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Why people are interested about Majestic-12 group?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When people are talking about UFO:s they think that one of the best evidence for extraterrestrial intelligence is documents what are gigged from Pentagon's trash can. Those documents are marked with stamp where reads MAJI/MAJIC EYES ONLY, and there is a list of personnel, who were in that group. That list consists 12 names of people, who were the best of their work in that time. Modern hoax-information maker might make that document in about 5 minutes with MS-World or some other text editor. But that time when those papers are made, those stamps and files must be done physically. So that is thing what makes people believe in the Majestic-12 group. And here I must say that existence Majestic-12 group doesn't mean that the USA has got extraterrestrial habitats in the freezer, as some people joking.

Those names were highest trained military and scientific experts, whose work was very important for U.S Air Force when they created new tactics for nuclear weapons. Meteorologists needed to forecasts when nuclear tests are made because if the wind blows in the wrong direction, will radioactive fallout come ower test personnel and cause cancer. But those men were important in World War two air raids over Germany and Japan.

They made equipment and checked targets and made forecasts what made so-called "firestorm" was possible. But when we are talking about the Majestic-12 group, we might see some similarities between that group and Himmler's  "Ehrenring" or "Totemkopfring" and apostles of Jesus Christ. Those were all 12 members and some person who was the leader of that team, and who teach them. Some people think that that is pure coincidence, that all those teams had 12 members, and one who worked as presenter or "master". So when we are talking about the Majestic-12 team, we might want to know who was member number "13" so-called "13th majestic", who collected those reports from that highly secured person.

In Himmler's "Ehrenring" collector of files what that team made was Himmler, but who was a person who collected data from Majestic-12? Many people think that if the government wouldn't deny that group existence they would be gone and forgot in history.  But those documents are stamped with the stamp, and names in the list are people, who existed. Those men were key members when the USA built their first nuclear bombers and made nuclear tests. And those men must know together, so why government keeps this group so secretive, that it wants to deny this groups existence. 

Is that because of "Roswell incident", where the government took custody weather balloon or UFO with massive military action.  That kind of action would be forgotten without massive military-action, so we always want to know what dropped in that small town in 1947.  Some people think that action what happened in Roswell was that there dropped an airplane, where sat some well-known nazi-criminals. Or some wildest imaginations were that those "Aliens" what were found on that "craft" were genetically manipulated humans who were created by Nazis of American scientists 

In that theory, those genetically engineered humans were created in Nazi Antarctica base, and deliver to the USA to prove that those scientists could be useful for U.S government. And of course, there are rumors that those aliens were from outer space. If those aliens would be something like hybrids of human and some reptilian or birds like a penguin, those hybrids would be aliens for us. Nazi-doctors had so bad reputations during that time, and we all know that they didn't have morale at all. So they might attempt to make "zombies", who does everything what they masters say. And some people talked about horrifying experiments where human brains would replace with dogs or bird brains. Those investigations would help Nazis to make "robots" who had full control by their masters. 

 Widest rumors are that those aliens had EEG-system, what connects their brains together, and that system could make the very effective supercomputer. The most powerful supercomputer, what man can imagine is to connect human brains together with EEG-systems and computerized decoders, what allows example to fly airplanes and control robots wits EEG-transmission.


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