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Where are white holes?

Gravity affects quantum or energy fields. Those fields are things that we can call dimensions. And we can say that space is like water. Gravity is like flow that takes particles with it. 

We can think that the black hole's gravity field model is like a sombrero. Or actually, we can say that the gravitational field of a black hole is like a sombrero where is a hole or channel in the middle. The spin of that structure is the thing that acts as a generator. That keeps this structure in its form. The black hole will not create energy. 

It just moves energy from one place to another. The energy in that structure is in the form of gravity. And black holes turn all other three fundamental forces, electromagnetism, and weak and strong nuclear forces into gravity. So it adjusts the wave movement's frequency to the gravity frequency.

We can say that this channel is the low-pressure area in the gravity field. The outside energy pushes that structure against this channel. That low-pressure channel pulls gravity fields to it and denies the structure collapse. The outside energy pushes energy fields against that channel and the reason why the gravity field forms is that the channel takes radiation or energy fields out from the structure. When that outcoming energy impacts with material around the black hole, it pumps very much energy into that material. 

It's possible. The white holes are so large area that the energy rises very little in that phenomenon. 

White holes are theoretically the opposite phenomenon to black holes. In wormhole theory, white holes are places where energy comes out from the wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge. But where are the white holes? The black hole is like a pothole or hole in the universe. And that means the white hole is like a hill in the universe. 

A theoretical wormhole is a gravitational tornado. That gravitational tornado is the hollow energy channel. Superstrings form the channel's shell. And when the distance to the black hole increases, the wormhole loses energy from its shell. And that means the wormhole starts to leak. 

When we think about that energy hill, we forget that the quantity of energy is the thing in white holes. So we can think, that the white hole can be a very wide and low hill. Those hills would involve as much energy as the black hole, but they are so wide that the rise in the energy level is very low. If we want to compare white holes with something physical, we can compare them with shield volcanoes. Those volcanoes can be very low, but they cover large areas. 

When we think about the wormholes as the cosmic gravitational tornado. We can understand why we cannot see white holes. Those gravitational tornadoes or energy channels are not ending suddenly. They will expand when their distance to the black holes increases. So that means they will turn larger and start to leak. The wormhole is the hollow energy channel and the shell of that channel is the thing, that interacts with its environment. 

The wormhole will erupt like some spring. When their distance from the black hole increases they lose energy, and that means they are starting to leak. The energy that the wormhole loses is the thing, that forms its shell. So when the wormhole loses energy from the hollow superstring structure or hollow energy channel's shell, that shell starts to leak. That means they form extremely large-area white holes. That means a white hole would be like a large-area hill where the energy level rises very little.


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