theories determine that the species will advance and separate by genetic mutations. Those mutations can happen for natural reasons. Things like high radiation levels can destroy all other individuals than individuals who can resist cancer. 

Another way how to mutate the genetic material is that the genetic material travels over species' borders. That thing can happen when lone animals copulate with other species individuals. That thing is the Lone Island model, where things like leopards and tigers will somehow get into Lone Island. And they will think that they are the same species. In some other cases, the retroviruses can transport genomes to the gametes or fetus. 

An artist’s reconstruction of Purgatorius, a probable primate ancestor. Nobu Tamura/Wikicommons

The thing is that. the things how the first sharks decayed into different species, and how those species advanced into the dinosaurs. The question is what is the retrovirus's role in the natural selection in the early species? And the data mass that the AI can handle can open the mysteries of things like when mammals, especially primates started to separate from other mammals. Here we must say that the primates started to advance a long time before great apes, and humans. 

"The evolutionary history of the primates can be traced back 57-90 million years. One of the oldest known primate-like mammal species, Plesiadapis, came from North America; another, Archicebus, came from China. Other similar basal primates were widespread in Eurasia and Africa during the tropical conditions of the Paleocene and Eocene. Purgatorius is the genus of the four extinct species believed to be the earliest example of a primate or a proto-primate, a primatomorph precursor to the Plesiadapiformes, dating to as old as 66 million years ago. ("Wikipedia, Evolution of primates")

The first primates were small-sized animals, that used their front feet like some red squirrels. That organism raised its food from land for some unknown reason. The first primate came to Earth about 57-90 million years ago, and the first hominids or great apes came to Earth about 22 million years ago. So the primates traveled a long evolution road before the first southern apes. 

Artificial evolution requires responsibility. 

Those separations in the evolution tree are interesting. The evolution road from the first primates to the humans is long. And the road from the first cells to the first sharks and dinosaurs has been long. The AI allows us to control the genetic material. And that gives us the possibility to create artificial species and control evolution. 

That thing means that we should use that ability very wisely. We have the keys to removing things like genetic disorders from our society. But if we want, we can also create super soldiers by using that kind of technology. We have free will to use that advance how we want.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Predicting order and chaos is important in nanotechnology.

"Harvard scientists have demonstrated that quantum coherence can persist through chemical reactions in ultracold molecules, suggesting broader applications for quantum information science and potentially in more common environmental conditions." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Coherence: Harvard Scientists Uncover Hidden Order in Chemical Chaos)

Chaos is the thing that creates turbulence in every system. The turbulence is the thing that destroys the quantum entanglements and makes it difficult to transport information over long distances. 

When we try to yell over long distances. The wind covers those soundwaves. And that thing makes it impossible to yell over extremely long distances. 

We can thank chaos that things like hurricanes cannot continue forever. In Earth's atmosphere when a hurricane travels over the ground. Friction takes more energy from it than it gets from the sun. The reason why the hurricane's existence ends over the dry land is that: the whirl loses its energy from below it. 

"Advanced machine learning algorithms have shown potential in efficiently controlling complex systems, promising significant improvements in autonomous technology and digital infrastructure." (ScitechDaily, Predicting Chaos With AI: The New Frontier in Autonomous Control)

And that pulls energy out from the whirl from below it. When the hurricane turns into a lower energy level than its environment, outside energy destroys it. 

And that thing destroys the whirl. Hurricanes can continue even thousands of years in low-energy systems. 

Jupiter's Great Red Spot is the anticyclone that hovers in Jupiter's atmosphere. The sunlight and tidal forces of Jupiter's moon raise that spot's energy level higher than its environment. That keeps the whirl hovering in a giant planet's atmosphere for a very long time. The Neptune's Great Dark Spot spot is a little bit different phenomenon. 

We can see how chaos and order alternate in Jupiter's Great Red Spot. First, we can see the whirl. Then we can see the chaos, and after that, we can see the repeating entireties in the structure. 

Neptune's dark spot continues its existence for a very long time because the sun and side friction can raise the spot's energy level higher than its environment. Side and upcoming energy turns the whirls energy level so high, that the outside gas and energy cannot fill it. In those systems, another order forms in the bigger orders. 

The whirls also organized systems. In Jupiter and Neptune, chaos and order alternate in their atmosphere. When we first look at Jupiter's atmosphere. First, we can see the complete order. Then we can see the whirls in the borders of the cloud lines. Those order and chaos alternate in the Great Red spot as well as in all other structures in nature. 

The Great Dark Spot structure. 

And then we can find the order again. That kind of thing is important for nanomechanical research. 

There is always order in chaos. When we look at things like liquids, we might think. That liquid is a chaotic system. But when we search for the tiniest things in the quantum world. There is always formation that is clear and without chaos. 

But the system's attempt is always to reach some kind of order. The outside or inside force that affects similarly in some structures forces the system into order. The idea is that the force first affects some parts of the system. Then those parts pull other parts of the system with them. 

If the system can predict the behavior and advance in the ordering process, that system can make new types of structures. 

The AI can observe large entireties. It can control protein formation in its entirety, and that thing is one of the key elements in medicine production. The acoustic systems can make channels in liquids where long-chain proteins can form. However, the system must know the precise right point in ordering liquid so that the channel can get the precise right form. 

The form of the long proteins is extremely important. Because Vanderwaals' forces can turn the wrong reaction points in the long proteins in the wrong direction. In medicines, the reaction and contact points must be at the right points, or that molecule goes in the wrong ion pump.

The exoplanets can tell us about climate change and its influence on our planet.

The small red exoplanet called TOI-6713.01 orbits the red dwarf. Telescopes tell that there is intense volcanic activity in that strange world, covered by molten lava. The intense volcanic activity on that planet can form because its star causes intensive heat. If the star transports energy to its planet, and energy cannot fly to space, that thing causes the planet's internal parts to temperature. 

Sooner or later. The atmospheric heat affects the planet's core if it cannot send that radiation into space. And that thing increases the power of fission in the planet's core. That can cause volcanism. Same way the intense heat in the atmosphere can melt the planet's shell. 

The inner fission and star-coming energy combination can raise the planet's temperature higher than stars. The temperature on exoplanet TOI-6713.01 is 2600 Kelvin can form. Because of a combination of internal fission and outcoming energy. Together with an extremely powerful greenhouse effect. Those effects can raise the planet's temperature to higher levels, than some stars' temperatures. 

"Since the 1980s, seismic stations have been detecting an increase in ocean wave intensity, correlating with climate change. A Colorado State University study, analyzing over 35 years of data, found that ocean waves have become significantly stronger, reflecting an increase in storm severity due to global warming. This seismic data, revealing long-term trends and changes in wave energy, underscores the need for resilient strategies to protect coastal areas from the impacts of climate change". (ScitechDaily, Earth’s Alarming Whisper: Seismology Exposes the Rumble of Climate Change)

But can the rise of atmospheric temperature on Earth cause things like earthquakes? The answer is that the vaporizing oceans decrease the water layer's weight on Earth's shell. That thing makes the lithosphere easier to move, especially if the energy or pressure impulses come from below the lithosphere. 

The Earth is not any TOI-6713.01. This planet's atmosphere rise doesn't melt the shell. But that rising temperature can increase vaporization. That means that more water in seas and water systems turns into vapor. This effect decreases the water layer's weight. 

And that means that the weight of the Earth's lithosphere decreases. That causes an effect: on the lithosphere because of weaker energy impulses than previously. Because there is not so much weight on the lithosphere moving that thing requires weaker energy impulses.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Where are white holes?

Gravity affects quantum or energy fields. Those fields are things that we can call dimensions. And we can say that space is like water. Gravity is like flow that takes particles with it. 

We can think that the black hole's gravity field model is like a sombrero. Or actually, we can say that the gravitational field of a black hole is like a sombrero where is a hole or channel in the middle. The spin of that structure is the thing that acts as a generator. That keeps this structure in its form. The black hole will not create energy. 

It just moves energy from one place to another. The energy in that structure is in the form of gravity. And black holes turn all other three fundamental forces, electromagnetism, and weak and strong nuclear forces into gravity. So it adjusts the wave movement's frequency to the gravity frequency.

We can say that this channel is the low-pressure area in the gravity field. The outside energy pushes that structure against this channel. That low-pressure channel pulls gravity fields to it and denies the structure collapse. The outside energy pushes energy fields against that channel and the reason why the gravity field forms is that the channel takes radiation or energy fields out from the structure. When that outcoming energy impacts with material around the black hole, it pumps very much energy into that material. 

It's possible. The white holes are so large area that the energy rises very little in that phenomenon. 

White holes are theoretically the opposite phenomenon to black holes. In wormhole theory, white holes are places where energy comes out from the wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge. But where are the white holes? The black hole is like a pothole or hole in the universe. And that means the white hole is like a hill in the universe. 

A theoretical wormhole is a gravitational tornado. That gravitational tornado is the hollow energy channel. Superstrings form the channel's shell. And when the distance to the black hole increases, the wormhole loses energy from its shell. And that means the wormhole starts to leak. 

When we think about that energy hill, we forget that the quantity of energy is the thing in white holes. So we can think, that the white hole can be a very wide and low hill. Those hills would involve as much energy as the black hole, but they are so wide that the rise in the energy level is very low. If we want to compare white holes with something physical, we can compare them with shield volcanoes. Those volcanoes can be very low, but they cover large areas. 

When we think about the wormholes as the cosmic gravitational tornado. We can understand why we cannot see white holes. Those gravitational tornadoes or energy channels are not ending suddenly. They will expand when their distance to the black holes increases. So that means they will turn larger and start to leak. The wormhole is the hollow energy channel and the shell of that channel is the thing, that interacts with its environment. 

The wormhole will erupt like some spring. When their distance from the black hole increases they lose energy, and that means they are starting to leak. The energy that the wormhole loses is the thing, that forms its shell. So when the wormhole loses energy from the hollow superstring structure or hollow energy channel's shell, that shell starts to leak. That means they form extremely large-area white holes. That means a white hole would be like a large-area hill where the energy level rises very little.

Can alien megastructures uncover intelligent civilizations?

Image: Science Alert, Mysterious Objects in Space Could Be Giant Dyson Spheres, Scientists Say

If a civilization can use all the energy that their star sends. That makes civilization invisible to humans. But how can the civilization make that thing? In some visions, the civilization can close their star in the closed ball, called the Dyson sphere. If the sphere is closed. That makes the civilization invisible to outsiders. 

The reason and motivation for building giant megastructures can be overpopulation. But those structures can also used to control things like energy production. The giant Dyson spheres can press plasma into artificial stars. And they can press stars and planets into the artificial black holes. 

The civilization can close things like red dwarfs in the sphere and can control their energy production using laser or microwave systems. The sphere stores energy that the star produces and then sends it back in the form of microwaves or laser beams. That helps to control the star's brightness. 

Theoretically, giant Dyson spheres can cover entire stars and entire solar systems. Those giant structures can help alien civilizations use all the energy that their star can create. Giant Dyson spheres can also be used to control the star of the hypothetical alien civilization. 

In some models, the giant ring orbits the Dyson spheres. That ring can used as the giant space sling that throws the craft to space. 

There could be three types of Dysion spheres. 

1) Fully closed ball that can close 100% of the star's radiation inside it. 

2) The whisk-looking structure. In some models, those belts or rods can turned into ring-shaped structures. That means this kind of Dyson sphere can adjust its shape. 

3) The large satellite group. Those satellites can adjust the central star's brightness by shooting it with lasers or microwaves. 

The Dyson spheres can also used to create artificial stars or press stars and planets into black holes. But the fact is that Dyson spheres are hypothetical structures. 

If that sphere does not send any radiation through it. It is invisible to outsiders. 

But have we detected some kind of Dyson spheres? The thing is that there is a structure in the universe. That we can call the "dark matter star". The dark dark matter star is an invisible structure in the universe. That structure is too light to be a black hole. That structure can be the dark matter gob. But it could also be the large Dyson sphere that can close some stars inside it. 

Another thing that can prove a Dyson sphere is the smallest stars in the universe. Some think that those stars that are smaller than Jupiter could be artificial. 

There is no straight evidence of those hypothetical alien megastructures. But it's good to see that also starting to talk about those things freely. The Dyson spheres are things that can uncover some alien civilizations.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Some researchers suggest that WARP drive is possible with existing physics.

"An artist's impression of a spacecraft initiating a warp drive. (3000ad/iStock/Getty Images Plus)" (ScienceAlert, Wild Discovery Suggests a Warp Drive Is Possible Within Known Physics)

The WAPR drive or Alcubierre drive is the system that warps the universe. And the WARP system is similar to the thing called quantum tunneling. In the middle of the craft is the chamber, where the system explodes antimatter, and then those explosions create the bubble. The idea is that the spacecraft's energy level will rise to so high level that it will jump to the fourth dimension. 

Theoretically, the WARP drive is quite easy to make. The system just transports the craft at a speed. That is as close to the speed of light as possible. Then the system starts to raise the craft's energy level. And that can made using the annihilation reaction. 

In some models, the system can create a black hole using the antimatter explosion. The system can use a ball-shaped chamber. The antimatter will be between two shells of that chamber. Then the hollow antimatter structure will explode. And the ball-shaped shockwave impacts in the middle of that ball. That energy level can form an artificial black hole. The craft can stay in form if the structure, where those black holes are if they are perfectly symmetrical round. 

"An illustration of the warp drive concept. (Applied Physics)" (ScitechDaily, Wild Discovery Suggests a Warp Drive Is Possible Within Known Physics)

In some models, the WARP drive just creates the WARP bubble around the saucer-shaped aircraft. Then the craft's shell will rotate as fast as possible. And then the antimatter explosion will pump energy to that craft. That antimatter explosion raises the craft's energy level higher than it is at the speed of light. 

In some models, the system uses water to make the WARP bubble. The idea is that the craft creates a water bubble around it or some kind of frame makes the water layer. Then the craft will accelerate to a speed. That is the speed of light in a vacuum. 

Then that craft impacts that water wall. After that, the craft travels faster than the speed of light in water, And in a short moment, it will travel faster than light. That thing is called a border wall crossing. And the neutrino detectors use that phenomenon. The idea is that anything that has mass has no unlimited slowing. But those methods are dangerous. The craft may cause shockwaves, that destroy the entire planet. 

In some ideas, the ultra-small probe will accelerate to the speed of light in a particle accelerator. That particle accelerator shoots that probe into water. If the speed is high enough the tunneling effect can press the probe into the fourth dimension. 

In some models, the spacecraft can create a vacuum bubble in the atmosphere. The system can use some acoustic system for that thing. When the craft rises its speed high enough the acoustic system shuts down. And then the bubble falls causing a situation, where the craft travels with the speed of light in a vacuum, which is higher than the speed of light in the atmosphere.

Jump into the fourth dimension.

"Quantum tunneling allows particles to bypass energy barriers. A new method has been proposed to measure the time it takes for particles to tunnel, which could challenge previous assertions of superluminal tunneling speeds. This method involves using atoms as clocks to detect subtle time differences. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Breaking Light Speed: The Quantum Tunneling Enigma)

Dimensions are energy levels. And if the energy level in some particles rises too high, that particle cannot exchange information between it, and the three-dimensional material. That state is the fourth dimension. 

And one theoretical version of how to raise the energy level so high, that it jumps to the fourth dimension is to cross the speed of light. In some other models, the system drives photons or some other particle to the electromagnetic field or potential wall that raises its energy high enough in the critical moment. 

When the particle's speed accelerates into high enough, it will get a nose. The nose forms because an electromagnetic shadow at the front of the particle stretches it. That nose is the shadow of the fourth dimension. A reason for that nose is when the particle's speed is high enough, they split quantum fields around them. At the front of the particle is a small, low pressure at the quantum field. 

Otherwise, that quantum low pressure can pull the particle to the quantum channel. But the energy that starts to travel out from the particle closes that channel. 

That nose forms when the particle starts to tunnel itself to the channel. The low-pressure tunnel pulls the particle inside it. When a particle travels through the quantum field it forms an energy wave around and in front of it. At a critical point, the particle loses its contact with quantum fields 

At that point, it sends wave movement and when the particle starts to release its energy, its speed cannot accelerate. In some other models, the particle forms the energy wave that closes the quantum channel in front of it. And in that moment. The particle starts to release energy to that quantum field. Which pulls energy out of it. That denies the rise of the speed. 

In the tunneling effect particle hits the potential wall. That potential wall pushes energy into that particle from its sides. As long as the particle receives more energy than it releases. The particle's energy level rises, and the speed of light is the level of kinetic energy. When a particle travels in the universe at the speed of light the top speed is the speed of a photon. Photon is the only particle that reaches the speed of light. 

Speed means that the particle has a certain energy level. Crossing the speed of light during tunneling means that the particle's energy level is higher than it is at the speed of light. 

When researchers try to make the particle tunnel itself through the speed of light, they might just make particle travel as fast as possible. Then they will press more energy to that particle from the sides. That thing allows the particle to keep the quantum tunnel open at the front of it. The thing that keeps the quantum tunnel open is the higher energy level at the particle. 

When we think about quantum tunnels or wormholes the idea is that the particle forms an electromagnetic shadow at the front of it. That shadow pulls particles in the tunnel. The backside coming energy pushes the particle forward. 

And the reason why that channel is open. Is the energy that comes from backward. If the particle is tightly in the tunnel it denies the electromagnetic radiation travel past it. That denies the scattering effect from the forward of the particle.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Stargate.

There are two models of Stargate. The first one is based on the artificial black holes. And the second one is the potential wall that raises the high-speed object's energy level so high, that it loses its ability to exchange information with other particles. Maybe someday we can create that device. 

The physical model of Stargate is the frame that creates the black hole. That oscillates with the same frequency as some other black hole or wormhole. And then that black hole pulls particles and other things through it to the other side of the wormhole. The system just causes the Kugelblitz black hole to oscillate with the same frequency as some wormholes. Then that synthetic black hole will transport the traveler to the wormhole. 

Some researchers believe that humans can survive from that trip is that black holes press the space around the traveler. And that helps to keep their structure in order. The black hole presses the space and energy and that causes the effect that the time slows in particles. And in the wormhole, the time is locked in particles. But that Stargate requires the existence of wormholes. 

""Embedding diagram" of a Schwarzschild wormhole" (Wikpedia/Wormhole). The theoretical stargate forms the black hole in the frame. Then the system puts it oscillates at the same frequency as some theoretical wormhole. 

In theories, the "cosmic neural structure" is formed around the Einstein-Rose bridges, "wormholes",  energy channels that travel through the universe. 

The wormholes or Einstein-Rose bridges are hypothetical energy channels through space and time. There are electromagnetic wormholes, but gravity wormholes are hypothetical gravity wave tornadoes or tunnels that travel through space. The energy doesn't get out from that gravitational tornado. And that locks time in the particle. 

Time is energy, and in that model, the black hole presses the particle in a smaller size. The reason why the particle or object that travels in a wormhole will not explode is this. The wormholes don't let the energy come out from the gravity tunnel. That thing makes it possible to travel across the universe without aging. 

The other stargate is the framed potential wall. 

Another way to think about the Stargate is that the time and speed are energy levels. The second, more realistic model of the stargate forms the potential wall in the frame. When an object travels to that energy, or potential wall the potential wall pumps energy into the particle. So we can think about a situation where a particle travels to that potential wall at a very high speed. 

Jumping into the fourth dimension means that the particle loses the ability to exchange information with three-dimensional particles because its energy level rises too high. 

Then the potential wall inputs energy to that particle, and if the speed and energy level are high enough, the particle should tunnel itself through space and time, which we can call dimension. The dimension is energy level. And if a particle's or object's energy level rises too high, that particle loses its ability to interact with other particles in the third dimension. The speed and potential wall could raise the particle's energy level so high that it can jump to the fourth dimension.

Some beetles use natural jammer systems against bats.

"Recent research reveals that tiger beetles emit ultrasound in response to bat echolocation not as a warning of their toxicity but to mimic the defensive signals of noxious moths, a strategy that confuses bats. This behavior is observed only in nocturnal tiger beetles, highlighting a sophisticated form of evolutionary adaptation. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Ultrasonic Illusions: How Tiger Beetles Use Mimicry to Outsmart Bats)

In nature, some systems or behavior can have many purposes. Tiger beetles send ultrasounds against the bats. The purpose of those ultrasound signals is to make the tiger beetle look like a noxious moth. 

Or its purpose can tiger beetles call other predators like owls or cats to the area. And owls and cats eat bats. This kind of behavior is detected in almost all other species. When some small animal faces deadly predators, it screams and the purpose of the scream is to call bigger predators on the place. 

"Many tiger beetles that are active at night produce a high-pitched, ultrasonic warning signal to ward off bats. Credit: Harlan Gough" (ScitechDaily, Ultrasonic Illusions: How Tiger Beetles Use Mimicry to Outsmart Bats)

And those bigger predators can attack the smaller predators. This means that the attacking predator must turn its notice away.  This ultrasound system may have many purposes. Maybe the tiger beetle tells the bat, that it noticed it. Those beetles are poisonous. But an interesting thing is that the tiger beetles use that ultrasound only at nighttime. So that means its primary use is against bats that hunt using ultrasound. 

The tiger beetle can also use the counter sound for jamming the bat's sonar. At this point, the counter sound can break the bat's ultrasound cone, which makes it harder to use its sonar. 

This kind of active jammer system makes the bats unable to estimate the range of their food. And that thing can make tiger beetles survive against the bats. In the second version, the counter waves make the tiger beetle seem closer than it is. And that thing can make a bat bite at the wrong time. That gives the tiger beetle the possibility to escape. So maybe this ultrasound system has many purposes. And it's a good example of natural adaptation.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

What if we can talk with whales?

Today we communicate with animals very often. But that communication is to give one-way orders. We can see if an animal like a dog is scared or something like that. But what if we can have two-way discussions with other animals? What those animals can talk to us? 

The two-way communication over the species' border is not a new thing. A long time ago. People learned to observe things like dogs' and cats' behavior. But that thing is a limited way to communicate. 

Researchers trained primates like chimpanzees and gorillas to use sign language. In those experiments, researchers released trained chimpanzees and gorillas into packs. And then they hoped that those secret agents would open those animal's worlds to humans. This is the thing that can interest people like intelligence and law enforcement. 

What if the animal can tell if there are poachers in that area? Or what if whales can tell about the position of some wrecks? Those things are interesting points of view. 

What if we can communicate with natural animals? Communication over the species' border is the way to communicate with aliens. Animals like whales are the alien because we don't know anything about their life. Of course, we can follow them using cameras, but the thing is that in those cases there are always humans near them. 

Breaking the communication code of some species happens by using AI and observation tools like bionic eyes and microphones. The system records the sounds that those animals use, and then it can follow the reactions. The system can show holograms to wolfpacks. And then it can see how the sounds are changing. The drone can also follow those animals, and observe their communication in different situations. 

Artificial intelligence is the tool, that can open the whale's communication. Whales have warning sounds. The underwater system may show holograms to whales, and then the system observes the sound signals that whales send each other. That thing would give a fantastic view of the deep sea. 

But the thing is that the microchip implants can make it possible to observe and break the whale's and other animals' EEG. In the future, the robots can put very flat 2D microchips on the animal's skin. And those systems can observe the brain and neural functions of implanted animals. That system can make it possible to project the information from the animal senses to the computer screen.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

The hydrogen-burning supernovas are interesting models.

"Researchers discovered a significant magnesium anomaly in a meteorite’s dust particle, challenging current astrophysical models and suggesting new insights into hydrogen-burning supernovas. (Artist’s concept.)Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Rare Dust Particle From Ancient Extraterrestrial Meteorite Challenges Astrophysical Models)

If the star is too heavy when its fusion reaction starts, it can detonate just at that moment, when its fusion starts. If the collapsing nebula is heavy enough, it can form a black hole straight from the nebula. But if the nebula's gravity is too heavy to form the blue giant or too small it can collapse straight into a black hole. If the forming star is a little bit larger than the blue supergiants. It can explode immediately when the fusion starts. 


The theory of hydrogen-burning supernovas consists model of the giant stars that explode immediately after their fusion starts. When the interstellar nebula falls it can form a black hole. Or it can form a star whose fusion runs too hot, and that causes a supernova explosion just after the nuclear reaction begins. 

Things like FRBs (Fast Radio Bursts) can transport energy into young stars, and that energy can cause situations, where the energy level in the star turns too high. And that causes the star to explode. Things like kilonovas, or impacting neutron stars, can form fusion in the molecular cloud around it. That shockwave can push atoms together forming things. Like gold and even heavier elements. 

Also, if the star goes near a supernova, another supernova can cause a situation in which another star can detonate because of that massive energy blast. The black holes can cause the stars to run too hot when they transmit energy into them. Black holes can pull energy through stars and that accelerates the fusion. 

In some models, the young, but very massive star can form at least neutron stars and black holes just after their fusion starts. The white dwarfs require that there is carbon in the star. 

It's possible that if the rogue planet starts the interstellar nebula collapse, that planet forms an empty bubble in the star. When the nebula falls and nuclear reactions begin, the planet forms a structure that acts like a vacuum bomb. The shockwave travels inside the planet and reflects causing the expanding fusion front inside the star. And that fusion causes a situation in which the just-born star can explode immediately.

The new theory challenges Einstein.

"Researchers propose a modification to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, suggesting a “cosmic glitch” that makes gravity slightly weaker across vast cosmic distances. This adjustment could help explain some unaccounted phenomena in the universe. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Einstein Challenged: Exploring the “Cosmic Glitch” in Gravity)

The new theory challenges Einstein.

In the new model, gravity is radiation that turns weaker when it travels through the universe. Researchers took that model from the Hall effect, where weaker energy fields pull energy away from the main energy field. And in this version, gravity is like all other radiation and wave movement. 

The thing with the new gravitational model is that if gravitational waves turn straight, the gravitation loses its power. That means the gravitational waves can stretch so much that they turn straight, and it doesn't cause changes in the gravitational energy field. The wavelength is the thing that determines if the force is the strong, or weak nuclear force, electromagnetism, and gravity. 

So when gravity waves distances from their source turn longer those waves should act like all other wave movements. 

The gravitational field or gravitational wave must not turn straight so that it loses its power. In some other models. Is possible that the gravitational wave loses its density. The gravitational center is the place where gravitational waves form. And when it sends gravitational waves those waves travel like electromagnetic radiation. 

When the distance to that object continues, gravitational waves disturb. And finally cut the interaction between gravitational waves that come out from the gravity center. The disturbance is the thing that limits the gravitational effect's distance. 

We can think of gravitational waves that come from the gravity center we can say that they act like waves in the water. When the distance from the gravitational center to the gravitational wave turns longer, the gravity wave loses its density or energy. And that turns those gravity waves weaker. 

It's possible that if gravity fields start to form whirls the outside gravity energy finally breaks that structure. In that case, the weaker gravity field in those gravity whirls causes a situation that the gravity field will impact, and then that thing forms the "gravitational vacuum bomb" that causes that impacting gravitational fields to form the gravitational wave that can interact oppositely than other gravitational waves. 

Gravitation is one energy form. It's wave movement like all other three fundamental interactions. 

When we think about wave movement when the wave impacts a particle, it pumps energy into it. When the wave or its energy level turns low that thing lets the particle space to send the extra energy as waves as wave movement. The thing is those photons that are left from particles when wave movement's energy level turns lower make material visible. So when the wave movement turns straight it can lose its ability to transpose energy into particles.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

The theory of non-organic consciousness is behind the intelligent universe theory.

Above: Dolphin nebula

The idea of the particles and their interactions is the origin of the theory of non-organic consciousness. The idea of non-organic consciousness and non-organic intelligence is a large research area. That consists of ideas like artificial intelligence, quantum computers, intelligent gas clouds, intelligent universes, and even intelligent dimensions. T

The non-organic consciousness can also be separated into man-made artificial intelligence and naturally-born non-organic intelligence or consciousness. 

Things like microchips are parts of man-made, non-organic intelligence. In non-organic intelligent structures, the elementary particles interact like neurotransmitters. 

As you might think this model is an interesting object for researchers and philosophers to think about: what are intelligence and consciousness? How big can intelligent structures be? And finally, we can think about the question: can something be intelligent without consciousness? 

Can some structure think: even if it cannot realize, that it thinks something? And then we must ask one question: does thinking without conscience mean that intelligence only has a series of reactions that it follows like flow charts? When something gives a response to something, it must have tools that it can use in that response. 

In no-organic consciousness, non-organic entirety turns to thinking and feeling structure. In those non-organic intelligence models the quantum dots turn information act like it acts in a quantum computer. 

And that causes the idea that it's possible. Things like diamonds, photonic crystals, or quantum gas clouds can turn into quantum systems that can turn into conscious entirety. The biggest known quantum structure is the entire universe. The idea of non-organic intelligence consists of the models of the interacting quantum fields and superpositioned and entangled black holes. 

There may be no limit to the size of consciousness. That means the dimension can be the consciousness. 

But then we can think about the size of the large intelligent structures. Can it be possible that the dimensions and electromagnetic fields can interact and exchange information? Dimensions are also electromagnetic fields. 

When a particle jumps to another dimension, its energy level turns so high, that the particle loses its ability to interact with particles in a lower dimension. The problem is that the particle that comes from the lower dimension is the lowest energy particle in the higher dimension. 

The internal energy bubbles that I call solitons can make it possible for particles can travel over the dimension's border. The structure must only keep the particle's energy level higher than its environment. 

Can dimensions exchange information?

The thing that limits jumping between dimensions is that when particles reach the same energy level as their environment, they lose their existence as particles. The particle's existence requires. That it has a lower or higher energy level than the environment. In some models, the soliton-type wave movements can create a bubble that raises the particle's energy level so high that it can jump into the fourth dimension.

The soliton must have two layers that allow it to keep the particle's energy level different than its environment. When the outer soliton or energy bubble reaches the same energy level as the outer environment, that breaks the outer soliton. But the internal soliton can reach a higher energy level than the environment because the outer layer protects it.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

What if the theoretical wormhole doesn't end suddenly?

The Einstein-Rose bridge or the wormhole ends in the white hole, the point where material and energy are. In simpler saying, information comes out from the wormhole. The regular model of the white hole is the theoretical phenomenon that a white hole is the opposite effect of a black hole. 

In that model, the white hole is a sudden phenomenon, the energy and material that come from the gravitational tunnel. The evidence against that model is introduced, that the white hole is not confirmed. 

When we think of the possibility that material crushes when it comes out from the white hole, the idea is that the energy and time are locked in the particle. And when it comes out, the energy travels out from it so fast, that it rips particles in pieces. Time is energy, and the universe's expansion causes a situation in which the energy level in it drops. 

In theories. The white hole is like a lamp or some kind of point, where material and energy come out from the point that pushes everything out from that tunnel. The white hole pushes everything away from it. But what if the white hole divergents gradually? In that model, the wormhole will erupt in stages. 

And we must realize, that it's possible, that the white hole is not a suddenly starting phenomenon. The wormhole is like a gravitational tornado that travels in the universe. The gravitational tornado closes material and wave movement inside it. And the outside radiation pushes that tornado that acts like a laser. The energy that comes from the sides locks the energy in the object. And the backward-coming information pushes objects forward. 

And if the wormhole is like a tornado the white hole doesn't begin suddenly. The gravity strings that form wormholes will erupt or lose their density like the whorl that the child draws or some kind of serpentine. That means the wormhole doesn't end suddenly. The gravitational whirl or tornado will turn less dense. And that means the white hole begins in stages. The wormhole will expand and then the outside quantum fields can travel in that thing. 

"Researchers at the University of Amsterdam have applied a 40-year-old mathematical framework by Jean Écalle to effectively describe and unify quantum mechanical tunneling phenomena. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Tunneling Explained With 40-Year-Old Mathematical Discovery)

Quantum tunneling can explain wormholes. 

When particle or wave movement impacts to the potential wall and travels in it. That potential wall starts to pump energy to that particle. In this process, the potential wall pulls more energy into the particle than it otherwise gets. And that causes the effect, that looks like crossing the speed of light. 

The wormhole is the quantum tunnel through space and time. And it's quantum tunneling through space and time. Because a wormhole locks energy in the particle it cannot get older. In a wormhole, a particle can increase its speed faster than in other ways because in that structure is the maser phenomenon. The outside energy travels through the gravitational tornado, forming the string that pumps energy to the particle. The particle will not separate from the quantum fields. 

The wormhole will lock energy in the particle. And that phenomenon can explain things like dark matter, dark energy, and the cosmic web. The energy vacuum in the wormhole makes it possible for the particle can travel faster than the speed of light. Another way we can say that the particle travels faster than usual. The thing is that in a wormhole photon speed is higher than outside it.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

New technology makes dark matter visible.

"Galaxy cluster, left, with ring of dark matter visible, right. Credit: NASA, ESA, M. J. Jee and H. Ford (Johns Hopkins University)"  (ScitechDaily, Turning Invisible Dark Matter Into Visible Light)

"Explorations in dark matter are advancing with new experimental techniques designed to detect axions, leveraging advanced technology and interdisciplinary collaboration to uncover the secrets of this elusive component of the cosmos." (ScitechDaily, Turning Invisible Dark Matter Into Visible Light)

Dark matter interacts with visible material through gravity. That gravitational interaction causes a situation in which photons travel differently than they should. The image above this text introduces a dark matter halo around the galaxy. That halo means. That there is some kind of ring of dark matter around the galaxy. When a photon leaves a galaxy the dark matter pulls it from ahead. And the galaxy pulls it backward. This thing causes an effect the photon acts differently as it should. 

When we think about galaxies there is no dark matter, the centripetal force may destroy fast-spinning dark matter clouds. When the dark matter cloud starts to travel too fast centripetal force can pull it outwards. In that case, the dark matter forms a donut-shaped structure around the galaxy. That means the galaxy itself doesn't involve dark matter. The dark matter halos around galaxies cause interaction where that dark matter pulls the galaxy outside.

Gravitational interaction means that black holes pull dark matter in them. As they pull other materials and wave movement. The form of dark matter is a mystery. But the Weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) acts like all other particles. It can form a cloud that pulls material to it. There is the possibility that WIMP can form structures that are planets. The WIMP can form things like black holes. But the shape of that particle is a mystery. 

WIMP and theorem of the quasiparticles. 

WIMP could be an exciton-type quasiparticle. The exciton forms when one electron loses its energy. That forms the electron hole. Then another electron locks that hole when it starts to orbit it. The stable exciton is one of the biggest theorems in the world. If the electron hole in the exciton is deep enough it can form "Quasimateria". 

That theoretical "quasimaterial" or quasiparticle glimp is like an electron shell there is no atom's core inside it. If that kind of particle where is only electron shells are possible, that thing can look like "real material", but it loses its existence when radiation fills that electron hole.  

What if the WIMP is the case, where the superstring or photons orbit some particle? That makes those elementary particles look like Saturn. 

There is the possibility that WIMP is the case where the superstring orbits some subatomic particle. If the superstring or photon starts to orbit another particle like a gluon, it can deny that particle's interaction. 

Quasiparticles like excitons cause an idea that it's possible, that the particle can come across the dimensional limit. Things like 2nd. and 4th. dimensions are energy levels where material loses its ability to interact with 3d material. In regular models, the particle cannot cross the dimensional limit because, at that point, its energy level turns into the same as its environment. If a particle's energy level is the same as its environment it loses its existence as a particle. 

If a particle visits outside the universe, its energy level can turn lower than zero Kelvin. But in the universe is impossible to go below that zero Kelvin (0K) degrees which is the energy minimum or absolute zero point. 

The highly accurate system can adjust the particle's energy level as stages. That allows the material to cross the limits of the dimensions. When material jumps to the 4 th. dimension its energy level rises so high, that it cannot interact with 3D particles. And when the particle jumps into the 2nd. dimension, its energy level turns lower than the energy minimum in the universe. 

The 0 Kelvin (-273,15 C) is the absolute energy minimum in the universe. To make the particle's temperature turn lower than zero kelvin we should find the place where temperature is lower than zero kelvin. And that place is outside the universe. We cannot see material that is outside the universe because it's colder than the universe. And energy travels away from the universe because it always travels to lower energy levels. 

The reflection from that material cannot reach us if its temperature is lower than the universe's temperature. The universe's temperature is not zero Kelvin. It's three kelvin. Because energy travels always to the lower energy areas we are hard to see those particles. 

The vacuum energy doesn't mean that the vacuum creates energy. It just moves or condenses energy around the lower energy point. 

If some particle comes from outside the universe it starts to pull quantum fields to it. That can be the source of dark energy. The term vacuum or zero point energy means a situation that which there is some kind of lower energy area in the quantum field. That lower energy area puts quantum fields in it because energy always travels to the lower energy area. 

The vacuum energy doesn't mean that the vacuum forms energy. It just puts energy into travel. Or otherways saying, the lower energy area in the quantum field makes energy flow. And the depth of that hole determines how fast energy travels. A black hole is the ultimate version of dark energy. When the back hole pulls wave movement inside it, that energy flow puts energy through the stars around them. And that puts the star's energy level higher than it should. 

If a particle visits outside the universe it can decrease its temperature lower than the temperature in the universe. If a particle travels back from outside the universe it starts to pull quantum fields against it. When quantum fields touch that particle they form the standing wave. And then that thing can reflect from the particle. This thing causes an effect called zero-point energy. The dark energy may form when some particle comes out from the universe. 

The particle cannot jump to the 2nd. dimension in the universe. When it reaches energy minimum it loses its existence. The existence of material means that the material's energy level is different than its environment. So if a particle travels out from the universe, where the energy minimum is lower than it is in the universe. That causes a situation in which the particle's energy level can turn lower than the energy minimum in the universe. 

The article is like a whisk-looking structure. That whisk is locked superstrings. The internal energy pushes those superstrings out. And the outcoming energy pushes those superstrings in. When a particle's energy level turns into the same as its environment the quantum field travels between those superstrings. And that breaks the structure immediately. Same way if a particle's internal energy level turns too high, that wave movement that travels from inside to out breaks the structure. 

But if some other particle protects the particle that comes down from the fourth dimensional energy level. That thing can make the situation that the other particle like a photon cloud can keep the particle's energy level different than its environment. The idea is that the energy level on the particle is not homogenous. And there are some lower and higher energy levels even on the smallest particle's quantum fields. 

Those lower energy areas are like potholes. And energy falls to them. Then in the middle of those potholes, those waves connect forming the standing wave and reflection, which causes quakes in those quantum fields. Also between those superstrings standing waves form reflection that pushes superstrings away from each other. In that case, the internal quantum field erupts from those holes. When the universe expands, the outside quantum field turns weaker. Those things cause the material to turn into wave movement. 

So the system can raise or decrease the particle's energy level partially, which means the particle's energy level turns in stages. 

In some other models, the system can pull another quantum field or whisk-looking superstring structure over the particle. Then another particle will protect the particle inside it. And the outside system can input energy through that outside particle. If that two-layer particle is possible to create that is a big step for material research. 

Excitons and electron beams. 

Excitons can used to keep the electron beam in the form. That means lower energy electrons or holes pull other electrons to them. Excitons can make it possible to make an extremely highly accurate electron beam where there are no protons. That thing can make it possible to create new ways to transport information through the air. 

Excitons or electron holes can used to aim other electrons precisely in the right direction. In quantum computers is possible that the data is stored in the excitons. The lower energy particle involves data. And another electron locks that hole in a stable form. When that computer transmits data from that hole to another particle it raises its energy level to the level that is higher than the receiver.

Christmas is here.

Christmas is here. Now it is Christmas night. The night should be the celebration of mercy. But sometimes that thing causes trauma. Christma...