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What about advanced biological weapons?

(Echis Pyramidum)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The biological weapon could be snake what poison is used in lethal injections. Those reptilians normally bite some people, and the strike with those animals poison is very dangerous. If an assassin will get snake poison he will be very dangerous. If an assassin wants to cover his murderous action he might pay his target a trip to India, and finds a snake called Efa (Echis Pyramidum).  After that, he must milk that snake's poison and put it with an injection to his victim. I wrote that thing ones or twice, and I must say that I read in from one novel.

When we are talking about biological weapons, we always think about viruses and bacteria what cause lethal infections. But there are many other lifeforms what will use as bioweapons without leaving a trace. Those animals are the most feared beasts in our planet. The simplest way to cause a terrible situation with the small investment if some naval base is in tropic is just fall blood to that harbor and bring sharks in that place. Sharks get mad in that kind of action, and if some unauthorized person swims in that area, that person will be eliminated by sharks immediately.

Same kind of action might be done with piranhas. Those flesh-eating fishes are the most feared animals on the planet. The Same thing might be done with bugs like Wasps and another kind of hymenopteran bugs will cause extremely painful bites even without any stimulants. But in case of hymenopterans, the problem is that those tiny bugs aggressivity is very easy to increase. Just deliver acetone in the air is enough to make those bugs very aggressive.

So system what is needed is so simple that anybody can build it. Only thing what is needed is a hive where is injected acetone. That system can be carried in the operational area by airplane or helicopter, and it can be dropped above targets. Then acetone will release to the tank, where bugs are. But did you know that those animals can use to find explosives?

The key in that process is to grow those bugs o the bed where is explosives, what are used in ammunition. If those bugs will put to that bomb, they will look for people who carry ammunition, and if acetone boosts aggressive behavior of those bugs that will make the very bad situation for some fighters. But also rats and mice can be trained to find things like drugs. It’s enough that when those little mammals are grown with drugs. Those drugs make them narcomaniacs, and after that, they will automatically begin to search drugs and begin to eat those stuff from the hidden places, where they will bite holes to plastic bags and destroy all kind drugs what they can find. But those little troublemakers can be trained very fast to look for explosives.

Just offer captured mouse and rats food where is a very addictive drug, and after that those animals can be equipped with GPS systems,.what helps operators to follow those animals, and that stuff might have miniature cameras, where that military personnel might identify the target before they order airstrike to the targeted explosive warehouse. The food what is needed is a mixture of explosives, strong opiate and some normal food what that kind of animals normally eat. And after that, they will connect explosives to food. Conditioning those animals might take the only couple of hours, and those rats are excellent because people don’t like them.

But let’s go back with bugs. If those bugs are marked with microchips where is RFID radio, those bugs what are grown on explosives might look for mines. That system what puts microchip to bugs bag could be same, what is used to build micro-components. In the door of the hive is system what puts that chip to bugs, and they are followed by nano-copters what are equipped with RFID systems, what is allowed to follow those bugs. And if many of those bugs are coming together, they will show operators a place of hidden explosives. The Same system can be used by searching bodies. Blowflies can be implanted by the same system, and they are effective to look for hidden graves. Most fascinating thing about those systems is use birds as bombers.

The bird can be trained the same way as dogs, and if they will train to take explosives like “frag grenades" with their claws and drop them to their targets those birds might be dangerous even for armored vehicles. Big birds like condors might train to drop HEAT ( High Explosive Anti-tank ammunition) on the tank's surface, and they can destroy even heavy main battle tanks. The system might be radio and the small camera. And by that system operators give orders to the bird when it should release the touch. But this might be still fiction. This opportunity is a very fascinated thing to use birds as bio-robots.


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