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Modern AI can uncover ancient evolution mysteries.

"Researchers have demonstrated that the capacity for rapid adaptation within a few generations, known as evolvability, can also explain species divergence over millions of years. By analyzing extensive datasets from current species and fossils, they found that traits with high evolvability show more divergence over time, influenced by environmental fluctuations, which plays a crucial role in shaping evolutionary outcomes." (ScitechDaily, Darwin Revisited: Modern Data Sheds Light on Ancient Evolutionary Theories)

The AI is a tool that can sort large data mass. That ability makes it an excellent tool for uncovering evolution. Modern evolution theories determine that the species will advance and separate by genetic mutations. Those mutations can happen for natural reasons. Things like high radiation levels can destroy all other individuals than individuals who can resist cancer. 

Another way how to mutate the genetic material is that the genetic material travels over species' borders. That thing can happen when lone animals copulate with other species individuals. That thing is the Lone Island model, where things like leopards and tigers will somehow get into Lone Island. And they will think that they are the same species. In some other cases, the retroviruses can transport genomes to the gametes or fetus. 

An artist’s reconstruction of Purgatorius, a probable primate ancestor. Nobu Tamura/Wikicommons

The thing is that. the things how the first sharks decayed into different species, and how those species advanced into the dinosaurs. The question is what is the retrovirus's role in the natural selection in the early species? And the data mass that the AI can handle can open the mysteries of things like when mammals, especially primates started to separate from other mammals. Here we must say that the primates started to advance a long time before great apes, and humans. 

"The evolutionary history of the primates can be traced back 57-90 million years. One of the oldest known primate-like mammal species, Plesiadapis, came from North America; another, Archicebus, came from China. Other similar basal primates were widespread in Eurasia and Africa during the tropical conditions of the Paleocene and Eocene. Purgatorius is the genus of the four extinct species believed to be the earliest example of a primate or a proto-primate, a primatomorph precursor to the Plesiadapiformes, dating to as old as 66 million years ago. ("Wikipedia, Evolution of primates")

The first primates were small-sized animals, that used their front feet like some red squirrels. That organism raised its food from land for some unknown reason. The first primate came to Earth about 57-90 million years ago, and the first hominids or great apes came to Earth about 22 million years ago. So the primates traveled a long evolution road before the first southern apes. 

Artificial evolution requires responsibility. 

Those separations in the evolution tree are interesting. The evolution road from the first primates to the humans is long. And the road from the first cells to the first sharks and dinosaurs has been long. The AI allows us to control the genetic material. And that gives us the possibility to create artificial species and control evolution. 

That thing means that we should use that ability very wisely. We have the keys to removing things like genetic disorders from our society. But if we want, we can also create super soldiers by using that kind of technology. We have free will to use that advance how we want.


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