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Saturnian Mimas moon have been inspired the Death Star for Star Wars movies

(Source: NASA)

Some people have a great imagination, and George Lucas or who created a Death Star, a famous part of movie Star Wars, used Saturnian icy moon Mimas as a model of that battle station. But did you know that from that model is created a model of the real model of the space station, what might be done sometime in a distant future? In that model, a space station or spacecraft will be empty ball called "Dyson's sphere".  The ball itself would be made a plastic called mylar.  In this scenario, that mylar space station will be sent to space with rocket and if will fill with gas. In the wildest dreams, those ball-shaped space stations might have even full-scale cities inside them. 

Death Star
(Source NASA)

After that inside of that ball will cover by the net, where builders can inject concrete, where all of those buildings will be made. The idea itself is very old and it worked in 1960's in ECHO-satellites. Those satellites balloons which bigger one's diameter was 32 meters. That giant balloon sent to space and blew full size after it left from the atmosphere. That satellite opened secrets of the Soviet union communication in early 1960's. 

Echo Satellite

The size of that ball was very large if that compiles with Apollo spacecraft. Some of the architects think that kind of ball can be used as a space station. In the inner core of the balloon will build normal houses, where the crew can live like people lives in the Earth. But the outer core of balloon will cover with ice because it's very easy to replace if meteors will harm it. And against cosmical radiation would be used thin gold coating what absorbed cosmic radiation.  That kind of space stations was in some NASA:s members minds in 1960's. 

That kind of space station would be easy to build and sent to space with rockets. Airlocks can be installed to that ball quite easily. In theory of course. And after that NASA would have ball shape space station for their missions.  When that ball rolls around that makes artificial gravity with centrifugal force, and that allows personnel of that station live almost normal life at the space. 

But when we return back to Death Star, we might imagine what kind of space weapon can destroy the even entire planet. The weapon what that space station might use will be ion cannon, what uses antimatter. Antimatter-ions will shoot in the central point of the planet, and the magnetic field will stop them in there. Antimatter-ions will pass material like normal ions without any reactions. But when magnetic field stops them inside planets central point, they will explode nucleus of the planet, and shockwaves what comes up from lithosphere will destroy the entire planet. 


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